
Chapter 40: In Which They Are Stranded

"Isla get down!" Alexander shouted revving the engine of the car up while pushing Isla's head down with one hand so that she was completely covered.

There were five black SUVs behind them, and they were constantly shooting at their car which even though the car was bulletproof, was already compromised a lot and it was only a matter of time that those machine guns got a good aim at their tires.

"Who are they?!" Isla asked scared out of her wits as she hid as best as she could under the glove compartment.

"Probably the Campbell men, they likely followed us" Alexander answered.

A bullet knocked off the side mirror of Alexander's side and within moments there were two heavy bikes that he had failed to notice before on either side of the car.

"Don't move from your place no matter what" Alexander said as he swerved the car to the side, knocking down the biker on their right side who was aiming at them.

He was fiercely outnumbered, and the chances of escaping looked bleak.