
I finally said it


Mrs Beatrice Walton sat at a corner in the bar as she drank herself to stupor.

This will be the eight bottle of Alcohol she was having for today

She had left the mansion without her guard and came right her to drink

At least to forget about her lost daughter for a while. In the same bar was Richmond. He was drinking, smoking and kissing the two prostitutes that was beside him

They flirt with him and laughed out. One grabbed his d**k and Richmond moaned naughtily. He looked up and his eyes might with Beatrice seating at a corner in the bar. Mere seeing her, he pushed the two prostitute away and staggered to her

"My love"Richmond called immediately he got to her. She raised her head up and saw him. Even when drunk, she could still see him properly. Or maybe not that drunk

"What do you what!! "She snapped out angrily

"You know what I always wanted. "He replied

"I don't "She muttered and drank from her bottle as tears poured down