
RWBY: Bond Of Brothers

In the World of Remnant, two brothers find themselves neck and neck after they arrive at Beacon Academy. A sorrowful past leaves the both of them apart. After training together, family isn't the only thing they will have to worry about. Forming their own team, making new guy & girl, friends of every kind, including members of team RWBY. Beside their arguing, they still must work together to become true Huntsman. Will they seek a future like their father's?

StarKnightStories · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 6


Team KCPL,CFVY, and another followed Glynda Goodwitch for a wilderness assignment.

It was in a beautiful blossoming woodland known as Forever Fall.

Kyle, Cole, and Liam kept up near the others. Petra was the last behind everyone, walking slowly. Liam stood next to a taller and more intimidating member of CVFY Yatsuhashi. Kyle looked on as they talked quietly and shook hands.

He then looked over to see Cole standing near Velvet and happily talking. She nervously smiled back, trying to show how she WAS used to friendly conversations. Coco glared over at the two, giving Cole a big 'stinkeye'.

Finally, Kyle turned back his head to see Petra treading along at her own pace. She remained quiet with her head down for some apparent privacy.

"Man, this place....is something else." Liam said aloud.

"Yeah,yeah, we aren't blind. Red leaves, red grass." Coco said.

"Uh...do you know who the heck you're talking to?" Yatsuhashi asked her nervously, looking back at Liam.

"His family is uh....." he began.

"Rich....?" She smiled. "Well, I guess I'd better bow and introduce myself."

"Haha....I wish that were true." Liam laughed, bowing back at them both. Yatsuhashi looked back and began scratching his head but continued walking.

"Listen up, everyone, I'm sure by now you've heard of this place. Glynda began. "Either by reading the textbooks, mention by name, or yesterday's events involving the other students."

"Oh yeah.....THE OTHER TEAMS BEFORE US!" Cole cried. Velvet's rabbit ears flinched, folding down slightly from his voice. "I HEARD THERE WAS AN URSA ATTACK!" he continued.

Kyle sighed and looked on. Yes, he also had heard. Maybe if it were to happen to him or the team, he would have no choice but to protect them by....using his semblance and surprising Cole.

"Yes, thank you for the...reminder." Glynda replied softly. "Perhaps yelling wouldn't be wise...Mr.Voltio?"

"Oh... sorry," Cole apologized. "I....heard it was quickly dealt with...right?" Suddenly, everyone came to a stop as Ms.Goodwitch turned around.

"Yes... the leader of Team JNPR. He stood his ground, saving the leader of team CRDL all alone. "

"J-Jaune..!?!" Cole yelled again. "You're kidding! He isn't as strong as anybody!". Kyle felt like shushing his brother but simply kept to himself.

"I'm very surprised as well....." Liam added. "Nothing you can't do with some good ol'experience."

"Yes, everything I have told you is true." Glynda began."But I'm afraid this assignment will still remain for the semester in Professor Peach's classroom."

"Uh...what's that mean?" Cole said, looking confused.

"You will still need to gather a jar's worth of the red sap from a tree. Be on the lookout for danger." Gylnda told them all. "I'm still here to protect you all."

Everyone stood in place before slowly making their way over to take a jar from the box Glynda had brought.

Soon, the three teams gathered separately with only their teammembers.

"So...what's the plan?" Liam asked, with a smile. "Well, uh I....guess we just pick a place and start there." Kyle told everyone.

"Oh, come on, bro. this doesn't sound hard at all." Cole moaned.

"Hmm.....well, yes. We only have to collect one jar." Kyle began. "But....we're going to have to search more than one tree."

His brother gave a deep sigh before looking up Liam. "Come one man, what do you think?" Cole asked.

Liam gave a simple nod back to him and Kyle. Kyle turned to look behind them at Petra.

Liam also looked back quickly to see her looking at her teammates with crossed arms. "Uh.....what do you think? Kyle asked. "Where do you think we should go?"

She remained quiet and simply stood by. "Geez, you wanting a zero for the day?" Cole muttered under his breath. "Hey....it's all good. You can help, " Liam continued."

Kyle looked around to see the other teams quickly starting. Glynda looked over at him and the team with curiosity.

He then gave a small sigh before turning back to his team. "I have an idea."Since Petra has advanced hearing, she can lead us somewhere safe and sound."

"Hmm.....that makes sense." Liam nodded, looking her over. "We can keep away from anywhere that might be dangerous."

"Huh?" Cole replied. "Are you sure she's going to actually help us?"

"Yes....I'll make sure of it," Liam said very confidently.

"I once read on the best way to find the right kind of trees with sap," Kyle said. "So.....yes, I guess she can lead us."

Liam cleared his throat before slowly making his way in front of his Faunus teammate. "You probably already heard our conversation over there.....heh." Petra looked him in the eyes with no emotion."You can lead us somewhere quiet and perfect to start,"

Suddenly, she heard the two brothers quietly bickering before slowly making their way closer.

"Uh....please help us out. I really think Faunus are cool. Being superhuman's gotta be the best." Cole said, attempting to grin. "Also, for the trouble before, sometimes I can't control.....excitement." he groaned as he made himself sound sincere.

"Please....this'll be over before you know it." Liam smiled.

Kyle stepped forth and slowly offered his hand. Everyone remained quiet and stood all together. After an awkward amount of waiting, Liam began to speak. "Maybe this isn't the best time for her," he began. Suddenly, but surely she raised her hand to meet it with Kyle's

"Wha..." Cole looked on staring.

"Uh, never mind," Liam said, grinning awkwardly. After both meeting hands, Kyle and Petra instantly shook.

They then instantly brought them back to themselves.

"Thanks," Kyle told her, smiling.

After a few minutes, Petra soon led the way for her teammates to follow. "I really hope this works," Cole whispered next to Liam. After a brief pause, he looked him in the eyes.

"Yeah....me too."

Less than an hour went by as they followed Petra while Kyle stopped them all when spotting the right trees to drain from. "Geez, I thought it was like a drink," Cole said. "It's WAY too sticky!"

"Shh!" Kyle snapped.

"Sorry....GEEZ." his brother told him with a flat voice. "By the way.....speaking of drinks."

"Are you thirsty?" Kyle replied with a sigh. "Heck no! I always keep my body hydrated. If I'm going to be the best....gotta do the best, " Cole told him.

"Guess that means...augh, just hurry up," his brother sighed, finally filling and closing up the jar with the best sap he could find.

"Relax....I'll be quick." Cole replied. "Uh.....by the way. Good...job."

Kyle paused and looked up to see him jogging off. "Thanks...." he told him softly and a bit surprised. He then looked over to see Liam standing in front of Petra a ways off. They seemed to be having a conversation, but he didn't see Petra respond.

Soon, the three came together and waited in complete silence.

"Thanks for the help today," Kyle told Petra out of nowhere. She looked at with a rather plain, gentle face.

"I think she appreciated that," Liam replied as he put a hand his team leader's shoulder

Kyle smiled as he felt the first uplifting moment between his team as their leader.

After waiting a few minutes, they suddenly heard the ground shaking.

"What in the...." Kyle began. He quickly grabbed his lance to transform it from its travel mode to its full extension.

"Where...is it coming from!?" Liam cried as he drew his greatsword.

He looked over at Petra as her ears began twitching until they stopped.

She quickly turned towards the treeline to the right. There was a roar.

"Over there!" Kyle yelled as it got closer to give a definite direction. "Grimm...." Liam told them both in a firm voice.

"AAHHHH!" Cole shouted suddenly as he ran into view. "DAMMIT! IT'S ANOTHER URSA....COME ON GUYS, HELP!!". He continued with his double-bladed axe Pyros Ascia in its gun form. He fired dust bullets back at the rather large bear Grimm, but to no avail.

Liam suddenly ran past Cole with his sword Schwere Angst and slammed it down into the ground

Liam suddenly ran past Cole with his sword Schwere Angst and slammed it down into the ground. It unfolded into a protective shield, and It became two tons instantly. The Ursa Grimm ran into his weapon, quickly smaking into it and falling over.

After catching his breath, Cole quickly ran forth towards the Grimm. The Ursa looked over and hit him back into a tree. "Augh!" he cried.

Kyle began attempting to break through the monsters skin with electric dust from his Lance."

Liam suddenly ran towards the beast, blocking its next attack before jumping over and piercing it into the ground. He gave a light twist before it gave a groan for pity. Cole quickly stepped forth and beheaded the grounded creature with one swing of his axe. "Hell yeah! I've always wanted to kill one of these!" he replied.

"Meeting these aren't a fun thing..."Liam began. "Very much a hassle. It was only easy because it was a four on one. A group of grimm....are truly the things of nightmares."

"Uh, I agree...." Cole replied."Very scary."

Suddenly, everyone heard another roar. "IT'S...ANOTHER ONE....!?! Cole asked, screaming. Suddenly, Petra took out the long but rather folded object on her back. Suddenly, another Ursa left from the woodlands and began running at the entire team.

Petra unfolded the object into what looked like a large fan. Her weapon seemed to be pure metal except for the handles. She suddenly ran forward as her teammates followed behind, almost being distracted by her.

Liam threw his sword straight up into the air, Petra lept forward and swpied her fan in the air, making it fling to the approaching Grimm. The Ursa screamed as the weapon pierced its shoulder.

Cole ran forward and swung his axe, but the weapon didn't pierce his enemy. Kyle threw his lance in the air, Petra did a backflip and swiped it straight into the Ursa's back.

"Ha!!" He cried. "Someone else attack!"

It gave a loud buzz and shocked the Grimm.

Suddenly, Petra pulled a string tied around her wrist and fan. Suddenly, it transformed into what looked like a very large....throwing star. Kyle stared for a few seconds until he watched as she flung it towards the enemy and pulled it back with her wrist rope.

She held onto her weapon in the middle, where a circle could be seen.

"Hell yeah!" Cole cheered as the Ursa fell to its side. "Wow,"

"Whoa.." Kyle said quietly as he looked at Petra's abilities. Such good reflex and coordination.

Liam walked up to the Grimm, laying weakly on the grass. "Alright, who wants to finish it?"

"Me!" Cole said, quickly stepping forth.

"Haha....why not let your leader decide. Liam replied, grinning.

Kyle looked back at them. " Go ahead...one of you three decide."

"You've been gathering all the sap. Why not get your first kill as the leader?" He smiled. "Right, Cole?"

"Uh... yes. Good choice!" Cole replied , sounding a bit confused.

After they all looked at him, it appeared the Ursa was almost completely dead, but it appeared to be regaining its strength. "Alright then," Kyle said. " Here's to a lucky team."

He then walked up and pierced his weapon into the Ursa's skull, finishing it off.

"Nice." Liam said, "Way to go everyone...you too Petra. Nice weapon you have."

"Yeah, pretty badass. I just hope I can throw my weapon in the air like you guys did, " Cole added.

The two laughed as they looked over at Petra, who gave them a thumbs up.

Soon, they all made their way back to everyone as Glynda asked what went on for everyone. Cole began talking everyone's ears off and happily bragged about the battle. CFVY and most of the other students rolled their eyes in disbelief.

"Aw...come on" Cole said.

"No, he's right," Liam said suddenly. "We encountered an Ursa."

Everyone remained silent as their expressions changed to one of belief.

"There was more than one.....but we all worked together. Kyle did a great job leading us, " he smiled, looking at everyone.

"Very...impressive.," Glynda nodded. "That is a great example of teamwork. "Now, let's all head back to the academy."

"AW YES!" Cole cried. "I'm gonna tell everyone what happened today!"

Velvet smiled before she gave a small laugh.

"Wow..." Kyle thought. "I'm lucky to have them as my teammates. Even if one of them is my brother, "