
Chapter 8: In Which He Wishes

There was this invisible line at the Luxe bridge as the three escalades stood in a row with seemingly absolute precision just as same as their SUVs were lined in front of the escalades, on the opposite side.

Alexander along with eight of his armed men got out of the SUV just as the Campbell men did.

Yet again Alexander and his men were outnumbered by Campbell's men, it was 9 against 12 but it hadn't come to that yet and he sincerely hoped it didn't because he didn't feel like going back with a bloody wound again, it was a nuisance to clean and bandage the only one.

Sometimes he thought if he just did this for the kicks which he probably did because he didn't feel that sense of loyalty towards Richard Gambino, but his daughter Isla moon Gambino was a whole different story, he knew if it came down to it, he would give up his life without a second thought for her.

He shook his head rid of thoughts of the girl bringing his focus back to the situation at hand.

Alexander stepped forward as did one of the Campbell men and they met face to face in front of the cars.

"Alexander Rossi" Alexander decided to introduce himself first, stretching his hand out for a handshake.

"Roland Dawson" the Campbell man took Alexander's extended hand in a firm handshake.

"You called to meet, we're here" Alexander initiated.

"Well, yea... I see Mr. Gambino didn't grace us with his presence himself"

"And I see that neither did Mr. Campbell, he sent you" Alexander retorted.

"Fair enough. Let's get down to business"


"Mr. Campbell intends on taking control of the west Wyoming territory, the part that joins with Nebraska, he is willing to make a trade for its"

Alexander's head tilted to the side in anticipation, what are these mafia families up to?

"Well... what do you propose?"

"We give you permission to build five warehouses in Oklahoma the part of our territory that has a border with yours"

"I am new but even I know how big wet Wyoming is, and five warehouses are no fair trade"

"Fine, I was trying my luck. 15 warehouses" Ronald negotiated.

"That's not much fair either considering you'll have the whole west Wyoming settlement, you might have luck with 30 warehouses, but 15 warehouses is not even worth presenting to Mr. Gambino"

"That was as high Mr. Campbell has told me to offer but let me consult with him again"

With that Ronald turned around taking out his phone from the pocket of his suit while Alexander waited patiently, his eyes watching each and everything move like a hawk, back straight and hands behind his back with his chin up.

There was discreet talking on the phone and glancing back and forth before Ronald returned back to where he was standing, the phone still in his hand indicating someone was on hold on the other line most likely Finneas Campbell himself.

"25 warehouses and a shipment worth of ammunition" Ronald put forth the offer.

"I will confer with my employer as well then," Alexander said. There was no harm in presenting Mr. Gambino with the offer.

He took out his phone and dialed Mr. Gambino standing in his place and to his convenience Richard picked up at the first ring.

"I was waiting for your call" Richard answered.

"Yes sir, they put forward an offer for 25 warehouses in Oklahoma, the part where the border meets Colorado, and a shipment worth of ammunition in exchange for West Wyoming" Alexander informed.

"Tempting, but no West Wyoming is too big a territory to give up and it might allow them to take control of the whole of Wyoming, too risky, unless they are offering a good part of their territory, accept nothing"

"Yes sir"

With that, they hung up.

Alexander has a feeling that things were about to get dirty now.

"Mr. Gambino refuses the offer, if you aren't going to offer a good territory exchange you have no deal"

"My employer wants to expand his territory not give it up, I guess we're done having words"

With that Ronald reached into the holster attached to his pants and took out the revolver aiming it at the Gambino men while Alexander and his men did the same.

"Do as much damage as you can men" Ronald commanded as he and his men backed into their cars starting to drive away the same was done by the Gambino men, the firing not stopping.

Alexander had expected as much. Both parties lost three men.

What a waste. Alexander thought as they finally drove off.

By the time Alexander was back at the Gambino estate, it was already 4 pm. It seemed that a longer portion of his day was being spent in 'errands' he ran for Mr. Gambino, and he didn't like it because he mainly signed up as a bodyguard, but the money was good, and it gave him inside information as well.

Though he would've preferred to keep an eye on Isla instead, she was a sight for sore eyes.

Walking into the main house briskly he looked around but couldn't find Isla anywhere and a slight panic rose in him that he expertly kept concealed.

"Do you know of Miss Gambino's whereabouts?" He asked a maid, poker face on.

"Oh yes, she is in the library, it's in the back, she's been in there ever since after breakfast, she refused lunch, come on I'll take you there it can be a discreet place to find in this maze of a mansion" the maid blubbered on and began walking, Alexander following close behind her.

All he could think was, that she should've had lunch, but it was not his place to comment on that.

The maid was indeed right, the library was way out back with a staircase leading downstairs, and that's where the maid left him to find his own way.

Down the stairs, he stood in a Grande room if you could call it that. The place was huge with tall bookshelves and looked to be Victorian style, quite contradictory to the mansion which was modern looking. It smelled of wood and books.

He walked down along the bookshelves straight ahead and was soon standing in front of the fireplace if you could call it that cause in reality it was a LED heater that was imitating a fireplace.

There was a coffee table, a bean bag, a rocking chair, and a love seat in the area. On the tea-pink love seat, Isla was perched as he could see her pin straight long, shiny raven hair from the back.

She hadn't moved to look at him, maybe she hadn't noticed because he was trained to conceal his footsteps.

Taking a few more steps forward do that he stood in front of her now he saw there the girls were actually asleep with a book upside down on her chest.

Alexander let out a discreet sigh and just stood there watching her like one might say a creep, but he was smitten.

After a few seconds, a few whimpers escaped her as she stirred restlessly on the seat, her eyes still closed.

Alexander's brows furrowed in worry and confusion as he closely looked at her.

Was she having a nightmare? The thought crossed his mind first, but it was replaced as soon as it came as he saw the beads of sweat on her forehead, and noticed her flushed skin, and the slight shiver that went through her.

He leaned down a little to her level and brushed a few strands of her hair away from her forehead which was stuck there due to the sweat. He then placed the back of his hand on her forehead and her rosy cheeks.

As he had expected, Isla had a fever, her soft skin abnormally hot and flushed.

She whimpered and shivered again, pouting in her sleep making Alexander's eyes soften at the sight.

He instantly took off his blazer and draped it on her to shield her from cold and then without another word he stood up straight, bringing an arm under her head and another under her knees before lifting her petite form up with ease and starting to walk out of the library.

She curled into him more for the warmth he radiated and couldn't help but bring her closer.

"I am taking Miss. Gambino up to her room, she has a fever, sent something to eat up there and call a physician" Alexander orders the maid whose mouth was agape at the display of the tall burly bodyguard carrying her sweet, small mistress. Nonetheless, she quickly nodded her head rushing to get things done.

The last thing she wanted was to face the wrath of Mr. Gambino if anything were to happen to the young mistress.

Alexander gently laid Isla down on her bed, causing her to adorably mewl as he pulled the cover to her chest.

Was there anything that wasn't precious about this girl, he wondered.

Soon enough the physician visited and did his checkup routine on Isla diagnosing her with a severe common cold but nothing to be too worried about as he had recommended lots of warm fluids, food, Advil, and aspirin for fever.

The maid had clung onto each and every word of the doctor as she'd like to keep her throat and so had Alexander, but his face showed no emotion as he listened to the things the doctor listed. He was going to make it damn sure that she made full recovery as soon as possible.

Soon after the physician had left a maid with a food tray knocked on the door and Alexander who had stayed inside the bedroom, contradictory to his orders, opened the door to let her in. It was vegetable soup with garlic bread.

"Aren't you supposed to be outside the room?" The maid questioned him.

His jaw tightened with anger and annoyance, must they pry?

"It's my duty to see to Miss. Gambino's wellbeing and since the hundreds of maids surrounding her didn't notice that she was sporting a fever, I consider it my duty to see her well" he said, his face contorted into a slight snarl.

He was indeed angry that none of these workers had asked her if she was alright or noticed that she wasn't doing well. God knows how long she had been under a fever.

The maid gulped in fear and nervousness getting the hint and not prying any further as she put the tray down on the side table and turned towards where Isla was asleep.

"Miss. Gambino, I brought you food please wake up mistress" they tried to wake Isla up but Isla's brows only furrowed in annoyance, eyes still closed.

"Miss, please, you need to eat something to regain your strength" the maid tried again this time shaking Isla a little bit Isla only groaned.

All the while Alexander only watched the maid's failed attempts, resisting the urge to go there, to perch Isla on his lap and feed her the contents himself.

"Enough. Go, I'll see to it that she eats" Alexander said, face stoic and the maid quickly rushed out of the room. He was one very intimidating man after all.

He moved forward towards the bed to the side Isla was sleeping at and leaned down.

"Isla, it's me, Alexander, wake up for me please" he would never use her first name, but he just did.

"Mmhmm... Alex?" She groaned out in a sleepy state.

"Yes, it's me, I need you to eat something to be able to take the medicine" he explained.

"I am too tired," she said

"Come on now just a little and then I promise I won't disturb you" Alexander tried.

"Okay, since you ask so nicely," she said in a little playful tone as she pushed herself to sit straight, and as soon as she did, she let out a cat-like sneeze and sniffles.

"Do I look as much of a wreak as I feel?" She asked.

"You look alright, Miss. Gambino, you need not worry about that" Alexander answered however, his answer to too vague from his thoughts because he thought she looked beautiful as always.

After that Isla just ate in silence as he watched and his finger aches to spoon feed her himself, but he controlled himself.

Once she was done, he gave her the medicine she needed and tucked her in bed nicely.

"You're great" she mumbled in her half-asleep state as she took a hold of his hand for a second and then let it go.

Alexander let out a heavy sigh, a sigh that said he wished he could make her his before he headed out of the room silently closing the door behind him and standing guard outside till his shift was over.