
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

But · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

Dangers in the new world

Ainz was sitting on his throne deep within the final floor of Nazarick. Using a scrying spell to view Shalltear. She was not moving, just stationary. It reminded Ainz of the kinds of bosses in YGGDRASIL that only attacked if provoked by a player directly. That gave them an advantage against Shalltear at least if she was put into a stasis like that. He was additionally a little annoyed that he would have to use a god-tier item to cure Shalltear of the status she was put under. Whatever spell was used on her or how it affected Shalltear was still unknown. Was it Argent Silver or one of her own NPCs? Also unknown and hard to prove until after this was dealt with. But she was a possible perpetrator considering what happened with Aura.


The Dark Elf was requested to visit the throne room and had only just left shortly after hearing what happened to Shalltear. The two may bicker a lot but in many ways, they are still like their creators and still care for one another despite the arguing. "That also might be why she was not as bad when we talked earlier…" 


When Aura had entered she looked a little shaken when the subject of "Tanya" was brought up. But she was able to give her full report. It confirmed for Ainz that Tanya was in fact Argent Silver and that it was a possibility she was aware Momon was him as well. 'Tanya? You really commit?' Ainz thought, remembering how Argents Silver's military theme reminded him of how he felt back in the day. And how much he cringes thinking back on it. How he envies Silver for sticking to her guns while feeling no shame. Aura also told him that Tanya was trying to get information about Nazarick's whereabouts and was going to take Aura back to her base if she refused to do so. Ainz's emotion limiter kicked in when he felt a strong bit of fear for a moment. 'She's trying to find the tomb. But why?' surely she does not actually want revenge for what happened during her failed raid on Nazarick. It was only a game!


"It was also weird. It was like she never noticed Fenn moving towards her. It did give me an opening and allowed me to escape but it felt odd." Aura rubbed her chin as she spoke in a confused tone. "She didn't notice?" Argent Silver was nothing if not careful. Her stats and skills allowed her to easily defeat Aura so there was no chance she just let Fenn attack her. 'Did she purposefully let Aura escape?' it put so many questions in his mind. Silver was an enigma but at least in YGGDRASIL it was not difficult to see she was only taking action because she viewed AOG as a rival of sorts. At least Ainz thought so. Was Aura a test? 


"Also. and forgive me saying this Lord Ainz. but part of me wanted to take her to Nazarick…to see the sixth floor." Aura started to say as she looked at her feet "I was afraid to fight her and I am ashamed of that as well." Ainz could not blame any of the NPCs for feeling that way, most of them were wiped out in her guild's raid, either by her direct hand or by players following her orders. Her tactful mind even in the game was one to be feared. He'll never forget that moment she and a small portion of her guild survived the Eighth floor. It was the first time Ainz felt at a loss and how he beat her after that was solely due to the healers being wiped out for her guild near the end. "But I wanted to show her it because Chagama-san always wanted to have her Visit the sixth floor where my brother and I live. Without it being because it was a raid." Ainz remembers how fondly Chagama thought of Silver. "Fondly" meaning she was basically a player that was Aura and Mare just not a dark elf. So more so lusting after. Aura left shortly after Shalltear's news dropped. Leaving Ainz by himself to watch the location of Shalltear. 


Suddenly Narberal contacts him through a message spell. "Lord Ainz. the head of the adventurer's guild has requested our team's presence. He said only one of us needed to be present. However…" Narberal stops talking. Ainz knows she stopped as there is a chance that the reason they were requested despite being newly appointed Mithril was because Shalltear was likely discovered. That was a problem considering half their team was Silver and Vikki, who Ainz was pretty sure was an NPC from Tanya's guild. He wonders which guild members of Silver's made Vikki, considering the NPCs bright and cheerful demeanor he could not see it being Silver who made them. "There is good news though. Vikki informed me that Tanya went to the capital because her father requested help guarding new goods he planned to sell. So it's just Vikki in E-rantel." Ainz was not sure why Silver left but it was perfect for him in this situation. "Then I will go to the meeting. I will need you to distract Vikki. Long enough for me to deal with Shalltear." 


The bunny ears Narberal had on twitched "I-I suppose I can accept a quest that takes us in the opposite direction." Narberal did not want to be alone with Vikki, the woman's appetite alone was too much to deal with. "Narberal. I am counting on you." Unknown to Ainz a small blush had appeared on Narberal's face after he said that. "Understood. I will keep Vikki out of E-Rantel for two days."


Later at the adventurer's guild Ainz as Momon sat opposite three other team leaders, and Mithril ranked as well. Kralgra, one of the leaders, was not too pleased to see Momon "The new guy is here. Still can't believe only one mission got your group mithr-" Before Kalgra could finish one of the other leaders cut him off "That is enough Kralgra." the leader just leaned back while the guild leader began to inform them what was happening. "A vampire was discovered in the forest, a strong one as well." all of the leaders except Momon looked worried. "A group of adventurers were in the area, seven of them. Only two escaped alive. One of the survivors said that her beautiful Platinum blonde hair and pale fit the horror that followed the slaughter." 


'That is Shalltear for sure' Ainz thought to himself once again grateful Narberal could keep Vikki away. She would certainly inform Silver and then he would have multiple problems on his hands, he needed to reveal to Tanya he knew her identity later. Hidden in Momon's cape though was Yuukal, the fairy was using a spell to keep her hidden. She was the reason Vikki was able to leave with Nabe despite the important quest because she would keep tabs on Momon. "So it's her…" Momon said getting everyone's attention. He planned to use personal revenge as a reason for why only he should take this quest. 


"Do you know this vampire Momon?" the guild leader asked as it would be quite a shock if he did. Ainz would use a fake name as he explained "Yes. Her name is Honyopenyoko. I have been hunting for quite some time." he used a fake forceful tone to convey anger even though he felt none. "My party will scout ahead. If we confirm it is the vampire I've been looking for I will take care of it myself" Once again Momon shocked everyone, Vampires were hard for most adventurers to fight let alone kill. Even higher-ranked ones. "What about the reward?" the guild master asks as they have not even discussed that yet. "We can discuss that later. But at the very least I would like Oricalcium rank to be given to me and my three teammates" Securing a rank up was a plus they needed. 


"That's ridiculous! If that's the case my group will join as well!" Kralgra slammed his hands on the table while demanding he be involved. The other adventurer team leaders scolded him again for being rude. "It is quite alright. However…" with one glowing red peaking from where his eyes should be Ainz said to Kralgra "If you come with us. You will die."


In the forest lay the fresh bodies of adventurers, as well as Kralgra who was screaming as vines summoned by Mare kept him trapped against a tree. Kralgra stared at Ainz, Albedo, Mare, and the giant hamster with them, "damn it. How could you do this you bastards!" he shouted at them as he desperately tried to break free of the vines more worried about his own life than avenging his comrades. "I warned you, didn't I? You would die." Ainz said as Mare walked over to Kralgra, the cross-dressing dark elf would bludgeon the adventurer to death with his staff. 


"Hmm, perhaps it was too much to have you both here after all." Ainz was a little disappointed that these were all technically mithril rank adventures like him, but they were far weaker. But since Narberal was busy keeping Vikki away he wanted to bring two NPCs along just in case. "Mare take Hamsuke to Nazarick. Albedo will stay with me while I bring Shalltear back to her senses." he had named the hamster it was his new pet after all. "T-take care of me Mare." Hamsuke was worried that she would be eaten but Mare explained that as Lord Ainz's pet, no one would dare to eat her. 


As Ainz and Albedo approached Shalltear they could see she had no reaction at all. "Shalltear what do you have to say for turning against lord Ainz like this?" Albedo demanded but Shalltear did not respond or even move a single muscle. "It is alright Albedo. Seeing her like this it is clear what I have to do." his fear of what state she was in was true, she would not attack or even respond if not attacked herself. How it happened was unknown, maybe that was how the person who put her under mind control gave that as their order. Or maybe they died right after Shalltear came under the effect and could not give orders. Either way, the result was the same. 


"It's a shame to use this. But Super tier magic is what we need." Ainz showed off the ring that allowed him to use "wish upon a star." he would explain to Albedo it allowed him to wish for a lot of things, including curing any status, it only worked three times and was a super tier magic. Which was the only tier above the tenth level, at least as far as YGGDRASIL went. "You're willing to use it just to save one of us. Lord Ainz…" Albedo cleared a tear of joy from her left eye. 


'I used my entire summer bonus on Gachapon tickets for this.' this further reminded me of how precious this item was. Ainz will still never live down the fact that Yamaiko got the "shooting star ring" on their first try at the gacha. It would haunt him just as much as the ghost of his summer bonus did. He also had to use another cash item to lower its cast time. He also had to use a lot of experience points to get the option of getting the exact wish he wanted. A multi-layered magic circle appeared under Ainz as he began to cast. "I wish, to cure Shalltear Bloodfallen of all curses, status, or effects she may be under." 


A moment after the spell was cast though circle under Ainz broke. He was of course shocked. "We are leaving now." out of caution Ainz teleported him and Albedo far away from Shalltear. Though Albedo was disappointed after he backed away she asked "What happened?" Ainz gripped his staff "The spell failed…I didn't think items of that caliber existed." Albedo was confused not knowing what Ainz meant. "Damn it all!" even though his emotion inhibitor kicked in Ainz in a fit of rage kicked around at the ground like a child having a tantrum, it caused the ground to shake and the dust to kick up. "I apologize that you had to see me like that Albedo" Ainz said in a remorseful tone, underlaid with frustration. "I-it is alright Lord Ainz" Albedo had never seen Ainz act out like that but she could understand his frustration that his plan failed. 


"Albedo we will return to Nazarick. Inform everyone we are not at maximum emergency level. Call all guardians back besides Sebas, Solution, and Narberal." Ainz wanted to call them back as well. But Sebas and Solution were almost at the capital already so they could continue to gather information, while Narberal still had to keep Vikki away from E-rantel. Hopefully, Tanya would be kept away as well by her mission that was supposedly in the kingdom's capital.


When they teleported back to Nazarick Ainz knew he had to go to the guild treasure vault and the crypt that laid beyond it. If super-tier magic did this, that meant that something Ainz had never even considered before was in this world. And the only way to resist it was with items of its caliber as well. A World item. Still unaware of Yuukal hidden in his outfit.



Tanya sat down across from a fat man dressed in a suit. His name was Kallmir and he was a slaver. The Baharuth Empire had certain limitations and laws in regard to slavery, ones that made the industry nearly die out in the empire which gave way to Slane's slavery market growth. A lot of slavery institutions from the empire went underground as they found that working within the limitations of the empire's slavery laws meant losing too much money. Tanya was here to kill Kallmir, but he and his rival had placed bounties on the other's heads. she came under the guise of accepting his side instead. Behind her was Rerugen and Zewuart standing with their arms behind their back. 


"So an elf girl leads your mercenary group huh? How interesting…" Kallmir licked his lips. He was very tempted to try and enslave "Argent Silver" instead of having her accept this bounty. The Slane Theocracy dominated elf slavery even before the bloody emperor put new laws for slavery in place. Silver looked young and had an attitude many would pay to break out of her. 'Bobby and Klein could easily take care of her two guards there. An old man and the lanky one don't seem like much of a threat.' Kallmir thought to himself as surely the two men behind him, as well as the five guards behind them in the room, could easily overtake them.


Tanya was not unaware of the situation. She could also see that behind all the slavers was a woman stripped down to her bra and panties, her arms chained above her head. She looked worried of course, but Tanya also spotted armor on the ground around her, the woman was from the empire's army. "Yes, I am. Do you have a problem with that?" Tanya asked in a fake tone of innocence. This entire time she used finger-clicking against her chair to send Morse code for Rerugen and Zewuart, it was easy for her to pass it off to their targets as a mindless thing to pass the time. 


Kallmir grinned "Let me see. I capture a knight who snooped right where she didn't belong and then the perfect product sits right across from me. I say my night could not get any better." the scumbag looked up at the two men behind Tanya. "How about you gents? What if I pay you to pretend your leader Argent Silver just disappeared? She's just an elf, after all, you probably grow sick of listening to her orders."


Rerugen just adjusted his glasses 'I suppose a quick death is the greatest mercy you would get tonight anyways.' he thought as he prepared a spell. "Why would I trade her into a lesser monster? People like you are barely bad guys, just pathetic profiteers" Rerugen's insult made Kallmir angry. "Kill them and take the gir-" In a moment Zewuart shot Bobby and Klein with his magic rifle, killing both instantly. The old-looking NPC said in a blunt tone "I would never betray our grand general in the first place."


Kallmir backed up in his seat "W-what are you fools waiting for get them!" his orders did not matter though. With one cutting gale spell all guards were cut in half, along with the chain keeping the woman locked up. "H-huh?" Kallmir looked behind him at the sight, his jaw-dropping agape. He looked back and yelled in horror as he saw Tanya's wide scary grin and crazy eyes, along with the rifle she had aimed at him. "S-Silver. We can talk about this. I have money-" Kallmir died instantly with a shot through the head. "If only you offered more money on the bounty, it's why you're dead now." she personally did not care what a deadman's perverted thoughts were, he could take them with him to hell.


Rerugen undid his cape and draped it over the captured knight "T-thank you." the woman said as Rerugen backed up and Tanya took his place. "A knight kidnapped. Explain" Tanya wanted a simple conclusion, maybe this was her in to the emperor. "We caught wind of slavers operating outside our laws. So some of us went to investigate. I was captured. The same was done to the knights before that went to investigate Falinap." Tanya blinked, that was the name of the other slaver. She grinned "Tell me what is the emperor willing to do to have them killed and to get the information on the clients?" The knight shook and looked at Rerugen who simply gave her a small smile, it made the knight smile and blush as well. "I-I can report it to them and get back to you, A-Argent Silver." the knight shook a little, afraid of Tanya and the others after what she saw. Except for Rerugen. 


Tanya nodded "Perfect. Rerugen help her get back to the castle stay there until you get confirmation of a reward from the Emperor." the other player nodded and after the knight got her clothes and armor back on they left. "General Silver. Why did you let them go? The Emperor knowing about you could bring complications." Tanya did not respond immediately as she really just wanted to get closer to the Emperor to get a military contract, but that sounded too simple. "Because I want to see the man who supposedly reformed this nation. If he truly is what an Emperor should be." she was in fact impressed by the "bloody Emperor" for all his reforms and for purging worthless nobles. 


"You stay here and free any more slaves that are here and gather all documented information. Remember to give the slaves the option to come with you to the village." Tanya ordered Zewuart who saluted "at once General." after he went further inside the underground slave ring Tanya used a message spell to contact Warn who was still at Fort Gegen Gott. "I will get the reward and then also deal with the other slaver. We will get a reward from the emperor I am sure. I need you to have Turavin meet me a few miles away from the village as well…what?" 


Tanya's smile fell as she heard Warn speak, telling her Turavin had left. "He found a…Lizardman? And was told warriors live in the many clans? What?" She was so confused. "Fine. I should have expected this at some point. Contact him and inform him he better finish up with his fun quickly. Yes…send Terranian instead. I'll be there by dawn." as Tanya walked away she thought about how this was the last thing she needed. She left a note to Zewuart with more orders to do the same thing he was doing here at Falinap's hideout after she killed him. Before leaving.


As Zewaurt crushed the head of another slaver he said "The general is truly a genius." she gave orders earlier that any freed slaves were to be offered a home at Granz's village. They planned to help the villagers expand as a cover for where the mercenaries lived. This selfless act of inviting former slaves was also a perfect way to spread positive news about them, endearing them to citizens of the empire. "She wants to meet the emperor to see if he is worthy huh?" unknown to Tanya her words had left a very huge impression on her NPC, one he would spread to the others. "If he at any point proves unworthy. Perhaps General Silver should take his place."




Later after Tanya had completed the job of wiping out the Falinap slave company she sniffed in the cool night air. "Sometimes doing the right thing can be so fulfilling" She smirked "and profitable." She got a lot of gold and treasure from the hideout. So it was fully worth the extra work, on top of the reward from the emperor. Their coffers were going to fill up significantly after this. 


When Tanya started to leave however a certain vengeful angel had spotted her. "It's her-" Mary was stopped by Quaiesse, who held her arms. "Look, I will summon a creature that will keep us close. But if we attack now, we could cause an international incident" he motioned with hands at the many knights stationed around the capital of the empire. If they attacked now and were found out it would raise the already unsteady tension between the Theocracy and the Empire. "We will follow them till they leave the city. Till then, focus on using spells that hide us." 


Mary huffed a little "Fine. But I will kill her. You do not interfere when it happens." she turned her back to him, so she missed the cold smile on Quaiesse's face. "Of course, my angel" he could not wait to see what their angel could do. With her, the coming war with elves would be finished instantly for sure. And if he played his card right with Mary, he tame her without using the methods he does to tame his summons. And when that happens, perhaps it would be time for the Black Scripture to take power over the Theocracy.


Tanya would eventually notice the two following her. She could deal with them now but she was getting an itching feeling, suddenly, time stopped moving. "You…finally decided to show yourselves?" slowly two frozen guards looked at her. "I was merely enjoying the show Tanya-chan. I simply just can't land on a relationship for you yet…" Being Z's love of Tanya's love life was as creepy as usual. She does not know who crept her out more, Chagama or Being Z. it was like they were one and the same in some aspects. "I simply have issues to work out." Tanya heard what Being X said "Issues? What can't enforce something now?" she really enjoyed the fact that Being Y limited what X and Z could do now. 


Being X grumbled and the body grinned "Oh I have a surprise prepared for you for sure." Being Z cut in quickly "But don't worry I already have a way to protect you from it! Just wait and see." Tanya sighed "Yeah sure whatever. Now that I know something besides me is causing a so-called 'God' issue, I have to say, I am a little jealous." she reveled in delight hearing Being X's loud grumbling of anger. Being Z giggled a lot "Yes, he simply can't find a way to convince Ainz to accept his power and help."

Tanya started laughing a little "Hah! Wow, this is almost too easy then. Let me guess, those two following me are the 'surprise' you've prepared?" Being X did not respond but Being Z's barely stifled giggle gave Tanya all the confirmation she needed. Time started to move again, and Tanya decided she would lead her pursuers to where she would meet with Terranian. Just to add insult to injury when she beats them then and there. "I have just a tiny bit more respect for you as well Ainz," she said quietly, he may be her enemy technically, but it was hard not to respect him for being difficult for Being X to convince to take his power. 




Ainz, Yuri, and Albedo entered the treasury. What remained of gold and treasure the guild had amassed remained there. "I have never seen the treasury before," Albedo said as Yuri nodded in agreement. "Of course. It can only be accessed with a ring of Ainz Ooal Gown." Ainz explained while walking to the door that sealed off the armory and path to the mausoleum, he said the password, and the door opened up. As they walked through the armory Ainz would say "What do you know about Pandora's Actor?" that was the name of the area guardian he had created, one that guarded the treasury area. 


"I only know of him due to being the overseer of the guardians. But I have never met him." Albedo would continue after looking straight ahead and away from Ainz. "I know he runs Nazarick's finances. That his power is comparable to that of us floor guardians. And…that he was created by the great Lord Ainz." 


Ainz sweated a little "T-that is correct." he could already feel it coming, the feeling of regret, as he remembered what he made Pandora's actor to be and had not till now been to check on the NPC. meaning he could not even begin to imagine how bad it would be in the new world. worst part was, that Albedo and Yuri were aware he created Pandora's Actor as well! This was not going to end well.


When they entered the lobby, the area between the armory and mausoleum they saw something move off the couch. "How is this possible?!" Albedo shouted as what they saw was none other than her creator, Tabula Smaragdina.