
The dream

Her cries missed with laughter filled the whole room . A room that another family could lives in and still feel comfortable

That's how big her room was

Her gorgeously legs are on the table. Her eyes were fixed on the TV set. She ate her cupcakes as she watched herself on TV.

"so quick " She muttered seeing herself on stage

Yeah! She was introduced to the staff and workers just yesterday. Who would have thought she will become a manager of her dad's company at the age 19

She's so courageous, intelligent and smart and that's one thing her dad loves about her. Her dad couldn't wait for her to finished schooling before making her the manager of his company. He just couldn't wait

She was just in her third year in school. She came back from Korea just last year. She has been schooling in Korea but she suddenly have a change of mind and decide to school in her state (Italy)

She's eating the cupcakes as she cried, watching herself on TV.