
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

Tvv · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

Beginnings:.....cultivated by the flowing water.......

Tanya took a deep breath in, as then released the air from her lungs, and then ran at the Dummy that had a couple of scratches on it. "Flower breathing: first form, Orchid blossoming!" she cut directly at the center of the dummy, cutting it in half. It landed with a 'clunk' noise. "Hah, it was only a matter of time." she said this calm and confidently, while inside she was beaming that she finally cut it in half, and completely ignored the voice of Being X and Z that was telling her 'it still took you till the end of the year to do it.' 


Kanae clapped "well done Tanya, with you getting the second form down two days ago I say your training is going quite well." Tanya nodded happily, she was willing to take in the praise every once in a while. Meanwhile, Shinobu stepped out, wearing an outfit, and had a Nichirin sword in its hilt. "Sis is the others here yet?" she asked as Kanae shook her head. The younger Kocho sister grunted "I should not have to wait for them. It's taking too long!" Kanae went and patted Shinobu on the shoulder "easy they will be here soon. Besides you are in no rush, the final selection is not something to be rushed into." 


Last week Tanya was shocked when she heard Shinobu would be heading out to the final selection soon. Though she admitted that it was impressive that Shinobu now had three forms of Insect breathing at her disposal. For her own part, Tanya learned much about wisteria flowers and how they could be used to both block and poison demons. Something she learned since she figured she would need it in the future. She had learned in her time in the empire that it is never too bad to have as many weapons as possible at your disposal as possible. And she would need all she could get if she ever took on Muzan if she even ever would get to that level. 


An hour passed and a Kakushi came to tell Kanae that their expected guests are here. Tanya and Aoi were hanging up the laundry when it happened. "Aww perfect, Shinobu come back out the others are here," Kanae yelled back into the Butterfly mansion. Right, Shinobu walked outside three figures made themselves known. Two of them were obviously the two that were going with Shinobu to the final selection. One of them had a small smile, messy peach-colored hair, and a scar on his right cheek and wore a brightly colored Haori. The other had long hair, and he seemed rather average other than his permanent blank stare. Both had fox-like masks 'these are the water breathers? Hopefully, Shinobu won't have to team up with them during it. One of them looks like he attracts trouble and the other…just seem there.' Tanya of course kept these thoughts to herself. 


Finally, there was the old man that seemed to be the two boys' trainers. His Haori was light blue with clouds on it. The thing that stood out of course was his mask, a red angered Tengu mask. "Well ain't that something," Tanya muttered under her breath. "Yeah.." Aoi whispered back. Suddenly both girls froze as the old man turned and looked at them. 'Ahhh, why is he looking at me like that?!' Tanya thought to herself as she felt physical drops of sweat beat down her forehead.


 "Ahh, welcome master Urokodaki. Thank you for coming and for having your students travel with Shinobu to the final selection." Kanae said cheerfully, turning the old man's attention to her instead of Tanya. "It was no trouble" the two shook hands. Shinobu walked forward "Shinobu Kocho, nice to meet you I guess." She said with a heavy brow over her eyes. The peach-haired boy grinned widely "Nice to meet you Shinobu! I am Sabito! And this right here is Giyu!" he said as he brought his arms around the quiet boy. "Hmmm," Giyu muttered as he nodded to indicate that Giyu was indeed his name. 


"Anyways, leave to us men to protect you on our trip to final- OW!" Sabito stopped talking as Shinobu pinched his cheeks "hush, I do not need your help to protect myself." she also was pinching the cheek of Giyu, who after he was let go said "what did I do?" in a monotone voice. Shinobu did not answer and just huffed. Kanae laughed and said "well you three try not to kill each other. And have fun at the final selection!" Urokodaki turned to his two students "you two stay safe." Giyu and Sabito nodded. 


As the three were leaving Sabito turned back and said "don't worry about us! I will make sure we all pass master! Oh, and make sure to say bye to Viktoria and Glanz for us!" Tanya froze once more. 'Those names sound similar to.' she turned around and got closer. "I apologize, the other two students of mine lagged behind a little. Here they are." two people run in, one a male with short blonde hair and greyish green eyes. The other, long brown hair and blue eyes. 'No way…they really reincarnated them?' Tanya was not sure how to feel, whether or not to be mad or happy that Being X and Z did this. Sure they said they would, but she did not think they actually would!


"S-sorry! We could not keep up with you three!" The girl shouted distressingly. The boy huffed "I think they ran past us Viky." the girl turned back and scream "w-what?! We did not even get to say goodbye!" Tanya blinked, was this really them? She doubted that they had memories of her. The girl turned to Tanya and held her cheeks "awww, this one so cute!" Tanya scowled 'yeah, they don't have their memories or they would know not to call me cute'. The brown-haired girl hid behind the boy "s-she is glaring at me." the old man that brought them cleared his throat "sorry for that. Kocho and her students. These are my other students who are still in training. Viktoria Urokodaki, and Vouren Glanz." 



'So that is for sure them. Their names are slightly different this time. Viktoria has the same last name as the old man, likely adopted. And Glanz still has the same last name but a slightly different first name. Weird way to change things.' Tanya thought to herself, she wondered if she could turn them into the same loyal people to her that they were in their previous lives. Kanae patted held her hands together and said "aww, this is the girl you adopted huh? She is so beautiful." 


Hearing that made Viktoria blush heavily "t-thank you. Though I am only one of many taken in by master Urokodaki." Kanae then turned and patted Glanz on the head "my my, don't you look strong? I am surprised you aren't joining the other two on the final selection." the boy sheepishly rubbed the back of his head "I am not as good as them, especially Sabito. But I will keep trying so that I can prove I can go." 


Urokodaki looked at Aoi and Tanya and then at Kanae "those are the two?" Kanae nodded "I will leave you to it, now that Aoi and Tanya are done with their chores for today you can start." the two girls heard that but before they could ask their master for more information she just walked into the butterfly mansion. The old man sighed "seems I will be teaching first then, the four of you in a straight line. Now" Vouren and Viktoria did so right away, Tanya and Aoi soon afterward. As the Tengu mask wearing men seemed to be thinking of what to say Tanya was having her own thoughts 'Kanae called him master as well, he probably taught her, she did say her flower breathing is derived from water-breathing so it would make sense. 


"Tanya Kocho and Aoi Kanzaki. I am Sakonji Urokodaki. Your master and I exchanged letters over the past couple of months, and since I was coming over with Sabito and Giyu anyways we agreed that I would help train you two for a little while. In the use of water breathing." Tanya looked confused, she was barely getting flower breathing, what made her 'sister' think she would get water breathing any better? "And of course, we will switch off teaching the four of you. Meaning, Granz and Viktoria, you two will be learning from Kocho as well." the two seemed just as confused as Aoi and Tanya. But they nodded and said "yes master!" 



A few days went by, they did switch off training between the former water hashira, and the current flower Hashira. Currently, Tanya was sitting under a waterfall getting her clothes and hair wet, which was not what upset her. It was the fact it was freezing out and she was shivering the whole time! 'Damn old man. You and Zettour would get along great if this is how you train people' she grumbled and thought that there was a chance that he could meet Zettour now if the general had been reincarnated as well, but he died a year before the battle her battalion was wiped out at, she was less sure about that happening. 


Another day passed and now Tanya was trying out the first two forms of water breathing. "First form, water surface slash!" a flow of water came out, making a sizable dent in thick wooden pole. But she wasn't done yet, she breathed in and did the second form "second form, water wheel!" she spun around and made watery slashes at the pole, finally cutting it in half. She heard clapping from Kanae. Urokodaki just nodded. 'I am doing slightly better with water breathing in terms of mastering forms. But my slashes with them arent as hard as the others.' she thought to herself as she looked over at the other three. 


Granz had cut through two wooden poles with one water wheel, though he seemed tired after it as it seemed doing so strained his arms. Aoi managed to get a pole down in one slash rather then two like Tanya. 'She clearly is better at water breathing then flower. And yet I am not good at either.' she got frustrated, which was not helped when she saw Viktoria had also gotten through two wooden poles, but with Flower breathing instead. She seemed to like the style more than regular water breathing. Tanya did not know if she felt pride or anger at her former subordinate for doing better in flower breathing than her. 'I feel both' she decided. 

Urokodaki stood next to Tanya and said "you are understanding water breathing techniques well, it took Vouren a long time to master the ones he used just now. So do not be shocked by your slightly weaker slashes." while unlike previous old 'mentors' Tanya had this one seemed to not be pushing her to succeed or else. But right now she did not need nurturing, she needed results! 


"This is pointless. I am falling behind the rest." Tanya gritted her teeth. The old man looked at the others and then back at her "do you always compare yourself to others?" she looked up at him with a lifted eyebrow "what do you mean?" Urokodaki would say, in a calm tone "breathing styles are not meant for every person, each slayer has a preference that fits their style and personality. It's why there are many breathing styles created from others because of the slayer that made them shape another to more fit themselves." he knelt down by Tanya "water breathing obviously does not fit you, that, of course, does not mean you cannot master it. Having trouble only means more obstacles to pass. But there is a breathing style more suited to you I am sure. I just do not know what it is. Perhaps it is even one you can make yourself." 


he patted Tanya on the head and walked away. She grumbled a little and held her head "what is with people and patting teh top of my head? Just because I am a child or short does not make it any less irritating." she then put a finger by her chin and looked up. "But he is right. Water and flower do not fit me, they are too calm and graceful." she stared dead long ahead with a glare 'I will need more focused destruction for what I need to do' 


Meanwhile, the other three were looking at Tanya as she glared deadly ahead. "I-is she always like this?" Granz asked nervously. Aoi sighed "yeah, she acts calm and collected but most of the time does things out of anger or frustration." Viktoria sighed "I think she hates us, she commanded me last night to spar with her. I am sure she would have killed me if Miss Kocho was not there." she shivered from the memory. Aoi giggled "that I am not so sure of. I do not know why, but despite being frustrated with falling behind. I noticed she seemed…happy you two are training with us." The two looked at the girl like she was crazy, but she frowned at them "hey don't look at me like that, I just get a feeling is all." Granz and Viktoria look at each other, they wondered if what Aoi said was true. 



Almost a month passed as the new year started. The four students continued their training, and right now are far away from the butterfly mansion. Kanae and Aoi were off to the side taking watch. And what were they watching? Urokodaki was standing in teh middle of a grassy field with a few boulders around, surrounding him was Tanya, Viktoria, and Granz. The blonde girl standing perpendicular to the other two felt her eyes twitch 'me and my big mouth.' 


Tanya had suggested the four of them train as a team, she did this with her being the leader in mind. Which she was, even if it was just because her angry glared scared the other two. Aoi did train with them but mostly helped Kanae in the clinic for the past week, so she was sitting this one out. Tanya had not anticipated that the old man would want to test their teamwork skills, and yet here they were. Urokodaki cleared his throat and then held up his blade, as did the other three that surrounded him. "When any of you are ready come at me. You have five minutes to knock this blade from my hand, only using water breathing techniques, If you do not, I will throw you down the mountain. All of you." Tanya did not know why, but Viktoria and Vouren shook heavily. She may not know what the old man meant, but it clearly was more than just simply tossing them down a mountain. 


At first, no one acted but then Tanya lifted up her blade "now!" she shouted as the three ran at the old man. "Water breathing, Second form; water wheel!" both Granz and Viktoria yell as they spin their blades around and two circles of slashing water come towards Urokodaki, he takes out his blade and some breath comes out the holes of the Tengu mask, he is able to block the two slashes just concentration breathing. But Tanya saw the opening "First form; water surface slash!" she yelled as she came at him from behind. But he turned around quickly and easily parred it. "How?" Tanya had no time to question it as he came down with a slash at her. She acted instinctively and breathed in quickly to react "second form; Honorable shadow plum!" she quickly rotated her blade to counteract the strong slash from the old man and then managed to bounce away. 


Urokodaki lifted his head "I said only water breathing techniques." Tanya gritted her teeth, she messed up. He went back into a fight pose "I will allow it just once. If any of you use flower breathing again you will all lose." Tanya, Vouren, and Viktoria all breathed in relief. In Urokodaki's mind, he thought 'she so quickly switched breathing styles, had she mastered the second form of flower breathing she could have also gotten a free hit and knocked the blade out of my hand.' 


More time passed, but every time either of them got close Urokodaki would easily parry and get away. More than that he had roughed them up by using pure defense, and they could not even knock the blade from his hand. Tanya's eye twitches more 'damn it, this old man keeps reacting fast. How can he know-' she paused 'of course! He knows what each form of water-breathing! That's why he only said we could use those techniques, and why I was able to parry his slash with flower-breathing. You sneaky old bastard!' she then heard Viktoria yell "Tanya what do we do! I think we have less than a minute left to knock the blade out." 


She did feel pride in that her previous underlings were looking to her for what to do, but still Tanya had no idea. She then looked and saw Urokodaki was close to a boulder. Her eyes went wide, and she smiled widely, showing of her toothy grin. 'Thats it, if he knows how to counter every breathing technique thats fine. I don't have to use one'. While everyone else was somewhat freaked out by Tanya's rather scary grin, Kanae clapped "oh when every Tanya smiled like that it means she is truly happy. She must have figured something out." tanya then shouted out "Granz, Viktoria, keep pushing him back, and keep his eyes off me." 


The two nodded and ran at Urokodaki. He perfectly parried their two water surface slashes, he looked at Tanya as ran close but still kept a distance between them, so he was forced to focus on the two people attacking him. 'what is she planning?' he wonder as he continued to be pushed back he felt his back touch something. He looked over his shoulder to see a decently sized boulder behind him. "I see." 


Tanya smirked again and began to run closer. Granz and Viktoria nodded. "One more time, second form; water wheel!" they shouted as while he managed to parry and even knock them both away he pressed perfectly against the boulder. "Come at me then! Knock this blade from my hand if you can!" Urokodaki yelled as Tanya ran past the other two trainees, he waited for her to call out a breathing technique. But she did not, by the time he realized she was just doing a normal sword slash she was to close and her blade clashed with the handle of his blade. "Let go of it already!" the short little girl yelled. He had planned to knock her away, but just as he went to get a better grip on his blade to do it, two of his fingers suddenly felt burnt. The instant to move the fingers gave Tanya just enough room to yank the blade out of his hands, as it landed into the ground, with its handle pointing up. 


"Hell yeah we did it!" Tanya yelled as Viktoria and Granz ran up and picked her up. Granz had tears in his eyes as he said "thank the spirits I do not have to go down that mountain for another while!" Kanae waggled her finger as she walked up "Tanya Kocho, winning does not mean you get to curse like that!" the girl said "well…run!" she commanded, and instinctively the two carrying her ran with her on them. "Hey get back here!" Kanae ran after them, though more playfully as if she actually tried she would catch up easily. "H-hey wait for me!" Aoi yelled as she followed the four. 


Urokodaki did not follow. He stared at the blade embedded into the ground. "Hmm…" he noticed the small flame flickering from the handle that slowly went out. He looked at his hand, specifically at the finger he felt the heat from. They were thankfully not burnt. Tanya had somehow sparked a flame, likely without meaning to. He picked up the blade and laughed a little "I see now. I suppose that would make more sense…" 



Another week went by, both Tanya and Aoi had gotten the third form of water breathing, flowing dance, down. But could only strike weakly with it. Tanya sighed 'the only reason Aoi is weak with it like I am is that she helps out too much in the clinic. It's annoying that the only reason we are at the same level is that she isn't trying as hard!' she made a choking motion at the air. 


In her previous life, while she did have to work hard, she was still often more powerful than those of her peers or opponents, with only the intervention of Being X making them stronger. But this time the being did not have to, she just was not getting either of the styles she learned so far as much as she wished she did. "Tanya. Master Urokodaki and I want to speak with you." Tanya turned to face Kanae who was motioning her inside. 'Now what? Are they going to give me another talk about how its not to bad I am falling behind!?' she kept this frustration to herself and calmly said "coming master."


"You want me to do what?!" Tanya yelled after hearing what the two had suggested. Urokodaki had expressed that he believed she should expand her training into other styles to see if maybe she can find a better fit, perhaps even come up with her own with enough inspiration. And so Kanae told her that she should go over to the flame mansion to learn from the current flame Hashira. 'I am barely getting water or flower. What's learning a completely different style from scratch gonna help?!' she thought in a tinge of annoyance. 


"I have already sent a letter to the flame Hashira, Shinjuro Rengoku. In his letters, he mentioned his wife was sick, but with his eldest son, Kyojuro, having become a Demon slayer in the previous final selection he could use another distraction." Kanae said with sympathy lacing her voice. Tanya was even more annoyed by being referred to as a 'distraction' but bite her tung about it for now. Urokodaki spoke up "I will escort you there, it is not to far away, and it is a good way to also practice using your breathing techniques to raise your speed." 


Tanya grumbled, she already knew Kanae would not force her to go if she did not want to. But at the same time, she had to admit she was making too slow a process with water and flower. Maybe flame breathing or any of the other styles would work for her? She sighed and said "okay, I will go. It just better not be a waste of my time." Urokodaki nodded, Kanae just smiled. 


The next day Tanya's stuff was packed. Urokodaki was waiting for her to say her goodbyes. "Ack! Master let me go! I can't breathe!" Tanya was in a large hug, pressed against Kanae's chest. "I can't help it! I know Shinobu will be back soon but I may not see you for such a long time!" the eldest Kacho sister said as a couple of tears flowed through her eyes "you won't see me permanently if I don't get oxygen in me right now!" Kanae finally let the little blonde girl go, she patted Tanya on the head "promise me you'll stop by here before your final selection." the girl nodded her head, mostly because she was focusing on getting air in her lungs. 


"Good luck Tanya-san. Hopefully flame breathing will work out for you." Aoi said with a small smile. "I hope we have the same final selection together captain!" Granz said as he had gotten used to calling Tanya during their team training. Something which she was glad about. "S-same here!" Viktoria said trying to sound brave, but she was still nervous about the final selection ever though for all of the trainees the final selection was far off for them. Tanya smirked "don't worry you four. I will master this for sure, those demons won't know what hit them." the look made Viktoria think 'I feel bad for the demons that face her.' 


With that Tanya and Urokodaki took off towards the flame mansion. 'No more wasting time. Being X and Being Z, if you are listening you better not impede me on more breathing styles.' was the Thought Tanya had as she tried her best to keep up with Urokodaki.