
RWBY/ Remnant Slayer

Glenn Buster is a boy who has never had anything since birth. Abandoned as a child by his family, he had to manage on his own to survive in the most disreputable streets that could have existed among bandits, murderers and other dangers. His dream of becoming a hunter was his only solution to leave this hell but all that was destroyed by a damn blonde bitch with glasses who refused his admission to the Beacon academy without even giving him a chance to prove himself. Now he had nothing at all, at least that's what he believed until he fell into a place that would make him something greater than a hunter, a being able to compete with the most powerful entity that inhabits this world. With this he will discover that an even older and more dangerous threat than the grimms threatens the world of remnant and that he is the only one who can protect remnant from this unknown danger. Info: -This fanfic is based on the original story of RWBY as well as the visual novel JPDE and CBLT so for those who do not know these games I invite you to inquire because the characters and the story of these games will be present in the story. - Several elements of the DOOM universe will be used and modified so don't expect everything to be identical to the games base universe. - As for the romance there will be some but no haren and for those who are only there for the lemon it is not planned in the story at the moment (May change over time) so if you hope to see a mc who fucks a new girl with each new chapter it's not here! I think that's all I have to say for the moment, if I have to add or modify things I will indicate them as the story progresses, on this good read!

caleb_flint · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter 6

In a small town, sitting at a table, Glenn ferociously ate a burger and fries as if he hadn't eaten in years.

"Hoooo man, it feels really good!!!"

He continued to devour his meal when Vega's voice was heard in his earpiece.

"Glenn….can I ask you a question?"

"Of course, go ahead!"

"....Why are you eating when technically you no longer need to eat or sleep now that you have become a slayer, I mean....I advised you to rest at the beginning given that your body was not completely adapted to your new condition but now it is no longer useful?

Glenn stopped eating and placed his burger on his plate and was silent for a moment before responding.

"I know that...the thing is...when you've spent most of your life fighting to find something to eat or a place to sleep where you won't freeze to death... these things are ingrained deep within you and cannot disappear with the snap of a finger and I don't want them to disappear....even if technically I can live very well without it, I always want to appreciate the feeling of a good hot meal and the pleasure of being able to sleep with both eyes closed without worrying about the rest.

"...I'm not sure I understand everything but if that's what you want then I see no reason to object.

Glenn finished his meal then walked around the city but something disturbed him, it was the way people looked at him because of his right eye and the symbol that was inside. They looked at him like he was some kind of freak and whispered among themselves which irritated him even more.

Suddenly he stopped his gaze, attracted by a window of a store which seemed to sell something different but which had caught his attention was a white mask with pointed teeth drawn on it, black eyes and a red mark like blood covering the right eye.

he entered the store and headed towards the cash register where the manager was hanging out on his scroll.

"I would like to buy this mask!"

The manager looked up and jumped when his eyes met Glenn's.

"Ho! Hello! You want to buy this mask! Of course, I'll get it for you right away!"

Glenn watched him walk away from the corner of his eye, knowing very well why he had reacted like that. The manager came back very quickly and made Glenn pay for the mask while avoiding his gaze until the end of the transaction.

Once finished he turned to a mirror that was in the store and put on the mask and put on his hood, now his face was completely covered even his eyes were not visible, only the black holes of the mask made for the shape of the eyes.

He left the store and continued on his way. People continued to look in his direction but their look was different this time, it was no longer a look of disgust but of fear. They avoided eye contact with him as much as possible while giving little glances from time to time while thinking of being discreet even though they weren't at all.

This didn't bother Glenn at all, on the contrary he preferred that people avoided contact with him as much as possible because he wasn't basically a very sociable person so it was all good for him.

He walked for several minutes when he heard whispers coming from an alley hidden between two buildings. He was surprised at first that he could hear that far away, but he figured it was probably because he had become a slayer.

He entered the alley intrigued by what he had just heard, once closer to the source of the whispers he was able to follow the conversation. From what he could hear he was able to discern four different people talking to each other.

"Where are the others with the rest of the plan?"

"They will soon capture the target, once that is done we will all regroup and Adam will launch the last part of the plan."

"Great, those damn Schnees won't understand what's going to happen to them!"

"But what do we do if that damn blond kid attacks us again?"

"Don't worry, if this kid ever shows up again we'll settle his score once and for all!"

It was at this moment that Glenn revealed himself to the group of people. They were four men all dressed in the same outfit, white and black with a hood and they all wore a mask that could resemble those of the grimms.

One of the men noticed Glenn and drew a sword which he pointed at him.

"What in hell are you doing here!?!"

The rest of the men turned to him and drew their weapons while taking a fighting stance.

Glenn easily recognized who these men were, coming from an organization that was originally founded for equality between humans and faunus but which ended up becoming a terrorist organization... the White Fangs.

He has never dealt with them until now and didn't want that to change today.

"Look guys, I'm just passing by so let's pretend we've never seen each other and everyone's happy."

Glenn turned around and started to walk back when one of the men called out to him.

"Where do you think you're going you bastard, don't think you can leave like that after hearing us!"

"Listen man, like I said let's pretend nothing happened and there won't be a problem."

Glenn continued to advance when the man, annoyed by his attitude, rushed towards him with his sword and brought it down straight at Glenn, who with an extremely rapid movement spun around, dodging the attack and striking the back of his fist at the head of the man who crashed against the wall before falling unconscious to the ground.

*sigh* "You know...things could have been a lot easier if you had listened to me but now...you really pissed me off!"

The rest of the men took a few steps back when they saw their friend fall to the ground, but especially after seeing Glenn standing straight in front of them in the shadows of the alley, a red glow emanating from the right eye of his mask.

"You...you, what do you think you're doing, you bastard!"

two of the men rushed simultaneously towards Glenn who disappeared in the blink of an eye to reappear in front of them, kneeing one in the chest and hitting the other with an elbow behind the neck putting them both ko.

"Wow my movements seem much faster and more powerful than before... so that's the effect of the demonic energy that I absorbed... really cool."

The last of the men who hadn't moved turned around and started to run away. Seeing this, Glenn prepared to pursue him but didn't have time to move when a noise rang out and the man who was trying to escape flew across the alley to land in front of him.

He looked at the unconscious man on the ground in front of him before looking up to see a boy standing at the other end of the alley.

He wore an open loose-collared white jacket with no shirt underneath, displaying his muscular physique. He also wears blue cargo pants tied up with a white belt. He had short spiky light-blonde hair as well as a monkey tail of the same color.

"So this is where you've been hiding all this time ?"