
Chapter 22 : A Unfortunate Series Of Events

After leaving the cave and destroying the evidence such as the alchemy circle he could always draw again , Ajel walked back to the city of Rakelstate.

Ajel walked through the door of Yvonne , seeing the old lady with a woman the age of him.

"Ah , Ajel. How did your cultivation go?" She asked the boy , who was fixated on the poro on Ashe. "Cute , isn't it."

"Adorable , where can i get one?" Ajel fell in love with its fluffiness.

"You can't , they come and get you." Yvonne muttered. "They choose there friends.... and foes."

Seeing the Poro slowly slide off Ashe's solider and waddle towards him , Ajel put out his hand and watched it curiously come up with it.

He wanted to cry.

It was...

it was just too cute man.

Petting the Poro , Ajel watched as his hand sinked through its fur as it slowly came up to Ajel and climbed its body with surprising haste.

"Do you want to know a fact about the Poro's?" Yvonne said. "They are immortal , never to age. Some people even worship them as god's in other regions , certainly not here though."

"Yvonne , with all due respects." Ajel said. "I understand your wise and have alot experience , but i'm not here to decipher metaphors."

"You've achieved stage einn of seiðr , correct?"

"Im guessing that means that ive broken the bounds between mana , correct?"

While these two were having there discussion , Ashe sighed loudly.

Who is this loud person? is he from another region perhaps?

"Yes, my point is. Don't let the power get to your head. Mages aren't that famous because those who come to Demacia and Noxus and other regions don't last long , and the main reason is Ego. Gain enough power , you will get a cult here. That's how the Freljord works. Get too much ego , you attract unwanted attention , and you will die."

"I understand." Ajel muttered with a neutral face. "However, why did you use a poro? who could ever kill a poro? there just so cute-"]

his conversation got interrupted by the girl , Ashe , who seemed to get bored of the conversation.

She talked in Freljordian with Yvonne , and they seemed to have agree on something.

"She want's to fight you."

"i refuse." Ajel muttered. "Im busy with something else , not to mention my eye and leg."

"She was telling me that you blocked her arrows good , though."

"And then i nearly got stabbed by one cause of my leg just stuck." Ajel frowned.

"Very well , another day then." Yvonne seemed displeased , almost like she wanted the fight to happen.

And then she laughed , which caused Ajel to shake his head.

"Something wrong?"

Yvonne obviously told Ashe about this , because the girl looked enraged and angry.

"For fuck's sake." Ajel clicked his tongue in annoyance , before looking at Ashe. "Even if I so no , she will use her princess privileges and get what she wants , isn't that correct?"

"Unfortunately yes... Ashe is a hot-headed woman right now , eager to please her clan and prove herself to be a reliable person."

"She sounds like she needs a friend more than a fight." Ajel said , which caused Yvonne to laugh.

"Exactly , so do your best."

"Do it in a month , as I said , I'm busy."

Yvonne told this to Ashe , as she nodded her head to the Ajel , the fire calming down in her eyes.

"You want me to lose , don't you?" Ajel said , his expression morphing into one of discontent.

"No , i want you to put up a good fight."

"Good fight my ass." Ajel snorted , before walking out of the door and back into the market section.

He had luckily came in time's that weren't praying hours , so the market was bustling and lively at this time.

He had some things to buy , and since he wasn't short on money Ajel quickly roamed around the market.

He brought a large sheepskin roll , which was longer than anything he had ever seen before.

Walking over to the blacksmith , Ajel saw the emptiness in it and questioned if he had came to the right place.

A young boy , around 5 , poked his head around the corner of the desk.

"-Customers.... ah?-" The boy spoke in Runeterrain , which caused Ajel to sigh in joy.

"-Yes.-" Ajel nodded his head, before observing the boy. He looked like a Demacian , but he lacked the green hair of a highlander ,and the blue eyes of somebody from the capital. No , he had brown hair and some sort of shade of reddish-black eyes.

"-We haven't had customers for a while-"

"-Why?-" Ajel asked , causing the boy to sigh.

He seemed hesitant to tell him , but Ajel insisted.

"-We are not from here.-"


The boy's face was shocked , but Ajel shook his head.

"-I don't care where you from. Just get me 1 kg of iron , 1 kg of lead and a sword-"

"Right away , sir."

Ajel saw the boy hurry off , and caught a glimpse at his happy expression.

Why was he happy?

was it-


That's why.

He forgot.

Nobody really likes Noxius , so they probably get shit for it , and he's probably happy that Ajel doesn't care.

The boy rapidly came out with the good , and Ajel saw him carry all three items with relative ease.

Iron is heavy , lead is heavy.

How did he carry all three.

"-How did you do it-?"

"-Do what-?"

"-Carry those heavy items , especially for a child like you.-"

"-Oh , it's my father's body technique. He used to work in the army , and it's what they teach there. He get's me to train it.-"

Body technique... how interesting.

He never has heard of that before.