

©Kikelomo Fadugbagbe - macmillianpen

"What's your name" The preacher asked as they walk gently to his house.

"My name is Mary, Mary Okeke"

Mary began to fear as the journey became longer, looking like is not going to end.

"Is your place still far" she asked

"Very close dear"

"That is what you have been saying since." Her fear rose when she no longer see buildings but just bushes. She turned quickly to run then the man held her hand "Is too late" he said then whistled. Some men came out from the bush.

Mary started shouting for help.

"Woman stop making noise, even if you shout from now till tomorrow, no one will hear you"

Mary fell on the ground

"I thought you can be trusted" she held the man's feet. All her plea couldn't stop the man form selling her.

The abductors where glad when they heard she was pregnant and they doubled her price.

Mary was tied hands and leg.


The following morning, one of Mary's neighbors went to knock on her mothers door

"Madam Cecilia..."

"Yes, who want to break my door this early morning"

"Is Rose, your neighbor just want to know if Mary is back"

Mary mother came out with an angry face "Why do you want to know?"

"Madam Cecilia, Don't tell me you didn't look for that child, this is unfair. So Mary did not sleep here last night"

"Wait for me" Mary's Mum rushed in, returned with a dirty water and poured it on her.

"Next time you will mind your business."

The kidnappers began to take their turn on Mary "let's enjoy ourselves now that she's still alive" They jested. Mary prayed for death.

Rose met other neighbors and they make plans to search for her but without the knowledge of her mother.

"That girl is a good girl, I don't even believe she's pregnant"

"Is two days now, we must find her" another said.

They reported her missing at a police station.

"What's your relationship with the missing child" an officer asked Rose

"She's my neighbor"

"The parent need to attest to the fact that she's missing"

The officers invited her mother days later.

"My daughter is not missing" She cried.

"Are you sure madam, your neighbour said she has been missing now for a couple of days"

"My daughter is not missing, why have this people decided not to mind their business for crying out loud."

"Is ok madam you can leave if we need any information from you again we will let you know"

Mary's step dad had been feeling uneasy since he heard Mary was pregnant

"I must do something before this girl implicate me." He visited an

herbalist making a request for her to go mad.

"My Son your request is granted. but make sure you never set your eyes on her again, if not the madness will come to you" The one-eyed herbalist warned

"Ah Baba that Is difficult but I will try"

After some minutes Mary began to act strangely where she was tied.

To be continued

(Don't be quick to tell your problem to stranger, is not all shoulder you can lean on.)