
Addah's biological parents are related to Mafian world and Ghost

"why does it hurt so so much, Tasha, ? You Know things that I passed through to be here,,,, and even my very own mother died with this secret in her heart

Tasha, I made my sister's nappies with dirty clothes a long the streets, I....... I made my clothes using this raggs I.... I don't have what we call school certificate of my own..... 

You know at some point we could forgo food, and I cooked her,  unknown plants, of which I didn't know whether the were edible, 

Back then I just wanted you sister to survive and so I could not be alone in this world,,, 

Jane, Tasha,,, it hurts, I didn't know I had a family, they called me names,,, some of them threw eggs at me , back then I was going for my modeling class and hooking water in the streets" she could not take it anymore, Joylen was her saviour, Joylen was like an angel in her life, 

Now she has just recalled that, if it were not for Joylen, she could have not had this opportunity to meet her mother's family members and even her father

"It's okay, besty you are free to cry your eyes out, 

Maybe your mother was worried that he Empiror could have not accepted you that is why she didn't tell you such a important information" Tasha said

Jane is so poor at consoling people she said

"Just cry it all out" she said

"Wooow! Now thee almighty Zero knows how to console a people" Tasha said

"Hey, mommy if you say that Eileen is the first child from the royal family,

Then what about King?" He asked

"Well this is a secret , " 

"Just tell me please cause king married her sister"

"Well King, is Eileen twin brother, this is a secret even his Majesty doesn't know" 

"How did you know,," 

"Here, have just received this email from unknown person, she knew, Eileen existed and she was the one that took king immediately after he was born to the Empiror" she said handing over her phone to her sons

"Oooh my God, this is not happening!"

"Why not "

"King married princesss Shannon last born daughter, he can't marry half sister can he mommy" Roby was worried

"Don't worry about that Addah is not my real sister, actually our last born died but , by that time Addah's mother was to have a Sergey together with the father, from the car accident 

Is like someone was after them , and Addah is half Asian half Italian,

So her mother gave her over to us, but it didn't take time before we both lost our parents

Addah, knows very well but

I didn't expect her father to have survived, actually he called me yesterday night but he doesn't want to meet us, and here again am finding that you are my family actually I don't know what I should feel,,," she whipped her tears

"Oooh, sweet sister, am your real brother now and Tasha she is your sister in law, look at how the twelve brothers are looking at you

Look my old woman is crying, don't make the empress cry not unless you want to live as a slave" Roby teased

"Actually from the information that I gathering, I realized that Addah's parents were from a mafian world ruled by  Ghost,,,

But that Ghost, was actually  Addah's mother best friend and at that time she was almost killed that's why this woman is hiding her identity and staying in unknown place

She has been tracking her for along time and that's why , Addah has always been safe, 

When my group was protecting the both of you that's how we realized that their was another group that was protecting the both of you"  Jane said

'how many surprises do you have for me boss?' Roby thought

"Wait big sister so you knew long ago that Addah was not my sister" Eileen asked 

"I knew the two of you before you knew me,,, and I knew you through your sister, cause she is one of my special assistant,

am her master,,, it's just that she never wanted you to know that she  working back then" she said

"I get it so  the golden card with 5 eagles?" Eileen had forgotten that she was crying

"That was her card, she can go with that card anywhere she wants she will be accepted, and with that card you can access the world of medicine with a lot of ease

Those five eagles shows that your sister is top 5in medical world,, " she said

"And the  and the white Jade and the black card with golden lining??"

"That white Jade, is worth a fortune only the top genius people have it it's with the royals if she has that Jade means that she is the best in the world of science and  the founder of  a certain black technology, " she said

"The black card can access everything " she added

"So... So... So... My little girl is this great but fears that I will always be worried of her?

Am I that overprotective?" She asked crying 

"Her little sister is a genius, " she didn't know whether to laugh or cry? She has mixed feeling

"All those things that we have you for example the pocket, was bought by her to you as your birthday gift,,, the gold wrist watch was also bought by her" Tasha added

At the same time, , the Empiror and the queen were worried what if she doesn't accept them what will they do?

Majesty what if , she doesn't accept us, or she says that she don't need us, sure, my elder daughter has suffered ,

want to be waking up and being greeted by that useless princess of ours, 

I want doher to call me mother" she said

"Old queen let's hopew she accepts us" the Empiror said

"I know she will look am not old, to scare her, am still young and beautiful,, and am pure in heart she will accept me,,, and I will tell my son's and daughters that now I gat my story buddy" she said holding her head up high,,,

"Oooh my God, old man are jealous? Because she is going to love me first?" Queen pretend like covering her mouth

"Hey remember am an Empiror, we don't grow old, I can still marry" 

"Pffff.. old man dream on,,," she said 

All this time Eileen was by the door watching her so called biological father and her step mother

"I will accept the both of you and am accepting the both of you" she said

"Aaah, Princess let me tell this old man should not cheated you you can only love me very much and him alittle" she said

"But wait,,, did you just say...."

"Yes, I will accept you" she confirmed

The queen broke down in tears the Empiror could not hide it, 

"I know that am not your biological mother, and I know scheming people are,

Please, my princess don't think of me that way and I promise mommy will take care of you and by the way

Congratulations your husband to be I a promising man I like him already" she said

"Daughter forgive your father, he didn't know, but now that he is aware father will not abandon you, you have a family noyou and your sister you are our family members " the king said

"And also we want you to come home so that we can introduce you to your people" he said, y

"Actually his Majesty her Majesty,

You should call King over, and my little sister,,I want to tell you something that we have discovered" she said

At the same time King and Addah, were at the garage, 

After a few minutes they pushed the door open and stepped in

"His Majesty, her Majesty, am sorry am late" king said

"Prince Brian Carter, we are not mad at you anymore, 

We are in a good mood I will get mad at you some other time" the queen said

This is one of the reasons why King has always love, her Majesty  she is always lively

"Tell us now darling"

"Aaah,, her Majesty why did you call her that" it was king, 

"Eeem, what I wanted to tell you is that, prince Carter is my twin brother, and his wife Addah is not my blood sister so they can just marry"

"What did you just say??" Everyone

"Prince Brian is my twin brother, the email was sent to us a few minutes ago" she said

We Were separated from birth. And mommy knew that she only gave birth to one child, since I was the last to come out Maybe something happened that made her forget everything" she said

"Sister, you mean that we are brothers and sister not in-laws?" King could not help

"We are, both"

"Oooh my good so you are the daughter in law my idiot of a son married? 

Dear you are beautiful, how come you choose this idiot?"