
Chapter 15 : Welcome To The Freljord

The border to the Firelord ness of the snow was felt the eery time it crunched under his boot.

He didn't know much about the location of the villages, but luckily, Ajel had a map which allowed him to navigate through the snow at a decent pace.

He had done it.

He was in the Freljord, in just under 26 days.

That means he was safe from harm from Demacia, and he could truly relax.

In his dreams, that is.

He had yet to discover his magic, and he needed to go through Awaking to find out.

What were the conditions of his magic?

what did he need to do?

he needed to find out, and fast.

after all, he still needed to get strong and intact his revenge, and if not the mageseekers, he needed to kill the higher-ups that caused his sister's death.

The wound from his leg and his eye still sizzle every night, writhing in pain.

But for now, he needed to find a village that would allow him to settle in for a while as he gathers intel about the surroundings.

He didn't know where he was, as he only knew that he was going north.

But the best part of the Freljord is that he could finally be him, and he could use his magic whenever he wanted.

This wouldn't bring fear or disgust to the people of the Freljord, but respect.

He was interested in this "Iceborn." thing that the.... what's his name now?


oh, Elijah.

The one that he mentioned about the power to manipulate the ice.

Maybe it's some form of magic? or is something inherited by birth.

Slowly dredging on in the winter snow, Ajel came across the first thing he saw in the Freljord, which was three large.... hairy monsters that Ajel had never seen or heard about before.

He knew he should have done some more research on the animals.

Groaning, Ajel examined them.

large shaggy boar-like quadrupedal mammalian creatures were a high aspect definition of the creatures.

This was a wake-up call, as Ajel finally realized that he wasn't in the familiar land of Demacia with Wyverns and Silverwings, but in a completely different environment where anything could kill him if he wasn't careful.

The snow under him was thick and strong, and Ajel held strong onto the thick fur coat he was given to help ease his temperature in these unforgiving lands.

A benefit of the mage is that after one point, you don't need to eat, you don't need water, or even sleep.

But those are decades away from when he is going to achieve that, so his main priority right now is to undergo Awakening and unlock his magic, then create his column of spells with it.

What could it be?

he's killed someone and gone under strong emotions plenty of times.

Accepted the past


And no new sign of gaining the power that all the basic mages had.

However, the head heard from Awek that the more delayed the Awakening is the more powerful the magic is which gave Ajel hope.

He desired strong magic, so he could see Sylas again..... and do what he has to do.

Seeing the sun start to set, Ajel wondered what he needed to do.

He couldn't set up a fire in these conditions, and he had a sleeping bag that was packed for him.

So he needed to find a cave that would be suitable for him.

Trudging along with the thick snow after an hour and a half, he finally approached a cave.

Slowly entering the cave, Ajel checked the conditions of the cave before confirming there wasn't anything wrong with it, such as bats or it not being as sturdy.

Walking deeper into the cave with the spear, Ajel started to set up camp as he slowly started to put down his sleeping bag and then slowly started to make a fire with the dry wood he had stored.

The temperature outside was freezing, certainly not safe to sleep in even with a hay sleeping bag.

He had checked the structure of the cave, and it was one of the strongest caves he had ever seen.

He use to go caving with his sister-


Ajel clicked his tongue.

After setting up the camp and setting up the conditions, Ajel decided to look around the deeper inside of it, as he had noticed a light source coming from deeper into the cave.

Ajel calmly walked, scared that if someone was here, it wouldn't like his intrusion into its home.

Slowly approaching the water and examining it, Ajel try to scan his brain for the knowledge of this water, but he could find nothing.

This wasn't any ordinary water, as it was dripping down from the.... ceiling?

Frowning and looking up, Ajel saw a beautiful crystal, one that seemed to be fully formed.

Every 5 minutes or so a small drop went down into the pool of water below, which made Ajel believe that this place must of being here for centuries, perhaps larger because it was almost like a pool of water.

He needed to research this "pool" and see what it was.


Short chapter . maybe a lack of uploads in the next cuple of days because im busy.

Perhaps 1 every 2 days.