
Saga of Tanya the Demon Slayer

after making the deal with the two godly beings and being reborn for a second time to a world where demons in Japan kill and eat humans, Tanya finds herself becoming a demon slayer in hopes bringing peace to this slightly screwed up world. along the way she will make new friends and allies, and even old ones as well. as well as some foes old and new. Will Tanya succeed in her goals and be one step closer to finally taking down Being X? or will she die for a third time before she can even get close? final chapters are up! thank you everyone for reading even if I ended it early. https://archiveofourown.org/works/37523479/chapters/101646183#workskin where i got the novel from This is a fanfic btw

Tvv · แฟนตาซี
69 Chs

A boy and his sister: Training as a unit



Tanjiro woke up the next day hearing screaming "AHHHH, its so cold up here! How do you expect me to stay here?!" he blinked and then thought 'oh, that's probably one of the people miss Kocho brought.' he remembered going over it with Urokodaki a few times, it would be impossible to hide Nezuko with at least three new people staying here. Tanya as well as the other girl would share a room with Nezuko, while he, Tanjiro, and the boy would share the main room. They would explain his sister was sick, and that she has been in a deep sleep. It was not perfect, but it was the best they had without revealing that she was a demon. 


Tanjiro walked out of the hut, where he saw Urokodaki, Tanya, and a boy with bri8ght yellow hair attached to a leash being pulled by a cross-looking Tanya. He walked up to his master "who is that?" Urokodaki gave a heavy sigh "one of the two students working alongside you over the next months. A thunder breather." Tanjiro was amazed at all the varying forms. He would walk up to Tanya and the scrambling boy "oh hi, I'm Tanjiro Kamado." he smiled widely. 


The other boy stared at him and then suddenly rushed over, nearly being yanked by Tanya. "Tanjiro you said? My Name is Zenitsu and you have to Help me, please! I was dragged over here by that cute yet terrifying girl! ACK!" he coughed when Tanya yanked the leash. "I wouldn't have to do that if you didn't try to run off several times!" Tanjiro gave a very worried look. "Y-you're a thunder breather, right? That's interesting." almost in an instant Zenitsu's crying stopped as he suddenly seem bashful of the praise "really? Me? I only know one form." Tanjiro nodded "yeah, I'd love to see it if at some point." Zenitsu's smile would suddenly drop though when Tanya said "oh you'll see it plenty during training." Zenitsu clung to Tanjiro "h-how can something that looks so cute be so dangerous?!" Tanjiro tried to push the yellow-haired boy off him but had no luck. 


Tanya sighed, letting go of the leash "don't run off thunder boy, I'll break your arm if you do." Zenitsu nodded very fast, while Tanjiro finally managed to push Zenitsu off him. "Oh, and the last student will be arriving soon. Don't scare her off." Tanya said the last part in particular reference to Zenitsu, who nodded quickly again. After she went inside to get tea Zenitsu finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Phew, what a relief," Zenitsu said as he wiped his forehead. "So you were forced into this as well Tanjiro?" 


Tanjiro shook his head "nope, so long as it doesn't impede me from my goal of getting into the final selection, and in fact, could help me do that, why would I not do it?" Zenit's mouth opened agape "you agreed to that devil girls training?! Wait…" he remembered how Mary said Tanya already had a boyfriend, Suddenly he started pulling on Tanjiro's ears. "Ow! Hey, what's that for?!" Zenitsu made a small growl noise "I get it she infected you to think she was innocent with her looks, you think she's great just because she is dating you!" Tanjiro, understandably, was quite confused. "Stop it I am not her boyfriend!" 


Zenitsu lets go and after Tanjiro is finished rubbing his ears he says "Miss Kocho saved me and my sister, twice. Sure she is scary, but I know she is a good person with good intentions. That's why I trust her with our training." Zenitsu's face went from freaked out to suddenly having a flowery look. "Tanjiro, did you say sister?" Tanjiro's face went flat, 'oh no' he thought to himself, he then suddenly grabbed onto Zenitsu and said "I need you to listen carefully, don't go around my sister too much…she is sick." he filled the thunder breather in, using the story Urokodaki told him to. Zenitsu wiped his face of tears "that is so sad…can I see her?" this time it was Tanjiro's turn to grasp the other boy's ears "NO!" 


Later, while Tanjiro swung his sword and Zenitsu still waited outside alongside Urokodaki. Finally, Tanya's noticeable ponytail came into view, along with a girl with black hair and a ponytail on the right side of her head. Tanya had walked a little way to meet up with Kanao before she made it to the mountain. When they finally made it to the area where the hut was, Zenitsu jumped up from his seating position and ran up to the girls, causing a large gust of wind to follow in his fast step. "Helloooo!" Zenitsu shouted as he stopped right in front of Kanao. 'Man this smiling girl seems much nicer than Tanya. I better get in good with her now before Tanjiro!' he held his hand out to the new girl "I am Zenitsu Agatsuma, how about you cutie?" 


Kanao stood in silence, Tanya was about to hit the boy over the head. Kanao finally took out her coin, she flipped it in the air and then caught it, landing on tails. She then silently walked past Zenitsu, still smiling. While Zenitsu's own smile dropped "h-huh." Tanya could barely contain her own laughter, for once, she was glad Kanao used her coin. She guessed Kanao was deciding if she should introduce herself to Zenitsu, and tails meant no. while Zenitsu wallowed by a tree Kanao walked up to Tanjiro. She flipped the coin again, this time landing on heads. "Hello, I am Kanao Tsuyuri. I am also Tanya's adopted younger sister." Tanjiro gave a small smile "nice to meet you. I am Tanjiro Kamado, master Urokodaki's new student." Kanao nodded at the boy. Zenitsu still wallowed in the corner, but Tanya grabbed him "oh just let me die out here!" he shouted as Tanya muttered, "I wish I could." 


They were inside Urokodakis Hut, drinking some tea. Tanjiro sat in the middle, Zenitsu was to his left, and Kanao to his right. While both Urokodaki and Tanya sat across from them. Tanjiro constantly moved his left hand while Zenitsu tried to see Nezuko from the room she was asleep in. Urokodaki spoke up "before we begin, Tanjiro while we will be training all three of you I expect you to still focus on cutting that boulder in half." Tanjiro nodded "oh I had no intention of stopping anyways." while Zenitsu momentarily thought if they were joking about cutting an actual boulder in half Tanya would begin talking, standing up as she did. "You three will be under my training, as a team. Aside from the extra test Tanjiro has to pass each of your masters okayed me giving the final call on if you go to the final selection or not, you all with either pass or fail my training as a team, a unit," she spoke with command, keeping all of their attention. Her eyes landed on Tanjiro "Tanjiro Kamado will take the helm of team leader. Which means he will be especially responsible for your team's failures if they happen." the two boys had some concerns about all of this, but Kanao remained silent. 


Tanya grinned, her devil-like grin suddenly making all students a bit scared. "Good, I hear no sounds of argument. Follow my instructions, and your final selection could be a cakewalk together. Understood?" all three nodded, Zenitsu thinking 'oh god, does she think this is an army boot camp?!' 


the short yet commanding girl then looked out the window, grinning wider as the sun begins to set "good. Your first test is now. I captured two demons, go slay them with your swords before they get off the mountain." All of them, even Kanao seemed shocked by this. Urokodaki looked at Tanya and whispered, "I did not know of this." Tanya kept speaking "there is a couple of farms near the bottom of this mountain, probably more. The demons might be hungry." all three realized what she was saying, Zenitsu freaking out. They all looked out the window, the sun was already set. "The shady part of the mountain I left them on is east of our location. Go." was all Tanya said. Zenitsu had to be dragged out by Tanjiro, but all three ran as fast as they could towards where the demon was. 


"Keep going, the demons hopefully did not make it down the mountain yet!" Tanjiro yelled as they ran through the thickly falling snow. "Gahhh! Why are we doing this?! The demons could sneak up on us and eat us! That devil girl did this to kill us!" Tanjiro stared back at Zenitsu, who had many cold tears falling from his eyes. "Listen Zenitsu, I won't let any demons kill you. If we stick together we will be fine. Same to you Kanao." the girl took a moment to respond, taking out her coin, which confused Tanjiro a bit. She flipped it and it landed on her head, she managed to catch it even when running. "I will follow your command Tanjiro." the boy gave a confused smile "well thank you, but you didn't need to use a coin to answer that." Kanao did not respond to that. 


Suddenly Tanjiro stopped, he held his arm out for the other two to stop as well. He sniffed the air, "Look out!" Tanjiro and Kanao moved, Zenitsu jumped out of the way but landed on his face. "AHH! They almost did sneak upon us!" he did learn before Kanao got here that Tanjiro had a great sense of smell, but he had forgotten till right now. "Gahahhaha, three humans for the price of one. Isn't that swell brother?" a demon with no eyes but a mouth said, while the other, who had no mouth but both of its eyes nodded. All three took out the Nichirin swords given to them by their masters, though Zenitsu shook as he held his. 


"Let's get them!" Tanjiro yelled out. "Kanao, take out the mouthy demon, Zenitsu help me with the eye one!" since it was an order Kanao ran at the mouthy demon with her sword drawn. Zenitsu however was to worried and scared to move, so he just stood there shaking. As Tanjiro ran at the eye demon, he smelled and saw the opening thread that Urokodaki, Makomo, and even Sabito had helped him learn. "Water breathing, first form…" while Kanao said in a soothing voice "flower breathing, second form…" however, just as Tanjiro got within slashing range he heard the mouthy demon shout out "Switch left!" and at the same time, he saw the eye demon look a certain direction. Both the mouthy demon and the eye demon switched spots, but a little more to the left. Tanjiro lost the opening thread. Both he and Kanao just barely move out of the way of the demon's punch attack. 


'What just happened? The eye one looked left right after the mouth one spoke, and then they switched places but to our left. What's going on?' Tanjiro thought to himself, while Zenitsu shouted out "THESE DEMONS CAN TELEPORT! AHHHHHH!" Kanao unlike the two boys had learned what blood demon arts were. She was well aware that the demons had one now, only that it was a strange one. "How did Tanya-nee get these ones here?" she said quietly to herself. 


"Alright, this is fine, if we can just keep track of when they move I think we can…Zenitsu?" Tanjiro stopped as he saw a snot bubble blowing in and out as Zenitsu was unconscious and asleep somehow. "Huh?!" meanwhile the mouthy demon looked at the sleeping boy and licked his lips "oh a meal!" Tanjiro's eyes widen. He shouted out a little haphazardly "second form; water wheel!" because he did it so quickly he only nipped the shoulder of the demon. the demon growled at him. "Kanao, stay on the eye demon. Don't let it out of your sight!" Kanao nodded. 


"Third form; Camelia Ascension," Kanao said plainly as she did upward slashes at the eye demon, who kept dodging. Meanwhile, Tanjiro kept slashing and dodging the mouthy demons' attacks. 'The demon can probably smell my movements, that is how he can keep up with me despite being blind. But I can find the opening I need.' he stared back at Kanao, the eye demon seemingly dodging perfectly, but never being left an opening to attack. 'She's amazing, I need to pick up the slack.' Tanjiro shouted out "water breathing, third form; Flowing dance." the wave and fast motion of the form threw the mouth demon off. Tanjiro saw it again, the opening thread "I got you now!" he shouted out once again though the demon shouted, "switch right!" 


Realizing what was happening, Tanjiro looked, the eye and mouthy demon switched places once more. Kanao was so focused originally but was thrown off, only managing to parry the blows from the mouthy demon. While he dodged the attempted claw attacks from the eye demon. Kanao winced as a blow from the mouthy demon nearly knocked her sword out of her hand, "Guess you'll be my first meal!"


 however, just as the punch was about to make contact with her stomach, a flow of was came in and cut the arm off. "Grr!" the mouthy demon jumped away, going over to its brother. Kanao looked at Tanjiro, her eyes widened when she saw his shoulder was bleeding. He had allowed the eye demon to get a cut in so that he could focus on getting to the mouthy demon on time. Despite Tanjiro smiling at her Kanao stood up "h-how could you do that? You got hurt!" she shouted at him. Tanjiro nodded his head "yeah, but miss Kocho said it right? Our failures would rest on me. I forgot about their abilities for a second, and you nearly got hurt. So I had to stop it." Kanao was so confused and somewhat annoyed, she now understood how her older sisters felt when Giyu or Kyujuro did something stupid! 'How…how can he make such a brash decision so quickly?' she wondered to herself. 


"Hah! They can't keep up with our blood demon technique." the mouthy demon said with a large toothy maw of a grin. The eye demon nodded. Suddenly though a large flash came from behind teh demons, cutting off one of their arms. "The hell?!" the mouthy demon shouted, as the eye demon's eyes widened. Both Tanjiro and Kanao were shocked to see Zenitsu in front of them, he was hunched over slightly but kept a grip on his sword handle, a small bubble still somewhat coming out of his nose. "Tanjiro, Kanao, I'm ready to take them out." 


Tanjiro was not sure what was going on with Zenitsu, but with all three of them ready to take out the twin demons. He had a plan. "Zenitsu, keep your position, whatever form you used is fast but the eye demon is fast enough to react to it. So wait for my signal." Zenitsu nodded. "Kanao, you attack from the right, also waiting for my signal. I will serve as the distraction." Kanao looked concerned "but your injury." Tanjiro knew he was still injured, but he knew Kanao would be imperative to attack rather than defend against the technique. "Just trust me Kanao, I can do this." Kanao looked at Tanjiro, she went to reach for her coin. But stopped, and simply nodded at the boy. "Great get into position!" 


As Tanjiro approached the demons while Kanao took the left position, the mouthy demon took notice of her close smell. Tanjiro stuck before the demon could move though, "first form, water surface slash!" the demon was forced to dodge. Tanjiro switched between both demons, making sure their attention was on him. He realized during their last 'switch' why a direction was always specified. 'Their technique, magic, whatever it is, it isn't focused on their position, but on whoever they are fighting! If I can keep their attention on me, even when they switch they'll still be near me!' with this in mind Tanjiro jumped up, he made it look like he was going to attack the mouthy demon from above. "Damn it, Switch right!" both demons switched places, with the eye demon a little more to the right.


Tanjiro grinned widely "Eighth form; Waterfall basin!" he slammed the technique in between the demons, "Gah!" the one demon who could talk shouted as both moved back a bit. "NOW!" Tanjiro shouted. "Thunder breathing, first form; Thunderclap and flash!" the Mouthy demon suddenly found its head removed from its body as Zenitsu's sword went right through its neck. "Flower breathing, first form; Orchid blossoming" the eye demon was too distracted by the sudden beheading of its brother to notice the girl coming in from behind him, and soon found its head was also separated from its body. "Damn it, no! You pieces of human shit!" the mouthy demon kept shouting at the trainees before its head and body disappeared, the eye demon soon after. 


The snot bubble popped and Zenitsu suddenly opened his eyes. "Hah? What?! What happened?!" he shouted as he frantically looked around, mostly for the demons in case he nodded to run. Tanjiro smiled "we did it, we took care of those demons. Without your help, we could not have done it either." Kanao nodded in agreement. Zenitsu was confused, greatly confused. 


They all heard clapping and saw Tanya jump down from one of the trees. "Was worried I would have to step in there. But you all did alright. Even thunder boy." while Zenitsu still was not sure what was going on, for a moment he forgot how scary Tanya was and smiled brightly. "Tanjiro, go back to the hut and get patched up. I gotta say despite your rash decision resulting in an injury, you protected Kanao and your plan in the end worked. Team leader" Tanjiro smiled and bowed at Tanya, saying "thank you mis- uh, master Kocho." as they walked back, Tanya and Kanao stayed behind the boys. "Well done Kanao," Tanya whispered, Kanao was not sure why she congratulated now instead of right after like the others. "I watched the whole time, when Tanjiro asked you to trust him you didn't pull out your coin. Heh, you made your own decision." Kanao tried to hide her now pink face. Tanya thought to herself 'maybe this group training will go well after all.'

~~~~~~~~~~~~~one month later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


"Gahhhhh. THIS IS HELL! HOW COME I STILL HAVE TO DO THIS?!" Zenitsu shouted, as he was doing pushups, only a few cinder blocks were on his back. Tanya clicked her tongue. "Because you kept trying to look up Kanao's skirt as she did her pushups." Kanao was still outside as well, reading a book on water breathing Urokodaki had provided her. "Well, where is Tanjiro then?!" Tanya added another cinder block, nearly causing Zenitsu to tumble over. "He finished early, so he went to go try to cut the boulder in half again." Zenitsu, amidst the usual tears, had said "so…can I take a break? Maybe to check Nezuk-OW!" he shouted when Tanya added another cinderblock "remember Agatsuma, if you fall once, you have to start over." 


Tanjiro meanwhile was hit back by Sabito, who was still besting him with his wooden sword. He was bruised all over but was still standing. Makomo giggled "ever since Tanjiro started that group training he's been catching up with you quickly Sabito." Tanjiro wiped his chin "really?" Sabito nodded "yes. In fact, Tanjiro." he sheathed his wooden sword. "Train hard. Because the next time we meet, I will use a real sword." Tanjiro gulped "r-really?" Makomo gave an equally worried look "Sabito are you sure he is ready?" 


The boy nodded, his fox mask shaking a little. "He has caught up quicker than expected. This group training he does is too much for me. Next time, I will use my real sword." he stared at Tanjiro, who could tell that despite wearing the mask they were staring each other dead in the eyes. "And Tanjiro, if you don't win next time. I'll probably kill you." Tanjiro could tell Sabito was not lying. "Okay, I will win next time Sabito, I swear it." the peach-haired boy nodded. "See you next time Tanjiro. Personally, I am rooting for you." both Makomo and Sabito left. 


As he headed back Tanjiro ran into Tanya. "Ah there ya are, I came here looking for Zenitsu." Tanjiro gave a nervous smile "he ran off again?" she nodded "yeah, he didn't want to start over again." Tanjiro chuckled a little "well, I'd say if you eased off on our training he would run off less, but I already know that won't happen." Tanya nodded "good, I am glad you've learned that." Tanjiro nodded, but he learned that through trial and error. The training had been rough, Tanya had them running down the mountain a lot but the traps were a lot deadlier. And she and Urokodaki changed them every time so they could not memorize any of them! He prayed for Zenitsu and the many broken bones he got. And he was still often embarrassed by the memory of when Kanao and he were trapped in a deep pit together for hours. Why? Because she was trapped on top of him the whole time.


They had to do push-ups, long runs, and all alongside sword training given to them by Urokodaki. And whenever Tanjiro asked if on behalf of his team if she could ease the training a little, Tanjiro found himself having to chop one hundred pieces of wood and if he did not do it fast enough Tanya doubled it. 'Still, though, Sabito and Makomo say I'm getting stronger, so her training is working.' 


"Also thank you master Kocho." Tanya looked up at Tanjiro, "hmm? For what?" Tanjiro crossed his arms "for taking the time to train all of us. You could be out there slaying demons, being with your boyfriend, or your friends. But you're training us instead." Tanya scratched her cheek, trying to keep thoughts of Kyujuro out so Tanjiro could not 'smell her feelings' she did miss the guy, as well as Viktoriya and the others. But the training was going by smoothly. And she still sent and received letters by the crow. And she still goes on missions whenever a demon is reported nearby, mostly to get demons for 'training exercises.' She crossed her arms and said, "if I did not want to train a unit of demon slayers, I would not have formed it, to begin with." Tanjiro smiled "yes, but I also wanted to thank you for protecting Nezuko's secret. The fact that she's a demon." 


Before Tanya could reply with 'it was no problem.' they heard a loud "HUHHHHHHH?!" they looked over, wide-eyed. They saw Zenitsu, a few paces away from them. The boy had better hearing than Tanya even, but he was close enough for a normal person to hear it. "D-did you just say Nezuko is a demon?" a few seconds of silence passed, Tanya moved an inch and in an instant Zenitsu ran off. He swang his arms as he ran. He was fast, but Tanya caught up quickly and tackled him down to the ground. "AHHHH, I HEARD NOTHING I SWEAR!" he bellowed out as Tanya then wrestled his left arm behind his back "oh I think we both know that is a lie." she started putting pressure on his arm, making him scream out more "NO- NO, I SWEAR!" 


Tanjiro finally caught up, huffing a little while catching his breath. "Wait, if we just explain it to him he might not tell anyone else." Tanya was not sure about that, twisting Zenitsu's arm more. "AHHH, HE'S RIGHT! I SWEAR I WON'T TELL ANYONE THAT NEZUKO IS A DEMON!" a small quiet voice, coming from Kanao who had run over to see what the commotion was about said, "the sleeping girl is a demon?" everyone went silent, barring Zenitsu who was still crying while his arm was twisted by Tanya. "Well, this is not good." 


Back at the hut, all four of them sat in a circle, this time in the room where Nezuko was sleeping. With Tanjiro sitting right by her. They had explained everything when Tanya and Giyu first found Tanjiro and Nezuko. And how Nezuko choose to protect her brother, instead of eating or harming him when she had the chance. And how she also helped him with the temple demon despite three bodies being there for her to eat. Though she was sleeping now, Tanjiro was certain that even when she woke up she would never attack a human. Tanya, while she was still ready to take Nezuko down should she be around, also believe Nezuko would not attack a human so long as she was around Tanjiro. 


Zenitsu and Kanao were not sure what to say. Unlike the others, due to the constant flux of patients the butterfly mansion gets, Kanao knew that helping a demon could be considered a betrayal. Tanjiro was not a corps member yet, but he would be soon. Meanwhile, Tanya, Giyu, and even Urokodaki would certainly be seen as traitors should the info get out. Zenitsu looked at the sleeping Nezuko, and he asked "you're saying that doing this would protect her right? And you're sure she won't ever attack anyone?" Tanjiro nodded, as did Tanya. With a bright smile, Zenitsu said, "okay, I won't say anything then." he was just thinking of how cool he would be if he helped protect Nezuko as well. 


Tanya and Tanjiro looked at the still contemplating Kanao. "What about you Kanao?" Tanya asked, but Kanao was not sure how to answer. "Please Kanao, I will find a cure for my sister. So please don't turn her in." Kanao was still wondering how despite Nezuko being his sister, Tanjiro was certain of his choices. She was even more confused by Tanya's involvement in this, as the girl had always killed demons no matter who they were. She took out her coin, this time saying the choices out loud "Heads, I will agree to keep Nezuko being a demon a secret. Tails, I will leave and inform the corps when I get home." Tanya caught what Kanao was saying. While she was still leaving the coin to make her decision, it seem Kanao at least wanted to give them a chance to run should it land on tails. 


Kanao flipped the coin, it stops just short of the ceiling of the hut before falling down into her hand. She opens her hand….heads showing up. 



Tanjiro was standing face to face with Sabito, who was standing in front of the boulder. A few months had gone by, and Tanjiro's hair would have been long if Tanya did not force him to cut it often. But after breath training with the gourds, and the many training exercises given to him by Tanya and with the group training as well. Tanjiro was ready to face Sabito. He was certain of it, especially after mastering the opening thread. 


True to his word, Sabito had his real blade ready this time. Makomo was watching their duel. Sabito raised his sword "are you ready Tanjiro?" the boy nodded "yes. Yes, I am." with their two blades ready, the two started their duel. Yet in instant, just as quickly as they began, it was over. Just this once, Tanjiro managed to strike first. 'I see it, the opening thread' he slashed down, cutting the fox mask that covered Sabito's face in half. 'Sabito's face…' he saw the long scar on the boy's cheeks, and the look he was giving, one that was half relief, and half sad. 


"Good job Tanjiro." the disheveled-looking boy peered over at Makomo, who was given the same small smile as she usually does. Though much like Sabito Tanjiro could tell it was a mixture of relief and sadness. "Keep winning for me Tanjiro, and never forget us." like a snowy cloud seeming to cover the area where Makomo stood, Tanjiro looked over in front of him where Sabito had been standing. As the cloud cleared, the peach hair he had gotten to know so well was gone as well, replaced by the boulder. 'I thought I had cut Sabito's mask in half not…' 


the boulder was cut completely in half, with Tanjiro's sword in the middle of it. Urokodaki walked out, Tanjiro did not smell or hear him until after the cloud was gone. Urokodaki walked up to the boulder as if to clear his own doubts about if his student had actually done it. "I will be honest, I had no intention of sending you to the final selection. Because I did not want to see more children die. Yet, with Tanya's extensive training, I should have seen this coming." he patted Tanjiro on the head "you have passed Tanjiro. You have done well." Tanjiro smiled widely, but with a determined brow said "thank you master Urokodaki. But Kocho said Kanao, Zenitsu, and I pass as a team." Urokodaki nodded "and I know, with you leading your unit. You three will pass her test as well. But as of now, my training is over." Tanjiro bowed to his master, and Urokodaki bowed to his student. 



One last month had gone by, and despite some hiccups, mainly from Zenitsu, Tanya felt like the three were ready for their final test. If they passed, she would okay them for final selection. As such, she had invited Kanao and Zenitsu's masters, as well as Giyu. she was waiting on the path before the mountain. In the distance she saw Shinobu, poking Giyu on the arm constantly while Giyu seemed to not notice, or just did not care. Mary Sue was also traveling beside them, Tanya already knew mary was coming instead of Jigoro since the man could not travel easily but he wanted someone there to tell him how Zenitsu was doing with his training. 


Tanya approached them. "Oh my Tanya, you've grown!" Shinobu said in excitement. Tanya kept up her respectful look but could tell there was teasing in her older sister's voice. Tanya had grown, not that much but now Shinobu and she was the same height, so her sister could no longer tease her about being so short. Her hair was about the same as before, though her ponytail was now slightly longer. Though the one thing Shinobu, as well as most of the females in her life, beat Tanya in was the chest area. Her chest was grown out a little, but one could still mistake her for flat. 'Even though I am 17, somehow I feel like I am still being treated like a child.' She thought to herself as Shinobu was looking her all over with a wide smile. 


Suddenly Tanya felt a preference behind her. She turned but very quickly she was picked up in someone's arms. Her face went a little pink "K-Kyujuro! What are you doing here?!" she did not invite her boyfriend, she had intended to go see him after all this was done. The internally smiling man chuckled "your sister invited me!" he shouted. Tanya gave Shinobu a stink eye for a second, but the girl pretended she did not notice. "YOU'VE GOTTEN BIGGER TANYA! WOW!" Kyujuro shouted loudly, he looked quite excited to see her. 


Tanya's face went pink again, she huffed and poked him hard on the cheek and pushed his face away as she did it. "Idiot, I told you I was going to see you soon!" Kyujuro nodded as his face was still poked and pushed by the girl "yup! But after a year of only exchanging letters, I could not wait to see you Tanya!" she grumbled, turning her head away she said, "I am glad to see you as well Kyujuro." 


The group of them headed towards Mount Sagiri, Mary had already started ahead of them. Sighing as she tried to ignore the couple behind her and the none couple-couple. She felt like she was being left out. 


Later, Tanjiro, Kanao, and Zenitsu were standing in an open part surrounded by trees in the mountain. They had caught up with those who came here earlier. Tanjiro talked to Giyu, which shocked Shinobu when the normal quiet man would respond and talk as well. Kanao caught up with Shinobu, filling her in on everything except Nezuko's secret. Mary had pushed Zenitsu away multiple times as the boy thanked her and tried hugging her for coming to watch him in their test. Tanjiro also managed to shock and amaze Kyujuro when the boy correctly guessed that he was Tanya's significant other. He shouted so loud out of amazement, that everyone covered their ears. 


Shinobu, Mary, and Giyu sat on the side to watch. Urokodaki and Kyujuro were standing a bit closer but not by much. Tanya cleared her throat. "Alright, for your final test as a group. It is quite simple. You simply have to knock my sword out of my hand. Of course, if I knock your sword out of your hand, you lose as well" all three were confused by what Tanya meant. Until she pulled out her pastel-purple Nichiren sword. "Urokodaki and Rengoku will be judges. Just to make sure we all do this fairly." both men nodded. "Of course, even if you manage to knock the sword from my hand. And both judges agree it was done fairly if any of them think you did not do well, even if it was just one of you. You all fail." She pointed towards Giyu, Shinobu, and Mary. "work as a team, move as a unit, because if you don't." Tanya gave her patented devil grin "I might accidentally kill you while defending." 


Tanjiro, Kanao, and Zenitsu pulled out their swords, the yellow-haired boy shaking still. "Alrighty, you two ready?" Tanjiro asked as Kanao nodded her head, and Zenitsu nodded shakenly. "Alrighty, here is my plan." he went to whisper it in Kanao's ears, as he knew Zenitsu would still be able to hear it. Tanjiro knew Tanya could beat all three of them in a direct fight, but since she would be focused on defense and keeping her sword in her hand, he saw a way to win. He pulled away, not noticing the small blush that had appeared on Kanao's face from him being so close. "And break away!" 


Kanao started moving left, while Zenitsu went right. Meanwhile, Tanjiro went right down the middle. Tanya's eyes narrowed 'just like with those demons eh? Unfortunately, I won't focus on you Tanjiro.' instead, her eyes shifted towards Zenitsu, who was the obvious weak link. She quickly dodged Tanjiro's attempt to swing at her sword. And then ran at Zenitsu. Suddenly though Zenitsu turned and ran. "AHHH I am not getting cut in half by her!" he shouted. Tanya's eyes twitch "figures" As she ran after the cowardly boy. She was faster than Kanao and Tanjiro who were running behind her. 


As she got close Tanya breathed in, "flame breathing, third form; blazing universe!" she jumped up and swang down at Zenitsu, she figured he would have a weak grip on his sword, that or he would try to move. However, Zenitsu, despite the fearful tears in his eyes turned around and raised his sword. Tanjiro grinned, it was all according to plan. 


'Tanya will try knocking our swords out one by one, going for Zenitsu first. Zenitsu, I need you to trust us, and led her to a closed space. And when she shouts out a breathing technique, defend as long as you can!' 


Zenitsu had done just that, three trees to close to one another, essentially cornering him. But it was what Tanjiro needed. Tanya's blade clashed with his. "It's so hot! My hand feels like it's on fire!" he bellowed out but kept his grip on his sword. A few seconds later though Tanya nearly knocked the sword from his hand. When she heard it and saw a sword covered in flowing water, and one with pink petals. "Fourth form; striking tide!" "first form; Orchid blossoming!" just as Tanya's knocked the sword from Zenitsu's hand, and as her feet were still in the air. Kanao and Tanjiro struck at the same time. Managing, to knock her sword out of her hand and into the tree, just above Zenitsu's head. The boy gulped, but he was alright. 


Tanya looked over at Kyujuro and Urokodaki, who both nodded. And then at Shinobu, Giyu, and Mary. Giyu and Mary nodded, and Shinobu gave a bright thumbs up. Tanya smiled widely, taking her sword out of the tree. "Congratulations, you all passed. While you still have to pass final selection, I am certain you all will." after sheathing her blade she said "yes, even you thunder boy." he had been shaking till now, but he smiled widely "Thank you Tanya-chan~" Tanya then glared at him, so he hides behind the tree.



That night, two big hot pots were made by Urokodaki to celebrate, as well as for one last night before Tanjiro, Kanao, and Zenitsu left for final selection. "So your family worked with fire? That is interesting Kamado!" Kyujuro shouted as he talked with the boy. Tanjiro was of course off-put by the flame pillars' intensity, but he felt this man was likely just passionate. 


"T-thanks. I suppose your fire breath techniques must-" before he finished Kyujuro quickly put his hand in front of Tanjiro "it's flame breathing, Never call it FIRE breathing!" it was then that he started the explanation of why, and went into expressive detail. Giyu put a hand on Tanjiro's shoulder "should have warned you." he then ate some salmon from the hot pot. 


Meanwhile, Shinobu giggled as she leaned in near Kanao. "So…that Tanjiro boy eh?" Kanao's face went pink. "Oh don't be shy Kanao, I can teach you the teasing techniques of the Kocho family," she said as she poked Kanao's arm. The girl fumbled with the coin in her hands, but before should flip it to decide if she should learn the teasing, Tanya stopped her. 


"Easy there, Sis. Don't make Kanao do something stupid like that. All you do is poke and make somewhat teasing statements, poor Kanao doesn't deserve to embarrass herself like that." Shinobu raised an eyebrow "oh you mean like you poked Rengoku's cheeks this morning?" Tanya's cheeks went pink "I did that for different reasons! Not like you and water boy!" she said even though she knows Giyu and Shinobu are not actually dating, though Shinobu's cheeks do go a little pink as well. 


Zenitsu could hear what everyone was saying. His eyes peered from the three girls, over to the aforementioned boys. Tanjiro was too close to Kyujuro's loud explanation to hear what they were saying. And Giyu, if he did hear the girl's conversation, gave no indication as he kept. He grumbled as he thought to himself 'how the hell did these guys get three beautiful and cute girls to fall for them?!?' Mary was giving similar looks of jealousy, but for different reasons 'hmm, why did I even come here if I was just gonna hear all of this?' again, she felt left out, and a little jealous, of Kyujuro especially.


Despite the arguments, and small bits of jealousy from the two students of thunder. The night was good, a nice night of food and conversation. As Urokodaki watches he thinks to himself 'and hopefully, this won't be their last good night.' 

Nowhere yet everywhere


"I don't know about this X, you're only supposed to impede Tanya not other people like Tanjiro," a feminine voice said in a void. "I know, but something tells me this boy will be to great a boon to Tanya. Besides, you and I both know he was going to fight the demon anyways." a male voice said, followed by the voice saying in a more devious tone "why not make the hand demon just a little tougher?"