
Sacred Relationships Soul Land 2

___________________•_______________ Twin Brothers, Dei Lu and Xiao Shivay find themselves entangled in a massive conspiracy against the Gods of Douluo Dalu Continent. Their already messy lives is turned upside down once they make their way into Shrek Academy. Enemies emerge from the shadows,each believing that the brothers are the key to the destruction of the almighty Gods. With one able to see the future and the other being able to physically alter it,it was clear that they were not like others. Despite these gifts their own future remains shrouded in mystery and their past, a long forgotten tale.

Jared_Hart · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
12 Chs

CHAPTER SEVEN|A radiant butterfly

Far from Shrek Academy, in a bustling market square of small town in the grand Shrek city, Wang Dong was navigating through the crowds with a determined look on his face. The town was the last stop before reaching Shrek Academy, and Wang Dong had left home with a singular purpose: to forge his own path, away from the shadows of his lineage.

To disguise himself,Wang Dong had cut his long, vibrant blue with pink highlights hair short and adopted a more androgynous style. His striking Icy blue eyes scanned the area, seeking directions. The market was a flurry of activity, with vendors shouting their wares and townsfolk going about their daily routines.

After asking for directions, Wang Dong finally found the entrance to the prestigious Shrek Academy. The massive stone gates loomed overhead, adorned with the emblem of the academy—a majestic, snarling Shrek face, symbolizing strength and resilience.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Dong stepped forward. This was it. His new beginning.


Shrek Academy loomed majestically a few hundreds of thousand kilometers away from the Xuelin mountains, its towering spires reaching towards the heavens like the outstretched arms of a guardian deity. The sprawling campus sprawled across acres of land, its grandeur was greatly evident in every aspect of its architecture.

The entrance to the academy was a massive gateway, adorned with spiraling carvings and embellishments that spoke of the institution's prestigious history.

Nine colossal statues of the legendary legendary soul masters who had raised the school to it's incredible heights,stood sentinel on the pathway to the entrance. These were the legendary eight Shrek devils and Shrek's first angle. Their imposing presence serving as a reminder of the academy's illustrious lineage.

As aspiring students approached the entrance, they were greeted by the sight of the academy's emblem emblazoned above the gateway-a fearsome green monster head.

At its core, the emblem features the head of a green monster, which is the academy's namesake. This monster's face, with its sharp fangs and piercing eyes, conveys a sense of power, vigilance, and resilience. The design is both intimidating and truly awe-strucking. Encircling the monster head is a circular frame, adorned with decorative elements like leaves and vines enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the emblem.

Beyond the gateway lay the heart of the academy, a bustling hub of activity where students from all walks of life congregated to hone their skills and pursue their dreams. The main courtyard was a vast opening of cobblestone pathways and meticulously manicured gardens, with towering trees and even more statues.

To the left of the courtyard stood the administrative building, a massive structure with ornate columns and arched windows that overlooked the entire campus. It was here that prospective students came to pay their admission fees and complete the necessary paperwork to enroll in the academy.

Wang Dong's heart pounded in his chest as he approached the gates of the Academy, his steps purposeful yet tentative. He had traveled far from home, fleeing the confines of his past in search of a new beginning. With each passing mile, he felt as if he had been liberated. A yearning to begin his life in the unfamiliar place

Wang Dong's mind raced with thoughts of how he had come to be here. Fleeing his home under the cover of darkness, slipping away from the watchful eyes of his family and venturing into the mortal world alone. It had been a risky gambit, but he knew that he could not continue to live under the stifling expectations of his upbringing. His family was already a whole mess anyway so why stay.

Wang dong had spent weeks on the road, traveling under the cover of darkness and assuming a false identity to conceal his true nature. Now, as he stood on the threshold of the academy, his dreams just in his reach... He wasn't going to give up now.

Wang Dong found himself surrounded by a whirlwind of activity. Students bustled about, their voices filling the air with a lively chatter as they prepared for their classes and training sessions. He watched them from afar, his eyes wide with wonder as he took in the sights and sounds of his new surroundings. He had never seen so many people gathered in one place before. Honestly, he hardly saw anyone at all. The tragedies of leaving a very sheltered life.

"This place is incredible," he murmured to himself, his voice barely audible above the din. As he made his way through the crowded corridors, Wang Dong couldn't help but feel somewhat insecure. Would he be able to keep up with his classmates? Would they accept him as one of their own, or would his true identity be discovered?

Stop it! Don't think about such things.With a deep breath, Wang Dong pushed aside his doubts and pressed on, stepping inside and blending into the crowd of hopefuls.


The admissions hall was bustling with activity. Tall, ancient columns supported a vaulted ceiling, and sunlight streamed through stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the marble floor. At the far end of the hall, several desks were set up, each manned by academy staff ready to assist the new students.

Wang Dong approached one of the desks where an elderly man with a kind smile was seated. He wore the academy's traditional robes and had a badge pinned to his chest, indicating his position as an admissions officer.

"Name?" the admissions officer asked, looking up from his paperwork.

"Wang Dong," he replied confidently, hoping his voice didn't betray him. He had rehearsed his lines a hundred times in his head already, steeling himself against any questions or doubts they might raise about his presence. His lines needed to be convincing. No rooms for errors.

The officer nodded and began to search through a stack of parchment. "Ah, here you are. Wang Dong from the eastern provinces. Quite a journey you've had."

"Yes, sir," Wang Dong said, keeping his answers brief. "Why do you want to join Shrek Academy?" the officer asked, his eyes studying her intently.

Wang Dong took a deep breath. "I want to become the best soul master I can be, and I believe Shrek Academy is the place that can help me achieve that."

The officer smiled, seemingly satisfied with his response. "Very well. The admission fee is ten gold soul coins." Wang Dong reached into his satchel and produced the coins, placing them on the desk. The officer counted them and nodded.

"Follow that corridor to the next hall for your aptitude test." he instructed, pointing to a side door.

Wang Dong bowed slightly and made her way to the designated area. The corridor was lined with portraits of legendary soul masters, their eyes seemingly following him every step. One in particular made him stop in his tracks, tears forming at the edge of his eyes. Icy blue eyes clashed with another pair of Icy blue orbs and it was unsettling to say the least. It was the portrait of the Icic Moonlight Butterfly God of Love and protection, Lixue Ling.

He forced himself to look away, a frown forming on his face as hurriedly moved along. He did not need to think so much on such things. That was not why he was here?

As he was about to enter the aptitude test hall, Wang dong noticed a group of four students standing nearby, chatting and laughing among themselves. They noticed her too, and one of them, a tall boy with a smug expression, stepped forward. Wang dong could sense that trouble was coming and like a logical person tried to just continue on his way but it seems that life had other plans.

"Look at this one, thinking they can just waltz into the academy like they own the place," one of them sneered, his tone laced with contempt.

Wang Dong's temper flared at the insult, his jaw tightening as he fought to keep his emotions in check. How dare they speak to him in such a manner? She tried to keep moving but the idiots just would not back off.

"Hey, you!" The boy called out, blocking Wang dong's path as well as building onto his irritation. "Can't you see that we are talking to you? What makes you think you can get into Shrek Academy?"

One of the students, a cocky-looking boy with slicked-back hair and a smirk on his face, stepped forward. "Hey, kid, what do you think you're doing here?" he asked in mocked curiosity. "This isn't a place for little brats like you."

Wang Dong's eyes narrowed, but he forced himself to remain calm. "I'm enrolling in Shrek Academy," he replied evenly, trying to keep the frustration out of his voice.

The group laughed, a harsh sound that grated on Wang Dong's nerves. "You? Enrolling in Shrek Academy? Don't make me laugh," he scoffed looking over at Wang Dong's appearance. "You don't look like much of a fighter to me."

Without missing a beat, Wang Dong looked the offending student straight in the eye, his icy blue eyes flashing with anger as he unleashed a scathing retort. Enough was enough.

"Listen here, you insolent fool," he snapped, voice cold and biting. "I may not look like much, but I assure you, I am more than capable of holding my own in this academy. Unlike you, I am not here to waste my time on petty insults and idle chatter."

The students recoiled at his words, his companions bristling with indignation at the perceived slight to their honor.

"Who do you think you are, talking to us like that?" another spat, his face twisted with rage. "If you want to prove yourself worthy of being here, then you'll have to fight us for it."

Wang Dong's eyes narrowed at the challenge, her fists clenched at her sides as she considered her options. She knew she could easily defeat them in combat, but she also knew that stooping to their level would only serve to validate their arrogance. He frowned, not in the mood for petty random confrontations. "I'm here to take the aptitude test, just like everyone else. So why are you trying to trouble me."

The boy sneered. "You look like you wouldn't last a day here. Shrek Academy isn't for weaklings. Really it's as if the school just allows anybody in nowadays."

One of the students, a cocky-looking boy with slicked-back hair and a smirk on his face, stepped forward. "Hey, kid, what do you think you're doing here?" he sneered. "This isn't a place for little brats like you."

Wang Dong's eyes narrowed, but he forced himself to remain calm. "I'm enrolling in Shrek Academy," he replied evenly, trying to keep the frustration out of his voice.

The boy laughed, a harsh sound that grated on Wang Dong's nerves. "You? Enrolling in Shrek Academy? Don't make me laugh," he scoffed. "You don't look like much of a fighter to me."

Wang Dong felt a surge of anger rise within him, but he swallowed it back down. He had to be patient. He couldn't afford to lose his temper now.

"Listen, kid," another student chimed in, a girl with a haughty expression. "If you want to get into Shrek Academy, you'll have to prove yourself. And I don't think you have what it takes."

Wang Dong's jaw clenched, but before he could respond, another student, a burly boy with a scar across his cheek, stepped forward. "If you want to prove yourself, you'll have to fight us," he growled, cracking his knuckles menacingly.

Wang Dong's eyes flickered with determination. "Fine," he said, his voice steady. "If that's what it takes, then so be it."

Wang Dong's temper flared. The argument becoming heated as it began to draw in a crowd. "And who are you to judge? You're not the one deciding who gets in so just leave me alone. You are already students in this school so why are you trying gang up on me?"

The boy's friends laughed, but his sneer only deepened. "This little shrimp is so courageous. I'm Feng Jin, and I'm a second year student. If you want to get in, you have to prove yourself."

Wang Dong rolled his eyes."I don't need to prove anything to you. My admission isn't up to you. Now get out of my way."

Feng Jin's face darkened. "You think you're better than us? Let's see you handle a fight."

"I have no interest in engaging with petty thugs like yourselves," she retorted, her voice dripping with disdain. "If you truly wish to test your mettle against me, then you'll have to do so on the battlefield, not in the streets like common rabble." Wang Dong sighed, turning away to continue to the test area. But Feng Jin and his friends wouldn't let him go that easily. "Coward!" one of them shouted. "Scared already?" "Such a disgrace!"

That was the last straw. Wang Dong stopped and turned back, her eyes blazing as she spoke. "Fine. If a fight is what you want, then that's what you get."

"Let's see what you got newbie."Feng Jin smirked, stepping back to allow his friends to take the lead. The first to attack was a muscular boy named Lu Han, who summoned his martial soul, a pair of iron gauntlets that glowed with a yellow soul ring.

"Let's see you avoid this, First Soul Skill: Iron Fist!" Lu Han roared, charging at Wang Dong.

Instinctively, Wang Dong activated her martial soul. Her butterfly wings, radiant and ethereal, unfurled behind her, glowing with a golden white and purple hue. Her second soul ring shone brilliantly as she executed her second skill.

"Second Soul Skill: Butterfly Goddess Dance!"

A flurry of energy blades shot out from Wang Dong's wings, swirling around him and deflecting Lu Han's attack effortlessly. The force of his skill sent him sprawling back, his iron fists clanging uselessly against the ground.

"Impossible. He neutralized my attack."

The crowd gasped in awe, each looking at the boy with the butterfly martial soul. In the last ten thousand years this was the first time the Blue Sliver Icic Moonlight Butterfly had made an appearance.

Wang Dong groaned, feeling the curious eyes on him. This was not how he wanted things to go but now was not the time. Feng Jin's group did not seem at all deterred. Something told him that they were not done yet.

The second student, a lean girl named Mi Li, activated her martial soul, a pair of wind daggers, and launched them at Wang Dong. "Second Soul Skill: Wind Slash!"

Wang Dong deftly dodged the blades, his wings granting his exceptional agility. He retaliated with a series of rapid strikes, his wings slicing through the air with precision. Mi Li barely had time to react before she was swatted away by one of Wang Dong's wing.

Next came Zhang Wei, whose martial soul was a massive stone hammer. His brute strength was evident as he swung the hammer down with a powerful thud. This would have been a problem for Wang Dong if he did not have his own share of working with hammers.

"First Soul Skill: Earthquake Strike!"

Wang Dong narrowly avoided the impact, feeling the ground shake beneath him. He soared into the air, using his wings to stay out of the hammer wielder's reach.

"What's the matter little butterfly, afraid of being crushed like the bug you are."

Wang Dong narrowly avoided the

impact of the attack. On reflex she motioned her wings forward and unleashed a single energy slash from each wing, each one hitting its mark and knocking Zhang Wei off balance.

Furious, Zhang Wei gathered his

strength and activated his second soul

skill,Rumbling Cyclone. The debris from his previous attack began to swirl around, forming two massive twisters that barreled towards Wang Dong. The double twisters roared, kicking up dust and rocks, making it hard to see.

Wang dong seemed at a disadvantage but he was not going to accept those odds. His instincts took over. Flying higher, his wings beating rapidly to avoid the swirling debris. His eyes narrowed as he calculated his next move. He looked at the twisters and finally found what he was looking for. With a determined cry, Wang Dong summoned more energy to his wings and dived toward the twisters.

"Butterfly Goddess Dance!" he released another flurry of energy

blades, this time directing them into

the core of the twisters. The blades

sliced through the swirling debris,

disrupting the cyclones' formation.

The twisters lost their momentum,

dissipating into a harmless shower of

dust and stones.

Zhang Wei was left standing in shock

as his powerful skill was effortlessly

neutralized. Wang Dong landed

gracefully, his wings still glowing with energy.

The air in the admissions hall was charged with tension. The onlookers were silent, eyes wide with anticipation as Feng Jin, now visibly seething with rage, walked forward. His eyes bore into Wang Dong, who stood firm, his radiant butterfly wings still glowing faintly.

Feng Jin's aura flared as he activated his martial soul. A fiery lion appeared behind him, its mane blazing with intensity. Around him, three soul rings materialized: two yellow and one purple. The sight of the purple soul ring drew murmurs of admiration and fear from the crowd.

"You think you're something special, don't you?" Feng Jin sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. "I'll show you the true power of a Shrek Academy student."

Wang Dong remained calm, his eyes fixed on his opponent. His own two soul rings, one gold and one purple, glowed with a steady light. He could feel the power within him, ready to be unleashed.

Feng Jin wasted no time. "First Soul Skill: Lion's Charge!" with a roar, the fiery lion lunged forward, its body wreathed in flames. Wang Dong reacted instantly, her wings propelling her upwards and out of harm's way. The ground where she had stood was scorched black by the intense heat. That could have been catastrophic. Undeterred, Feng Jin summoned his second skill.

"Second Soul Skill: Lion's Roar!" a wave of fire surged toward Wang Dong, but this time he did not evade but she met it head-on.

Feng Jin, Wang Dong could tell was no pushover. The boy fought back with equal ferocity, his soul skills unleashing a devastating barrage of energy that sent shockwaves rippling through the air.

Wang Dong's wings shimmered as he activated his first soul skill, Guillotine Wing. His wings transforming into gleaming blades, slicing through the flames. She charged forward, aiming directly for Feng Jin. He barely had time to react as her wings cut through his defenses, forcing him back.

The crowd gasped in awe, but Feng Jin wasn't done yet. He summoned his third soul ring, the purple one, and his aura intensified. The fiery lion roared louder, its flames growing even more ferocious.

"Third Soul Skill: Inferno Fury!"

A torrent of fire erupted from the lion, spiraling towards Wang Dong with devastating force. The heat was almost unbearable, and the sheer power of the attack left many in the crowd in stunned silence.

Wang Dong gritted his teeth, refusing to back down. He could feel his strength waning, but he refused to give up. With a burst of determination, he pushed himself to his limits, unleashing his first soul skill - Butterfly Dance.

In an instant, a swarm of butterfly-shaped projectiles erupted from Wang Dong's hands, swirling around him in a dazzling display of light and color. Feng Jin staggered back, taken aback by the sudden onslaught.

But Wang Dong wasn't finished yet. Drawing on more power , he summoned forth his radiant butterfly wings once more, their ethereal glow illuminating the battlefield with a brilliant light. Wang Dong's eyes narrowed as he assessed the situation.

Feng Jin lunched again but this time Wang Dong was ready. "Second Soul Skill: Butterfly Goddess Dance!"

A myriad of energy blades shot out from her wings, creating a dazzling display of light. The blades met the fiery inferno head-on, cutting through the flames and dispersing them into harmless sparks. The energy blades continued their path, striking Feng Jin and his fiery lion, causing him to stagger back.

The hall was filled with the sound of gasps and murmurs as Wang Dong's skill completely neutralized Feng Jin's attack. She landed gracefully, her wings folding back as she prepared for the next move.

Feng Jin's face was a mask of fury and frustration. He couldn't believe that this newcomer, with only two soul rings, could match his power. Desperation drove him to attack again.

"Lion's Charge!" he shouted, his fiery lion roaring as it lunged once more.

Wang Dong didn't flinch. He met the attack with precision and grace, his wings moving in a blur as he dodged and parried. His movements were almost a dance, fluid and beautiful, yet deadly. As Feng Jin's attack faltered, Wang Dong saw his opening. She moved with lightning speed, her wings flashing as she closed the distance. With a final, powerful strike, she brought her Guillotine Wing down on Feng Jin, sending him crashing to the ground.

Feng Jin lay there with his comrades, defeated and unable to move. The fiery lion dissipated, and his soul rings faded as his martial soul deactivated. He looked up at Wang Dong, eyes filled with a mix of anger and grudging respect.

As the dust settled, Wang Dong stood before them, his Butterfly wings unfurled and his martial soul ablaze with power. He met their gazes with a steely resolve, daring them to come at him again.

"If you insist on battling me again, then so be it," she declared, her voice ringing with determination. "But know this: I will not hesitate to defend myself against anyone who seeks to stand in my way. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have important matters to attend to."

The crowd erupted in applause, the would be students and staff of Shrek Academy recognizing the Mysterious boy's skill and potential.

The admissions officer, who had been watching the entire confrontation, stepped forward with a proud smile, stopping Wang Dong from going to the next hall. "Impressive display, Wang Dong," he said, his voice carrying through the hall. "Welcome to Shrek Academy. You have truly earned your place here."

Wang Dong looked perplexed. "Thank you Elder but don't I still need to finish my aptitude test before officially getting the privilege of being called a student in this school?"

"Wang Dong, I think you as well as everyone else here can see that you don't need to take such a test. You have already proven that you deserve to be here."The administration officer simply stated.

"Thank you Elder." Wang Dong bowed, a small smile playing on his lips. She finally was a student in Shrek Academy.

She took a deep breath, taking in the grandeur of the academy around her. She knew that this was just the beginning of her journey. "This is my life now," he whispered to himself, determined to make the most of it.


Meanwhile, in the darkness, a figure lurked, its eyes fixated on Wang Dong with intense interest. It observed the young fighter with a predatory gaze, analyzing his every move with a keen sense of detail. To the figure, there was something undeniably familiar about the boy, something that stirred a deep-seated desire within him.

As Wang Dong unleashed his martial prowess, the figure's lips curled into a sinister smile. It watched with rapt attention as the radiant butterfly wings sprouted from Wang Dong's back, their iridescent glow casting an ethereal aura around him. There was power in those wings, a power that the figure coveted.

With each graceful movement, Wang Dong's martial soul exuded an energy that resonated with the figure's own dark aura. It was as if they were two sides of the same coin. They called to them and the figure had a strong feeling that even the young boy had a little darkness within him as well.

From the shadows, it continued it's observation. In as much as the figure resonated with Wang Dong, but to it, the boy also had a very similar energy signature to someone. Someone it wanted to kill.

Interesting indeed. To think that after all those years now was the time that things were falling into place. It was nearing and the figure only smirked.

For now however, the figure bided its time, content in watching from the shadows as Wang Dong faced off against his adversaries. It knew that their paths would cross again, and when they did, there would be no escaping the inevitable confrontation.

The figure would remain patient, lurking in the darkness, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Wang Dong may have proven himself a formidable opponent, but to the figure, he was nothing more than a pawn in a much larger game.

And when the time came, the figure would reveal itself, unleashing its full power upon Wang Dong and claiming victory for itself. Until then, it watched and waited, its hunger for revenge growing with each passing moment.

The end was nearing.