
RWBY: Remaining Noble

Reach had fallen. Noble Team is gone. And Earth is all that's left. Spartan B312 had made his last stand and is mysteriously sent into another world where magic exists. He will have to find a way back to UNSC space. He will meet new friends and new foes. –This is my first story. I will rewrite this when I gain more experience as a writer. –I don't own RWBY or Halo. They belong to their respective companies. –This story will mostly follow the events in RWBY but later it will follow its own storyline with other characters, OCs will be added in this story and original names will be added to some characters that don't have already established first or last names. Original backstories will also be given to the characters that don't or barely have a backstory, and there will be returns to different characters within the halo and possibly the RWBY universes. I do hope you enjoy this.

Crimsonghost010 · ไซไฟ
3 Chs

Chapter 1: New Beginning


Six was floating in the void of space with the infinite darkness surrounding him he could see stars, nebules, and asteroids, and then he saw a planet.

"Vile, where are we?" Six asked calmly

"I-I don't know where we are but all I know is that we're not on reach or on any UNSC or insurrectionist colony" Vile replied as he was not expecting to be in a different part of the galaxy

The Spartan didn't respond. Instead, he used a nearby meteorite and paddled his way to the planet as if he were swimming in water and heading to shore.

As he was paddling, he had flashes of memories hitting him as if it was a rocket from an M41 SPNKr rocket launcher

A flash of him in Aszod, fighting off hoards of Covanent forces baring down on his position, corpses of his enemies littered around the battlefield alongside the corpses of his allies.

Then, a second flash to the bridge of a downed Paris-class frigate. Six walked towards a holographic projector, and an AI appeared. The AI was an orange fifteen year old Asian male with glasses on, and he has a Japanese school uniform.

Six shook his head so he could focus on literally paddling through space.

Luckily, Six still had his DMR, M6G Magnum pistol, and a rucksack that he took from an ODST's corpse. The rucksack was filled with extra ammunition, UNSC MRE's, medical equipment, and some C-12 charges.

"Vile, when I head to the planets atmosphere, I need you on standby with my armor lock," Six ordered

"On it, and I'll try to find where we are in the galaxy," Vile replied

"What may I do to aid you, Noble Six?" Auntie Dot asked, "I have a UNSC beacon with me when I scavenged through the ship, I can activate it near the planets moon so any nearby UNSC forces can pick it up and get us off it, Dot I need you to estimate how long it will take" Six replied as he kept paddling

"If you activate this beacon, I estimate 4 years 7 months 10 days, 5 hours, 12 minutes, and 50 seconds until any UNSC forces manage to get it." Dot Estimated, her voice still as robotic as when she was on Reach with Noble Team

"We'll survive the wait," Six stated, coldly

After 10 minutes of literally swimming in space with a meteorite, Six managed to get to the planets gravitational pull, and it dragged him down to the planets surface

The purpose of the meteorite was to take most of the atmospheric re-entry so his armor wouldn't have to, then when the meteorite was about to fully disintegrate Six pulled out his DMR and rucksack and turned around so his limited supplies and rifle wouldn't have to burn up or melt on his armor

Then Six crashed down in a city like area as he got up he quickly surveyed the area then after some time he saw a pare of red eyes looking at him then it practically got up it was some sort of wolf it had black fure its bones where white and some of it was sticking out and it looked hostile

"What in the world?" Vile said to himself

Six got into a combat stance to prepare for a potential fight. The werewolf charged at him, roaring. It slashed at him, but six ducks and punched it in the face, killing it instantly

Before six could examine the creature further, it started to decompose, leaving nothing but its bones

"What in hell was that?" Vile said as he was trying to make sense of all of this. "Unknowns hese creatures do not appear in any UNSC database," Dot said, answering Vile's question

Six ignored it and took one of the bones and put it in his rucksack so later on, the AI's would do some research on them then. Six heared heavy gunfire and roars in the distance. Six pulled out his DMR and got ready for a first contact scenario


Team RWBY was on a mission in Mt.Glenn they had encountered a massive pack of Grimm they were fighting off the pack with Professor Oobleck

The Grimm didn't appear to be that experienced or old enough to take on a full team of huntresses and a fully licensed huntsman. Ruby sliced the last Grimm, and Professor Oobleck walks towards the team

"Heh, piece of cake," Ruby said

"Do not celebrate yet, for I am certain this is the first bout of many, shall we continue." Oobleck questions the team as they get their weapons ready to indicate that they want to continue

As the team started to secure their perimeter Ruby saw some interesting things like destroyed buildings, old Grimm bones indicating that the city was still defended and saw Grimm Goliath which were glorified Elifents with bone armor on their sides and legs

While Weiss Blake and Yang were securing their perimeter they saw a building that was damaged and the door was open as they went through the door they saw the bones of whoever was in their every last man, woman and child's bones were their broken scratched or bit on they all looked at each other and nodded as they left the building and put some movable debris in front of the door so that no one would disturb their resting place until the day they manage to retake the city

Later on, team, RWBY are within their temporary camp with a makeshift fire and some sleeping bags Professor Oobleck decided that now would be a good time to question the huntresses on why they want to be in this line of work

"Tell me, Yang, why did you decide to choose this line of work?" Oobleck questioned as he looked at Yang

"Huh," the blonde girl looks back at him, wondering why he would ask such a thing then after some thinking she replies. "Well to fight monsters and sav-" before she could finish was interrupted by Oobleck. "No, that is what you do. I want to know why you do it. The honest reason why you want to be a huntress."

"The honest reason?" Yang questioned as Oobleck nodded his head "I'm a thrill seeker, I wanna travel around the world and get wrapped up in as many crazy adventures as I can and if I help people along the way then that's even better, it's a win-win, you know?" Yang replied,"I see. "

Oobleck then turns to Weiss to ask her the same question "and you Ms.Schnee, a girl born into fame and fortune such as yourself certainly doesn't need the extra work so why choose this over a cushy job in Atlas?" Oobleck questions, Weiss immediately replied to that question "It's exactly as you said, I'm a Schnee I have a legacy of honor to uphold and once I knew I was capable of fighting there was no longer a question of what I could do with my life, it was my duty." Weiss finished, proudly "interesting," Oobleck said, then he looked at Blake

"And what about you Blake you seem to carry yourself with a sense of purpose?" Oobleck said. "There's too much wrong in this world to just stand by and do nothing Inequality, corruption someone has to stop it," Blake stated. "Very well, how?" Oobleck asks."I....uh" Blake tried to find the words but couldn't, then Oobleck got up and left the girls to socialize with each other

Oobleck walked towards Ruby

"Doctor Oobleck," Ruby began, the good doctor hummed in response.

"I was wondering-" before Ruby could ask her question Doctor Oobleck interrupted her "why I have been interrogating your teammates earlier" Oobleck assumed "a-actually I was wondering, why did you want to become a huntsman" Ruby questioned as the doctor could only look at her for a few seconds before taking a sigh before he spoke, "look around and tell me what you see." Oobleck said, "lots of old buildings uuhh empty streets--"

"I see lives that could have been saved--" Oobleck interrupted, "--as a huntsman, it is my job to protect the people and although I can do that with traditional weaponry, I believe I can make a much larger impact with my mind as a teacher I am able to take knowledge, the most powerful weapon of them all, and place it into the hands of every student that passes through my classroom"

Oobleck stated as Ruby was still listening, "I look at this wasteland and see the lives that could have been saved but I also see an opportunity an opportunity to look at these ruins and learn from this tragedy and therefore become stronger, I am a huntsman Ruby because there is nothing else in this world I would rather be" Oobleck finishes as he walks to the other side of the room to check on be the rear guard Ruby merely looks outside and lets her dog as she heard howling in the distance


Six was standing outside watching them. He had an active camouflage module that he scavenged from one of the dead Spartans back on Reach. He heard everything and can understand what Oobleck meant because, as a soldier, he has to analyze and find the best outcome to any given situation and retreat whenever his superior officer orders it or retreat when there is no other option and learn from the mistakes that he and many others had done and try to make sure that the next time he is on the field of battle he makes sure to not repeat said mistakes again

"Noble Six, I advise you seek shelter for the duration of the night" Dot advised "got it" Six replied his helmet speakers were shut off so that the unknowns, now known, as Yang, Blake, Ms.Schnee, Ruby, and Oobleck

"Six, I managed to get some information on the planet we are on," Vile replied. "Good, I need you to get me a file on some of these people," Six said

"Okay," Vile replied

"Dot monitor my vitals and system." Six ordered, "Affirmative Noble Six," the 'dumb' AI replied

"Six, I got the files you asked for," Vile said, showing him the files of the people he could find. "Team RWBY," Six mumbled as he walked away still in active camouflage.

When he got to a nearby building that looked like it could be used for defense

"Professor Bartholomew Oobleck, age: 50 professor of Beacon Academy, fully licensed huntsman.

Ruby Rose, age: 15, graduated two years earlier than the average student from Signal Academy, where she made her weapon codenamed 'Crescent Rose' it is a high powered sniper rifle combined with a scythe..."

Six stopped himself for a minute to comprehend what he had just said, and after a few seconds, he continued

"...and had been taught by her uncle Qrow Brenwen and is the leader of team RWBY

Father: Teiyang Xiao Long, status: active

Mother: Summer Rose, status: deceased."

Six stopped for a moment to fully process the information he had just obtained again, Ruby Rose a 15-year-old girl and a traine being a leader in a team and is on a mission that is dangerous for her and her team, but at the same time Six is a child soldier himself. But why aren't they taking their job seriously, and why are they being sent on missions now? Six paid no mind to it and continued to read the files

"Yang Xiao Long, age: 17, she is Ruby Rose's big sister and graduated from Signal Academy as well. From what I see, Ruby views her highly.

Father: Taiyang Xiao Long, status: active

Mother: Raven Branwen, status: MIA

Uncle: Crow Brenwen

Step mother: Summer Rose, and they have a K-9 named Zwei. So Yang and Ruby are half-sisters. "

Six heard of some of the ONI workers and some soldiers say that they have half siblings so it wasn't really a surprise to him but Yang and Ruby are two years apart and from what Six knows, it takes a long time for someone to get over a divorce or the death of a lover or loved one so he found this odd.

"Weiss Schnee, age: 17, heir to the schnee dust company her older sister is Winter Schnee, age: 21, and her young brother is Whitley Schnee, age: 15, their status are both active.

Mother: Willow Schnee,  status: active

Father: Jacques Schnee, CEO of the Schnee Dust Company, status: active.

What can you get from the Schnee dust company Vile? " Six asked

"From what I can get on the Schnee Dust Company is that they are one of the best companies on this planet, I mean they have numerous military contracts and a LOT of workers, the SDC makes small business being either dwarfed by them or joining them for profit or contract. Six, if the SDC is taken out, then a lot of people would be put out of work, not to mention the fact that it will cripple their economy into a depression." Vile answered

Six now thought of the information for a second. If the UNSC went to war with this world's government, then the SDC would be the primary target to take out.

But he paid no mind to it, if there was any UNSC forces still alive or if humanity would survive the war then it would be useless all he could do now is to read the files and prepare for any possible threats.

"Blake Belladonna

Father: Ghira Belladonna, status: active

Mother: Kali Belladonna, status: active

She has no siblings and is a member of team RWBY like everyone else she is the only faunus in the team as well. Vile, what are the Faunus?" Six asked

"The faunus are a humanoid race whose genetic code seems to be 80% human while the remaining 20% are animalistic they've been racially harassed by humans and used to be used as slaves. Racial tensions between the two are still complicated but everything else seems to be okay, at best and on the verge of war at worse there's an organization known as the 'white fang' and from what I can get they started out peaceful but now there are factions that attack humans but the main group attacks bandit camps that have faunus slaves, the white fangs leader is a female Tigger faunus named Sienna khan." Vile replied

"Noble Six I have detected movement approximately 5 to 10 miles from our position," Dot said, Six grabbed his DMR and began to move out to investigate the area. He's spent hours reading on the files that he's almost forgotten about his surroundings

Once he did a patrol he picked up movement on his motion tracker about 10 feet from his location he went to the wall and put his back to it with his weapon at the ready, then he looked through the edge to see two faunus with Remnants form of firearms he could hear them talking it was something about a Beowulf and a patrol even going back to their base then as they left he heard a voice it sounded like a female

"That voice," Six mumbled to himself, that voice even though he could barely hear it, it sounded familiar

But before he could finish thinking as he went closer the ground cracked he stopped so he couldn't fall underneath whatever was below him but it did little effect while as he tried to slowly get out of there the ground gave and Six fell with Vile screaming in fear

To be continued. . .