
RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System

Chris had expected to wake up, haul his ass to his boring job, hop on a bus to get home and repeat this process for the foreseeable future. Through a random act of kindness towards a homeless but talented guitarist on the street and one too many cans of Monster, his routine was derailed.. drastically. [Welcome to the Multiversal Chat System, Neopolitan!] "Ugh.. what? Like the ice cream..?" [No!] "Oh.. Oh yeah.." [Open beginner gift box?] "Yeah just please don't give me anything bad, RNGesus.." [Ding!] [Acquired Rivers of blood katana] Minor Aura enhancement pill] [Body purification elixr] [Advanced swordsmanship] [Charm boost!]

Saeko_Kaburagi · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
102 Chs

Deadly Sins and True Balance

"Now you're speaking my language.." Raven grinned as the seven snakes converged behind her, transforming into large black feathered wings.

"Final battle! Goddess of Balance versus the Devil of Sins! Rae's up two to one! How do you feel, Hecate? Nervous?" Tearwyn asked, holding a mic up to Hecate.

"Nah. I'd win. Observe, my power ups!" Hecate spread her arms out with a big smile.

"Divine Reinforcement" Hecate spoke out, her body glowing with small silver circuits.

"Mana Burst" An extreme amount of magic then bursting from her body and lighting up the void of space.

"That seems much.." Raven said, though the grin never left her face.

"You earned it!" Hecate responded with a smile, before punching Raven so hard it shattered space and sent her through dimensions.

Hecate flew after her, swinging the sword of Balance at her that Raven barely managed to block. Its might weighing her down and smashing the dimensional void. Raven flew out of a tear in space, smashing through several trees and into a dome shaped white building with the words 'Capsule Corp' written on it.

Hecate casually walked through, a bounce in her step as she observed all the humans around her faint from her presence.

"Oh whoops! Gonna have the Artoria affect if I don't tone it down. Oh hey! DBZ!" Hecate smiled as she used the blade to block Raven's incoming swing with one hand.

"Aw no Mumei? Oh well, I'm sure she's busy" Hecate pouted a little, noticing several beings turning their attention to her and Raven.

Hecate began to slide back, feeling Raven steadily grow stronger as she pushed against her. Another clash of blades and Hecate was lifted into the air. Raven lunged again, onto to be stopped in place with a blue glow around her, trapping her with the Authority of Order before Hecate flipped and kicked Raven in the face with the intense red glow of Chaos. Hecate then appeared under her and met Raven's fist, shattering space again before three of her tails smacked Raven through once more.

"Hmmm.... One sec!" Hecate pointed her tail at the building, creating several boxes worth of female clothes before writing 'To: Mumei and Co, From: AssBusterFox9000.

Hecate nodded to herself proudly before flying through the spatial crack. A heel drove into her face as soon as she came out, smacking her through the roof of an exquisite-looking Castle. Hecate stopped her fall, just in time to see several magic spells fly past her. Raven stood atop the roof, looking down at Hecate. Behind the Goddess being an army of evil wizards and a ginger teen at the forefront of them. The ginger squinted and pointed a wand up at the Fox Goddess with an evil smirk, only for it to fade as his killing curses did absolutely nothing to her.

"Are we in Harry Potter? Is that Ron? Are those Reincarnators?" Hecate asked in confusion.

"Oh! What an unexpected development! Too bad Scrungo isn't here to see the state of his world~" Tearwyn chortled to herself.

"Hey, we're not done!" Raven complained, sending a giant crimson ball of flames into the horde of reincarnators.

"AH! HEY! THAT'S MY JOB!!" Hecate cried out, bisecting the evil Ron and throwing half of his still living body at Raven, who caught him by the head and crushed it with her bare hands.

"Then come up here and FIGHT ME!" Raven shouted back, receiving her wish as Hecate punched her in the face, smashing her through the magical castle before waving her blade and annihilating the rest of the reincarnators.

She made sure to record everything, just in case Scrungo wanted something to fall asleep to later.

Hecate flew after her, passing by scared paintings before ducking a decapitating swing from Raven and tearing open another rift in space and tackling her through.

And yet another Hogwarts is what greeted them. Though this time they were in the huge dining hall. Hecate threw a bowl of soup in Raven's face, splashing an innocent student and subsequently freaking everyone out.

"Wait.. Hogwarts agai-" Hecate looked off to the side, seeing Lilith in the doorway of the Dining hall with an 'amused' smile, seeing Hecate's face smashed with a loaf of hard bread.

"Now now~ You already appeared in this world. Off you go. I don't appreciate my entertainment being interrupted~" Lilith snapped her fingers, both of them flying through another rift yet again as everyone suddenly forgot about the impromptu food fight.

Both of them then fell into a well decorated house, smashing through the roof as Raven huffed in annoyance.

"Did you throw soup at me..?" Raven asked, wiping her face.

"The WORLD is my weapon, Rae-Rae- OHHHHH MY GOD!!" Hecate shouted in bliss, seeing Salem with another Tearwyn, dressed up like Artoria.

Artwyn instantly was scooped up by Hecate, who cradled both her and Plushwyn in her fluffy tails. Hecate totally engrossed in both Tearwyns, ignoring the scared Devils on the floor. Raven looked at Salem and raised her brow before looking at Sirzechs.

"I feel like I should ask.." Raven muttered before jealously looking at Hecate snuggling the two Tearwyns.

"Hello me!" Artwyn giggled and greeted Plushwyn.

"Hai me!" Plushwyn greeted back with a smile.

"Having fun?" Artwyn asked again, using Hecate's tail as a swing.

"Sure am! You?" Plushwyn responded, using Hecate's other tail as a slide.

"Yeah! Our sisters are awesome!" Artwyn proudly exclaimed with a happy nod.

"Thanks! I'll reluctantly leave you to.. Uh.. beat up Sirzechs? Then we can play some more" Hecate hugged and pat Artwyn before placing her back down on Sirzechs, making sure to stab him in the gut with the Balance blade while looking down at him threateningly.

"Do whatever she says or I'll use this to circumcise you THEN sodomize you!" Hecate threatened, seeing the incomprehensible agony Sirzechs was being subjected to, thanks to the Light Authority within the blade.

Seeing him nod with his mouth open in a silent scream, Hecate slashed open dimensions again before Raven sucker punched her into it. Raven then hugged both Artwyn and Tearwyn with a sigh of contentment.

"I'll be off now. Take care of her" Raven looked at Salem, receiving a polite bow in response.

"See you at home~" Artwyn waved as Raven flew through, Plushwyn on her back.

"You little shit.." Hecate cursed as Raven stepped out, blocking a heavy swing.

They seemed to be in space yet again. But this time, there were strange, floating places and worlds all around them. But strangest of all, were the Asian people in Chinese robes that were staring at them in shock.

"What is this? That sword.. Must be a treasure!" One of the young, handsome looking men shouted.

Looking closely, there seemed to be some sort of war going on. Between the normal looking Asians and one young man with dark powers. The Young man seemed to be slaughtering the normal looking men and women with a greatsword.

"Yun Che!!" Another one shouted in rage.

Hecate rolled her eyes as a few of the Cultivators flew at her and Raven.

"Alright.. Enough interruptions" Hecate infused the sword with Order and Chaos before rearing her arm back, giving Raven ample time to move away.

A catastrophic wave of energy swept across the Universe, destroying, unmaking, altering, ruining and creating all that it touched. Then, the battle resumed. Raven and Hecate locked blades once more. Snakes were held off by tails, Wrath's flames were held off by Order's aura, Pride was held off by punishing Light. The battle devastated the insanely strong universe that housed Cultivators. And though the native Cultivators tried their best to interfere in their fight, it only ever amounted to a slight delay in the battle before they were destroyed. Those who stayed far away were safe. Unfortunately, the main character, Yun Che was too close and had been obliterated in the fight.

The fight lasted a total of three days before a rift opened back up in the shared dimension. Hecate dragged Raven through, dropping her on her couch with a tired sigh.

"I'm... so sore.." Hecate whined, rubbing her back.

"Uuuurrrgh..." Raven simply retorted with a groan, face down in the couch in Hecate's office.

Hecate deactivated her Balance Authority and slumped down in her chair with a tired groan.

"...Hre uou gnnhg hhftr uoor bhhlnce ruhval? (Are you going after your Balance rival?)" Raven asked, muffled by the couch.

"Later.. way later. I don't even have all my Authorities yet. I'm just gonna chill. Hang out with my Wives.. Kill easy Reincarnators.. Maybe go to TFS Hellsing.. Fix Rosario Vampire.. Invite Muun to the Pantheon. Shit, dude.. I need a vacation" Hecate groaned.

"Aahhmuhn (Amen)" Raven responded, giving her a thumbs up.


Yeah you can't really have Omiversal Chatroom System without the System. This isn't the end of Hec's story! It'll go on in something else. But as for now? Yeah, this feels right. Big plot plans for the past Balance user though. So.. y'know? Look forward to that.

Thank you all so much for reading. Sure was cringey at times but a lotta fics are eh? Special thank yous to - Reykale, Lilith Zenon and GeoKit. They're my homies and why I got this far.