
Sacred Swords

Roughly a century ago, the third world war began, this war lead to countless deaths and damages to the world. Countless nations fell and the bloodshed was enough to die the world's oceans red. However, the war ended with none of the countries victory because as the last days of the war came, a new enemy arrived on the battlefield. They killed indiscriminately not leaving anything in their wake. Days after their first appearance, five countries, four islands and an ocean had disappeared from the map, a week after that seven more nations, an archipelago and two oceans had also disappeared. Two weeks after their first appearance the map had lost it's meaning. Civilizations, cultures, legacies, histories all of it was destroyed at the blink of an eye. They then gathered together, in small hives and hardly came out again. Years after such terrible events, people had started to develop strange abilities, some could fly, some could disappear and some could read minds. A new power for the humans, a new hope of establishing home and life for each other. They once more built towns and homes for each other, slowly on what was left of the world, they once more created nations. However, they appeared yet again, but the humans who had developed special abilities fought against them and they were driven away. Now, after fifty years since their appearance, the world has found peace and humans have grown in numbers yet again. Those who carry the special power now stand at the forefront of the battle with them... the ones who had become known as the Shadows which threatened to destroy the new life the had built. The ones who have been given the task of fighting them have been named; Lights. The battle for the future of humanity... begins now!

Red_Earl · ไซไฟ
11 Chs


After that whole event yesterday, I'm exhausted. According to this, today I have to decide on the Department I'll be joining. There are too many choices, the Arsenal Department have caught my interest as well as the Combat Department. I like the Art Department as well. The Engineering Department doesn't seem bad, the Research Department seems a little too much for me though. As I walked around the school grounds, I accidentally bump into someone. "Ah, I'm so sorry." I apologized to the perosn I bumped into.

"I'm fine." A male voice answered, he had blue hair which was tied in a ponytail down his shoulder with emerald eyes behind his glasses and white skin. "You... you're the new kid everyone's talking about aren't you?"

"Ah, yes." I answered and bowed my head. "I'm so sorry for bumping into you."

"Ahahaha, don't mind." He said with a little bit of a cheerful attitude, he was staring at my eyes a bit too much.

"Um, is something wrong with my eyes?" I asked him.

"Oh, sorry, no don't mind me." He said. "Anyways, why are you in such a rush?"

"I'm looking for a Department to join." I answered and he smiled.

"What kind of studies are you pursuing precisely?" He asked.

"I hoped I could study the best way to combat Shadows." I answered him. "The Strategy Department isn't exactly the one for me though."

"Then why not join the Light Department?" he asked.

"Light Department?" I tilted my head. "I haven't heard of that Department before."

"The Light Department basically teaches students everything they need to know about being Lights, meaning strategy, combat skills and others are all taught to the students." He said. "You have to pass a special entrance exam though. What class are you in?"

"S Class." I answered him.

"Then it should be easy, since you're in S Class, just show them your Class I.D. and they'll let you take the test." He said. "Oh right, I need to get going, see you around, ett~o..."

"Licht, Licht Silvers." I told him. "You name is?"

"Ray, Ray Tauri." He said and waved me good bye. "See you around, if you need advice, just go to Class 2 - S and ask for me. See you."

I went to the Light Department's building and there I noticed a stunning lack of amount of students. Is everyone busy or something? I went to the Department Head's office and entered the room. What a climb, it was on the third floor. As I knocked on the door, a woman's voice told me to come in. On the chair behind the desk, a woman with black hair that was straight and waist length sat, she had violet eyes and white skin. "Talk, I'm busy." she said.

"I came to join your Department." I answered.

"I see, very well. First up, fill out these forms and tell me what Class your in." She said.

"I'm in Class S." I answered as I filled out the forms. "I was referred here by Ray Tauri."

"Ray sent you? Very well, follow me to the sparring grounds and we'll see if you can pass." She said so I followed her and at the trianing grounds which were bellow the Departemnt building, I realized that only a few people actually join this Department.

She called over a student, and it was Sword No. 3, The Destroyer; Jade. I was told to fight with him so I got ready. We both took up fighting stances as we held our practice wepains, they're wooden swords so they should hurt much but I better be prepared.

He immediately charged at me with his blade, he is quick, much quicker than Shin! I can barely block his attacks with my sword, he is strong too. However, there isn't much strength to his attacks, if I can just time it... there it is, an opening as he raises his sword. I tried to strike back but only to fail, he is too quick for me to match his sword. He knocked the sword away away from my hands! I like this, I haven't gotten serious in a while so maybe I can try to use my own physical power. As I charged at him with my abre hands he was caught of guard, of course he would be, any is when they're fighting simeone hand to sword. I focus all the force to the palm of my hand and thrust it into his stomach, he is then sent flying to the wall where the wall cracks. "That's enough. You pass. Welcome to the Light Department, I'm Lucia Westeria, behave yourself in my Department." The woman said.

"You've got potential." Jade said as he got up. "You could even best a Sword, wait till the others hear about you."

"Sorry, I might've put a little too much power in that attack of mine." I said helping him up.

"Don't mind. Licht, I like you. Wanna be rivals?" He asked holding out his hand, he was covered in blood and scrapes and so was I.

"Sure. I look forward to our next battle, Wild." I answered him shaking his hand.


We sat facing each other drinking tea on the balcony. "Ray-dono , guess what, I heard Jade-dono lost to the new kid, Licht-dono ~degozaru." He said as we drank tea, he us Sword No. 5, the Phantom.

"Is that so, he shows promise wouldn't you agree Shin?" I asked him taking a sip of my tea as I looked at the sea. I'm Sword No. 1, The Hermit. "There was something in his eyes... a light I've never seen before."

"Is that so? Then he must be very promising." Lia said, as she tucked her black hair behind her ear, her violet eyes and white skin make a scary combination, she is Sword No. 4 The Witch. "What do you think Yuri?"

"I haven't met him so I'll avoid saying anything." Yuri said as she sipped her tea, her silver hair tied in two ponytails down her back, with her golden eyes shining and white skin glossy as ever. She is Sword No. 7, the Princess. "What was he like Aria?"

"He was... different from normal." Aria answered, she is Sword No. 2, The Diva. "Jade what was he like when you fought with him?"

"Unpredictable and unbreakable." Jade answered, he is Sword No. 3, The Destroyer.

"Somewhat like us then." Bell said as he looked at the sky. His golden eyes straing into the clear blue as his brown haur was brown by the wind, his light brown skin is still the same as ever. Sword No. 6 The Knight. "Is he?"

"I think it's best to watch him carefully." I told them. "There was something else, besides his light, a darkness that seemed to be trying to swallow him. I don't know what it is, but we must watch him carefully, he has a lot of promise."

"Then, it's agreed that we will all watch over this new student?" Lia asked.

"Yes!" We all answered and the meeting was ended.

Licht, there is a bright light inside him, I can see it but... there is a darkness swallowing it. If that darkness swallows his light, what will happen to him? That light might very well be the light that could change this world of ours, we must protect it.