
S Line

"They pray to die." Blood and brutality. Pre-story recap: Centuries ago, an explosion took place and a different time began to be experienced than the real time. Time has been affected, and this different time has become different from the real time we know. Why has a different time begun to take place and what is going on at this time? Information to know before reading: When you read it, the first chapters may seem boring compared to mature peers. The goal here is to make a path from boring to excitement. Each section that progresses gradually pushes from boring to excitement. Underneath every word you read in the chapter are different things. The theme of blood and brutality is dealt with later and increases in seriousness in the following chapters. Please read comfortably while reading, leaning yourself back. I am open to criticism and comments. Thank you for reading or going to read. Don't forget to support it! What is the main purpose of the Story?: Reflecting on the 'What If' event to readers.

AliTura1 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Chapter 2 - New Friendships


Marco: The one who makes it rain is thought to be Shakespeare, who uses the H2O element very well!

Marlyn: No way! (The reminder ends.)

Marco: What happened?

Marlyn: Nothing at all.

Marco: O-okay.

Marlyn: If you won't say anything else, I'll go.

Marco: No.

Marlyn: I'll see you then.

Marco: See you later.

Marlyn leaves there.

Marco: What happened to it all of a sudden?

Fred: What happened? Because of your coldness!

Marco: Shut the fuck up or I'll know to shut the fuck up...

A flashback enters.

Marco: Olivia, I don't know where Marlyn is, but you have to find Arthur and Marcus.

Olivia: Okay, but why are you acting like a captain to me!?

Marco: You should listen to my orders right now, because there is no Marlyn.

Olivia: Well, but right now!

Marco: Oh, okay. As if I was curious to become a 'captain'.

Olivia: Ours is coming. Let's pretend nothing happened.

Marco: Okay, whatever you say.

The flashback ends.

Olivia: Arthur!! Marcus!! Where are you!?

Connor: Hey you! Do you want them?

Marcus: H-hi.

Connor: If you want them... Me... You'll have to pass!!

Olivia: Why are you stopping me, huh?

Connor: Whoever gets involved with my friend gets involved with me!

Olivia: "I'm not saying anything, I'm not saying." I say, but when did you two become friends?

Connor: It's none of your business!

Olivia: Hmm, well so be it. (grins)

Connor: You're not taking me seriously, are you?

Olivia: Sir?

Connor: You've been too much!

He takes off his mercury(Hg) elemental glove.

Olivia: Gloves? I like your design.

Connor: T-thank you- Did we ask!?

Olivia: No... How about I take something out while you take this off?

Connor: Why are you asking me?

Olivia: Then "...I was defeated because of it." it was for the purpose of making an excuse, that's why I asked.

Connor: Shut up now!

He starts to attack.

Olivia: SiO2 (Silicon dioxide - Sand) mask!

He escapes the attack and puts on the mask.

Olivia: That element is dangerous, you know?

Connor: Where are you!?

Olivia: Right behind you!

Connor turns around and attacks, but Olivia goes elsewhere with sudden speed.

Olivia: In front of you!

Connor turns in front of her and attacks again, but Olivia runs away again.

Connor: Where are you!!? Tell me quickly!

Olivia: I'm being the opposite of the point you're attacking.

Connor: Huh?

Olivia: 1.the rule is don't underestimate your opponents. But I don't see you as a competitor.

Connor: Yes, you're right... I shouldn't be condescending, but remember this too, you never know what will happen in the future.

Olivia: And so?

Connor breaks the corners of the building.

Olivia: Do you think you did it?

Connor: It's enough that you talk big, prove your greatness then!

Olivia: (Oh, these kids...) You know.

He throws hydrogen bombs into the corners of the building and delays the destruction of the building a little.

Olivia: Al, did you get what you wanted?

Connor: I think so.

Olivia: "I think"? Are you kidding me? The building was going to fall down!

Connor: Thanks for reminding me. The building could collapse at any moment, I can hear the sounds. I'll take Connor and you take the other one.

Olivia: Why am I taking Arthur?

Connor: He talks a lot of nonsense, he thinks he's joking, and finally, I've heard his voice a lot since I've always had to be with him as long as he's connected.

Arthur: "The drum sounds nice from a distance." once you hear it close up, it must be normal.

Olivia: So you're the drum?

Marcus: Hahahahahaah!

Arthur: Don't fucking laugh!

Marcus: Okay, fuck!

Connor: Let's go!

Olivia: Okay.

After a while, the quiet environment breaks down while you are on the journey.

Connor: How did you become so adept at these elements?

Olivia: Actually, it would make more sense if we met and talked.

Connor: Okay, my name is Connor.

Olivia: My name is Olivia too, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Connor: It's a pleasure, too. Yes, how did you master it?

Olivia: Actually, I haven't mastered it yet, but I'm better than before. I wanted it first, and then I got a little help from those who knew this business.

Connor: Is this a low state of you?

Olivia: Yes.

Connor: O-okay...

Marlyn is inside herself

Marlyn: (I wonder who Shakespeare is? I wondered.)

A flashback enters.

Her father gently lifts the water for Marlyn for entertainment purposes and forms shapes with her.

Marlyn: Dad, when I grow up, I will be strong just like you!

Father: Of course, why not, my son!

The flashback ends.

Marlyn: (Nothing happened to my dad, I hope...)

Anais: What do you think?

Marlyn: My da- wait a second, what's going on?

Linda: "My da"?

Barbara: Tell me!

Marlyn: Let me go!

Anais: We won't leave it until you tell us.

Marlyn: Don't exaggerate-

Barbara: I was so curious!!

Linda: Tell me quickly!

Marlyn: I can't deal with you, I'm go-

Linda: You can't go anywhere! Sulfur(S) breath!

Marlyn: What is this?

Linda: Can you breathe?

Marlyn: I-i can't get it, but how!?

Linda: The element sulfur(S) mimics oxygen(O). Don't forget that!

Marlyn: I'll get out of here, don't worry about it.

Barbara: I was wondering who will save you?

Anais: Who can save?

Someone comes knocking with a staff from behind.

Hermione: Let him go immediately!

Barbara: It-it can't be Hermione! Let's go now, girls!!

Hermione: Are you okay?

Marlyn: I'm trying to be good. Thank you by the way Dec

Hermione: You're welcome.

Marlyn: My name is Marlyn!

Hermione: My name is also Hermione.

Marlyn: That's a nice name, actually, I personally hear it 2 times, the second one is you.

Hermione: The first one?

Marlyn: From the Harry Potter film series.

Hermione: You know what? I finished him!

Marlyn: It's nice if we could talk about this later? Because if we stay here too long, there may be a problem.

Hermione: You're right, this place has already started to collapse. Let's get out of here, there's a way I know.

Marlyn: Okay.

A few minutes later

Hermione: Welcome to my place!

Marlyn: We found it nice, but who is this?

Hermione: Damn- This is my friend.

Evan: You're the "Damn", and I found this place first!

Hermione: No, I found it!

Evan: No, me!

Hermione: No, me! A carbon dioxide(Co2) bomb!

Evan: The oxygen(O) bomb!

Marlyn: That's enough!!

They both stop and look at Marlyn.

Marlyn: Why are we here!?

2 pcs: ...

Marlyn: Say something, damn it!

Hermione: You needed help, so I picked you up and took you away.

Evan: And you took it and brought it, didn't you?

Hermione: Yes, what is it to you?

Marlyn: Okay, just shut up. My head is swollen from the conversation between you two. Hermione and Dec- what's- what's your name anyway?

Evan: Evan.

Marlyn: I'm becoming Marlyn too.

Hermione: He's also very warm-blooded.

Marlyn: Anyway, there's a place I know, let's go there.

After a certain time, they meet with Olivia.

Olivia: Marlyn?

Marlyn: Sir.

Olivia: A person gives few greetings.

Marlyn: Excuse me. Hi

Olivia: Hi.

Hermione: Hi.

Connor: Hi.

Evan: Hi.

Marco: You'll meet later.

Olivia: You ... What are you looking for Dec-

Marco: When you have the power of flame.

Hermione: That's probably why you're so fast.

Marco: This is not a normal flame.

Connor: What do you mean?

Marco: There was an incident before.. That's why I'm a little fast.

Evan: It's already understood.

Marlyn: It's 1 o'clock.

Olivia: What a Decadent time it really was. The last time I checked, it was 10.43 am.

Hermione: You know right down to the minute.

Olivia: Yes, it's a habit.

Anais: H-hi.

Hermione: You!

Linda: Sorry.

Marlyn: Why did you squeeze me?

Linda: You were staring so hard that we thought you were a bad person.

Barbara: Exactly.

Evan: What's going on la?

Connor: Really.

Evan: Explain!

Olivia: Yes!!!! Explain!!!

Marlyn: That's enough, damn it! When did we get Decoupled so quickly, didn't any of you think?

Marco: So.

Everyone suddenly shuts up and starts thinking.

Marlyn: One second.

Olivia: What happened?

Marlyn: Those who are not on my team, would you mind coming to my team?

Evan: Actually...

Barbara: I would have come...

Linda: Well...

Connor: Am I going to deal with him?

Olivia: Uh...

Marco: Come and prove yourself here!

Anais: Prove it?

Hermione: Yes, he said that. I agree, bro. I don't know about you.

Barbara: If Hermione goes, I'll go too.

Linda & Anais: We have it!

Connor: Then I'll join in.

Evan: Ahh...

Olivia: Join what the fuck will happen.

Evan: Oh, okay. Let's at least join.

Marlyn: The team has grown in such a short time!

Olivia: Actually, there are really 3 of us, because we can't take them before we see them.

Marco: She's right.

Marlyn: Okay, that would be nice.

Marco: So what are we going to do now?

Marlyn: We're going down to the water source!