
Sacred Relationships Soul Land 2

___________________•_______________ Twin Brothers, Dei Lu and Xiao Shivay find themselves entangled in a massive conspiracy against the Gods of Douluo Dalu Continent. Their already messy lives is turned upside down once they make their way into Shrek Academy. Enemies emerge from the shadows,each believing that the brothers are the key to the destruction of the almighty Gods. With one able to see the future and the other being able to physically alter it,it was clear that they were not like others. Despite these gifts their own future remains shrouded in mystery and their past, a long forgotten tale.

Jared_Hart · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

CHAPTER THREE| Vowes and intertwined fates

The youth with the Spirit Eyes, Huo Yuhao, stood outside the imposing mansion of the Duke of the Star Luo Empire. The sprawling estate loomed over him, a symbol of the power and privilege that had caused him so much pain. His hands clenched into fists, and his eyes burned with a mixture of hatred and determination. He could still hear the echoes of his mother's cries, the sound of her suffering that had haunted his dreams for so long.

With his few belongings slung over his shoulder, Huo Yuhao took one last look at the massive mansion. The memories of mistreatment and neglect were fresh in his mind, fueling the fire that now blazed in his heart. He turned his back on the estate, vowing to return one day, stronger and more powerful, to burn it all to the ground and avenge his deceased mother.

As he walked away, the path ahead seemed both daunting and promising. He had left the life of servitude behind, but the journey before him was filled with uncertainty. His resolve was firm, however. He would find the strength he needed, and he would make those who had wronged him pay.

His steps took him far from the mansion, into the bustling streets of the city. The noise and activity were a stark contrast to the oppressive silence of his former life. Here, he felt a sense of freedom, a chance to forge jp his own destiny. He made his way to the outskirts of the city, into the star Luo forest in search for his first soul ring.

In the Doulou Dalu continent, those who were between the first and tenth level of soul power were called soul scholars. When a person's martial soul was awakened their innate soul power  would signify their potential of becoming a great soul master. As such a person with greater soul power during the awakening process would also have greater cultivation speed.

Although Huo Yuhao was the son of the Duke, he didn't have the fate of inheriting the powerful martial soul from the great Duke. In the beginning of his awakening Huo Yuhao had had the same martial soul as his father but as time went on his white tiger martial soul mutated in to a completely different martial soul, one which had nothing to do with the Duke family lineage.

How that came to be was still a mystery but Huo Yuhao knew for certain or was at least led to believe that there was someone close to him who was involved. Someone he thought of as his best friend,a boy he began having feelings for but immediately all his love turned to hate for that very person. That boy was probably the person Huo Yuhao hated more than the Duke and his family.

If it wasn't for him and his vile actions then maybe, just maybe his mother would still be alive. If Huo Yuhao still had his original martial soul then the Duke's wife would've had no other option than to report his martial soul to the Duke, regardless of whether or not she liked him. From then on, Huo Yuhao and his

mother's destiny would've also changed. But sad to say, the extremely 'rare mutation' which changed in Huo Yuhao's martial soul had resulted in him gaining 'Spirit Eyes'.

Outside of the two main categories of

martial souls, there was an extremely small subsection that were known as 'Body Souls'. The martial soul that they awakened would be a part of their body, such as an arm, or a leg.

Almost all Body Souls were extremely

strong, but the probability of them

appearing was extremely little. It could be said that they were existences above both

Beast Souls and Tool Souls, and because of this, they were greatly valued whenever they appeared.

However in the case of Huo Yuhao's martial soul mutation, The Duke family saw it as a negative thing, evil even. Because from their point

of view his Spirit Eyes martial soul had brought disgrace upon the family's pure bloodline.

His Spirit Eyes martial soul had

naturally appeared in his eyes. Furthermore,it was also an extremely rare mental-type martial soul. Under normal circumstances, even with the mutation Huo Yuhao should've become greatly valued because of the category of his martial soul alone.

Unfortunately, there were three points that had restricted his development.

The first was that when Huo Yuhao

had awakened his martial soul, his innate soulforce had only been at the first rank, which was level one.

Thus, it could be said that his talent was very bad. This also inturn meant that his cultivation speed would definitely be extremely slow.

The next point that had restricted his development was even more fatal; not only were mental-type martial souls rarely seen, mental-type soul beasts were also extremely rare. Whenever a soul master's cultivation reached the tenth soul rank's bottleneck, they would need to kill a soul beast that was compatible with their martial soul, and then would need to use its soul ring to break through it. Not only were soul rings required to breakthrough a bottleneck, but they would also give soul masters a skill. This was also one of the origins of a soul masters strength.

The Third was his martial soul itself. He didn't know why but sometimes his spirit eyes just didn't seem to want to respond to him. It was a weird feeling,as if he could not really control it. It seemed to be a side effect of his mutation and that fact always enraged him. Combined, these three factors practically doomed Huo Yuhao to have no achievements during his lifetime.

That boy had ruined his life and now even though they had severed ties years ago it seemed that Xiao Shivay had left his permanent mark on Huo Yuhao.

So Huo Yuhao made another vow that day. "Xiao Shivay I hope for your sake that we never cross paths again in this lifetime or any other because if we do then I promise on everything I hold dear that I will stop at nothing to ruin you."


The days that followed the confrontation with Lin Zaoh and his patrol guards were tense and uneasy in the village. The air seemed charged with a ominous sense of danger. Yet, as time passed, the villagers resumed their daily routines, the specter of conflict fading into the background of their lives.

For Dei Lu, however, the aftermath of his daring escape and the subsequent fight with the patrol guards was far from over. Xiao Shivay had been furious upon learning the full extent of his brother's actions, and his anger was compounded by fear and concern for Dei Lu's safety. Thus, the younger twin found himself confined to their small home, his movements restricted and his restless spirit chafing against the enforced captivity.

Xiao Shivay stood by the open window of their modest hut, the cool morning breeze ruffling his hair as he gazed out at the village. His face was that of of worry and slight annoyance as his mind was occupied with the events of days ago and the harsh words he had exchanged with Lin Zaoh. That man did not like Xiao Shivay already and now he knew that Dei Lu was also on the head patrol guards list.

Speaking of the Devil, Xiao Shivay sighed at his brother hundredth wine whine. He knew that Dei Lu was struggling with the confinement, but he also believed that the punishment was necessary to instill a sense of responsibility in his impulsive sibling.

"Dei Lu, you have to understand," Xiao Shivay said, turning away from the window to face his brother, who was sitting on the floor with a sullen expression. "What you did was incredibly reckless. You can't just go around picking fights with patrol guards,e no matter how justified you feel. Especially when it's Lin Zaoh of all people."

Dei Lu looked up, his eyes flashing with slight rage. "I couldn't just stand there and let them insult you, Shivay! They were spreading lies about you and the Duke of the Star Luo Empire . I had to do something."

Xiao Shivay sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I appreciate that you wanted to defend me, Dei Lu. But you need to think about the consequences of your actions. What if they had captured you? What if they had decided to take their anger out on you in a more violent way? You can't fight every battle with your fists and your powers. Sometimes, you have to use your head."

Dei Lu's shoulders slumped, the fire in his eyes dimming slightly. "I know, Shivay. But it's so hard to just sit back and do nothing when people are spreading lies and trying to hurt you. After everything we've been through in the last ten years I still don't know how you keep getting the strength to get back up. Even after... you know?"

Xiao Shivay walked over and knelt beside his brother, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I know it's hard, Dei Lu. But you have to learn to control your temper and think before you act. Your powers are a gift, but they can also be a curse if you use them recklessly. You need to learn to harness them responsibly."

Dei Lu wanted to say the same about Xiao Shivay but stopped. He knew that Xiao Shivay never liked what his powers were and tried so hard to suppress them. Even he wasn't sure what his brother's martial soul was.

He simply nodded, though his frustration was still evident. "I'll try, Shivay. I just... I hate feeling so helpless."

Xiao Shivay gave his brother's shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "You're not helpless, Dei Lu. You're one of the strongest people I know. But strength isn't just about physical power or the ability to manipulate time. It's also about knowing when to act and when to hold back. That's something you need to learn."

Dei Lu sighed, the tension in his body slowly ebbing away. "I understand, Shivay. I'll do my best to be more careful."

Xiao Shivay smiled, his expression softening. "That's all I ask, Dei Lu. Now, why don't you help me with some chores around the house? It'll help pass the time and keep you out of trouble. Then when it's evening I can finally be on time for work for once."

Dei Lu watched his brother disappear into the back as he frowned. During all the commotion he had forgotten about the ture reason people in the town hated Xiao Shivay so much. It was because he danced at a bar.

"Dei Lu don't tell me that you are trying to escape, hurry up and help me lift the barrow." Xiao Shivay voice came from the other room, cutting Dei Lu from his thoughts. "Yes... I'm coming brother."

As the days passed, Dei Lu found himself confined to their small home, his restless energy channeled into helping Xiao Shivay with various chores and tasks. Though he chafed at the restrictions and his brother leaving every night for work he also began to understand the wisdom in his brother's words. He found himself with lots of time so he spent those long hours reflecting on his actions, considering the potential consequences and the impact they could have on both him and his brother.

Despite the monotony of his confinement, Dei Lu's time at home was not entirely without its moments of levity and warmth. The bond between the two brothers had gotten even stronger,their shared experiences and mutual support helping them to navigate the challenges that life threw their way.

One evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon and the sky was painted in hues of orange and pink, Xiao Shivay and Dei Lu sat together on the small porch of their home, enjoying a moment of quiet companionship. This was the only night in every month where Xiao Shivay was allowed a day off. The town was peaceful, the distant sounds of children playing and the occasional bark of a dog created a serene backdrop.

"Do you remember the stories Mother used to tell us about the Angel Goddess?" Dei Lu asked suddenly, breaking the silence.

Xiao Shivay nodded, a fond smile playing on his lips."I do. She always said that the Angel Goddess watched over us and guided us, even in our darkest moments." He may not like to think about their past too much but he did love to talk about their mother. Dei Lu had inherited her dark hair and blue eyes while Xiao Shivay had gotten her caramel skin colour, facial features. It was clear that between the both of them Xiao Shivay looked a lot their late mother.

Dei Lu looked thoughtful. "Do you think she's still watching over us? Mom I mean. Even after everything that's happened?"

Xiao Shivay's gaze grew distant as he considered his brother's question. "I believe she is, Dei Lu and so is the goddess. The gods may have their own conflicts and struggles, but I think they still care about the people who believe in them. Our faith in the Angel Goddess gives us strength and hope, and that's something that can never be taken away from us. Mom taught as that remember?"

Dei Lu nodded, his expression resolute. "You're right. I won't stop believing, Shivay. No matter what happens, I'll always have faith in the Angel Goddess."

Xiao Shivay smiled, a sense of pride swelling in his chest. "And I'll always have faith in you, Dei Lu. You're strong, and you have a good heart. Just remember to use your strength wisely."

As the sun finally disappeared signifying the end of the day and life slowly returned to a semblance of normalcy. The patrol guards kept their distance, seemingly cowed by the brothers' display of power and determination. But Xiao Shivay was no fool for he knew Lin Zaoh too well. The man was not one to give up so easily and so the boy remained vigilant, knowing that the threat of retribution still loomed over them like a dark cloud.


Soul masters would have to personally kill a soul beast in order to obtain a soul ring from it when it died,but Huo Yuhao knew that if he

continued to stay in the Duke's Mansion, he simply would never have a chance to obtain a soul ring. Practically no one there was

willing to help him. Be it out of fear or spite, there was simply no one who would even care about him. Due to this, he had rashly decided to leave the Duke's Mansion, even though he knew very well that it was an extremely dangerous thing for him to look for a mental-type soul beast by himself. After all, a newborn calf wouldn't be afraid of a tiger.

Huo Yuhao quickly arrived at the main road  as he walked towards the north. Although he

was young, he had already made preparations before hand for the sake of obtaining a soul ring. Besides

a set of clean clothes, he'd also brought some dry rations in his bag, as well as some money that his mother had saved by her own bare hands. He also had a dagger in his bag and most importantly, he had a simple map of the continent.

Both the Duke's Mansion and Star Luo City were located in the north-central region of the Star Luo Empire, and the area that Huo Yuhao chose to hunt for a soul beast in was the Great Star Dou Forest that bordered the northern area of the Star Luo Empire and the Tian Hun Empire.

Various types of soul beasts lived within that particular forest. It large sum of green which was almost as big as a province.

Furthermore, there were no lack of supreme and intelligent existences inside of the forest. If anyone else knew that the eleven year

old Huo Yuhao had dared ventured into the Star Dou Forest by himself, without a teacher accompanying him, they would definitely be stunned speechless and also presume that the boy had a death wish.

He was overestimating

his own capabilities! Since he didn't have any skills at all, he might not even be able to win a fight against a ten year soul beast! Was it courage or mere stupidity.

The main road was perfectly straight,

thus Huo Yuhao quickly walked along it,following the roadside. Although he was young, thirteen to be exact he was still a tenth ranked Soul

Scholar. His physical strength was much greater than that of a normal adult.

Huo Yuhao gazed far into the distance as he walked forward. If one were to carefully study the young boy, they would see that his deep blue eyes had instantly become much clearer, and that they faintly seemed to be

light flashing inside of them.

Ever since he'd awakened his Spirit Eyes, Huo Yuhao had discovered that his vision exceeded that of an ordinary person's. At a relatively close distance, he could see many minute details that ordinary people were unable to clearly see; at a longer distance, the range of his vision was over twice the distance of an ordinary person's.

The strength of his vision had also

unceasingly increased in combination with his soulforce level. The changes that had appeared as his cultivation increased made him trust fully in his mother's words. A Soul master, he must become.

"Mother once said that I would become a control system battle soul master if I was able to obtain a soul ring. It's not that my martial soul is bad, but that my talent is extremely poor. So, I'l just work harder and cultivate longer than other people do."

When he was young, his mother had

sometimes quietly taken him outside of the Duke's Mansion to look for some fruits and wild herbs in the forest to eat, simply for the sake of giving him a slightly better meal than what was given to them. Thus, the amount of plants that Yuhao recognized was fairly high. Many times as he trekked, he couldn't even bear to buy some cheap biscuits, so he had to resort to looking for some food in the woods beside the road as he travelled along.

Huo Yuhao cultivated as he advanced

forward, supported by this resolute

conviction. When he was thirsty, he'd look for some spring water; when he was hungry, he'd eat some of the rough biscuits that he'd brought along with him. Other than hurrying forward on his journey, he would

sit dowm and meditate.

The fact that he could actually advance three hundred miles in a

single day- at his age was nothing short of a miracle. However, he only had seven silver soul coins and five copper soul coins on him, which caused him to be extremely frugal with his money.

Ever since the great war between the gods followed soon by the war between Douluo Continent and the Sun Moon Continent the world had undergone thousands of years of changes. The currency used was now completely unified: one gold soul coin was equal to ten silver soul coins, which was equal to one hundred copper soul coins.

Although Huo Yuhao had the guidance of a map, this was still the first time that he'd left vicinity of the Duke's Mansion. Due to this, he couldn't avoid losing his way a few times, and he had to continuously ask for the help of other people to find the correct route to his destination. This was the so-called 'reading ten thousand books is not as good as travelling ten thousand miles'. He felt like he'd learned a lot of things after only a few days. His mood had also improved a lot without the oppression and restrictions that were

usually imposed within the Duke's Mansion.

The interesting things that he'd seen so far during his journey caused him to be endlessly excited. He was still young after all. After his body had recovered, he didn't feel tired while travelling. On the contrary, it could be said that he was a bird who'd left its cage. This was the first time in the last eight years that he'd had fun after his mother's passing.

"I've been walking for six days, I should be getting there soon, right?" Huo Yuhao carefully inspected

the paper map in his hands, and then looked in the direction where the trees by the roadside pointed to. He determined that he was already very close to the Great Star Dou


Huo Yuhao wiped the sweat off of his

forehead as he walked into the woods by the roadside. As soon as he sat down in the shade of a tree, intending to meditate and recover his spirit power, the sound of flowing water suddenly began to reverberate through the air. This sound immediately caused Huo Yuhao to jump up in excitement.The presence of water signified that he could finally get to freshen up.

Huo Yuhao quickly shut his eyes, and

quietly listened for the source of the water. As someone who possessed a mental-type martial soul, his six senses were much stronger than an ordinary person's. This was especially true when he shut his eyes. Because by so doing his other five senses would increase in strength by a margin.

He quickly identified where the sound

of water was coming from, and carefully advanced further into the forest. The reason why he was being so careful wasn't because the forest's ground was uneven, but because he was scared that his clothes would be torn by the brambles in the forest. He already did not have much to wear but these were clothes that his mother had personally made for him. It held great sentimental value to him.

Huo Yuhao soon found his target without walking more than two hundred metres, which turned out to be a small brook approximately three metres wide. The cold water within was so clear that you could see straight to the bottom, and it created both a relaxing and refreshing feeling.

Huo Yuhao let out a happy cheer as he rapidly took his clothes off, and then instantly jumped into the stream, which wasn't even two feet deep. The last time he'd had a bath was two days ago. The few days of travelling had covered his body in sweat, and taking a bath in this cold and clear water was simply a pleasure that couldn't be any more fulfilling.

After thoroughly having himself cleaned, a brilliant sensation suffused throughout his whole body when he walked out of the stream. He inwardly thought, Since I've already arrived at the Great Star Dou Forest, I'll simply have a good rest here. He changed into a clean set of clothes, proceeded to washed his dirty clothes in the stream as well, and then hung them on a nearby tree branch.

He then snapped off a tree branch which was approximately three feet long and used his right hand to pull a dagger from its sheath at his waist. The dagger was roughly forty centimetres long, and its scabbard was dark purple in colour. The

scabbard was made of tough leather,though he didn't know whether it was leather from

an ordinary animal, or from a spirit beast. He only knew that it was a present that his father had given to his mother. It had always been

treasured by her, so much so that she had only given it to him the moment

before she passed away.

The handle of the dagger was about

seventeen centimetres long, and didn't have any gorgeous decorations on it at all. It gave off a simple and unadorned feeling. Not only did it feel natural to hold, it also felt exceptionally comfortable. It also didn't make any noise when it was

unsheathed. Clean and precise.

The twenty-three centimetre

long blade was just like limpid autumn water, and seemed to be transparent. Huo Yuhao couldn't help but shiver because of the dense, cold air around the knife, even though he seemed to be somewhat used to it.

The 'White Tiger Dagger'. This was the

dagger's name or at least according to his mother, that was what the blade was called.

As Huo Yuhao looked at the White Tiger Dagger, the excitement in his eyes instantly turned into a deep look of sadness. He seemed to see his mother's figure in the blade's reflection. Rage instantly filled his heart at that. He thought about the past betrayal and who had caused him and his mother so much pain.

Holding the branch that he'd just snapped off in one hand, Huo Yuhao viciously used the White Tiger Dagger to shave the front of it. When the blade, which was releasing a faint blue light, cut aggressively into the tree branch, it felt like cutting through butter. After the third

cut, the front of the tree branch had been sharpened.

With a frown he sheathed the White Tiger Dagger at his waist, and walked back towards the stream with the sharpened branch in hand. After taking a deep breath, his eyes

immediately lit up. All of the minute details in the clear water were magnified within his eyes. He was now able to see the very little changes in the water's ripples even the small shrimps that lay in-between the cracks in the ground at the bottom of the river could not escape the notice of his Spirit Eyes.

Furthermore, everything seemed to slow down as he looked at it. Suddenly, Huo Yuhao made a lightning fast move, and stabbed the sharpened branch he was holding into the stream with frightening speed.

"Yes" When he raised his hand back up, and turned the tree branch upwards, a half-feet long mackerel had appeared on the tip of it. To the average person stabbing a fish was definitely something that required technique. However, this was something extremely easy for Huo Yuhao, who had the aid of his Spirit Eyes to help him accurately determine the position of the fish. A single small fish was naturally not enough for him and he also needed a means to vent out his frustration.

After a few moments of casual

labour, he had effortlessly stabbed ten mackerels that varied in length and sizes. "This is good, it can last me for two days at the least. It won't rot very easily if I roast it too,"

Huo Yuhao happily squatted down next to the stream, and used the White Tiger Dagger to remove the inside from the mackerels. The sharp blade easily managed to cut through the fish, no matter if it was its scales, chest, or belly. This was no problem at all to Huo Yuhao, who'd been doing manual labor with his mother since he was young. The ten fish were all gutted after ten minutes. He looked for some big leaves in the forest, and rinsed them off in the river. Then, he placed the fishes on the wet leaves.

After that, he found some dry twigs to use as firewood, and started a fire next to the stream after a moment of work.

Huo Yuhao only had salt available as

a seasoning, but that was enough for

something like roasted fish. He stuck the clean mackerels onto a thin branch, and rubbed some salt into their bellies. Then he took some leaves known as Purple Basil out

of his bag, which he'd gotten in the forest a few days ago. He washed and separated the Purple Basil before pushing it into the bellies of the fish. Only after this did he begin to roast the fish on the grill that he'd created

using some thick branches.

This was the story of his life.


The sun had just begun to set, it's orange hues casting a soft golden glow over the village. Inside the small hut that Xiao Shivay and Dei Lu called home, the evening air was melancholic. Xiao Shivay was getting ready for work, his movements efficient yet heavy with the weight of his thoughts. Being a dancer at the local bar was a far cry from the dignified life he once envisioned, but it was a necessity born out of desperation. The debt he owed to Mr. Leoan was immense, and dancing was the only way he could see to pay it off. That and the fact that no one in the village wanted to heir a person with his beliefs, as they put it.

Xiao Shivay adjusted his outfit, a simple yet elegant ensemble meant to captivate the bar's patrons, he caught a glimpse of his reflection in the small mirror on the wall. His eyes, usually bright and filled with determination, now held a shadow of resignation. He took a deep breath, forcing a smile onto his face, knowing that his younger brother was watching.

Dei Lu stood in the doorway, his arms crossed and a frown etched deeply onto his face. His disapproval was palpable, and his usually expressive eyes were shrouded with worry and frustration.

"Shivay, do you really have to go to that place?" Dei Lu asked, his voice tinged with both concern and anger. "I hate that you have to do this every night."

Xiao Shivay turned to face his brother, his expression softening. "I know, Dei Lu. But we need the money. The debt to Mr. Leoan isn't going to pay itself, and this is the only way I can think of to get us out of this mess."

Dei Lu's frustration boiled over, and he clenched his fists. "But why does it have to be dancing in a bar? Those people... they don't respect you. They look at you like you're just some..... some object!"

Xiao Shivay stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Dei Lu's shoulder. "I understand how you feel, but it's just dancing. I'm not doing anything wrong. I won't let anyone disrespect me or get too close. I promise."

Dei Lu shook his head, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. "It's not just about the dancing, Shivay. It's about how they treat you, how they look at you. You deserve better than that. You deserve better than that bar or this stupid town. If only we hadn't been kicked out of the Duke's—"

Xiao Shivay pulled his brother into a hug, holding him tightly. They did not need to bring up the past. " Hey stop that, what did I tell you about dwelling on the past. We'll get through this, Dei Lu. It won't be forever. Once the debt is paid, I can find something better. But for now, this is what I have to do."

Dei Lu buried his face in his brother's shoulder, his voice muffled. "I just hate seeing you like this. I feel so helpless."

Xiao Shivay stroked his brother's hair, his heart aching for the pain Dei Lu was feeling. "You're not helpless, Dei Lu. You're doing your part by staying safe and supporting me. That's all I need from you right now."

As the embrace ended, Xiao Shivay straightened his outfit and gave his brother a reassuring smile. "I have to go now. I'll be back before you know it."

Dei Lu watched his brother leave, his heart heavy with worry and a sense of powerlessness. He knew Xiao Shivay was trying to protect him, but the thought of his brother being subjected to the leers and jeers of drunken men made him sick as his blood boiled. He vowed silently to find a way to help, to ease the burden that weighed so heavily on Xiao Shivay's shoulders.


The bar, dimly lit and filled with the haze of smoke and the clinking of glasses, was a place where the line between elegance and debauchery blurred. Xiao Shivay entered the familiar environment with hesitation. He greeted the other dancers and staff with a nod, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of trouble. The patrons, a mix of regulars and newcomers, were already in various stages of inebriation, their conversations a cacophony of slurred words and raucous laughter.

Mr. Leoan, the bar's owner, was a burly man with a commanding presence. He spotted Xiao Shivay and approached, a calculating look in his eyes. "Shivay, you're on in ten minutes. Make sure you give them a show they won't forget. We need to keep the customers happy."

Xiao Shivay nodded, his expression neutral. "I know, Mr. Leoan. I'll do my best." Leoan's gaze lingered on Xiao Shivay for a moment, a hint of something unreadable in his eyes. "Good. And remember, no trouble. We can't afford any more incidents like last time. Lin Zaoh still tries to get me to fire you, you know."

Xiao Shivay stiffened slightly, the memory of the last altercation still fresh in his mind."Understood." Was it wrong that Xiao Shivay would prefer hitting Lin Zaoh with a club than keeping his job.

As Xiao Shivay prepared for his performance, he allowed his mind to drift to thoughts of Dei Lu. His brother's concern and love were a constant source of strength, a reminder of why he endured the humiliation and danger of his current job. Similar to what happened eight years ago. The music began, a slow, sultry melody that filled the bar and commanded the attention of the patrons.

With a deep breath, Xiao Shivay stepped onto the stage and began to dance. His movements were fluid and graceful, each step and gesture perfectly timed to the rhythm of the music. The patrons watched, their eyes following his every move, captivated by the dance.

Despite the degrading nature of his work, Xiao Shivay found solace in the dance itself. He loved dancing, it was something his mother had taught him but at that time he did not know that her lessons would end up in a bar. It was an art form, a means of expression that allowed him to momentarily escape the harsh realities of his life. His mothers words rang through, dancing was freedom.

As he danced, Xiao Shivay's thoughts drifted back to the promises he had made to Dei Lu. He would protect his brother, keep him safe from harm, and find a way to repay their debt. He did not need help from anyone, not from their family,the Duke or anyone else. Xiao Shivay would make sure to care for his brother on his own. The determination in his heart fueled his performance, each movement a testament to his resolve.

But the reality of the bar was never far away. As Xiao Shivay twirled and swayed, he could feel the eyes of the patrons on him, some filled with admiration, others with a more predatory gleam. He had learned to ignore the leers and catcalls, to focus solely on the dance and the music.

Halfway through his performance, a commotion at the back of the bar caught his attention. A group of men, clearly drunk and rowdy, were causing a disturbance. One of them, a tall man with a lecherous grin, made his way to the front of the stage, his eyes fixed on Xiao Shivay.

"Hey, dancer! Show us some more skin!" the man shouted, his voice slurred and mocking. Clearly heavily intoxicated.

Xiao Shivay's movements faltered for a split second, but he quickly regained his composure. He continued his dance, ignoring the man's taunts. However, the man was not easily deterred. He reached out, trying to grab Xiao Shivay's ankle as he danced near the edge of the stage.

With a swift, fluid motion, Xiao Shivay stepped back, narrowly avoiding the man's grasp. He shot a warning glare at the drunkard, his eyes flashing with anger. "Keep your hands to yourself sir." he said, his voice calm but threatening.

The man's friends laughed and jeered, egging him on. "Come on, give us a real show!" one of them shouted.

"Isn't that what you are paid for,huh." Another sneered. " Nowadays getting a slut to do their jobs is so hard."

Mr. Leoan, sensing the situation could escalate, made his way over, his expression stern. "That's enough. Sit down and enjoy the show, or I'll have you thrown out."

The drunkards sneered but complied, grumbling as he returned to his seat. Xiao Shivay continued his performance, his movements more guarded now, but still graceful and captivating. He finished his routine to a round of applause and cheers, though some of the patrons' appreciation felt tainted by their earlier behavior.

As he left the stage, Xiao Shivay felt a wave of exhaustion wash over him. He made his way to the dressing room, where he took a moment to catch his breath and compose himself. The other dancers offered sympathetic smiles and words of encouragement, their camaraderie a small comfort to him but it wasn't enough. The insult he always received were beginning to wear him down.

"Are you okay?" one of the dancers, a petite woman named Mei, asked, her eyes filled with concern. Xiao Shivay nodded, forcing a smile. "I'm fine. Just another night at the bar."

Mei sighed, her expression weary. "I don't know how you do it, Shivay. You're a strong one, I'll give you that but maybe you should try searching for something else. You are the only person here that non of those bastards have ever touched. You are like a pure white rabbit in the middle of a pack of wolves and I fear soon you won't have anywhere to escape when those pigs get too frustrated."

Xiao Shivay shivered, the implications of the warning clear as he as well as everyone knew that most of those who worked in the bar were frequently taken advantage of. Mie herself had experienced several assaults and had only been able to escape one.

It was a miracle that Xiao Shivay was still pure and truly if he could find something else, anything at all then he would switch jobs in a heartbeat but sadly this was the story of his life. And with the weight of his responsibilities pressing down on him. "I appreciate your concern Mei but I have to be here. For my brother."

Mei gave him a warm smile as she walked away "I wish I had a brother like you Xiao Shivay. Then maybe, just maybe my life would be different. Dei Lu is very lucky to have you."

Xiao Shivay smiled back watching her leave. Mei was a very good person but her life was nothing short of tragic. After the death of her mother, her very own father and brother had begun to sexually assault her. Mr. Leoan had taken her in once he had found out and banned her relatives from ever stepping foot into his bar.

Sexual abuse! Xiao Shivay smiled through tears as he recollected something from his past. Who says that I haven't experienced such a thing before sister Mei. If only you knew.

As the night wore on, Xiao Shivay completed his shifts, the hours blurring together in a haze of music and movement. He kept his promise to Dei Lu, staying vigilant and not allowing any of the patrons to get too close. But the constant vigilance and the pressure of his debt weighed heavily on him, a constant reminder of the precariousness of his situation.

Finally, as the bar began to close and the patrons staggered out into the night, Xiao Shivay gathered his things and prepared to leave. Mr. Leoan approached him, a satisfied look on his face. "Good work tonight, Shivay. Keep it up, and we'll have that debt paid off in no time."

Xiao Shivay nodded, his expression grim. "Thank you, Mr. Leoan. I'll do my best."

As he walked home through the quiet streets, Xiao Shivay allowed himself to relax slightly, the tension of the night slowly ebbing away. He knew Dei Lu would be waiting for him, and the thought of his brother's concerned face filled him with a renewed sense of determination. No matter how difficult things became, he would endure. Because For Dei Lu, Xiao Shivay would face any hardship.

The night air was cool and carried a sense of serenity that contrasted sharply with the chaotic environment he had just left. As he approached their modest home, the faint glow of a lantern in the window greeted him, a beacon of warmth and safety. Xiao Shivay felt a surge of relief; no matter how difficult his night had been, returning to Dei Lu always brought him a measure of peace.

Dei Lu was waiting inside, pacing back and forth, his anxiety palpable. As soon as he heard the door creak open, he rushed to greet his brother, his eyes scanning Xiao Shivay for any signs of distress.

"Shivay! Are you okay? Did anything happen?" Dei Lu's voice was a mix of concern and relief, his worry etched into every line of his young face.

Xiao Shivay forced a reassuring smile, pulling Dei Lu into a tight hug. "I'm fine, Dei Lu. Just another night at the bar. No need to worry."

Dei Lu pulled back slightly, his eyes searching his brother's face for any hidden truths. "I hate this, Shivay. Every night, I worry something bad will happen. I feel so useless, just sitting here while you put yourself at risk. It's so ironic since I'm the one with a martial soul were as you refused to even go through the awakening process."

Xiao Shivay shook his head, his expression softening. "You're not useless, Dei Lu. Your support and love are what keeps me going. Knowing you're here, safe, and waiting for me gives me the strength to face each night. Besides having a martial soul is not everything and it won't be like this forever. We're doing this together, and we'll get through it together. Alright."

Dei Lu sighed, his shoulders sagging. He did not want to upset his brother by going deeper into the topic of his refusal to activate his martial soul "I know you're right, but it's so hard to see you like this. You deserve so much better than to be treated like... like some kind of spectacle. After everything you have gone through to protect me..... I..... I just....."

Xiao Shivay cupped Dei Lu's face in his hands, his gaze steady and filled with conviction. "We'll find a way out of this. I promise. And until then, we just have to stay strong. For each other."

Dei Lu nodded, his eyes brimming with tears he refused to let fall. "You idiot, I'm literally the muscle in our dynamic twin duo."

The brothers shared a moment of silence, the bond between them a tangible force that neither hardship nor fear could break. They had faced many challenges together, and this was just one more obstacle in their path. Together, they could overcome anything.


The next morning, Xiao Shivay awoke early, the events of the previous night already fading into the background as he prepared for another day. Despite the physical and emotional toll of his work, he refused to let it affect his responsibilities at home. He busied himself with household chores, ensuring that everything was in order before Dei Lu woke up.

As Xiao Shivay swept the small kitchen, his thoughts drifted to Mr. Leoan and the debt that hung over their heads like a dark cloud. He had to find a way to pay it off faster, to free himself from the degrading work at the bar. But what other options did he have? The village offered few opportunities, and the stigma attached to his current job made it difficult to find anything else.

Mr. Leoan was in no fact a bad man but he however did not give anything for free. Whatever favor he gave always came at a cost and if you where able to pay then you remained at his good side, however if  you couldn't then there would be hell to pay. The man was truly strange and could even make the likes of Lin Zaoh fear him.

Just then his thoughts were interrupted. Dei Lu emerged from his room, rubbing sleep from his eyes and offering his brother a sleepy smile. "Good morning, Shivay."

"Good morning, Dei Lu. Did you sleep well?" Xiao Shivay asked, his tone light despite the heaviness in his heart.

Dei Lu nodded, though the dark circles under his eyes told a different story. He still has nightmares. "Yeah, I guess. I was thinking... maybe I could find a way to help with the debt. I know you don't want me to, but I can't just sit here and do nothing."

Xiao Shivay set the broom aside, crossing the room to stand before his brother. "Dei Lu, we have talked about this your safety is the most important thing to me. The world outside is dangerous, and I couldn't bear it if something happened to you. Let me handle this, okay? I'll find a way."

Dei Lu's expression was determined, a spark of defiance in his eyes. "I know you're trying to protect me, Shivay, but I'm not a child anymore. I want to help. I need to help. We're in this together, remember?"

Xiao Shivay sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I know, and I appreciate it. But let's take this one step at a time. Maybe there are ways you can help without putting yourself at risk. We can think of something together."

Dei Lu's determination did not waver. "But I have already thought of something. " Dei Lu's eyes softened into a hopeful smile. He knew he had to trend cautiously while he breeched the topic. "I thought about enrolling into a good martial soul training academy. There are various missions that I will tasked to do and the pay is not that bad. I just need to pass a simulation test if I want to be able to attain a scholarship there."

The room suddenly grew tense as Xiao Shivay eyes grew cold. "No" he simply stated baffling Dei Lu.

"No! What do you mean No? Can't you see that this is solution to all our problems. If I become a soul master I can make lots of money and everyone would fear me so they would not dare try to hurt you again. We could finally be invincible." Dei Lu protested.

Xiao Shivay stepped back at Dei Lu's words. What was this? " Dei Lu I said no, end of discussion."

"You can't just decide that. It's my life and I have the right to make decisions for myself." Dei Lu shot back. Xiao Shivay sighed, he didn't have time for this, there was still a lot of things he had to do. He turned to walk away but Dei Lu was not having it.

"Don't just walk away. Gods Xiao Shivay you always act like this when I bring this topic up. What do have against me being a soul master. It is the one thing that could literally make all of our problems disappear.

Xiao Shivay continued to leave so Dei Lu followed. This was not over. "Xiao Shivay stop. I am going to enroll wether you want me to or not."

That stopped Xiao Shivay in his tracks as the tears he was trying his absolute best to hold in finally escaped as he stumbled to the ground, hugging himself as he sobbed. This reaction caught Dei Lu off guard as he just stood there, mouth agape, watching his brother's miserable form.

Dei Lu tried to reach out but stopped himself. How could he be so stupid. Xiao Shivay was already broken so why did he have to dump upon his brother's problems. "Xiao, I'm so sorry. Please forget about what I said. I don't want to be a soul master anymore."

Xiao Shivay however didn't reply. He just quietly continued with his chores and the silence made Dei Lu's heart ach.

The rest of the day passed in a blur of routine tasks and an uncomfortable silence. As the afternoon sun dipped towards the horizon, Xiao Shivay having finally calmed down sat together on the small porch with Dei Lu, watching the village come to life with the sounds of children playing and neighbors chatting.

"Shivay," Dei Lu began hesitantly, "have you ever thought about leaving the village? Starting fresh somewhere else?"

Xiao Shivay looked thoughtful, his gaze distant. "I've thought about it, but it's not that simple. We don't have the resources to just pick up and leave. And there's no guarantee that things would be better somewhere else. But I have given it a thought and you are right about something Dei. That you have a life of your own and it's high time I started letting you make your own decisions. I can't always keep you caged so I have come to the conclusion that after my debt is finally paid off this month and we are finally I will personally take you to enroll in a martial soul academy.

Dei Lu was lost for words. "What—how? I don't even know what to say Xiao. You have no idea how much this means for me. Thank you so much for loving me enough to do this for me and I promise you that I will change your perspective on soul masters one day."

Xiao Shivay nodded, his expression blank. He himself couldn't believe that he had done but deep down he knew it was for the best.

Suddenly Dei Lu hugged him Xiao Shivay found himself smiling as he wrapped an arm around his brother's shoulders, pulling him closer. They stayed like that for a while longer.

For his brother, Xiao Shivay vowed to leave no stone unturned to make sure that Dei Lu succeeded in making his dreams a reality while also keeping himself and his brother away from the corruption of the world around them.


