
RWBY: The Spider

A teen boy is reborn in the world of RWBY as a Faunus, will he survive the challenges ahead? Be Stronger, Together. Or Be Superior.

Excal_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

The Abandoned Reincarnation - Volume: 0

As my consciousness gradually regained itself, I became aware of the sensation of having eyes. Groggily, I attempted to move, but my tiny body felt incredibly uncooperative. Swaddled in a snug blanket, I could only blink in astonishment as I surveyed my surroundings.

To my astonishment, I quickly grasped the realization that I had been reborn as an infant, and maybe been reborn in the world of RWBY. The realization sent chills down my spine.

As I peered around, I noticed I was being carried by a woman and a man, who seemed to be in the midst of a hushed conversation. The sterile, clinical surroundings of a laboratory hallway only deepened the mystery of my circumstances. I was thrust into a new world of uncertainty, and my tiny infant self was at the center of this.

With a hazy thought, I figured these folks had to be my parents since they were dressed in average clothing. I wanted to get their attention, so I tried to say something. But instead of coherent words, all that came out were baby noises and gurgles. It was frustrating.

Before I knew it, they had carried me into a lab and gently placed me on a table, with a lot of lab equipment around the table. I couldn't quite grasp the significance of this place, "Hey, help I don't want to be here, I don't want to be cut open!" I tried to yell but more gurgles came out. It was clear this journey was far from ordinary.

Just as I was taking in my surroundings, a figure clad in a long lab coat, sporting a wild tangle of gray hair, and boasting a strikingly red, glowing robotic eye and a mechanical arm, entered the room. It didn't take long for me to piece it together – this had to be Dr. Merlot, and I had indeed found myself in the world of RWBY, known as Remnant.

The sight of this eccentric scientist only intensified my sense of uncertainty and intrigue. I was just a baby, yet I was now embroiled in a world that defied all reason and logic.

Dr. Merlot's enthusiasm was palpable as he greeted my apparent parents with a grin. "Ah yes, you have brought the child, how wonderful!" he exclaimed. With a swift motion, he produced a handful of lien from his lab coat and handed it to them. Their eyes greedily assessed the amount, and they departed, leaving me in the company of the mad scientist.

As I lay on the table, still trying to grasp the surreal situation, of how my parents sold and left me to a mad scientist, my jaw dropped in my imagination. Merlot turned his attention to me. His voice took on a sinister note as he remarked, "Poor child, your parents sold you away, without knowing your true value." I wondered what he meant by that.

He then walked away, pressing a button on a communication system nearby. "Kill the trash that has just left my laboratory," he ordered with a chilling detachment. The button released, and he returned to my side, leaving me to ponder why he killed my deadbeat parents.

Dr. Merlot's unsettling fascination with me deepened as he examined my eyes. "You, my dear specimen, I have been watching you for a while now, you are very special and of great value to me," he murmured with an eerie gleam in his red robotic eye. "You possess silver eyes! A rare trait among humans."

His words sent a chill down my spine as I realized the significance of this trait in the world of RWBY. It meant that I could potentially become Salem's next number-one target. [Great now I have a target on my back, and the Queen of the Grimm wants me dead, Fuck...]

As he continued, Merlot's unsettling revelations only compounded my unease. "And you're a very rare type of Faunus, one known for great strength, speed, reflexes, and power." His sinister grin widened. "With your unique qualities and the right... enhancements, you'll be an invaluable asset in my quest to defeat Salem and seize her throne as the true god of Grimm. Of course, not without you, my little Salem killer, haha!"

As Dr. Merlot's unsettling plans for me unfolded, a mix of fear and frustration swirled within my infant mind. [This guy's nuts,] I mused internally, the weight of my recent experiences settling in. [Starting life by being sold off by my parents to a mad scientist? This is beyond messed up.]

Dr. Merlot seemed to sense the urgency of keeping my identity hidden. "I can't just keep calling you 'Salem killer.' That would give away your purpose too easily!" he exclaimed. He chuckled and continued, "How about 'Bell'? Ah, simple and unassuming, a good name, haha." With a grin that sent shivers down my spine, he scribbled the name 'Bell' on a piece of paper and put it to my tiny forehead.

[Bell... at least it's a decent name. Bell has a nice ring to it hehe.] I chuckle in thought to my own joke.

Dr. Merlot then carefully scanned my tiny body and took some blood samples, a screen lit up with a display of my vital signs and detailed data, revealing a glimpse into the scientific intrigue that now surrounded my existence.

On the screen, a status bar blinked to life, showing various indicators that displayed my mysterious condition and potential capabilities:

Experiment: 0 [Bell]

Status: [Initializing...]

Vital Signs: Normal

Silver Eyes: Active

Faunus Trait: Active [Spider]

Aura: [Locked]

Semblance: [Locked]

Aura Potential: [Beyond Measure]

Grimm Compatibility: [High]

Memory & Knowledge Retention: [High]

Faunus Vision: [Enabled]

Biological Anomalies:

Energy Signature: [Anomaly Detected]

Aging Process: [Normal]

Genetic Alterations: [None]

With a childlike excitement bubbling inside my infant self, I couldn't help but muse, "Spider, I could be Spooderman! Better than having some weird cat tail," I gurgle.

Dr. Merlot, however, seemed intrigued by my peculiar status but also puzzled by my Faunus heritage. He scrutinized my body for any sign of this trait, yet found no evidence of it. "You don't appear to possess any Faunus traits," he observed, genuinely perplexed. "You look just like a regular human."

Returning to his computer, Dr. Merlot initiated another scan, his curiosity about my origins and potential powers driving him to seek answers in the data before him.

As the scan completed, a list of attributes of Spider traits suddenly appeared on the screen, intensifying the intrigue surrounding my potential:

Spider-like Traits:

Agility: [Enhanced]

Wall-Crawling: [Enabled]

Web Production: [Enabled]

Superhuman Reflexes: [Enhanced]

Super Strength: [Enhanced]

Spider-Sense: [Enabled]

Healing: [Accelerated]

Talons and Fangs: [Enabled]

Venomous Bite: [Enabled] [Highly Venomous]

Merlot jumps in excitement at my abilities, and I am in just awe. [Wow, I-I... I got hacks at birth! Haha,] I stammer.

Then, Merlot comes to my side and says, "You are more perfect than anything else, but now, to make you absolutely perfect," as he pulls out a vial with a label on the side that reads 'Grimm Blood.

Trapped in the blanket prison, I struggle frantically, my heart pounding in terror. Dr. Merlot prepares to inject me with Grimm blood'.

Just as the needle hovers dangerously close to my skin, a sudden interruption shatters the tension in the room. The intercom crackles to life, and a female voice urgently informs Dr. Merlot of one of his experiments.

The lady's voice over the intercom: "Dr. Merlot, the Grimm scent attractor is ready and set in Mount Glenn and is being set off in 10 minutes."

Merlot's demeanor shifts from excitement to panic in an instant. He realizes the imminent danger.

Dr. Merlot, his voice quaking: "Don't set it off here, you idiots! It will destroy Mount Glenn, then my laboratory!"

Without a second thought, he bolts from the room, leaving me alone in the dimly lit and eerie laboratory. With the threat averted, I seized the opportunity to try and escape my confinement, but no luck, this blanket burrito was too tightly wrapped around and I couldn't get out.

[Anyways that's one way to get out of getting a shot from a doctor.] I think, lying there in my confines, hoping Merlot doesn't come back.

As the echoes of Merlot's hurried departure faded, the laboratory trembled, and the cacophony of Grimm monsters wreaking havoc outside grew louder. I huddled in my makeshift cocoon of blankets, the impending chaos outside making my heart race.

[Oh, please, this can't get any worse,] I think to myself, fearing the impending nightmare that could befall me.

Suddenly, a red portal erupted in the corner of the room, bathed in an eerie, otherworldly light. Raven and her bandits materialized through the portal.

"Search for anything useful," Raven ordered with a cold voice. "And be prepared to kill anyone who gets in our way."

As the bandits dispersed, the laboratory descended into anarchy, with Grimm outside and an unpredictable group of bandits inside.

"Ah, it can get worse," I gurgled aloud. A nearby bandit heard my gurgle, and without hesitation, they hastened to inform Raven of the noise. "Uh, Raven there was a noise..." The bandit told Raven.

"What, you're scared of a little noise Shay? I deal with it," Raven declared dismissively as she strode purposefully past Shay and toward me, her eyes locking onto mine with an intensity that sent shivers down my spine. Her demeanor radiated confidence and a hint of dark amusement.

Raven's eyes widened in astonishment as she looked into my little baby eyes. Without a moment's hesitation, she swiftly and gently scooped up my fragile infant body, her expression shifting from indifference to concern. [No! Put me down!]

"WAAH WAHH," I cry and make many different baby noises.

"We leave now, all of you, right now!" Raven urgently commanded her bandits, her tone leaving no room for debate. The gang, bewildered by Raven's sudden change in demeanor, scrambled to exit the laboratory through the portal, leaving the laboratory and Raven closing the portal behind them.

Thanks for checking out my story. Please comment on it and let me know what you think or if anything needs to be improved.

Excal_creators' thoughts