



Angelo entered the convent. Yeah! He had came to visit his brother.

Since Eden was in coma, he never really got the chance to visit his brother. He was so worried about his son and loosing him would be the last thing he could think of.

He was happy that Eden finally woke up and the next thing he could think of was visiting his brother.

His stopped halfway when he heard some voices whispering.

"Kill me already. You separated me from my family already and that's worst than hell. Kill me, I beg of you "He could hear his brother pleas.

He pee and he shrieked at what he saw.

His brother face was bloody. There were so many visible cut and bruises.

He saw Boniface holding his brother bloody face. He held it painfully and slammed it into the wall. Angelo shut his eyes tiredly mere seeing it.

"You think am gonna kill you easily huh? "He said and hit his brother pface on the wall again. Blood spewed out like water and he smirked evily.