
RWBY: Remnant’s Outsider

White and Black Good and Evil Light and Darkness Life and Death. There are no such thing as heroes. Those who claim that title for themselves live in their own world of delusion. Everyone lives with their own perceptions of right or wrong. Those who see fit to call themselves the forces of good and those who seek destruction... It’s all a matter of perspective. And for me...true power lies in darkness.

Arokey · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
55 Chs

Chapter 1

Being born again wasn't an experience he'd like to repeat.

The pain of being pulled out of the womb due to weak limbs.

The embarrassing loss of control of body function, more specifically bladder control.

The ease at which he falls asleep.

Last but not least, the lack of power to do anything on his own...

Despite all that, he wouldn't say that they were all bad. He now had one thing he never experienced in his former life. Family.

He was born into a family of two; he and his mother. He never had the privilege of feeling the warmth of a motherly hug until rebirth so things weren't all bad.


In a neatly organized room, a small child could be seen sleeping peacefully on the bed in the center of the room.

He had long spiky black hair with a blue tint that hung over his face as bangs. His skin was fairly pale. His regular breathing was interrupted as the alarm clock on the bedside table clocked 8:30am, triggering a loud alarm.

"Uugghh..." he groaned groggily as his eyelids repeatedly blink open revealing black eyes. He sluggishly stretched his hand to his the snooze button on the alarm clock before shutting his eyes.

His attempt to return to sleep was thwarted as the door was opened. A fairly pale woman with black hair and eyes not dissimilar to the sleeping boy walked in. A soft smile graces her beautiful face as she sees her son asleep with his left hand hanging off the bed.

She walks up to his bed and then proceeds to gently shake him awake. However, this action caused him to instinctively reach out for her arm and then using it as a pillow. It took all she had not to coo at her child as she pulled him into her embrace.

After taking some time to enjoy the moment m, she felt it was time to wake him up before she got carried away.

"Reid, it's time to wake up." She said in a motherly tone. She watched as his eyes slowly opened up.

"Mom? Good morning." He said sleepily. Looking up, he saw his mother's smiling face.

"Good morning. It's time for breakfast" She said as she got up from the bed she was just now sitting on, effectively freeing her arm.

Reid sat upright as his mother left the room. He took his time getting off the bed as he was lost in thought.

'Six years...' he thought solemnly as his mind was now awake.

It's been six years since he'd been reborn in this world. It took some time to come to terms with the fact that he now had parents. Despite it only being his mother, that was more than enough for him. His father could die for all he cared, not that he knew who he was.

It had been his mother who took care of him throughout the span of his new life, thus deepening his bond with her. Though one thing bothered him.

He had learned that they are living in a village a few miles away from the city. He had asked his mother once about why they don't live in the city but all he got was a cryptic smile.

He walked to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water. As water ran down his face, he recalled the very familiar yet strange details about the village.

The village itself didn't have a name but the people who lived in it did. The Uchiha. A name that he was very familiar with in his previous life. The words of the voice in the void rang through his head.

'...After all, the world you're going to is a bit different than what you remember...'

The famed Uchiha clan from the Naruto world. He almost had a panic attack when he thought he was in the shinobi world but he was quickly proved wrong. The level of technology was too advanced for that to be true.

Despite knowing that, he was still skeptical. Thus could be one of the changes the voice talked about. It wasn't until he searched online that he was sure that this wasn't the shinobi world. There were no similar events that suggested such apart from the Uchiha clan's existence.

What really clinched it was when he looked up to the sky for the first time. The broken moon spoke all about which world he was in. He was on Remnant...in RWBY.

With a sigh he turned off the water and headed downstairs for breakfast.


He laid on his back on the roof of a large building, staring up at the broken moon. At least that's what anyone looking would think.


Name: Reid Uchiha

Title: None











This had appeared in front him a few years back. At first he was weirded out by it and what people who saw it would think but it soon became apparent that he was the only one who could see it. That was proven when his mother once walked right through it like it wasn't there.

So far he had deduced somethings. Str relates to strength, Dex relates to speed, Vit relates to vitality. The other two; Int and Wis translated to Intelligence and Wis respectively, although he couldn't figure out their use. Apparently he also had skills.

'Skills' he thought lazily. The screen in front of him changed to a different one, showing another set of data.


Presence Concealment[Active][level 11]

Flexibility[Passive][level 4]


It was underwhelming when you really thought about it but he wasn't bothered one bit. As childish as it seemed, he preferred to spend more time with his mother and clan than acquiring skills.

He got Presence concealment from playing hide and seek with his mother and occasionally other kids. He acquired flexibility when he tried to perform some of the stretches taught in the academy.

Yes. There's an academy. Seeing as how their village is out in the open and exposed to Grimm, there is a need for warriors to fend them off. The weapons were nothing fancy or complex as mechashift weapons so training the body was of utmost importance.

The standard age for entry into the academy was eight years old. He wasn't an academy student...yet. It was rare for anyone below the age of eight to take the entrance exam for the academy but after casually mentioning his interest in the academy to his mother, she pulled some strings and got him a chance try for the exam.

"Reid! Get down from there! It's too dangerous to be up there! Sometimes I wonder how you even get there." His mother said, mumbling the last part out with a sigh. Beside her was a slightly tall muscular man with the classic black Uchiha hair and eyes.

What really stood out about him was the label on his breast pocket identifying him as the headmaster of the academy. He watched with an amused smile as Reid carefully made his way down while his mother fussed over his safety.


Reid now stood in front of an obstacle course. It wasn't extreme but it would be taxing for even a fresh academy student.

On the side watching the exam about to take place were the headmaster and a few academy staff, and of course Reid's mother.

"It's been years since anyone attempted the exam this young." A staff started.

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean he'll be able to pass it. After all, this isn't child's play." A female staff said sternly.

"Lighten up, will you? Maybe we'll see the birth of something amazing." Another staff other than the previous two chided lightly. The female staff scoffed but held her tongue.


He watched from the corner of his eyes as the headmaster pulled out a small gun from his pocket and aim at the sky. There was a look of concentration on Reid's face as he waited for the signal.


As soon as he heard the gunshot, he took off as fast as he could. He ran at decent speed for a six year old for a while before he reached his first obstacle. The hurdle.

Upon getting to the first hurdle, he placed his left hand on it and then propelled himself over it. He continued until he got to the next one which he cleanly leaped over.

Next came the rock climb.


From the sidelines a few comments arose.

"Is it me or is he getting faster?" One of the staff who spoke earlier asked.

"He probably conserved his energy so he wouldn't get exhausted too early. Smart for a brat." The female staff bit out.


As Reid continued the course, it became apparent that he was slowly increasing in speed. It stagnated towards the end but it was noticeable to anyone paying close enough attention.

They all watched as Reid crossed the finish line to complete the course. By the times he crossed, he was sweaty and panting. He had a smile on his face but nobody could argue about his performance.

The headmaster stood next to his mother, surprised but also seemingly expecting the outcome.

"He passed, right?" His mother asked with shining eyes.

"Of course. What else could we expect from the head's son?" He asked rhetorically as he showed his approval with a smile. That's right. His mother is the head of the clan/village.

While they thought he was smiling because he was sure of his success, his smile was caused by something else entirely.


[You have received +2 Dex and +1 Str!]

His smile didn't leave his face as he dragged his body to his mother.