
RWBY: Have A Good [Dream]

Let's Hope I Won't Die.

Munkhuu · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Wake up The Prison Of Atlas

Remnant place full of soulless creatures called Grimm that created by The Immortal Witch Salem who has lack of imagination. Seriously every Grimm is more bigger version of normal creatures or some well known mythical creature.

And The Wizard Of Oz Ozma or right now known Ozpin. Who is more darker than supposed to Villainess Salem. Dude come on!!! You're supposed to be cool master guy who train MC not immortal soul that possess body of others! Alright we can forget that but seriously! You took children to school and train them soldiers that didn't even realized that they become. And then send them to their death. Do you think this is My Hero Academy or something?!!

Anyway right now I'm crossed in remnant and worst of all I'm inside Atlas and not as a civilian but prisoner and believe me last week of my life was worst moment of my life. Man when my golden finger will appear?!

[Ding! Template system has completed…]

[Bending with host…]

[System bending done…]

Finally my golden finger you are here!

[Start randomly choosing host is template…]

[Done! Host got [Dream] Template from world [Dream SMP].]

Man can you wait for a moment? I know what your functions are from moment you bind me you transferred guidance of how to use you but. Seriously right now I feels like I drank few bottle alcohol by one go without break. Well show me [Stats].

[Name: Silver Blackhart

Template: Dream 0.1%

Skills: Leadership, Weapon Mastery, Calm Mind

Especial Ability: Genius-level IQ.

Task: None.]

So right now I have only 0.1% of [Dream] template which is bad. And I need to rich this thing 50% quickly and need to draw new template.

I looked at my cell door and then electric collar in my neck. I hate this place and this thing. Breakfast should be arriving soon. I know it's prison but food they give us isn't that bad. Well for humans of course.

[New task is arrived.]

[Task name [Training].]

[Task name: Training

Object: Do 10 push up

Reward: +0.2% Template of [Dream].]

Hmm, sounds easy to me. With this I start do push ups and with in 30 second or so I finished task.

[Task [Training] complete. Host is [Dream] template got +0.2%.]

[New task assigned [Training pt.2].]

[Task Name: Training Pt.2

Object: Do 10 sit ups.

Reward: +0.2% Template of [Dream].]

With this I start do sit ups too. With that soon I complete this task too.

[Task [Training pt.2] complete. Host is [Dream] template got +0.2%.]

Man I feel like my body is reborn. Don't look down this 0.5% I know it's looks like too little. But with only this percent of power my physical fitness almost 10% more powerful. Wait it's heard better in my head now I feel like my body's super weak.


With this automatic metal door is open and robot come to my prison cell. And without word it put down my food and get out. When it get out door is closed again. Well most of times robot deliver my breakfast. Because original owner of body last month broken arms of two guards who deliver me food. So they assigned robot for me.

[New task assigned [Talk With Living].]

[Task name: Talking with Living

Object: Two hours later robots here to deliver you to your assigned doctor Emma Missy. Have a talk with her more than 5 minutes.

Reward: +0.5% Template of [Dream].]

Hmm, seems not hard. Well it's good thing you know it mean more easy form me got next templates. And did I get new doctor assigned to me? If I remember correctly last doctor was killed by some psycho prisoner or something like that.

After I rated my breakfast and waited for a around hour or so robots come to me and deliver me to my new doctor. When I get in room I meet woman around 25 years old with black hair and brown eyes. In my last life she might be count as one of top beauties but in this world she only count as above average level.

"Well, looks like new person come here." I sit down and looked behind me there was two robot and behind my new doctor two robot was guarding too.

Emma: "Hello, mister Silver I'm Emma Missy you can call me Emma. We are here to talk about your problem. We know that from your last stories you shared with us we know your life wasn't that beautiful but believe me I wanna help you. Do you believe me mister Silver?"

"Hehe, you wanna help me? Then how about you let this robots get out from room. Then maybe I will trust you little bit." I said to her with little smirk I know most of people don't do this so this is way for me to make her stop talking nonsense. But what I didn't expect was she give signal with her arm and robots really get out from room.

Emma: "So do you believe me now?"

I smirked and nodded my head.

Emma: "Well let's start with our normal questions shall we?"

Emma: "How was your last few days in this prison?"

"Boring as hell! I can't even use scroll or computer. What I do there is looking at my ceiling and wait."

Emma: "I see, Now I have a very interesting question you broken hand of few prison guards last month. So tell me Mr.Silver why did you do that?"

"Because they are annoying. They don't know when they shut up. Always talk about Schnee is are rising price of dust or something like that. They just don't know when they shut up. I don't care about their life. I don't care about their problems! But they just can't listen my advice and just shut their fucking mouth! So I teach them little bit hard way."

[Template [Dream] has got +0.2%.]

Hmm, so that was something [Dream] should tell or closer to what he said. Hmm, I feel more stronger and more comfortable. It will be not be long before I finish task.

[Task [Talk With Living] complete. Host is [Dream] template got +0.5%.]

[New skill has gained [Acting].]

Not bad. "Tell me Emma, you don't mind if I call you Emma right?"

Emma: "I don't."

"So tell me Emma what is the person who need the help in your eyes. Is it someone bullied by their life? Is it someone with disease? Or is it prisoners? Maybe even people with problem in their head? Tell me what is the person need to help to you? What person need the help most?"

[Template [Dream] has got +0.2%.]

Emma: "In my eyes person who need help is person who hurt. It doesn't matter if it is in their heart or emotionally they are all hurt every disease come from pain and pain come because that person is hurt."

"Interesting thought but if person who need help is person who hurt or damaged than what is a person who hurt them? Are they root of disease, defendant who need to get inside cage. Than that means people who created this society need to go inside prison right?"

[Template [Dream] has got +0.2%.]

Emma: "I can't say that your right but also your wrong too. It is quite tricky question."

"Than I have another question why are you here? What do you doing here? What is your purpose for come here? Tel me Emma why are you exactly here?"

Emma: "Because I wanna help people. I wanna help people in this prison."

"Heh, what a noble desire you got there. But is it really that noble? Or is it just lie that tried to cover your true desire? Let me guess is it world peace? Or is it money? Power? Or Status?"

Emma: "Peace is something every normal person want isn't it?"

"Hehe, yes that's what every "normal" person want. Hehe"

"You can lie to yourself you want piece. You can tell lies like 'I'm here to help you' to people. But you know that you want more than just that. You know that no mater what you do you will be controlled by someone. How high you climbed there always will be more higher mountain in this world. That's something you can't change and can't lie to yourself. How about let's make a deal?"

[Template [Dream] has got +0.5%.]

Emma: "Let's deal are you talking about?"

"The deal make you sit on the throne."

Emma: "Please, stop kidding mister Silver you have no ability to do that."

"Are you sure? Emma power of this world is dangling from rope that break any moment if person notice. People who sit high are people without absolute power. They struggle for power of each other. They are people who full of lies and sin. They chained by their limited mind! Hehehe. You know better than me Emma. We need to only reveal a little bit flaw and their power will be start break down very fast."

[Template [Dream] has got +1%.]

Ding Dong!

With this my time to interview with Emma has done.

"Think about it Emma."

[New skill has gained [Dream walker].]

Looks like I'm going have nice [Dream].