
Running to your smile

Childhood best friends who reunite in university... the two friends help each other successfully pass the obstacles that get in their way in college, and slowly start to fall in love.

Sweetie_Bear · วัยรุ่น
3 Chs

Chapter 2

Since that day, I haven't talked to Jonathan or even looked at him. I just worked hard to get into SNU. I worked part-time jobs and worked at the library so that I have enough money to pay for college. But unfortunately, I was only able to earn enough for one term. Hopefully, I have a full scholarship.

My senior year is over and so are my final exams

Max: I think It's them!

This is my cousin Song Max, other than my brother, he is the closest to me. He is in his second year at SNU.

I am staring at the wall biting my nail waiting for my Cousin's verdict

Admin: Hello is this Song Jinsoo's household?

Max: Yes, may I know who is speaking?

Admin: We are calling from Seoul National University… congratulations Song Jinsoo, you has been admitted to SNU's art program on a partial scholarship

I was anxiously looking at my brother

Max: okay…thank you so much

He looks at me with no expression

Jinsoo: I didn't get admitted, right?

Max: Grandma! Close the shop early! We are going out for dinner!

I am looking at my Cousin with a puzzled face

Jinsoo: huh?…

Max's lips creep into a smile

Max: Your granddaughter just got admitted to SNU on a partial scholarship!

Jinsoo: Are you serious?!

Max nods

I scream and I bear hug my cousin

My Grandpa and Matthew run over to us with worried faces

Grandpa: What? What happened? Why did you scream?

Matthew: Why are you yelling!

I run over to my grandpa and kiss him on the cheek

Jinsoo: Your granddaughter just got admitted into the number 1 university in the country!

My grandpa throws his hands up in happiness and holds my cheeks

Grandpa: I am so proud of you

He looks at Max and Matthew and calls them over

Grandpa: My grandchildren have made me very proud

I look at my brother with tears running down my eyes

He looks back at me and his stern eyes soften for the first time in a long time

I chuckle

Jinsoo: Is my softy back?

My brother can be very stern and cold, but at heart, he is very warm and I never get too scared of him because I know he truly cares about me.

He wipes my tears and kisses my forehead

Matthew: I am so happy for you…and I don't need to worry about you because you will be with me

My grandma walks over to us my grandpa puts his hand over her shoulder

Grandpa: Now my baby and I will be all alone

Jinsoo: We are not leaving right now…we will be staying till summer ends

Grandma: it is dinner time, lets go eat

*time skip*

Summer vacation flew by in seconds

I am moving into my dorm today, I am honestly kind of scared to stay away from my grandparents, but I want to be a certified sculpture and support my grandfather's side business, which is selling plants. But it hasn't been going that well because the other plant sellers have beautiful ceramic pots.

Matthew: Do you have everything? Do you need anything

Jinsoo: No, I have everything…and I also gave you my roommate information just incase

My grandmother brings a big basket full of side dishes

Jinsoo: grams, we are not moving out of the country, we are going to college

Grandma: I don't know when you guys will come back to visit, and you guys don't even eat a meal without my side dishes.

My grandma starts to tear up all of a sudden

Matthew immediately grabs the bag from my grandma

Matthew: okay okay okay, we will take it, don't cry

Jinsoo: why are you crying? We will try to come home every break

Matthew: We have to get going or else we will miss the train

We put our shoes on and grab our bags

Matthew looks at my grandma and pats her cheek

Matthew: don't worry, I will take good care of her

Jinsoo: Let's go!…

My brother looks at me

Matthew: How many times did I tell you not to yell

Jinsoo: sorry…

We get to the university

Student 1: hi Mr.song

I look at the person greeting my brother and it is a girl

Student 2 & 3: Hello Mr.Song

More girls…

Students: Good morning Mr.Song

More girls…

I turn to my brother and he looks down at me

Matthew: what…

Jinsoo: Are you here to coach soccer or are you here to find a girlfriend

Matthew: Be quiet…

He takes me to his office

Jinsoo: Wow you decorated this place very nicely

Matthew: I didn't, my assistant did…

I look at my brother and raised an eyebrow

Jinsoo: Assistant? Who is this assistant

Matthew: she quit last year, and it is non of your business

Jinsoo: So you have an opening?

Matthew: You know anyone that is willing to join?

Jinsoo: Do you pay well?

He nods his head

Matthew: almost more of the tuition

I walk over to him and give him a mischievous smile

Matthew: no… It is a dangerous job

Jinsoo: please…

I hold onto his leg

Jinsoo: please, please, please, please

Matthew: Jinsoo, get off my leg

Jinsoo: I am not getting off your leg till you say yes

Matthew: Song Jinsoo! When I said no, I meant no…get off my leg now!

I slowly unhinge from his leg and take a few steps back

Jinsoo: please!… I really need the money

Matthew: for what?!

Jinsoo: tuition! I need it for tuition…you said you won't pay for it and I only have enough money to pay for this semester

Matthew: Then you should change to a different major…you won't need to worry about tuition. maybe go into med like Max.

Jinsoo: I already told you that I want to major in sculpting and be certified in it

Matthew paces around the room a few times and then looks at me

Someone walks into the room

???: coach, the team is here

I look at the person and wow oh wow he is the most good looking human being I have ever seen

It is a dangerous job: okay, drop my sister off at her dorm

He gives the guy a piece of paper that has my dorm building

My brother looks at me and holds my cheek

It is a dangerous job: give me some time to think about it

I nod and follow the handsome guy to my dorm

???: Hi…my name is Hwang Henry, I am the goalkeeper

Wow even his name is very pretty

Jinsoo: My name is Song Jinsoo… I am an art major

Henry: I never knew my coach had such a pretty sister

Jinsoo: haha thanks…

Henry: You know what, this was the first time I have seen a coach with soft eyes. He is usually so cold

Jinsoo: that's his personality

Henry: Well, it was nice talking to you…here is your dorm building

Jinsoo: Thanks…see you around

I go up to my dorm room and open the dorm

Jinsoo: No one is there… well that means I can pick whichever bunk I want

I pick my bunk and start unpacking

???: Honey I am home!!!…oh hi!

Jinsoo: Hi…

Riley: I'm Shin Riley…

Jinsoo: Song Jinsoo…

Riley: which bunk did you choose?

I point to it and take out a photo of my parents and brother and put it on my desk

Riley: Are you always this quiet?

I smile

Jinsoo: I just need time to get used to you guys…that's all

Riley: ooh he looks like the soccer coach

Jinsoo: that is my brother and yes he is the soccer coach

Riley: Oh so you are close to the soccer team?

She eagerly waits for my answer

Jinsoo: no not really, I've only met their goalkeeper

I raise an eyebrow

Jinsoo: why?…

Riley: n-nothing…I am just interested in soccer