
RWBY Ultimate Fighter

A young man living only for the fight fought all his life thanks to the only force of his fists but one day he ends up dying in the fight. He then received the possibility of reincarnating in the world of RWBY one of his favorite anime but with something more that will help him on his journey. Is the world of Remnant ready to face one of the fiercest fighter ever seen? A/N: In this fanfic there will be a lot of changes so those who hope to follow the original story and who don't want changes I prefer to warn you. As for the changes: - Much stronger and non-canon enemies. - A use of magic much more important than in the original work (noted that I will use it the way it suits me) - World travel but much later in the fanfic. And I think that's all, if I ever want to change things I'll do special chapters to explain "

toby_gwack · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
67 Chs

Not the only one?

A heavy silence hung over the clearing, Ayden was frozen in shock after hearing what the man had just said. Wanting to be sure he asked.

Ayden: "What did you just say!"

???: "I asked you if you weren't from this world."

He heard correctly, now questions are swirling around in his head but the most important thing for him was to know who this guy was and how he came to know that.

Ayden: "What makes you say that?"

???: "It's been a while now that I travel this world and I could get a general idea of ​​the fighters who live there, this energy that they uses called aura have to fight against these grimms. Most of them they have a rather basic power level with the exception of certain individuals who stand out with much more impressive skills but you ..... You are different, your fighting style, the powers you use and especially the energy in you which is very different from this famous aura. I can easily say that you do not come from here not being from this world either."

Ayden's mind: "It confirms that he does not come from this world either but how is this possible .... I thought I was the only one!"

???: Hey kid! What's your name ?

Ayden: "You first!"

???: "HA HA! As you wish... I am Augus one of the seven deities of Gaea!"

At that moment everything came back to Ayden's mind. This guy is the fucking augus from Asura's wrath!

In his old life ayden was never able to discover certain things such as video games, manga and anime because of his family and their strict rules but when he cut ties with them he could finally discover all these things and the one of them was Asur's Wrath, a game he loved for obvious reasons. That explained why he had the impression that he had already seen augus somewhere.

The question now is how did a demigod like him end up in Remnant!

Ayden: "Well...I'm ayden and yes, I'm not from this world like you, but I would like to know....how did you get here?"

Augus: "Hmmmm as long as I can remember, I died fighting my former student, after that I thought I'd end up in naraka (The equivalent of hell in Asura's Warth) for what I did during my life but in the end I am here.

Ayden's mind: "So he would have arrived here after his fight against asura... but are we the only ones or are there others like us

not to come from this world?

Ayden: "Hey August!"

August: "Hmmm?"

Ayden: "During your journey through Remnant, did you meet anyone else like you and me?"

Augus: "You mean people who are not from this world.... currently you are the second person I meet who is not from here.

Ayden: "The second...."

Augus: "Yeah, the first one I met was a strange man with a monkey tail, he had the same energy as you. I saw him killing grimms but when I wanted to approach him, he literally flew away."

Ayden: "Monkey tail.... flight.... same energy...."

Ayden was deep in thought when augus spoke again.

Augus: "Hey kid, I was wondering, would you be interested in a little fight? It's been a while since I had a good fight." He said with a big smile on his face.

Ayden was surprised at first but remembered that he and augus shared a common passion for fighting. Ayden smiled back and answered him.

Ayden: "Of course, I would never say no to a fight! "

Augus: "HAhaha! Here's the spirit! I like you kid."

They each backed away a few feet, Ayden activated his gloves and took his fighting pose while Augus stood upright with his arms crossed.

Ayden was the first to attack and rushed straight at augus giving him a blow with all his strength in the chest but when his blow hit him absolutely nothing happened. He looked up and augus who hadn't moved an inch was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Ayden hit him with a barrage of blows but nothing happened, augus remained still like a statue. He jumped back to regain his distance.

Augus: "Well, don't tell me that's all you have?"

Ayden's mind: "If my basic power is not enough, see what happens with the kaioken!"

A red aura exploded around him covering him completely.

Kaioken x 10!

He rushed at full speed towards augus and hit him right in the face. this time if augus' head had moved after the impact of the blow but augus started to repel his blow by turning his face, his smile still visible.

Augus: "Well, that's better, but still insufficient."

Ayden backed away, he expected augus to be strong but not such a difference in power. The idea that his full power combined with the x10 kaioken had barely moved augus bored him.

Ayden: "Very well, no need to hold back in this case! Haaaaaaaa!!!"

He again launched a barrage of blows but this time augus blocked each of them unlike at the beginning when he didn't even move. The clash continued for a moment when augus tried to hit ayden who narrowly dodged his blow. He activated the time skip at this moment and wanted to land a right punch in the face of augus but when he was about to touch him augus grabbed his fist and turned his head towards him while they were still in ayden's time space.

Augus: Well well, nice trick you have there but unfortunately not enough.

Ayden was completely shocked by what just happened but didn't have time to react when augus punched him in the stomach sending him flying through several trees.

Ayden found himself against a half-destroyed tree. he was holding his stomach where augus had hit him. He had never seen such strength, a single hit was enough to consume a good part of his aura regardless of what he consumed using the kaioken. He couldn't afford to take any more hits because otherwise it's the end of the fight for him.

Ayden: "Kof Kof! What the hell just happened! How come the time skip didn't work....."

He thought for a moment before remembering, the time skip is a very powerful technique but it has one weakness, it doesn't work against someone much more powerful than the user, that's what happened for hit against goku ssj blue kaioken or against jiren.

Ayden lay back against the tree for a moment before getting up with a smile on his face.

Ayden: "It doesn't matter if I can't use the time skip, I'm enjoying this fight way too much to stop now!"

He left the forest to return to the clearing where augus was waiting for him.

Augus: "So... do you want to stop?"

Ayden: "No chance!"

Augus: "Haha, show me what you got AYDEN!"

Augus barely had time to finish his sentence that ayden had activated again the kaioken he had lost after having received the blow from augus but this time he activated his four arms of ki and rushed straight at augus ready to give everything he have.

Seeing this, the august froze for a moment and then a big smile appeared again on his face.

A new clash of blows exploded between the two fighters, both of them had a smile on their faces.

Even though ayden had the help of his new arms he couldn't hit augus. On the contrary augus managed to find an opening and hit ayden in the face. At this moment augus noticed that ayden's aura shone in a strange way, after receiving the blow ayden threw a blow that augus blocked but he noticed that his blow was much stronger, to be exact the more ayden hit the more his blows became powerful.

Augus managed to hit Ayden again but this time his punch felt less impactful, it's like Ayden had become more resilient.

Their blows continued for a while, augus had hit ayden several times which should have been enough to break his aura but strangely he continued to resist.

Augus mind: "This kid...is really something else!"

Their two fists collided creating a wave of shock that made them both recoil.

Ayden was breathing heavily while augus didn't seem to be exhausted at all.

Augus: "Looks like you're at your limit kid!"

Ayden: "No.....not yet....."

August: "Hmmm?"

Ayden stretched his six arms out in front of him and started creating a ki sphere, he put all his ki into this attack and threw it at augus.

Ayden: "Take that!!"

The ball flew at full speed towards augus destroying the ground in its path. Augus seeing the attack coming got into position and blocked it with his hands.

Augus started to step back a few centimeters, his feet sinking into the ground then with his arms he sent the ball flying in the sky which exploded releasing a huge shock wave.

Ayden watched his attack get sent to the sky and explode. Before he could react, augus appeared in front of him and hit him with a big headbutt, breaking his aura.

Ayden fell heavily to the ground on his back, defeated.

Augus: "HAhaha! It was an interesting fight, but you still have a long way to go before reaching your full potential, although I must admit that what you did during the fight by increasing your strength and your resistance as the fight progressed was rather interesting."

Ayden: "Wh...what? I didn't notice anything."

Augus: "Hmmph well I guess you'll have to figure it out on your own."

Augus turned and started to leave.

Augus: "Next time we meet, I hope you've progressed enough to give me a worthy fight!"

He returned to the forest leaving Ayden alone in the middle of the clearing. He lay there with a big smile on his lips, happy to have been able to fight at full strength thinking of nothing but the fight, that was why he wanted to be in this world after all, even if a part of him was annoyed.

It was the second person against whom he had lost with raven, even if he suspected that he was not going to win, after all augus was a demigod in his world.

He then thought back to what augus said to him before he left.

Ayden: "Increasing my strength and resistance during the fight? I was too immersed in the fight that I didn't notice anything....now that I think about it I took several hits that should have broken my aura and yet she held out for so long.... could it be that.... it was my semblance?"

He remained lying down, his body hurting after the blows he received and the kaioken he used, he had clearly exceeded his limits with this fight.

After a moment of rest to recover his aura, he managed to get up and returned to the city. Once he got home he lay down on his bed completely exhausted.

Ayden: "Talk about a day! Now I know I'm not the only one who landed here, knowing how many others are in my case."

At that moment ayden didn't know what to think, he clearly didn't think things were going to take such a turn.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when someone knocked on his door.

Ayden: "Oohh Come on!"

He got up and opened the door.

Ayden: "Weiss? What are you doing here?"

Weiss: "Hi ayden....."


Semblance: Hyper Absorption

- Ayden can absorb part of the energy of the blows he gives or receives to increase his strength and his resistance as well as convert it into aura for his own reserve.

Noted that his body still receives damage with the blows he receives.