
Saga of The Sage

I deleted the original novel to rebrand it so please check it out Check out my other book #Contract With A Devil After performing a ritual from a ritual book he bought, Shane found himself transmigrated into a totally different world not just that but into a teenage slave's body. After transmigrating Shane received a system that would help him level up learning a secret he wasn't supposed to learn, he found himself under the radar of powerful beings, that would stop at nothing to destroy him. With the power of the system, Shane sorts out to become the most powerful mage in Existence, to protect his newly met friends and loved ones, in a world filled up with demons, demigods, Angels, and gods. _______________________ Author here, Hi, Please excuse my grammatical errors. I know the first chapters may be boring but I will try my best to make them enjoyable when I get enough experience by writing them. If any of you are interested in joining my new discord server please click on the link, https://discord.gg/nM2rqH3A

Recklesspen · แฟนตาซี
52 Chs

C5 - Gods

Shane picked up the item card and read the instructions, he tore the card and five items appeared before him with a message

[select an item]

The item contained A sword, A gauntlet, A staff, A cross, and A single earring, he checked the descriptions if the items

>> Name = [Flaming Sword]

>> Grade = [Rare]

[ 1st Effect - increase the user strength by 4 points]

[ 2nd Effect - grants the user heat resistance level 4]

>> Name = [Gauntlet of Chaos]

>> Grade = [Rare]

[ 1st Effect - increase the user strength by 6 points]

[ 2nd Effect - increase the user stamina by 3 points]

[ 3rd Effect - 5 percent chance of critical hit]

>> Name = [Mage staff]

>> Grade = [Rare]

[ Description - increase spell potency by 2 percent and increase user intelligence by 7 points]

>> Name = [Holy Cross]

>> Grade = [Holy]

[ Description - increase the potency of holy magic by 10 percent]

>> Name = [Earrings]

>> Grade = [???]

[Description - increase all stats by 10 points]

[Requirement - 1.5 intelligence point]

Shane's attention was on the earring because he couldn't see the item grade just like the weirdly shaped object that caused him massive pain, and secondly, the item had a requirement, everything inside him told him to pick the earring which he did.

Shane's intelligence points were already passed the requirements, immediately he picked up the earring the other items disappeared, and now there was only one little problem, Shane had no hole in his earlobe to place the earring in so he had to painful make one.

After making a small hole in his left earlobe, Shane equipped the earring and he felt a wave of energy clashing inside him, he could feel his insides melting and reshaping then melting again and his bones breaking then reforming only to break again, the pain circle continue.

After what felt like an eternity but in reality, was just a few hours of pain, the pain began to subside, Shane stood up from the floor and dusted his clothes, he wanted to check his Attributes when a system message popped into his view

[Unknown Energy detected from host body]

[Absorb Unknown Energy into the System]


Shane had a confused look on his face when he read the message, his gut was telling him that the process could be painful but he still decided to click yes

[Absorbing Unknown Energy]




[Mystic Energy absorbed]

Shane had a happy look on his face because this time he didn't feel any pain, instead he felt this tingling sensation all over his body, and he checked his Attributes interface.

[Host Attributes]

>>Name = Shane Myers

>>Level = 2 [Mortal]

>>Main Class = None

>>Sub Class = None

>>Tittle = Slave

>>Race = Human

>>Age = 16

>>Exp = 0/100

>>Hp = 50/50

>>Mana = 100/100

>>Mystic Energy = 10


>>Strength = 2.2

>>Agility = 2.4

>>Stamina = 2.2

>>Intelligence = 2.9

Shane was confused by the sudden change of his Mana and HP, when his EXP point had increased he checked the flashing icon again.

[Absorbing Mystic Energy has leveled up the host]

[Host has leveled up]

[2 stats point has been added to all stats]

"Wow I leveled up just by absorbing this mystic Energy, nice, system where can I find some more of this Mystic Energy" Shane asked the system, but received no response, Shane just sighed got off his bed, and walked towards the door.

Shane had planned to visit the library that was inside the mansion, he had asked Miss Aimee if there was a library inside the mansion,

Miss Aimee looked at him with a curious look on her face and said "Oh I didn't know you were a scholar, yes there's a library on the west wing of the mansion, come with me" She led Shane towards the west wing.

They stopped by a large building completely detached from the mansion, the building had a grey color, Miss Aimee said while opening the door " This is the library, make sure you return any book you take out of here, Although the madam may be nice and all, she doesn't joke with her books"

Right now Shane was sitting inside the library with a pile of books beside him, he picked up the first one Titled - Beginning of Chaos- the book talked about how at first there were five great kingdoms in the world, The Kingdom of Beastmen, The Blackreach Empire, The House of Holy Cross, The dragon's Court and The House of Elves, they were other small kingdoms as well but Those Five were the powerhouse.

Those five kingdoms rarely fought against each other because they knew that a war between them would lead to a world war. After all, all those bigger kingdoms had a series of smaller kingdoms under them.

In the year 389, The House of Holy Cross waged war on The Blackreach Empire because they suspected The Blackreach Empire was communicating with one of the Evil Gods, The House of Holy Cross burnt a lot of villages, Cities, and kingdoms under The Blackreach Empire, they called it the 'FIRST HOLY CRUSADE'

In the year 406, The Kingdom of Beastmen joined hands with The Blackreach Empire and pushed back The House of Holy Cross, forcing them back into their territory, during those years of war The Blackreach Emperor Maxwell Oluwasheyi had indeed contacted one of the Evil Gods.

Soon after he opened a portal for the Goddess of Death Hecate and she came bearing gifts, her first Divine act was to obliterate the capital of The House of Holy Cross, killing millions of people, and she continued to wreak havoc on the entire world.

The remaining kingdoms came together to put an end to her evil act, at that time, they had no idea who the goddess was or how powerful she was, even though she had completely destroyed the capital of The House of Holy Cross, many believed that she had help from The Blackreach Empire and The Kingdom of Beastmen.

After banding together the Kingdoms embarked on a journey to destroy The Blackreach Empire and the Evil goddess although, when they got there, they soon realized that, they had no power to defeat the goddess.

Then magic was very rare and being one of the major races, humans had no magic they just focused on their weapons, after a long battle they realized that their powers were no match for the Goddess Angels, although they had no idea that they were fighting Angels.

Humanity was losing even with the help of the dragons and Elves, they still lost a lot of lives, the house of holy cross decided to ask for the help of their god, at this point even the god should know that humanity had no chance against this enemy.

The god instructed the humans on what to do, the god told them to gather seven of their strongest, and the house of the holy cross gathered seven of their strongest knights, then the god told them that they should do what was called THE GRACE OF HEAVEN, they did what the god said and the seven knights fell asleep only to wake up claiming to be gods borrowing the body of the seven Knight.

The seven knights performed a feat that normal humans couldn't, that was using magic, the gods joined the battle against the evil goddess, the gods thought that they were going up against the goddess only to discover that it was her Three angels, that was when humanity first time knowing about Angels, they thought that they had been fighting the goddess, they realize that if Angels were this strong then they had no chance against the goddess.

The three Angels were Shante The Angel of Death, Conzue The Death Vendor, and Kozan The True Face of Death, although they were just three, they were very powerful because with every person that died the stronger, they became.

The Angels were strong but the gods Knight managed to defeat them, it was a long and bloody battle, with two of the Knights dead, one badly injured, the others were ok but extremely exhausted.

Without the help of the gods' power they would have all died long ago, the gods not wanting to destroy their host body, they decided to rest and go after the goddess the next day, that was what they wanted to do, but everything can't work out perfectly like that now can it, five hours of resting was all they got because two giant portals appeared one in the middle of The Blackreach Empire and the other the House of Holy Cross.

The first volume of the book ended there, Shane raised his head and looked outside, he saw that the sun was already setting but it was still bright, thanks to the magic rune Shane could see on the ceiling, he looked around and saw that he was the only person inside excepting the librarian who was just busy reading a book that Shane could see was an erotic novel.

He had already passed the book when he was looking around the image on the front cover had the same as the Hental that was in his previous world, he just shook his head when he saw the librarian reading the book, he always wondered how people read Hental novels in the first place because he couldn't picture any graphical scenes in the book.

What Shane didn't know was that in this world once an individual's intelligence point crossed over a certain threshold, they would see what was written inside the book, and it would look like they were watching the scenes play out in front of them.

Shane picked up the second volume and continued reading,

After the two portals appeared, the first portal to crack was the one close to them in the middle of The Blackreach Empire and countless amount of creatures came pouring out that were now called Devils and some undead both humans, Elves, Beastmen, and dragons alike.

The gods could feel that the real enemy was not in The Blackreach Empire portal but the one far away in The House of Holy Cross, they realized that the real goddess must be trying to descend there, so they left some of their Fragments in the remaining knights and told them to go fend off the devils and undead and leave the other portal to them.

The gods ascended back to their realm, while the portal in the sky of The House of Holy Cross was still cracking the seven gods descended with their real bodies and their full power, they waited for the portal to open and when it did instead of the goddess, three gods came out of the portal, two gods and the goddess.

Sango god of thunder, Hecate goddess of Death, and their son Kokou god of war, according to the gods, Sango and Hecate were the first ever gods to be able to produce an actual god as offspring and not a demigod so Kokou was immensely strong and those three gods love chaos, you could say that they were born for chaos.

The seven gods knew that the coming battle was not going to be easy, so they called other strong gods and the now known as The Orishas, eighteen gods descended and engaged in battle with the Evil gods, but no matter what they did, they couldn't defeat the three evil gods and the three evil gods had already killed half of the Orishas, only a god can kill another god, so the gods knew that if they die here it was over.

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