
Runes of Valhalla: A Warrior's Awakening

Erik never expected to trade his keyboard for a longsword. An avid reader and history buff, he found himself inexplicably transported into the world of Vikings after finishing the final chapter of the popular series. But this isn't a hero's welcome. He awakens in the body of Asbjorn, a scrawny thrall on the fringes of Kattegat. Armed with his modern knowledge and a strange ability to decipher ancient runes, Erik (now Asbjorn) must navigate the harsh realities of Viking life. As he grapples with his new identity, whispers of a forgotten prophecy surface, threatening the fragile peace Kattegat has enjoyed. Can a former couch potato become the warrior destiny demands?

Lil_Maxey · แอคชั่น
86 Chs

Chapter 84: Whispers of the Past

The revelation from the ancient data terminal hung heavy in the air, a chilling truth that cast a long shadow over Refuge. The unknown entity we encountered wasn't just a new threat; it was the very Devourer from Xylos' forgotten history, a monstrous being of pure energy capable of consuming all life on the planet.

Fear threatened to consume me, but a flicker of defiance sparked within. We had faced impossible odds before, and emerged stronger. Now, armed with knowledge from the past, we had a fighting chance.

Commander Lyra, her face etched with grim determination, addressed the assembled crowd. "The legends confirm our worst fears," she stated, her voice steady despite the tremor in her hand. "This entity, this… Devourer, is a threat to all life on Xylos. But the legends also offer a glimmer of hope. It was defeated before, and it can be defeated again."

Her words resonated through Refuge, sparking a renewed sense of purpose. Fear still lingered, but it was overshadowed by a fierce determination to protect our home, our families, our very existence.

With newfound urgency, research teams doubled their efforts. Telepaths, myself included, delved even deeper into the ancient archives, scouring the fragmented data for any information on the Devourer's weaknesses, on the methods used to imprison it millennia ago.

Days blurred into weeks as we sifted through cryptic texts and faded murals. Sleep became a luxury I could ill afford. Every waking moment was consumed by the desperate search for a solution, a weapon against this ancient evil.

Then, a breakthrough arrived. Not from a complex equation or a groundbreaking technological advancement, but from a seemingly insignificant inscription on a weathered stone tablet. The inscription, penned in an archaic language, spoke of a convergence – a celestial alignment that would temporarily weaken the Devourer's energy barrier.

Hope flared within me, a fragile flame battling the ever-present darkness of fear. If the inscription was true, then perhaps we could exploit this vulnerability, find a way to re-imprison the Devourer before it consumed all life on Xylos.

The inscription also mentioned a specific location within the Xylos Nebula, a point where the celestial alignment would be at its most potent. It was a dangerous location, fraught with volatile nebular storms and unpredictable energy fluctuations. But it was our only hope.

A tense council meeting followed. Commander Lyra, Elara, and the other leading figures of Refuge debated the risks and rewards of a mission into the heart of the nebula. The journey would be perilous, the outcome uncertain. Yet, the alternative – inaction – was unthinkable.

In the end, a decision was made. A small, elite team of telepaths and Aethel Remnant fighters, myself included, would embark on a daring mission. We would journey into the heart of the nebula, exploit the celestial convergence, and find a way to re-imprison the Devourer.

The training for this mission differed starkly from the drills we had previously performed. We practiced navigating treacherous nebular storms, shielding ourselves from unpredictable energy fluctuations, and coordinating complex telepathic attacks. Each training session was grueling, pushing us to our physical and mental limits.

Yet, as we trained, a sense of camaraderie grew stronger within the team. We understood the gravity of the situation, the burden of responsibility we carried. We were not just soldiers; we were the last line of defense against an ancient evil.

The day of departure arrived, shrouded in a somber silence. We said our goodbyes, exchanged nervous glances, but none of us wavered. We knew the risks, but we also knew what was at stake.

Our ship, a heavily modified Aethel Remnant vessel christened the "Harbinger," pierced the veil of Refuge's protective energy shield and hurtled into the swirling chaos of the Xylos Nebula. The vibrant tendrils of gas, once mesmerizing from afar, now loomed menacingly, a swirling vortex of potential death.

Navigating the nebula was a perilous dance. We weaved through fields of ionized gas, narrowly avoided colliding with celestial debris, and braced ourselves as the ship shuddered under the impact of nebular storms. The telepathic abilities of myself and the other telepaths proved invaluable, allowing us to sense upcoming dangers and react with split-second precision.

Days turned into a blur of frantic activity and nail-biting tension. Every system on the Harbinger groaned in protest as we pushed it to its limits. Yet, we persevered, fueled by the knowledge that the fate of Xylos rested on our shoulders.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the instruments crackled to life, displaying a surge in celestial energy signatures. The inscription's coordinates aligned perfectly with a swirling vortex of violet and crimson gas at the nebula's heart.

"We're approaching the convergence point," Aethel Remnant pilot Captain Jaxon announced, his voice tight with a mixture of apprehension and grim determination.

The Harbinger lurched violently as it entered the vortex's periphery, the swirling gas whipping across the hull like spectral flames. Energy readings spiked, overloading the ship's systems. Alarms blared, red lights painting the interior in an ominous glow.

Elara, her telepathic voice a beacon of calm amidst the chaos, coordinated the team. "Brace yourselves! We're entering the heart of the convergence. Shields at maximum!"

As the Harbinger plunged deeper into the vortex, the very fabric of reality seemed to bend and distort. The swirling gas formed grotesque, ephemeral shapes, and the air crackled with raw energy. A primal fear, an echo of the Devourer's ravenous hunger, gnawed at the edges of my mind.

Suddenly, the ship lurched to a halt, the vortex calming just as abruptly as it had begun. Silence descended, broken only by the rasping breaths of the crew. We had reached the convergence point, the one chance to exploit the Devourer's vulnerability.

"Now!" Elara's telepathic voice boomed across the bridge.

Following the intricate mental blueprint gleaned from the ancient inscription, the assembled telepaths focused their energies. We formed a tight network, channeling our collective power towards a single point – the heart of the violet and crimson gas vortex.

A blinding light erupted from the convergence point, pushing back the swirling gas and bathing the cockpit in an ethereal glow. Within the light, a monstrous silhouette flickered – the Devourer, a creature of pure energy writhing in a rage as the celestial alignment weakened its defenses.

This was our window. With a renewed surge of telepathic energy, we unleashed a combined assault, a barrage of illusions and psychic disruption aimed at further weakening the Devourer's barrier. The ship shuddered violently with each psychic blast, threatening to disintegrate under the strain.

From within the blinding light, the Devourer roared – a sound that resonated not with our ears, but in the very core of our beings. It was a primal scream of rage and defiance, a terrifying display of the entity's immense power.

Just as exhaustion threatened to overwhelm us, a surge of energy pulsed through the network – a new presence, powerful and unfamiliar. The mysterious telepath who had intervened during the Devourer attack had joined the assault!

With this newfound strength, we redoubled our efforts. The air crackled with telepathic energy as we pushed the Devourer back, forcing it deeper within the convergence point. The entity writhed in agony, its monstrous form solidifying for a fleeting moment before dissolving back into swirling energy.

Suddenly, a brilliant flash of light engulfed the Harbinger. The ship lurched violently, alarms blaring as all systems went offline. We were thrown from our seats, the telepathic network fracturing as a wave of raw energy slammed into our minds.

Disoriented and battered, I struggled to my feet. The cockpit was shrouded in smoke, the instruments flickering erratically. Through the haze, I could see Elara, unconscious but breathing. Panic clawed at me, but I forced it down. We couldn't afford to lose focus.

"What happened?" I rasped, my voice hoarse.

"The convergence point destabilized," Captain Jaxon wheezed, pulling himself out of his mangled chair. "We took a direct hit from the Devourer's energy surge. Systems are critical."

My heart hammered in my chest. We had weakened the Devourer, but at what cost? Had we managed to re-imprison it, or were we just moments away from facing its full, unbridled fury?

Ignoring the throbbing pain in my head, I focused, extending my telepathic senses outward. The air crackled with a faint echo of the Devourer's energy, but it was subdued, contained. Relief washed over me, weak but real. We had done it. We had re-imprisoned the Devourer, at least for now.

But the victory tasted hollow. The Harbinger was crippled, Refuge's resources depleted, and the mysterious telepath remained a shadowy figure. The fight for Xylos was far from over. As I gazed out at the swirling nebula, a single thought echoed in my mind – the battle against the Devourer, both the ancient evil and the oppressive regime, had just begun.