
Running from Fumes

I open my eyes to the sun shining brightly through my cream colored curtains. I inhale deeply and stretch my body relishing the warmth of my king sized bed. "My empty bed." I think to myself chuckling as I throw my blankets off of me. Today is Sunday, family dinner. Regardless of what plans we have on Sundays, we cancel for dinner. Or bring the plans with us. Mama doesn't care too much for my flings coming to dinner with me so I've made it a point to never make plans on these Sundays. I do have a two hour drive to get to my parents home so I jump up to shower and get things ready to go. As I step into my warm shower letting the water flow over me I try to relax. It's been a tough few weeks and I missed the last family dinner. I'm ready to see my mom and dad. Today will be a day to refill my heart with love and joy. I start washing my hair and move onto shaving my legs as I let my deep conditioner sit for a few minutes. Humming to myself I stop as I hear a click. I live alone. There shouldn't be anyone here. No one else has a key. Was that the door? Suddenly I feel a whoosh of cold air and realize the air conditioner kicked on. I chuckle nervously as I realize I'm being jumpy still. Shaking my head I push the thought away. I had a few small things come up missing around the house. So small I could have easily misplaced them but a niggly feeling in the back of my mind tells me I'm not crazy. I've been extra careful about locking the windows and doors when I'm not home and even installed an extra dead bolt on my front and back doors so I've been feeling much better and more confident. I rinse the conditioner from my hair and lather up my loofah with my coconut & pear scented body wash. I scrub and exfoliate my whole body but linger between my legs. Biting my lip, I wonder if I have time for a quick orgasm while unconsciously my other hand finds my soapy breasts and tweaks my own nipple. Yup. I'll make time. I can't go on a date tonight anyways as I validate my own thoughts. I look down at my flat stomach as I drop my loofah and reach up to grab the shower head and bring it down to my body and adjusted the setting. Whoever made these has to know that no one showers with this setting. It's obviously meant for this. It's a long hard, powerful stream that would be very difficult to actually shower with. I shrug to myself as I feel the power of the stream hitting my stomach. I gently lower it to the aching part of me with one hand, and with the other I continue teasing my nipple. It's been a long time since I've had a release, so this one finds me quickly. In no time a moan escapes from my mouth and I gasp out. My legs feel wobbly and shakily I return the shower head to where it was. Completely unaware of the man who silently slipped out of the bathroom when he found his release as well.

anonymousauthork · แฟนตาซี
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23 Chs

Chapter 18

Cal is back in his car waiting for Rose to come out. Ezra is leaning against his car. Cal watches his lord walk gracefully into the disgusting gas station. Presumably to keep an eye on Rose. Cal and Ezra didn't dare speak to each other, even after she walked into the gas station. Just in case she was watching.

Cal was feeling guilty for bringing Rose here and letting them "bump" into each other. But he knew the spell would drive Rose to him and she wouldn't be able to resist him. He also felt sadness, he knew he would lose his friend now. She was the first friend he'd had in a long time, and she'd go with him now. She wouldn't be able to stop herself.

But when his lord had mindlinked and said to go there, he knew he couldn't go against his word. He would always know where Cal is, thanks to the bond between them created when they mindlinked for the first time and he couldn't keep Rose safe without being with her so he couldn't drop her off somewhere or tell her to run. It was a lose lose situation either way.

He glanced down at the clock on the dash and realized a good amount of time had passed, he opened the car door to go inside and check to see what was going on when he saw Ezra stomping out of the gas station with a deadly expression on his face.

Cal quickly climbed out of his car and stood straight up, waiting for Ezra to approach him. "What's wrong?"

Hissing through his teeth he says, "She's gone. Search the woods. NOW". Cal begins jogging towards the back of the gas station, shocked to see Ezra right behind him.

"Sir, excuse me for being so blunt, but how does she have the willpower to run away from you? The spell..." he glances over toward Ezra and feels his aura, dark red, so dark it's almost black, he doesn't answer him and knows it's a good thing.

Within seconds they've hit the wood line and separate, each to go a different way. They're silent. Their steps are meticulously placed to be as quiet as possible. Not calling out her name just looking.

Ezra mindlinks to Cal, in case she's listening. "You should call out her name. She has no idea we know each other. She'll come to you."

"Rose! Are you out here? Were you kidnapped or are you playing a weird game with me?" Cal calls out.


Rose freezes when she hears Cals voice. He doesn't sound very far away. Starting to panic she's worried if she runs they'll hear her footsteps. She finds a tree with a small opening and quickly rolls a big rock over to it. She climbs inside the tree and pulls the rock over the opening. Her heart is thumping loudly in her chest and she closes her eyes trying to be calm.

After about 5 minutes or so she hears soft footsteps coming nearer and nearer. But it's not just one set of them, it's two. Silent tears fall down her face as she realizes it must be Cal and Ezra both. She truly hopes Cal is not in on this little plan.

The steps stop a little ways away from the tree, and start walking towards her. The foot steps are soft and light, like they're trying to be quiet. As they stop in front of her she holds her breath, not daring to make a sound.

But it doesn't work. The rock is pushed away. She squeezes her eyes shut and puts her head down not wanting to see Cal and really know their friendship was all a faćade and fake.

She feels soft warm hands touch her arm, knowing that isn't Cal or Ezra, she opens her eyes and sees a beautiful woman with dark hair to her waist and bright blue, almost silver eyes, with a child no more than 4 or 5 behind her. She puts her finger to Roses lip, to tell her to be quiet and gently pulls her out.

Rose hears a voice inside her head that says, "Be very silent. They're nearby. Please follow me and be cautious with your steps darling." Rose stares at her, bewildered. How on earth did she speak to her like that, in her head!? "Come now, I'll explain it all away when we're safe."

There's a crack of a branch snapping close by, too close. Rose gets ready to bolt but the woman stops her. Again putting her finger to her lip. She gathers the child and Rose in a tight circle. Holding each of their hands, she closes her eyes and starts chanting something underneath her breath.

Suddenly Cal and Ezra appear, Rose stares at them wide eyed and feels the woman's grip become tighter as if to anchor her in place. Rose doesn't move a muscle. Cal and Ezra continue walking closer and should see the three of them at any point now.

The woman has stopped chanting and speaks in Rose's head again. "Be quite still darling, I have a protective spell on us. They won't be able to see us as long as we don't break our chain or move from this spot." The woman had frozen the air surrounding them, cloaking them in invisibility.

Not quite believing it yet, Rose watches Cal, waiting for him to look at her, then her eyes fall on Ezra.

Oh that beautiful man. It's just not fair. How is he so delicious and perfect. He's the definition of a rugged chiseled man. The exact type of man she'd dreamed up in her head and would love to give her entire world too. Well, he can't be perfect in all ways. Of course he'd have a dark past. She looked at him from bottom to top and licked her lips thinking to herself, "sweet Goddess take me home to meet his mama. I'd be his forever."


Ezra mind links to Cal. "She's here. She's right here somewhere. I can feel her. I can feel her aura and I can feel her desire towards me. She's watching me." Cal says back "I can feel her here too. Who is hiding her? What's the plan?" Ezra says "Follow my lead."

Ezra calls out to Cal where Rose can hear, "Well I don't believe she wants to be found. I hope she's alright. Let me give you my number. If you find her please let her know I have no ill intentions. I'm not as scary as I look." And gives a defeated puppy dog look. Cal speaks up "Will do, it was nice meeting you. Thank you for helping me look. I'm worried someone grabbed her and kidnapped her and I missed it." His face shows complete distraught and he tugs on his hair. "Well she seems like she can take care of herself, but hopefully that hasn't happened." At this point they're walking away from the trio, back to the gas station. "I have to return to The Basin tomorrow so I'm running off to catch a flight since my date tonight cancelled on me." Their words start trailing off as they get farther away, "very long flight..."

After 20 more minutes the trio drops their hands and takes a deep breath.

Rose can't shake the feeling of dread getting stronger and stronger as he walks away farther and farther from her. Her heart aches and she wants to jump in his arms and have him carry her away. She can't explain why she feels this way but she wants and needs that man in every way.

She turns to thank the woman and her child and realizes, they're gone. Twirling in a circle she looks for any trace of them, but they're gone.

She leans against a tree and slides down to the earth and puts her hands on her knees and lays her head down. Now what?

Then her phone rings.