
RWBY: The Tale of a Middle Child with Silver Eyes

A man meets an unfortunate end and finds himself being reborn in a world he only thought to be a work of fiction. Not only that, but he’s thrown into a rather hectic family. A half sister a year older, a full blooded sister a year younger, and parents that are the equivalent of superheroes in this world. There’s also an alcoholic uncle that comes and goes as he pleases. In this new and strange world he was given a new name, Daemond Rose. He got more than just his mom’s last name, he also got her black hair with red highlights, her pale skin, and her silver eyes. Luckily, he did manage to get some of his father’s sharp facial features. Dying and being reborn can bring a bit of trauma, and suddenly losing a loving mother doesn’t help either. Not to mention the stress of living in a world where monsters can attack you or your family at any time. But not all is lost, for better or for worse he kept his previous life’s memories and can use his childhood to his advantage. He won’t waste time when an immortal psycho plans to destroy the world. If he wants to survive and protect those he cares about he has to train. But, he’s still a middle child. And that brings a lot of complications into his life considering he was previously an only child. Can he be a good Huntsman? Can he save the world? Can he defeat an immortal witch? Can he protect those he cares about? Can he even be a decent brother?’ —————— Not really great at the whole “Synopsis” thing. But I hope the main point went across. I don’t own anything related to RWBY or anything else. Nor do I own any photos I use or anything I may reference.

Quade_The_Unknown · อะนิเมะและการ์ตูน
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9 Chs

Ch. 9 Falling With Style

Daemond and Jaune run to the Cliff with all the first year students lined up looking out over the Cliff.

Each student is standing on a square that has Beacon Academies logo on it. Daemond knows that these are launch pads, but Jaune doesn't suspect a thing.

There are two empty squares at the end of the line… right where Ozpin and Glynda are standing.

As the two make their way down the line Daemond notices some familiar faces. Blake is standing between two randoms. Weiss and Pyrrha are standing next to the mysterious black haired girl he saw the previous day. And then there's Sakura who gives Daemond a wink as he runs past. Seraphina is standing between Yang and Ruby at the end of the line.

Daemond takes his spot next to Ruby as Jaune takes the final square.

Ozpin looks at his pocket watch before putting it away. "I hope the two of you don't plan on making it a habit to show up right on time"

Daemond remembers the cliche of the hero showing up right on time when they're needed. He doesn't exactly like that trope, it allows the villain to cause more destruction and chaos than if the hero just arrived earlier.

"We don't!" Jaune says louder than he meant to as he tries to catch his breath.

Glynda looks at Ozpin as she lowers her tablet. "It's time"

Ozpin smiles as he sips his coffee. When he lowers his mug his expression is scarily serious. He looks at the line of students and speaks in a firm tone. "For years, you have trained to become warriors, and today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest"

Daemond looks out over the Cliff. A vast green forest that goes as far as the eye can see, this is Emerald Forest. It's home to a numerous variety animals, but also the creatures of Grimm. It's normally off-limits aside from Huntsmen who regulate the Grimm presence in the forest so students can train without too much risk.

Glynda steps forward, drawing the student's attention. "Now, I'm sure many of you have heard rumors about the assignment of "teams." Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given teammates... today"

"What? Oh…." Ruby mumbles to herself.

Daemond can't believe her airheadedness sometimes.

The other students whisper to eachother but quickly stop.

Ozpin continues after Glynda finishes. "These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it is in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well"

Ruby looks at Yang and then at Daemond before looking down at her right hand as she clenches her fist. She talked with Yang earlier, how Daemond also needs to come out of his shell. Ruby doesn't want to be the thing to hold back her siblings, so she prepares herself for what's to come.

"That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your partner for the next four years" Ozpin drops the most important fact.

"Whaaaat?!" Ruby's resolve she built up is shattered upon this news.

"See? I told you-!"

Daemond can recognize Nora's shout through the crowd.

"After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything in your path... or you WILL die" Ozpin says even more seriously.

Daemond will admit, he prefers the professors more relaxed tone compared to this one.

"Haha.." Jaune nervously laughs as he side-eyes Daemond to see if it was really that serious. And when Daemond confirms it's serious with a nod Jaune loudly gulps.

"You will be monitored and graded through the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path containing several relics. Each pair must choose one and return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately. Are there any questions?" Ozpin finishes his speech flawlessly striking fear into a majority of the students.

Jaune cautiously raises his hand. "Yeah, um, sir?"

"GOOD!" Ozpin ignores the students who have questions, especially Jaune. "Now, take your positions"

All the students, besides Jaune, strike a pose as they get ready. Yang winks at her little siblings as she puts on a pair of sunglasses. Ruby takes her Crescent Rose and spins it around herself before striking her pose. Seraphina tightly holds onto what looks to be a white axe, which is likely her weapons compressed form.

*click* *churrrrrrrrr*

Daemond takes a photo of the lineup before putting his camera away away and grabbing his weapon. There isn't any time to wait for the polaroid to develop, but once he lands he can check it.

Blooming Rose shifts after Daemond flips a switch. Daemond spins it skillfully as it transforms. He had thought hard about which form he wanted to use and ultimately decided on one of his favorites.

The weapon expands as it forms a greatsword that Daemond holds with both hands. It was easily as tall as he was. This is the biggest form of Blooming Rose.

Ruby's eyes practically explode when she sees her brothers weapon. "When did you finish it?!"

Daemond smirks. "Some time last week. Just needed to tweak the gears a bit to withstand the weight distribution"

Ozpin takes a sip from his coffee. Otherwise outwardly uninterested in the display. But his eyes studied the weapon closely as it transformed. He could only see so much from the recording of Daemond's fight. The craftsmanship of the weapon is certainly impressive.

Jaune is left speechless, him failing to ask his questions as he notices students being launched out into Emerald Forest. "Wait! Did everyone receive a parachute but me?!"

"Nope" Daemond grins as Yang gets launched.

Yang fires her weapons to propel herself further from the start. Her pair of yellow gauntlets, that are also her bracelets when retracted, blast shotgun shells increasing her momentum. Her weapon is called Ember Celica.

Jaune turns to Ozpin. "Wait, so how are we supposed to… a land?"

"Each student will be using their own landing strategy" Ozpin coolly says.

Daemond ignores Jaune as he watches Seraphina get launched.

The tiny girl soars through the sky, her wings spread open… before they crumple and Seraphina begins to spiral out of control.

Ruby doesn't notice Seraphina's situation as she gets launched lower but farther than Seraphina.

Daemond knows that each plate is likely randomly set to throw the students at different angles and velocities.


Daemond hears the faint sound of something beneath him as he squats down and prepares to jump as the plate beneath him launches him high into the sky.

As he soars through the sky he holds his greatsword Blooming Rose in one hand. He can feel his cape flowing in the insane wind behind him.


Daemond gets confused. He's looking at Seraphina as she tries to right herself in the air but her scream is coming from behind.

Just as the thought pops up in Daemond's mind he sees Jaune get launched significantly farther and faster than any of the other students.

Daemond knows Jaune will get saved, Pyrrha is still interested in the blond luckily. But the bird Faunus likely won't have that plot armor.

Seraphina can only see a blur of blue or green as tears well in her eyes.

Just when she feels her upwards momentum fade she tries again to unfurl her wings, but they still won't listen to her commands as she begins the descent of this terrible flight.

Daemond aims the tip of Blooming Rose behind him as he flicks a switch.

The greatsword expands, with electricity coursing through the expanded segments of the blade. The lightning surges and shines brighter until-


A projectile is launched from Blooming Rose as it propels Daemond toward Seraphina. His blade still surging with electricity as he extends his hand towards Seraphina.

The projectile that left Daemond's weapon tears through the air, seemingly distorting it. As it collides into a tree below the tree completely shatters. It doesn't stop though, it goes through every tree until it finally connects with the ground where a crater forms a few feet in diameter.

Daemond doesn't get to witness the destruction of his weapon as he gets closer to Seraphina. He reaches for the girl, and just as he's about to grab her-


Daemond collides into something solid midair that is completely transparent. His hold on Blooming Rose slips but he manages to hang onto it.

A shimmer goes along the object upon Daemond's impact as a square platform shape can barely be made out.

The black haired girl catches Seraphina and spins twice as she looks down at the falling red cloak wearing boy.

Looking up at the clear blue sky Daemond can see pink eyes looking down at him, the same eyes of the photo bomber from the previous day.

Daemond isn't sure what happened but figures it must be a semblance of some sort since Seraphina and the girl are standing midair. He can see Seraphina collapse to her knees before he rotates himself to face the rapidly approaching forest.

As his fuzzy thoughts get more clear he grabs Blooming Rose with both hands and holds it above his head. The electricity crackles along the blade as it shifts back to its normal greatsword form.

"Hope this works" Daemond mutters as he swings his sword downwards, throwing himself into a continuous spin. His clothes make for a red and black blur as the blue electricity crackles at the edge of the spinning blur.

Daemond crashes through the canopy of the forest and slashes through five trees before slicing into the sixth and carving his way around the tree as he slows his descent.

When he reaches the ground he plants his feet firmly as he holds onto Blooming Rose which is deeply lodged into the trunk of the tree. The entire forest is spinning as Daemond does his best to keep his breakfast from making its second appearance so soon.

He places his left hand on the tree as he looks down at the leaf covered ground. There's some grass here and there but it's mostly upturned dirt.

Controlling his breathing Daemond looks up at the tree and sees that it is basically totaled. Scorch marks spread from where his blade cut the tree going down around it. And the five fallen trees lay in disturbed as the sunlight hits the ground I disturbed for the first time in a very long time.

"That's the last time I try to mimic Sonic, I'll leave that to Ruby" Daemond tries joking.


Daemond can practically feel the telltale sound of a Grimm in his bones. It was close, but not in his immediate vicinity.


He pulls Blooming Rose from the tree and turns towards where he hears the roar. With careful steps he walks towards a bush bigger than him surrounding what is likely a clearing.

Crouching infront of the bush he moves a branch and peaks at the scene of the clearing.

Like where he landed the ground has patches of grass but is mostly upturned dirt, however there are clear claw marks everywhere. In the ground, on some giant rocks, and especially deep marks in the trees.

*Sching!* *bang-bang-bang* "Hah!"

He can hear the sounds of fighting further into the clearing. If he wanted to see more he would have to go through the bush since it's pretty dense.


Daemond slowly turns around to see the tree he diced up shaking as it struggles to keep standing.

"Please?" Daemond says to the tree.

As if defiantly:


Pressing his back to the bush Daemond silently waits as the tree creaks and groans under its own weight.

A second later there's a snap sound and the tree begins to fall right in Daemond's direction.

Bursting through the bush Daemond runs away from the falling tree.

"Timber!" Daemond shouts as he runs into the clearing.

Fighting in the clearing out of his previous line of sight is a small pack of Ursa, bear-like Grimm. And the focus of that pack is none other than Blake Belladonna acrobatically avoiding their devastating strikes and swipes.

The sound of the tree falling and the shout grabs the attention of not only Blake but also the Ursa. The Grimm and Blake pause their fight momentarily to see the giant tree falling towards them.

Daemond watches as Blake instantaneously materializes a clone of herself that turns to ice trapping the paws of two Ursa that tried attacking her.

Blake backflips over another Ursa which she pelts with bullets from her weapon Gambol Shroud, a sword with three forms.

It's first form is when it's in its sheath. In this form the sword is effectively a cleaver the length of a sword.

Second form of Gambol Shroud is effectively two swords when she unsheathes her blade. She can still use the sheath as a secondary sword in her off hand.

And the third form basically just transforms the main blade into a gun with a sickle, still allowing her to use the sheath as a sword for melee defense.

There is a ribbon attached to the sword's hilt, allowing its wielder a wider variety of options in utilizing it's sword and pistol form.

Blake barely touched the ground when she jumps back into the air. The Ursa she was shooting raises its thick armored arm to block the bullets as it turns to give chase.

The Ursa takes a step when-


The hundreds of branches hit the ground and break, crushing the Ursa beneath it. Only a paw stick out from beneath the tree trunk as it starts to disintegrate.

A gust of wind sweeps through the clearing moving Daemond's cloak and Blake's bow as she lands back on the ground.

Blake sheathes her weapon as she turns towards Daemond.

Amber eyes meet Silver eyes as a new partnership is established.

2,376 words

Who saw any of that coming?

Quade_The_Unknowncreators' thoughts