
Arianna and Bluey pregnant

He was the last to entered fully and then shut the door behind him. He turned and gasped out.

"Surprise" Mia and Granny said in unison.

Eden gasped out again. "My son" Arianna called.

His eyes widened and his wide opened mouth.

"Momma" he blinked his eyes continuously. "My Baby " Arianna said widening her hands to welcome his son.

"Momma" Eden screamed running to meet her. He got to him and Arianna welcomed him in her arms and raised him up.

"Momma"He smile widely. His joy knew no bounds. "I can't believe you're here mummy" He said touching her face with his little hands. "Momma is here now. She's never gonna leave you again" Arianna muttered hugging him tight. They took forever embracing each other. No one wanting to disengaged. " I miss you mummy" he said all over as he beemed with smiles.

He jumped down and climb the nearby chair. " My momma is back. My momma is back" he screamed jumping on the chair.