
RWBY: Bond Of Brothers

In the World of Remnant, two brothers find themselves neck and neck after they arrive at Beacon Academy. A sorrowful past leaves the both of them apart. After training together, family isn't the only thing they will have to worry about. Forming their own team, making new guy & girl, friends of every kind, including members of team RWBY. Beside their arguing, they still must work together to become true Huntsman. Will they seek a future like their father's?

StarKnightStories · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Chapter 5


Kyle continued his walk down a hallway for the next class. Suddenly, his scroll gave off a short buzz, alerting him.

"Huh..?" He asked as he took the device and gave it a quick glance. He had received a voice message. From Liam.

"Hey guys, sorry for not being around like I should. Let's meet somewhere safely and without a crowd. Right before lunch should be good." He told them.

Kyle widened his eyes but gave a sigh of relief.

Looking at the entire team members connected, he also knew Cole was listening.

"AH HELL YES! I knew you were somewhere and all okay!." Cole cried.

"So where are we off, too?"

"Let's just meet in the dorm room." Liam replied.

"Where's Petra?" Kyle asked.

"You'll understand," Liam continued. "Until then, talk to you guys later."

"Alright, see you... both," Kyle told them quietly. He remained unsure if Petra had even heard anything despite her scroll being in the group chat.

After the next class, Kyle, Cole, and all the rest of the team came to the dorm after most of the students had gone to eat lunch.

Kyle anxiously looked to see Cole running down the hallway to reach the room door first. He tried turning the knob to find it locked.

"HEY! IT'S ME, OPEN UP!!" Cole cried, banging on the door.

"Be....QUIET!! Kyle told him as he pulled him back by the shoulder.

A few moments went by until they heard a creak as the door became unlocked and slowly slid open.

"Uh... guys?" Liam asked quietly as he stood inside. "Is there a problem?"


"STOP!" Kyle replied angrily.

"Both of you, please. Quit yelling." Liam pleaded. "Now, come on in."

Liam stepped aside and made room for the two of them. Cole and Kyle quickly came in as their teammate closed the door.

They both then saw a lean, shadowy figure standing in the room.

Petra scowled and backed towards the corner of the room as they entered.

"Whoa!" Cole cried overreacting. ""It's...her"

"Relax guys, I had to do some talking to her, but she's glad to be here....right?" Liam asked her with a slight smile.

Petra remained quiet but stood there facing the three of them.

Kyle cleared his throat before coming forward, offering his hand.

"Ms.Kalestra, yes? It's nice getting to see you....again.

Petra pulled away slightly as she lowered her eyes to the floor.

"Geez, what's biting you?" Cole asked. "You....having a hard time with anybody?"

She remained quiet before twitching her mouth.

"Hey....it's okay. We're your teammates, ya'know? We'll always have your bac-" Cole asked quickly, walking up to her.

Petra instantly grabbed him by the arm and gave a big twist, his body facing the floor.

"WAIT!" Liam cried as he approached her.

"AUGH....!" Cole shouted. "OW-IM SORRY! SO SORRY!!! PLEASE LET GO....OWW!"

"HEY!" Kyle yelled, stepping forth quickly to defend his brother.

"Petra... STOP! Liam shouted back in response. "You can trust us,.....we are your TEAMMATES!"

The Faunus girl continued holding a tight grip onto Cole's arm for a few seconds. Finally, she let him loose and shoved him away quickly.

"AGHH! Cole yelled, falling to the floor. "Wha-.....WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS DAMN FOXFACE!?! he screamed quickly, sliding away from her. Liam and Kyle soon helped him to his feet.

"Yeah, why the hostility...?" Kyle asked, shaking his head. Liam gave a big sigh before turning to look at Petra. "You promised, remember? These are your friends too." he commented.

She remained quiet as she glared at the three of them before her fists became undone.

"Alright....I'll tell them. A little." Liam added.

"TELL US WHAT?!? HOW CRAZY SHE IS!?!" Cole snapped.

"Cole, you seriously need to take a breather." Liam replied. "I'm very sorry she did that unexpectedly."

"What....do you have to tell us...?" Kyle asked as he and the young Faunus met eyes.

"She had a very.....rough, past." Liam began. "Oh yeah?....JOIN THE CLUB!" Cole snapped unexpectedly. "We lost someone too!". Petra looked back at him with no expression present.

"Cole, enough," Kyle told him. "Let's hear her out."

"I'm sorry to hear that... you guys lost someone as well," Liam replied. "But Petra.....was orphaned."

"Oh," Cole said. "That's.....not good, is it?"

"Not very much," Kyle reminded him, with a frown.

"Petra is from.....Vacuo," began Liam. It may be a ways off, but before attending Oscuro Academy, life was rough....not just for her, but for her friends and family."

"How....bad was it?" asked Kyle. He avoided eye contact by simply looking at the floor.

"Well, her family lineage falls in Faunus Revolutionary War." answered their teammate. "Not sure who or what happened to them. Her father was, however.....in the White Fang."

"Uh..." began Cole.

Petra stood and shot a glare at the three of them.

"And....he was killed, unfortunately." Liam said. "As for her mother... I'm unsure." "She hasn't told me much more. "

"So, who took care of you?" asked Kyle, looking her way. "Where were you raised?"

Suddenly, her expression changed as her eyes shot wide open and gave a worried look.

"She.....doesn't want us to know I'm afraid," added Liam.

"Okay....I'm sorry." Kyle replied. "We are glad you're on the team. I'm sure your skills already with your weapon will do us all some good."

"Cole....do you have something to say?" Liam asked calmly.

"Nice to meet you....I guess," he murmured.

Their was an awkward silence before Kyle spoke up.

"How have you been doing in classes?" He asked Liam.

Their teammate gave a smile before laughing to himself. "Over the Holonet." "I've been listening in."

"No way..." replied Cole, shaking his head.

"Yeah, Ozpin said I can do it until I'm comfortable being around everyone. I've avoided the press even....but it doesn't mean they won't be looking." Liam chuckled.

"Well....what about her?" Kyle continued pointing at Petra.

"Oh, uh...she's been given a special schedule somewhat. Small classes, fewer students believe." Liam answered with a shrug.

"Can we go eat lunch?" Cole asked suddenly."I'm hungry."

"Waiting for the team leader's permission." Liam told everyone with a smile.

"Sure...thing. Let's head out now." replied Kyle. He looked back at Petra with a small smile. The four members let the room and made their way to their destination. "Kalestra...." thought Kyle to himself.

Yes....he had heard that name before. It was in one of the countless books he had read. One on Faunus...history.

THE Kalestra. Crime family. Kyle turned his head to look back at Petra, following them as a team. She only continued walking and looking away.

Kyle knew where she was from..

but who was she now?

"Maybe she still....is," he thought to himself as he turned back around.
