
Sacrificed to the Alpha *revised*

layawilliams212 · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

4 Rura

Shortly after Kade leaves the shop, customers start pouring in and I can happily lose myself in the orders being given to me. Around noon Marcy arrives and gives me an apologetic look that I just smile at in response. Like I said earlier, life happens. Now, with Marcy's help, we can get the customers out of the shop a little faster, satisfied with the service they received.

Like clockwork, Marcy and I take orders and give the customers what they came for. As the line shortens a little I notice someone very dear to me waiting patiently in line. When he gets up to the counter he gives a giant lopsided grin showing off a missing tooth. Before I have the chance to say anything he says, "Rura! I lost my tooth this morning, look!" Excited, he gets as close to my face as he can with the counter and his lack of height in the way.

Coming around from behind the counter and crouching down to Matts level I beam at him. "Oh look at that! You're growing up on me!" I pretend to pout, patting his head. Matt comes in every day and never fails to put a smile on my face.I treat him the same way I would my little brother or sister, teasing included.

Hearing my words Matt puffs out his chest as much as his body will allow and says, "I'm a big boy! My mommy said I'm the man of the house now." Even though he says it with pride I can also hear the sadness lurking underneath. Matt's dad was killed years ago in a robbery gone wrong. His mother has never been the same, her once bright demeanor gone. Both Matt and his mother were there during the robbery, but Matt was too young to remember it now.

Once, a long time ago, I heard Matt ask what happened to his fathers killer. Apparently the man was horrified that he had killed someone and after running away from Matt's home, turned himself in. It may have been an accident but that didn't stop Matt's mom from hating that man, and when she seen him at the police station he had to face her rage. Though now that the man has been sentenced, all of that fire behind her eyes has died down and the sadness is constantly in control.

"Oh yes." I coo. "Such a big boy! I know your mom is so proud to have such a strong man running the house." I tell him with a bright smile on my face and a hope that I boost his confidence. After all, he's just a young kid.

Already knowing what Matt came for I tell him to wait a sec before grabbing a cupcake out of the display and handing it to him. Excited, he makes frantic grabby hands while taking the cupcake from me and I can't help but laugh with a few of the other customers as Matt takes a large bite of the cupcake and moans happily.

"You're the best Rura! Will I see you tomorrow? I have to go back home and help Mommy." Matt says, and I just give him a smile and a nod. He never comes in with any money and I never ask about it. Sometimes I pay or a customer volunteers to pay, but most times it's on the house.

As the hours go by and the pace of the shop becomes slower and more peaceful, we have more time to talk to each individual customer. The atmosphere is very tranquil and relaxing. While I'm at the register, old man Jenkins strolls into the shop and waves with a cheery smile on his face.

"Rura my dear! How are you?" He asks jovially. Old man Jenkins has been a regular at the cafe since I've started working here and never ceases to amaze me with his fantastic outlook on life. He's always so positive!

"I'm doing great Mr. Jenkins and how are you this evening?" I reply with a kind smile gracing my face. I've always loved old man Jenkins as sort of a grandfather figure. He's always been extremely nice to me and gives off such a welcoming feeling. A familiar feeling.

"I've never been better my dear. Now tell me, how is your mother doing?" He asks, sounding very concerned. Seeing the smile disappear from my face Mr. Jenkins nods. "It's alright dear you don't have to say anything. However I must say! I feel it in these old bones that your mother will do better. You just have to wait a while longer." He says with love and sympathy in his voice.

Always the man that can lighten the mood and make you feel genuinely loved. I throw a soft smile his way. "Thanks for that Mr. Jenkins. What can I get for you today? The usual?"

"Oh you know it! Can't live without my coffee." He kind of yells, throwing his cane up into the air. I once asked Mr. Jenkins why he carries around a cane he hardly ever uses and his response to me was, "It adds to my fantastic look." The smirk he threw my way after he said that had me shaking my head in laughter and some older ladies in the back of the cafe giggling.

As I ring him up, I notice Marcy doing some of the tidying up she would be doing before closing and furrow my brows but decide to wait before I ask her anything. Handing Mr. Jenkins his coffee, we bid each other a farewell. Until tomorrow of course, I think chuckling to myself. After watching him safely cross the street I turn my attention to Marcy who's putting the cash into the safe and marking some things off on her clipboard. Something we definitely do before closing.

Slowly making my way over to her I ask, "Are we closing early today Marcy? We're usually open until 8." I watch as she starts to put the leftover baked goods in bags to give to the homeless.

"Yes dear, I decided to close the shop at the end of your shift today. I have some business to attend to today that popped up suddenly. That's why I was late today." She says, giving me an apologetic look. "Sorry about that by the way. It must've been difficult keeping up with the customers while I was gone."

I wave away her apology, giving her my warmest smile. "You know I'd do anything for you Marcy, it was no trouble at all." I say to her, meaning it. She helped me out when my family and I were at a very low point and I will never forget that. And while I was suffering, feeling as though I lost my mother and was losing my father as well, she gave me comfort and slowly started to give me hope.

After Marcy smiles she starts to turn around so that she can get the keys and lock everything up, and that's when I remember the man from earlier. The rude hot one with the stick up his ass, I remind myself. "By the way," I start, fighting the blush that wants to rise, remembering the rude man. "Someone came looking for you earlier. Said his name was Kade." I watch as Marcy's shoulders tense before she forces herself to relax.

"Thank you for telling me. Is there anything else that he wanted you to tell me?" She asks curiously, watching as I tug my apron off. Playfully I roll my eyes at her and say, "No that was it. Of course he had to be an asshole about it. But if you know him, then I'm sure you know his personality too. Unless he just speaks that way to people he doesn't know." This draws a chuckle from Marcy and it makes me smile a little.

"I'm aware he can be quite… prickly at times, but I promise, he's not too bad." She finishes like she's trying to convince herself. I laugh as she grimaces.

"If you say so." Is my reply.

Laughing, Marcy shoo's me out of the shop even though I was trying to help her lock up. "Go on and enjoy your family. Go home. Everything is taken care of. You do an amazing job keeping the shop organized throughout the day, even with all of those crazy customers milling about." She praises me with a gentle look in her eyes. I give her a smile and nod of appreciation before heading out the door, waving before we lose sight of each other.

After I've walked for a few minutes, the hair on the back of my neck starts to rise as I get the feeling that someone is watching me. Turning around and looking cautiously at my surroundings, I try to find anyone who may be watching me too closely or following me. When I'm satisfied that everyone seems to be minding their own business I continue my walk home, shaking off the feeling of being watched.