

©Kikelomo Fadugbagbe - macmillianpen

Mary's mum sat outside observing her daughter who had been sick and pretending to be well. She examined her from head to toe focusing more on her belly.

"Hmmm I just hope is not what I'm thinking, I hope Mary is not pregnant" To clear her doubt Mary rushed to the backyard vomiting uncontrollably.

"It is finished, Mary has killed me" she gave her a resounding slap from behind and began punching her.

"Somebody help! Help me! Mary shouted. Some neighbors who heard her screaming ran out.

"Madam Cecilia you want to kill her!" one of the neighbors who was trying hard to separate them uttered angrily.

Mary ran as soon as her mother loose grip of her.

Mary's mum was panting heavily as she rained curses on her.

"As you have decided to disgrace me, Mary, you will be disgraced. don't ever think of coming to this house continue running"

"Madam Cecilia be calming down now, why are you always shouting and beating this girl, what as she done this time"

"Mary had the effrontery to get pregnant under my roof"

"I think anytime I'm correcting her, you people always side her

You people will be given her morale, now she has proved her waywardness."

The neighbors went their separate ways feeling disappointed.

Mary's Mum; Madam Cecilia was a very strict woman. She has been known for constantly maltreating her only daughter since the death of her father.

She bore two sons for her new husband and those were her favorites.

She narrated the ordeal to her husband when he returned.

"I told you that girl have been seeing man, you never believed me," Her husband said

"Honey I was so surprised, that girl can pretend for Africa"

"I don't want to set my eyes on her again in this house"

"I beat the hell out of her, before she ran away, never to return."

Mary was seen roaming about the street begging for money. She has decided to go to her Aunty's place in Benin City.

After gathering some money, she went to the park and boarded a bus. She was lost in her thought throughout the journey.

"Dear where are you dropping," The Driver asked Mary after noticing she was the only passenger left behind.

"I'm going to my Aunty's house"

"Your Aunty's house? young girl this is my last bus stop. come down now! How did you expect me to know your aunty's house, get out of my motor" He pushed her out?

Mary began to cry when she realized she could not locate her Aunty's house. She shed tears.

Mary began to fear as it was getting dark, she ran to a roadside preacher

"Please sir I'm hungry."

"You are hungry, oh sorry I don't have much with me this is my last card, but you can have it." He gave her a 1000 naira note and continued his preaching.

"Thank you, sir. Please sir I don't have a place to stay."

"Haha, You don't mean it. where are your parents.?"

"They are in the village, I just came here today"

"I will advise you to go back to your parent now, is getting late"

"Please sir I can't go back they will kill me."

"Kill you why?"

"My mother has been maltreating me since I lost my father, my stepfather has been molesting me as well and now I'm pregnant for him"

"Jesus!, ah I'm sorry about that, your story is so pathetic but there's no way I can help you please try and approach other persons," He said emotionally.

"Please help even if it's just this night, please sir" she begged him on her knees. "I know I will be safe with you, you a preacher, that's why I'm begging you"

"Is okay, just tonight!" He emphasized.

To be continued.

(To my esteemed readers, no matter the situation you are passing through always know that Jesus will come through for you.)