
Ryuman Dao Chronicles

You see, not everyone is transmigrated to become a 'protagonist' or 'antagonist'. Most people don't even have a 'purpose' and just go with the flow thinking they are in control. Even many of the 'protagonists' pursue being "able to control their own destiny". They seem like the dazzling moon in the sky shining brighter than all the other stars, even when the stars are much bigger and brighter, just because it is close to us. If one can see the big picture though, then one can see how small they truly are, how small their conflicts, worldviews, ambitions, and pride are. Ryuman has thought of such things many times before. Mostly during post-nut clarity that is. One fine day he says his final goodbyes to his world and hello to a new one. In this world, he gains enough strength to live the life he always wanted. The life of a salted fish! *ahem* Sorry, the life of a strong bigshot, absolutely not that of an unambitious sloth, who just wants to chill out and laze around. Here we will learn of the chronicles in this new strange world. Mostly Ryuman's life as a salted fi... LEGENDARY SECLUDED MASTER. Auther's prescription- This will probably be a long novel, so you can read it together with other novels when you want a break from the other one as a refreshment. This is my first work and I am no Shakespeare. So I would appreciate constructive advice. I am not the funniest author out there but, my work should be one of the chillest ones. Just relax.

DarkGrey_Wings_123 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Bye world. (Prologue)

In a dark room...

There were noises of a woman moaning, sounding to be feeling good coming from a laptop. The laptop screen's light shown on a face. The face was that of a black-haired youth. His eyes were deep like the night sky but one couldn't see the stars in them, since they were now reflecting the mysterious ritual of baby-making.

The boy's head was the only thing visible as the rest was covered below a sheet. One could still observe the suspicious movement where the boy's right shoulder would be at.

The woman's moans were getting louder and more frequent along with that the boy's shoulder also started moving faster and faster. The boy was breathing with his mouth slightly open.

Right when the woman's voice was reaching its peak volume, there was another woman's noise. This noise was not coming from the laptop though. Hearing this voice the youth fell into panic and directly shut down the laptop screen with his left hand making a ''flop" noise.

He hurriedly replied to the earlier noise shouting a "Yes!" while also trying to not be rude or unclear to the other party.

The lady shouted back in response "Come down for dinner when you are hungry!".

The boy replied "Okay! I will be there in a while!"

The lady having said what she wanted didn't speak more, not to the boy that is.

After waiting a moment to hear if the woman had to say something more he relaxed knowing she had said her piece.

He closed his eyes and his right hand started moving again. This time the boy didn't bother with turning on the laptop again.

A few minutes later he trembled and opened his eyes after a few moments of not moving at all.

He tried his best to keep his right hand in place and put his left hand below his pillow and took out two tissue papers. Then he reached inside his sheet while both his shoulders seemed to move around mysteriously from even above the sheet.

The boy then brought out his left hand now curled into a fist holding many lives.

Sitting up, the boy proceeded to take out a packet of chips from below his mattress just above his bed.

The packet was flattened and sandwiched between the mattress and the bed. It seemed to contain something. On opening it one could see a tissue ball flattened inside it. The boy opened his curled fist revealing another ball of tissue paper. He put the ball inside the wrapper and closed the opening, folding it.

Opening his closed room door he stood there squinting for a moment trying to get used to the light outside while feeling a bout of dizziness.

In the living room, he walked to the kitchen basin and threw the wrapper in the dustbin beside it. Then adjusted it's position so that it's opening wouldn't be visible.

Then he washed his hands and wiped them on his shirt.

Picking up his beloved jacket and house keys he walked out of his apartment while wearing his jacket. He locked the door and pushed it thrice to check if it was locked. Then he walked down the stairs feeling somewhat dizzy. Then he walked down two stairs turned around and pushed the door twice more.

Turning around and convincing himself that everything was fine he walked down the metal staircase, making clanking noises.

The sky was a melancholic grey and the staircase still had water drops on it after the rain. He didn't want to hold the wet and cold handrail and just kept his hands in the pockets of his jacket.

While walking down he pondered the meaning of good and evil while still feeling dizzy.

A water drop fell on his neck as his head was facing down, and moved downward inside his shirt and jacket, making a chill move through his whole back and giving him goosebumps.

He instinctively wanted to touch his neck but while taking his hand out of his pocket it got stuck and even made his whole body lose balance with the jacket being pulled. He felt dizzy again at this time and wanted to grab the handrail but at this time his other hand also got stuck in his pocket and he fell on the stairs, hitting his head on the pointy edge of a stair. All this happened in an instant though it seemed like long to him.

The pain then kicked in along with dizziness and vertigo. He felt terrible. The back of his head felt somewhat wet while the metallic smell of blood spread. He felt so terrible in his head with the vertigo that he wanted to vomit his throat felt that way also because of hunger. He wasn't able to move and started losing strength. He had many thoughts. He remembered the girl who was giving him hints way back when and he thought she was acting strangely. He remembered the beautiful mother of his friend who kept touching him casually while complimenting his tall stature and handsome looks. He remembered his mom fighting with his father and them splitting apart.

He remembered the times he cried alone in the dark room while his mom was out for work.

He remembered when he stopped crying and started feeling detached from people.

All his relationships drifted apart.

He locked himself at home.

The safe zone where he could just browse the internet and read novels while working online sometimes.

"You are such a healthy boy, you should go and play no"

"Go out and play with your friends"

"Why are you so quiet?"

"You should go and make friends"

"Study well and get good marks"

All kinds of people had all kinds of things to say, but he only had one reply for them,


Just why does he need to make friends at his age who don't have anything in common with him? If I can do everything from home why do I have to go out? I can exercise at home earn money from my home and just mind my own business he thought. He knew the answers to all these questions including his own ones but he didn't want to care.

While he remembered all this while thinking,

there was the noise of a door lock being opened from downstairs followed by the panicking cry of a lady and clanking noises made by the lady while rushing up. He recognized that voice. It was his mother. The person he lived the longest part of his life with. The same silly mother of his, who has a hot temper but cared the most for him unconditionally. Right now she seemed to be crying. This wasn't the first time she was crying because of him, he felt the worst pain every time she cried and this time was no exception.

Hearing the commotion another person sounded to be coming up hurriedly making rapid clanking sounds.

It was his mother's best friend and neighbour from downstairs. The boy thought she was a hot lady. She even had a daughter but was a widow. He had plans to try to make a move on the hot lady but was quite hesitant. Not that it mattered now though.

"Tip-top" A drop of rain fell right in his eye making him feel worse if his condition wasn't terrible enough. Then it started raining slowly and rapidly grew faster and faster.

The rain washed away the blood to the road and drains and the voice of the woman crying was drowned by the noise of heavy rainfall.

"Hello! Hello! Ambulance can you hear me!?" The hot neighbour called for the ambulance but the line wasn't clear and the noises made it worse.

It doesn't matter now

After all Ryman Windson has already said his goodbyes to this world of theirs.