
RWBY/ Remnant Slayer

Glenn Buster is a boy who has never had anything since birth. Abandoned as a child by his family, he had to manage on his own to survive in the most disreputable streets that could have existed among bandits, murderers and other dangers. His dream of becoming a hunter was his only solution to leave this hell but all that was destroyed by a damn blonde bitch with glasses who refused his admission to the Beacon academy without even giving him a chance to prove himself. Now he had nothing at all, at least that's what he believed until he fell into a place that would make him something greater than a hunter, a being able to compete with the most powerful entity that inhabits this world. With this he will discover that an even older and more dangerous threat than the grimms threatens the world of remnant and that he is the only one who can protect remnant from this unknown danger. Info: -This fanfic is based on the original story of RWBY as well as the visual novel JPDE and CBLT so for those who do not know these games I invite you to inquire because the characters and the story of these games will be present in the story. - Several elements of the DOOM universe will be used and modified so don't expect everything to be identical to the games base universe. - As for the romance there will be some but no haren and for those who are only there for the lemon it is not planned in the story at the moment (May change over time) so if you hope to see a mc who fucks a new girl with each new chapter it's not here! I think that's all I have to say for the moment, if I have to add or modify things I will indicate them as the story progresses, on this good read!

caleb_flint · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter 2

"In the face of all the evil that hell can bring forth, all the villainy that humanity can produce, we will send against them... only you. Slaughter them, to the last one!"

*GASP!!! .....Cough ....Cough *

"What the hell was that!"

Glenn suddenly woke up completely out of breath. Sweat ran down his forehead as he took time to catch his breath.

"What the hell...what the fuck was that voice, what the fuck happened."

Iol looked around to find that he was still where he had fallen after trying to flee from the grimms chasing him in the forest.

He started to get up but when he did that his right eye started hurting him horribly to the point of knocking him over his legs.

"HAAAAAA!!!!!! What the hell is going on?"

he remained on his knees while having a hand placed on his eye which hurt him if he was on the verge of exploding. After several minutes the pain lessened a bit and he was able to open his eye.

"What the hell is wrong with me?!?"

Even though the pain was less he could still feel that something was wrong with his eye. He looked around to see if he could find anything in which he could see his reflection, that's when he heard drops of water.

He turned around to see in a corner of the room where there was a small puddle of water on the ground. He rushed to the puddle to make sure everything was fine but once he got to the front he found that his right eye, which was originally green, had completely changed.

His pupil had completely disappeared to give way to a symbol. It was the same symbol that was present everywhere in the place where he was but now it was etched in a blood red color in his right eye.

"Holy shit! What the hell is that!"

He began to rub his eye frantically, he even tried to clean it with the water on the floor in despair but it didn't change anything the symbol was still there.

After several unsuccessful attempts to get the symbol to leave Glenn fell on his ass completely dejected by the situation in which he found himself.

"Why! Why is this happening to me...."

He sat on the ground for several minutes motionless just staring at a wall in the room trying to figure out what was happening to him.

After several minutes his gaze fell on what was causing everything that was happening to him, the object he had taken from the grave. He stood up and walked towards the object before picking it up, if it was this object that was at the origin of all this he must surely be able to put everything back in order just as before, that was what Glenn thought even if he didn't have much hope that it would do anything.

He looked at the object from each side to see if he could find anything that could help him but didn't seem to be of much use except that this damn symbol was also present on the object and was glowing red.

The more he looked at this object the more he felt he knew what it was, like his memory was buried deep within him.

Suddenly the top of the object opened and what appeared to be a blade of energy shot out. The blade was an intense red color with lots of strange symbols inside. The shape of the blade was particular with the end which separates into two spikes on the left and right of the blade. He had just understood that what he had been holding in his hands since the beginning was none other than the hilt of a sword.

"Wow! Ok I didn't expect that!"

He looked at the sword he held in his hand with admiration. He had seen lots of incredible weapons before in stores or in the hands of hunters, but that... it was something completely different, the mere sight of this weapon was enough for him to know that it was capable of slicing through everything.

Glenn started doing some movement in the air with the sword and was surprised how easily he could handle it as he had always known how to handle this weapon.

The question now was since he managed to activate the sword how do you deactivate it now? The thought had just time to cross his mind that the blade disappeared and the cross-guard closed on its own.

"Hmph! Convenient..."

It's like this sword was reacting to what he was thinking which was kind of strange now that he was thinking about it. He tied the sword behind his waist where he stored his lost ax and then headed back to the grave to see if he could find anything else interesting.

From what he could see the grave was mostly filled with dust as well as the dilapidated armor but his eyes caught sight of something that was resting next to one of the legs of the armor but too covered in dust to see what it was.

He brushed off the dust and pulled out what turned out to be a double-barreled pump-action shotgun with some kind of spike mechanism below the barrel that he couldn't identify.

He took a closer look at the shotgun and from what he could see apart from a lot of dust it was still serviceable. He then opened the shotgun to see if there was ammunition in it but it was empty.

"Empty... of course!"

He still decided to keep it with him if he ever managed to get his hands on bullets. He looked around but nothing seemed to be of any use. Now there was only one thing left for him to do and that was to figure out how to get out of here.

He looked around to see if he found anything that looked like an exit. He walked around the room, observing every wall and every corner when he stopped after hearing a noise coming from behind a large veil of red fabric on which the same famous symbol was printed.

He stuck his ear against the fabric and heard a sound that was familiar to him, it was the sound of a draft. He stepped back, then grabbed the fabric and pulled it away from the wall, revealing a passage.

"Well...looks like I've found my way."