
The reunion between momma and son

"What the heck!" Jenna muttered out, staring at Bluey. Bluey washed her face breathing heavily.

"Gross!" Jenna said and Bluey rolls eyes at her. She made to leave the restroom but Jenna blocked her. She stared at Bluey's stomach and smile.

"Should will....."She stopped and coughed pointing at her stomach.

"You know what i mean. A Queen carrying a guard or perhaps, a slave son. I can't wait to see you through this journey" She said and Jenna furrowed her brows.

"What do you mean" She asked touching her stomach. It mustn't be what she thinks.

"You're crazy, you're ridiculous"She blurted out.

"I wish. Tell me if I'm wrong loser" Jenna said folding her arms under her breast.

"Shut up. I wondered why a woman could be so loud. Its terrible" She spoke out. Jenna rolls eyes at her.