
RWBY: The Boy Named Rin

In Vale, there's a coffee café that serves heavenly drinks and questionably amazing curry that pairs so well with the coffee. Even renowned Headmaster of Beacon, Ozpin drinks it (Even if the majority don't know it). But who is the owner of the café? Why is he so young? What is a Mistralian doing in Vale? How does he make a profit with such cheap coffee? And why does he make such good coffee?! Oh, and a group named the Phantom Thieves are making a fuzz in Remnant. That's not that important though, Leblanc's coffee is more interesting than them. RWBY X Persona 5

Damaine_N · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
16 Chs


Emerald Sustrai POV

With her Semblance, everything went quite anti-climatically. They snuck around with the unconscious body of the mansion owner, passing through all guards with ease, though they did have a close call when one of the passing by guards stopped them.

"Halt, you two."

The illusion of them freezing and looking back at the lone guard was created as Rin's voice sounded.

"Is there anything, sir?"

Rin asked with his voice unwavering, his figure tensed up with his fingers reaching for his handgun Phantom, ready to pounce whether necessary.

Suddenly, the guard just grinned as he raised his hand and puts it onto illusion Rin's shoulder. She had to concentrate and add another quick flush of Aura into the illusion, with the guard feeling that he had placed his hand onto Rin's body.

"Well, Jerry, funny story... I got tickets to the Vytal Festival Tournament!"

The guard said with excitement in his tone, causing Emerald to mentally sigh in relief before refocusing her efforts to create the perfect illusion for Rin.

"Nice! Aren't those super hard to find at this time? How did you even get them?"

Rin changed his tone to match the previous guard's as the two continued to converse for a few more seconds before the guard had to leave.

Once the coast was clear, Rin breathed a sigh of relief before signalling them to continue their heist.

Eventually they reached the lower floors and were in front of the safe. Disabling the cameras with well-placed Lighting Dust bullets from Phantom, Emerald got to work as she started slapping the shit out of Kold Kesin until he came back to the land of the living.

"W-What? Who the fuck are you people?! — "

Looking into his eyes by grabbing his chin roughly, Emerald started pouring Aura empowered by her Semblance, melding it into his psyche. Kold Kesin tried to resist it, however after a few seconds he stared at the wall with hazy eyes, completing the mission.

Rin, while she was doing her work, sealed the room shut before taking out their shared Scroll that they used during heists and tripod, leaving it standing as Emerald pulled the man up through the collar and ordered him to stand still.

He did so without hesitation.

Psyche Break, the skill that Rin dubbed, was the pinnacle of her Semblance, Illusions.

Normal applications of her Semblance will allow her to seep her Aura through her enemies/targets into their psyche, and then manipulate their senses (Sight, Smell, Touch, Hearing, Taste).

That's the bare basics of her Semblance. But once a target had already been affected by her Illusions, their Aura will act as antibodies that learned the manipulation, causing them to be more resistant the second time around.

However, by defeating and staring into their eyes, she could flood her Aura into a target, and force the psyche to break temporarily, forever if it was a normal civilian without Aura.

In this state, she could control the Aura in her target's psyche to influence their actions while in this state Rin dubbed Mind Down.

With the Scroll recording everything in front of it, Rin snapped his fingers, giving the signal that they've discussed before Emerald acted.

"Kold Kesin, confess your sins."

Rin said, with so much dominance in his tone that it made Emerald's stomach flutter a little. She'll shelve this for later, ignoring the heat on her cheeks as she did her job, manipulating the psyche of Kold to spill everything.

"I... I will confess... For years on end, I-I've been embezzling thousands of Lien into my own pocket every month, Lien that the citizens of Vale file as taxes for the betterment of the Kingdom, I've taken.

I've also abused the rights of the Faunus, horrible work conditions with meager hourly rates, forcing them to work under severe conditions, caging them like slaves to do our work. Even covering up the deaths of overworked or unhealthy Faunus as drug overdoses or genetic diseases...

That... Doesn't even scratch the surface of what I've done. I can only hope to atone for my sins!"

The man breaks down in front of the camera as Emerald mentally whistled. This guy does have a lot of dirt, makes you wonder how worth it being powerful was.

Rin, who was watching this with an impasse expression walks towards the camera and turned the recording off. Sighing, he took off his mask and pinched the bridges of his nose.

"Humans sure are scum..."

"We are, but at least some of us keep it inside instead of out like this guy. On the brighter side, your Semblance is as effective as always, Heka."

Emerald shrugs with a tint on her cheeks. That caused Rin to smirk at her embarrassment before grabbing the man by the hair and pulling him towards the safe security system.

"Now, come on. We have some Lien to steal."




Roman Torchwick POV

Cinder Fall, what an insane pyschotic bitch. She just tasked them with his and Neo's deaths. To steal from the Phantom Thieves themselves.

Crazy woman doesn't know what she's doing, dammit.

He just sighed helplessly. If he doesn't do it, then he'll get burnt alive by Miss Fire Wielder. And if he does do it, that devil would hunt him down like prey to a predator.

Well, he doubts that it would happen exactly like that, but still, Daemon had already warned him not to mess with him while on business.

Ah... Daemon, the Phantom Thief. That brings back memories. Two years since he met the guy, and to this day he was still terrified of his powers ever since the demon inside him let loose. He still had nightmares of that thing behind him, slaughtering and killing all those gang members like an oiled-up machine.

Efficient and quick, what a damn motto to live by.

If it weren't for Neo's... infatuation for the guy, he'd already book it to Vacuo or Atlus... Eh, maybe not Atlas, too cold and uptight. Vacuo was much better though hotter.

Ugh, don't get him started with Neo.

His partner in crime, his one-two in danger, his "daughter" in ever sense. His dad instincts were roaring to meet up with Daemon to intimidate him like every father would to their crush, even if he knew that the Devil would break every bone of his in one clean move.

She doesn't like like him, it's just that she'd never seen someone her age kill so efficiently. She spent every single second of her free time trying to find him every day since 2 years ago, sometimes even stalking the man when he was out liberating Lien from the rich for the poor.

Like that'd do something to society, but in his words; "It's not about the money, it was about sending a message to the rich." Basically, the shit's up, confess your sins now or the demon will force you to.

Still, that doesn't make him automatically like him, even if he respected that, a man of conviction and motivation.

"Sigh... Come on, Neo, time to face the Devil in a battle of thievery, I do not want my clothes and hair burnt from Miss Heartburn."

Roman said with a dull tone, to which the girl behind him silently giggling at his despair before they disappeared, a crack appearing in reality after and shattering into fragments.




Emerald Sustrai POV

They made their escape after shoving the man back into his room stylishly without anyone noticing, though without her Semblance since Psyche Break takes a toll on her Aura reserves. She barely had 20% left.

Slinging her hands around Rin's neck (And taking a good whiff of his smell), she felt his strong arm hold onto her back before he fired his grappling hook, sending them flying away from the mansion.

Once that they were in the clear, she started to stretch her joints, feeling them pop as she sighed with relaxation. What a heist. When she was about to take off her mask, Rin suddenly pulled her through her arm as she felt the breeze of bullets that almost went through her skull.

Rin, whose expression was neutral, changed to a fierce and anger-induced face as he glared at the distance. Emerald, who was still shocked at the fact that she almost died, looked at the direction to only frown, now raising her guard and Aura. There was nothing there at all.

"Roman, Neo."

Rin greeted with a still tone as cracks in reality appeared before shattering, revealing Roman Torchwick and Neopolitan. She immediately took out her weapons, the Thief's Angel, Rin had told her about them and his history between the three.

They had a system to determine the danger level of a target or enemy. Tier 5 designation was for normal huntsmen, while Tier 1 designation were for superhuman-level huntsmen with titles to their names. An example was the Qrow Branwen, The Grim.

The two in front of them were designated as Tier 3 out of 6, which was advanced-Huntsmen level.

Emerald shifts her grip on her weapons and changes them to their melee form, the front barrels of Thief's Angel contracting as it swung downwards to her forearms. The barrel started to extend longer until she was holding onto a pair of forest green tonfas.

"Daemon, long time no see! And this beautiful woman is...?"

Roman said with interest as he stared at Emerald, sending a slight shiver down her spine, like a kid staring at a their new toy when Rin answered, standing between her and the gentleman thief.

"My accomplice... Now, what in God's name are you two doing here? I told you, don't mess with me during — "

"Business, yeah I know. It's just that I don't really have quite a choice. Either I face you, or I get incinerated, you see?"

Roman spit on the ground as Emerald kept that into her mental notes. Incinerated? That means...

"Someone's forcing you to do this, huh?"

Rin deduced as Roman clapped slowly with a grim smile.

"Always the one to see things quick. Now let's not waste any more time and... "

The gentleman thief's face turned dark as he stylishly flips his cane and grip it in his other hand, with the mute assassin drawing her umbrella blade. No more conversation, it seems. These two are dead-set on fighting them.

"Bring it out, that demon of yours."

Rin stares at the two before sighing. From his cloak, his personal mechashift weapon materialized from his soul, the Hellfire's Bane, a long katana with mostly red and black colors with a short cross hilt.

Holding onto Hellfire's Bane on his left arm, his arm snakes up to his mask. She tenses at the action before readying her mind and soul.

"You want to see my demon...?"

His tone powerful as suddenly a wave of pressure extrudes from Rin... No, this was now the Phantom Thief, Daemon, speaking.

"Then cower and witness its power."

The sound of flesh ripping, blood gushing out, the scent of iron surrounding them. And then he commanded.

"Show your might, NOBUNAGA."

And the world saw red.





Only those with Class A designation is approved to look!

New information has been added!


User: Daemon, The DEVIL

Personae: Nobunaga (NEW!)

Resist: ???

Weakness: ???

Weapons: Hellfire's Bane (Katana+ ???), Phantom (Handgun + ???) (NEW!)

Semblance: ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇ ▇(ERROR!)



G̶̩̼͒̉̒i̵̮̼͛̈́ä̴͙̹̝́͊͘n̴̲͠ţ̶̐ ̷̱̈́͌S̶̝͂̃ͅḷ̸͔̾ḯ̴͖͕ͅc̵̟̱̐̅͜͠e̴̎ͅ ̴̧̮͆[̶͍̱͚̾̇̎M̴͔͓̳̈́ë̸͇͖́͌ḑ̶̐̕ ̴̼̭͇̑̍̈́P̵̙̯̔̔̚h̷̼̐̃̓ȳ̶͎̝̬ ̴͚͈̈̇̀ṭ̴̢̻̉͘o̶̭̖͑̀ ̶̞̈́Ơ̵̯̈̚ͅn̶͇͚̾e̷͛ͅ ̵̨͎̲̌͊̃F̵̺͉̉ȏ̸̞͓e̸͓̗͒]̴̝̑̽̓͜ ̸̝͉̝͌́͛ (̸͈̪͋͝͠ͅ1̴̝̪̏͛͜0̸̩̉̾̔%̶͖̑ ̷̼͌͜H̶͍̏P̸̜͎̲̑̈́̍)̷̛͖̈́ͅ (ERROR!)

B̵̮̜̰̃ū̶̩̳r̷̦̪̜̾̃š̴̼͝t̶̢͕̃̆͝ ̶̨̤͍̄̈̽B̷̞̗̽a̷̼͖͒͗r̴̻͖̤̓̈́̏r̶͓͗̊a̸̡̟͉̓̄͠g̴̦̬͙͑e̴̜͎͜͠ ̶̧͉̯͒̉[̶̲̒̈́M̶͚̥͑̎͘e̵̞̊̽̚d̶͔̂̏͑ ̸̢̤̫͌P̵̨͓͝h̷̤͓̏̈́̐ÿ̴̨̡̠̏̏ ̶̨̱͚̊̋t̴̡̻̄̿͒o̸̡̪̠̓̓͠ ̷̝͈̥͗̓̊R̴̭̅̊a̸̳͂̐n̶̩̑d̴̘͓̱̓̇̾ó̵̜̗̰̊m̴̤̠̽ ̵̦̰̯̒̀F̸̟̓o̴̤̥̻̎̊e̸̲̓̀̚ş̶̠̑̾̓]̵̙͊͂ ̴͕͑̚ (̸͎͛̿8̵͔͊͊̔%̷͉̏̑ ̵̝̠̀͗H̷͎́̓̑P̸̡̝͂̽)̵͈̳͛ (ERROR!)

V̸̺̽̓̆a̸͉͔̐j̸̡̢̀̊͜r̵͙͌̓ͅa̴͖̰͎͊ ̴̘̈́͌B̵̛̲̍l̸̜͂ǎ̶̙̰̮s̴̺̩̄t̴͙̉ ̵̛̯͍͊̀[̷͉̘́M̸̘̫̍̀̚͜ė̷̙͍̯̑͠d̸̠̪̗̿̍̀ ̸͇̣̻̈́̄̍P̴͙̩̀̈͘ĥ̸͉̳̖̀̔y̴͎̯͗ ̴͖̫̅̄͆ṱ̴̫̲̈́o̸͎͔͑ ̴͎̣̈͗̕Ä̷̗̜̟ļ̵̳̫̈̕l̷̰̥̓̕ ̵̮̀͑F̷̪̳͋̉̊ö̶͔͉̞́͝e̷̼͠s̵̠̜͗̀]̸̦͎̱͆ ̴̬͛̈́̉ (̵̹̝̄̚͝ͅ1̴̭̟͈̆6̸̼͚̌̌̓%̴͙̯̥̉͒͘ ̸͙͖̇̈̌H̴̨̯̑̕P̴̪̍̏̅)̸̞͌̋̚ (ERROR!)

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St: ?

In: ?

Ma: ?

En: ?

Lu: ?


Persona Stats:

St: ?

In: ?

Ma: ?

En: ?

Lu: ?




User: Heka, The Devil's Grace (NEW!)

Persona: NONE (NEW!)

Weapons: Thief's Angel (Revolvers + Tonfas + ???) (NEW!)

Semblance: Illusion (NEW!)



Hallucination [Inflict Heavy Confuse to One Foe] |Duration: Based On Cost| ( ~ % AP) (NEW!)

Psyche Break [Inflict Severe Confuse, Fear, Despair, Forget, Brainwash to One Foe] |Duration: 3 Hours| (50% AP) (NEW!)



St: 35 (NEW!)

In: 43 (NEW!)

Au: 51 (NEW!)

En: 28 (NEW!)

Lu: 39 (NEW!)


Read future chapters early in Pa**eon.

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