
The set up

"You fool!! "Bluey screamed as he torn her clothes apart

She tried to cover up with her arms but who was she kidding

Of course her hands were handcuff and her legs were widely spread apart

Angelo had an evil smirk as he eyes fuck her. She was looking ravishing to Angelo. He licked his lower lip as he moves his gaze round her body

His facial expression suddenly changed as his eyes landed on her stomach

He gasped and suddenly stood away from her

"The.... the eyes" He stuttered pointing at it. He rubbed his eyes slowly....maybe it was all his imagination

He opened them again and saw the same same eyes

"it can't be"He muttered and moved his gaze to her face

"who the heck are you!?"He asked in anger or rather unexpected gush of surprise

Bluey made to reply but nothing could proceed out of her mouth

She was also in shock too and for a moment, she forgot she was naked

"Bluey!!!! " A loud scream invaded her sleep