
Chapter 4 : Planning

Axel frowned as he start, d to hear footsteps slowly approaching the sound of the screaming.

Unfortunately for the mage seekers, he wasn't keen on getting hanged today as he slowly looked down the cliff that Zachery was on.

Lucky, it was less of a cliff and more than a hill, with some trees and vegetation.

Ajel sighed as he looked down, before looking down at his left leg, which had been cauterized.

He was in no position to slide down with his feet, so he opted instead to move to the most open location and roll down on his side.

And so he did just that, by rolling down the hill on his side.

He rolled, and rolled, and rolled.

And then he saw a stream.

The same one that fed into the hunting village and Sylas used to clean his blade to amputate his eye with.

The feeling of the pebbles smashing against his skin wasn't pleasant, but he was far from feeling any pain after what he experienced today.

The river spun across the whole of Demacia, which then connected to the Conquerer's sea which is closest to the shore city Dawnhold.

The mageseekers were situated in the capital, which means they would be going from that direction, not to mention there was a likely chance that they would follow the river.

Luckily for him, he was at the edge of the Demacia mainland and was near the outskirts where the farmers and the serfs live.

These people are known for hating some Demacian rules and are known to be kinder to the mages due to the fact the influence of the winged sisters is lower, and the propaganda spread is lower.

Ajel had never really understood religion, as the winged sister didn't save his parents in their needing times, so why is he meant to pray for someone who doesn't even answer them?

they have been classed as omnipotent, and yet no feats have been made for many years, at least over a thousand.

It reeks of hypocrisy.

However, this plan is a double-edged sword, as the roads have bandits, and those people in the highlands may see him as somebody easily exploitable.

The border of the two is separated by Meltridge and The grey gate, both of which are small villages made up mostly of small agricultural farmers and some guards.

Which meant he needed to go around them.

This means he could go up the Greenfang mountains, but his leg and lack of protection meant it was practically a death wish.

The borders to Freljord were incredibly guarded by Demacia due to the fact they are isolationists.


Why not go... around the Greenfang mountains?

that way he could go to every peak, a small mining village in the highlands.

That means he could be safe there for a while.

"It's going to be a hard journey," Ajel muttered as he slowly looked down at his leg.

His Petricite spear stood out too much, but that's a problem he needed to think about later as he slowly went south from the river.

It was going to be around 4-5 days, even more depending on how much trouble his foot brings him.

Which was going to be a lot.

"Sylas said I was a mage," Ajel muttered. "I wonder what type of mage I am?"

Fire? water? ice?

Several types of mages.

But now, he needed rest.

As such, he propped his body against a tree before dozing off.

He had made sure to set up some simple hunting traps and walked far enough from the river to be obvious.


A zap of yellow.

That was in his dream every night.

The sensation of the flesh getting burnt from his legs , and the feeling of it lash against his eye.

The lifeless corpse of his sister-

"AGHHHH!" Ajel felt the sharp pain in his leg , as he looked down and saw his leg.

It was fine , so why was he feeling such excruciating pain?

it almost acted like the leg was still there , but it was not.

Slowly using his spear, Ajel walked.

Today was the 4th day on the road.

All he knew was that he walking around the mountain , which looked like it reached to the sky.

Nothing more than a illusion , but it made him feel like a ant compared to this hill that has been here for many centuries , even millennia.

Then he heard something.

Almost like something was...crying?

Going closer , Ajel peered out from the bush to see what was the source of the sound , but he made sure that his spear was always on him just in case something jumped on him.

His eyes opened and he saw two creatures and a corpse

Two was dead , but one of the creatures was still alive.

It was a.... Silverwing? or was it a wyvern?

both weren't rare in this part , so Ajel examined it.

He had never seen a Silverwing in person , but he saw the yellow and light blue feathers and shook his head.

Silverwing , as they grow silver when they grow mature.

This one is freshly hatched , it seemed.

Ajel's smile widened as he looked towards the young hatchling.

They could be ridden when grew strong enough , and if this one hasn't been taught the pride of the Silverwing yet , aside from that of its nature , it could be easier tamed.

Not to mention it was blind and was only crying because it was hungry.

Ajel slowly started to go over to the baby , before wondering what to do with it.

Luckily for him , Silverwings are herbivores as he had a diet consisting of berries that he found in the forest that weren't poisonous.

Being a hunter didn't just mean how to shoot a bow, after all.

Going over to the corpse of the body , Ajel decided to scavange the corpse of the man that had died.


taking a Silverwing all by himself?

Ajel searched the man , before finding some of the item's that he possessed.

A one handed crossbow , a sack of coins and a bow ( which was useless for him) and a dagger , which he all kept.

His clothes possessed a large , black cloak that gave him stealth , so Ajel took that , before looking for whatever else there was.

A book about a herbs , which he took , and a personal letter , which Ajel had no interest in seeking.

And then his eyes turned over to the corpse of the Silverwing.