
Saga of the Sins: Pride

The_Outer_God · แฟนตาซี
17 Chs

Chapter 12

Aldos laid on the bed, his fingers softly tracing the scars that adorned Ordria's back before moving to trace the scars on her arm that was currently pinning him to the bed. He tried to lift her arm off him but the instant her skin left his, it came back down with greater force before wrapping around him. "Noooooo!" she moaned before dragging his body towards her "You stay right here" she mumbled before wrapping her legs around his waist.

"Ástin mín I need to get up" he tried to free himself from her grip which resulted in her climbing on top of him in order to prevent him from getting up, her crimson eyes glowing with excitement and lust, all traces of sleep gone.

"The children are outside playing" she whispered in his ear, "Meaning for the next three hours" she waved her hand at the door freezing it under a layer of ice to prevent any interruptions, "I have you all to myself" her voice dripped with desire and as she straddled him, her moist lower body rubbing against his until she felt an all too familiar bulge press against her.

"In that case" she heard her husband say before he grabbed her and flipped her over. "I'm going to take my time" he proceeded to kiss her neck softly, his purple eyes glowing as he left another hickey on her neck as he slowly ground his knee against her lower body, causing her breathing to grow heavy with arousal.

"Ástin mín don't tease me" she tried to push herself against his knee to get herself off, only to be stopped by his hand being pressed on her chest.

"You said it yourself" he whispered in her ear as he brought her to the edge again only to deny her release once more. "The children are outside playing" he repeated her words back to her, his purple eyes glowing with lust "Meaning for the next three hours, I have you all to myself"


"Are you sure you want to do this Synd?" Ozymandias asked as he rolled up his sleeves, his multicolored eyes staring down his sister.

"Of course I am" she beamed as she rolled up her sleeves, her blue and purplish-red heterochromic eyes shining at the prospect of a challenge. "Just don't cry when I beat you this time" she flashed him a grin as she tucked away her braided ponytail into her shirt in order to keep it safe.

"Says the one who cried to mother just because she lost last time" he quipped, unsheathing his dagger and tossing it aside. "Are you wearing an old tunic? Mom's going to kill you if you get one of the new one's destroyed" he reminded her, tossing aside his spare dagger before cracking his knuckles.

"You shot off my leg" she reminded him as she took her axe out of its holster and tossed it aside. "Or did you forget about that?" she glared at him with accusation in her eyes.

"You grew it back" he said in an even voice, "Plus it's not the first time that you had to regrow a new limb" he reminded her.

"You shot off my leg you idiot!" she swore as she took out her second axe and tossed it aside before tightening her belt. She wasn't going to lose due to her trousers falling. Not again, not this time.

"You froze my entire arm solid the time before that" he snapped at her as he rotated his left arm to work out the kinks. "I had to break the entire arm off and spend the entire week without my right arm" he grumbled "So it was perfectly fair for me to blow off your leg."

"How is that fair?" she yelled at him "One arm is definitely not equal to a leg" she pressed her back against his. "It's equal to a knee at most" she told him before taking several measured steps forward until the two were a hundred meters apart.

"A knee? Are you joking? An arm is at least equal to a leg. Do you know how hard it was to live without a right arm for a week?"

"Oh cry me a river. I had to be carried everywhere by mom and then drag myself everywhere when she was too busy"

"Lies! You have wings and flew everywhere until your leg grew back" he countered "Now are we going to do this or not?"

"Sure. The rules?"

"Same as usual; all shapes and sizes allowed, transmutation is allowed, kjarna must be the same as the other guy, no shooting the head, the chest or the crotch" he explained to her "Don't want to spend a week having to squat to piss again" he glared at her causing her to chortle.

"I said I was sorry" Synd apologized between laughs, ignoring her brother's harsh glare.

"Three" he started to count down, ignoring her laughter as he channeled his kjarna to his right hand. "Two" the kjarna began to heat up the area around his hand as he stared at his sister who was currently doing the same as him. "One" a ball of flame appeared above his right arm which he then threw at Synd who retaliated with a ball of water. The two elemental orbs collided midair, creating a curtain of steam that blocked their view of each other.

"A tie!" Synd shouted to her brother before creating a gust of wind that blew away the steam with a flap of her wings. Once she and her brother had a clear view of each other, she put them away. "You have to do better than that" she said as she analyzed her brother's right arm in an attempt to figure out what element he was going to use next. From what her senses told her, the kjarna in his hands felt loose and free but lacked the buzz she normally felt from lightning. This meant that he was probably about to use wind which meant that fire was her best option if she wanted to win.

Just as she predicted, Ozymandias shot a spear of wind at her once he counted down to zero. Smirking at his predictability, she retaliated with a giant flaming spear which was the perfect counter to his flame spear. Or would have been if not for the wind spear changing its nature. From her position, Synd frowned as she felt the kjarna in the spear begin to buzz and grow even more erratic. Just as the two spears were about to collide, Ozymandias's wind spear suddenly transformed into one made of pure lightning and pierced through the flames and raced towards Synd, forcing her to use her wings as a shield.

"That's one for me" she heard her brother cheer as the spear crashed into her wings, sending currents of electricity through her body and bringing her to her knees. "It's not too late to give up Synd" she heard her brother shout at her in a mocking tone.

"That was pure luck and you know it" she shouted back at him as she slowly got up, her body repairing and, in some cases, replacing the nerves and tissue that had been damaged by the lightning.

"Oh? Are you sure about that?" he asked as he waited for her to gather herself; after all, being struck by lightning always left him dizzy, so he could imagine how Synd who hadn't yet developed enough resistance to it must feel. Seeing that she was firmly on her feet, Ozymandias waited for her to start counting down while focusing on her kjarna.

From what he could feel, her kjarna was solid and blunt, indicating that she was planning on using earth, meaning that wind was the best option to counter with. However, he noticed that something felt off about Synd's kjarna; it felt too loose and free as opposed to the compact feeling that earth gave which could only mean one thing; the earth was a diversion for wind.

'Clever' he thought as he shaped his kjarna 'But not clever enough,' he then proceeded to create a second mass of kjarna which he then condensed in the center of the first mass.

Once Synd counted down to zero, she pushed her kjarna forward and watched with a smug look on her face as chunks of the earth around her tore itself out of the ground and assembled itself in the form of a wolf that stood at a height of two meters and had a body around five meters long. The wolf construct raised its head to the sky and let out a howl to announce its birth to all that could hear.

"Feel free to surrender" she said to her brother as the wolf lowered its head to stare at Ozymandias with vacant eyes. Synd then proceeded to split a piece of her mind and connect it with the earth wolf, allowing her to freely control its movements as well as view the world from its eyes. Normally such an act would leave the caster writhing on the floor in severe pain, but after months of repeated usage, she didn't even notice it anymore.

"Never" he retorted, as the mass of kjarna he created began to shape itself according to his will, taking on the form of an eagle which was about a meter tall, easily dwarfed by his sister's earth wolf in height. The eagle shaped mass then proceeded to spread its 'wings' as it greedily gathered the air around it to solidify itself before staring at Synd with blank eyes.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Ozymandias asked again, his arms crossed in a display of confidence. "It'll only end with you getting hurt, as it always does"

"The only one that's going to get hurt this time is you" Synd responded as she leaned on the wolf to support herself, dizzy from the amount of information she was receiving from the wolf and her own senses at the same time

I'm so sorry for the late update. Work and school kept me busy. I promise to return to our weekly update schedule

The_Outer_Godcreators' thoughts