
Take us home...,! Joshua and Monica...!

"Doctor Joshua is uncle Green's son" the first child said

"So my dear brother has a son and a daughter, bit how is it possible they are too old are you messing up with me?" Old madam Sanchez asked

"No grandma what we are saying is true," seven said

"Nice this is nice, it doesn't matter how the two children came to exist what matters now is they should be taken to my brother and his wife they should know that they have an heir and that they also have a missus, 

Go and make arrangements, we have to take them to my brother now today" she said.

"Okay well said mother" first son said.

Meanwhile Joshua just got home and was welcomed by his sister Monica 

"Hey look alike brother, how did it go how did my sister in law welcome you knowing her second mother?" She asked this is all she has been waiting for

But nothing came out from her brother it was like he was paralyzed, like he was lifeless, how can he tell her long know younger sister that they are actually twins?

And that he is like a father to Helly and she is like a young aunty to her? How can he tell her that they are blood related and the two Mmo couples are actually not their real parents.

"Brother are you alright,? Okay if you are not okay, I will bring your food over please take something from the looks of things, you have not taken something let's eat together pleaseeeeee....!" She pleaded with him

How can Joshua resist or deny his sister so he agreed and planned to tell her everything, after their meal, 

"Okay , sister I want to tell you something that I discovered today, I don't know how you will take it but as for me I don't know what to think anymore" he said to his sister holding a glass of water .

"Okay tell me brother I am listening" deep down she was narvous and she thought that Helly just denied him.

"We are twins...!" He said slowly , but Monica heard him clearly

"We are twins but those that we thought were our parents are actually not our parents.. " he said he was breaking down

"Hahaaaa, brother I Know that the Mmo are not our real parents, I one day heard them talk before and I heard them talk of a certain woman paid them to make sure some old woman paid them to keep a certain family from having children

But they went against the old woman and took us away, the problem is I had forgotten about the old people and because they did not talk about who our parents were I did not ask or else I was tired from living

Back then all I wanted was to survive, so I didn't pay much attention on it, but when they left me like a dog that's when I realized they never joked about it" she said not even a single state of emotions was shown by her.

"Hey, sister, do you feel like you should be looking for your parents" he asked he was surprised by his sister perhaps she suffered alot that is the she is emotionless.

"Not really not at all what if they are dead or Maybe I get killed on the process cause from what I head it is not. Good family. " She said

"Have you ever heard of the Green's family?" He asked his sister

"Yes I have, the old couple from the Green's are the same couple that donated into our orphanage, ones , it is said that these two tycoons are childless" she said

"Heheee, I didn't know that my sister doctor knows this much, heheee, the Green's are in-laws with the Sanchez, 

The old madam Sanchez is the sister to the Green's, 

But the problem comes when we are the twins of the two old couples" he said

"I didn't know that my darling brother loves playing, do you Know how old those couples are ? They are almost at their 100 years, 

We can never be their children, that is impossible and you are a doctor and with more than my experience" she said

"That is because those that we thought that were our parents schemed against their employees, who trusted them drugged then then took their eggs, to have us , that how is it" he said looking at her sister

"So we were actually artificial born,?" She asked.

"Yes" he answered.

"That explains why we are twins and one look older than the another, that's why, but our parents hide it too well how did you realize this things? And how is it related with you and sister in law?" She asked

"The Sanchez has this crazy kid called Seven...." Before he could finish he was cut short by his sister

"Uuuuuuwiiii...! Brother are you saying that the great engineer is from the Sanchez and is a kid?" She asked

"Yes, a round 14-15 years old, so this person is the person that looked into our background and realized that we are related to the Green's leave alone that, we are Sanchez relatives, 

Like Doctor Helly your supposed sister in law calls me uncle/ dad and you aunt" he said

"What! How can fate be this cruel? How can the Mmo put us into this kind of situation? Look 

Now uncle and niece almost married each other look they fall for each other deeply?

Hey brother how is sister in law" she asked

"I don't know , she is probably hurt, by this she locked herself into her room after she had a small talk with her mother I don't know how to approach her after this I do not know,

She is the reason as to why we met I came out especially for her" he said

"Brother take it to heart, things will be okay, take it just like us, how did we meet? But now the difference is you two are deep in love she loves more than anything and I think you are her first love." She said

"And she is my first love too" he said

"They took their breakfast in silence it was almost 1:00 pm they walked by the pool, water is all he need to relax

"Brother I didn't expect our identity to be this strong, the tycoons being our parents the street kids? Mmmh, but at least we understand human ways of life and we have our wealth they probably won't look down on us" she said.

Just then the Sanchez were coming to pick them up without informing them, they realized that this kid was living in one of the billion dollar villas , how can this kid be rich yet simple,

As expected of the Green's very law let's the old madam Sanchez thought.

The compound was huge, and it was a castle like how can this kids be this rich,at the corner they could see a field set for an aeroplane to land on , 

"Does this mean that that boy has a private aeroplane?" The first son asked

"Father, that is the reality he has a private aeroplane look over there, I mean what do you expect of Wendy's Godson? Look over there there is an aeroplane" seven pointed.

"That is an high tech- aeroplane of UK soldiers? What is it doing in this boys compound" he asked "I thought that this boy is a doctor" he added

"Are you forgetting how many identities Wendy, Jane and even that small boy Xavier has?" Fourth son asked.

"So this one is one is also one of government secret weapon?" He asked

"Yes, that is what I see from here" 

"What else do you expect from our Green's blood who is raised by Wendy." The old madam was proud and happy.

"Hey kids have come in invited but forgive me I want to take you home" she said carefully.

"Okay, my brother and I have talked about it we will go with you let's meet our old parents, " Monica said with a smile.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" She asked again

"Yes, we are sure, we want to meet them" she said àgain

"Mmh big brother, how do you see this niece of ours, she is bold and strong I think she is hidding something?" 

"She is a doctor , who likes handsome men and rich men" seven said 

"She is weird" the fourth said

Just like that, Joshua used his private Plane to visit his parents for the first time.

Along the way they were silent untill he was told the location to land, , 

Just by the name, everything here was Green and white

This scene made the two twins to feel and ease

But remember, be careful in the greens their is an hidden green snake in it.

When they landed all the entire Green House hold were surprised

"What is this government Plane doing here or did someone offend the government" someone asked

"Wait, isn't that Mrs Sanchez the grandaunt? And her sons?" One of the son's from the first son said