
Runes of Valhalla: A Warrior's Awakening

Erik never expected to trade his keyboard for a longsword. An avid reader and history buff, he found himself inexplicably transported into the world of Vikings after finishing the final chapter of the popular series. But this isn't a hero's welcome. He awakens in the body of Asbjorn, a scrawny thrall on the fringes of Kattegat. Armed with his modern knowledge and a strange ability to decipher ancient runes, Erik (now Asbjorn) must navigate the harsh realities of Viking life. As he grapples with his new identity, whispers of a forgotten prophecy surface, threatening the fragile peace Kattegat has enjoyed. Can a former couch potato become the warrior destiny demands?

Lil_Maxey · แอคชั่น
86 Chs

Chapter 73: Echoes of Hope

The cavern echoed with an unsettling silence. Dust motes danced in the dim bioluminescent light, remnants of the chaotic struggle that had just unfolded. Exhaustion gnawed at my body, a dull ache throbbing in my back from the impact against the rock wall.

My gaze darted across the scene. Kai, panting heavily, lowered a hand, deactivating his telekinetic hold on the hurled rocks. Zaria stood guard, her face pale but her mental shield still active. And "The Iron Fist," buried beneath a pile of rubble, lay motionless.

A wave of relief washed over me, quickly replaced by a surge of apprehension. We couldn't be sure if he was truly incapacitated. With a strained groan, I pushed myself off the ground, wincing at the sharp pain that lanced through my back.

"Is he…?" Kai began, his voice hoarse.

Zaria lowered her mental shield, her eyes narrowed in concentration. "He's unconscious," she declared after a moment's pause. "But alive. We need to get out of here before he recovers."

Her words were a stark reminder of the precariousness of our situation. While we had managed to neutralize "The Iron Fist" and buy valuable time for the telepath evacuation, we were still trapped within the collapsing cavern, surrounded by Devourer forces.

Elara's voice, faint but resolute, resonated within my mind. "I've confirmed most of the telepaths have reached the secondary escape tunnels beyond the collapsed ceiling section. There are a few stragglers, but they're close."

Hope flickered within me. We had achieved our primary objective – getting the telepaths to safety. Now, all we needed was to escape ourselves before the Devourer forces regrouped.

Reza, a mischievous glint in his eyes, materialized beside me. "Looks like my illusion tactic worked a little too well," he remarked, gesturing towards the confused Devourer soldiers still firing at nonexistent enemies.

A small smile tugged at the corner of my lips. It was a moment of much-needed levity amidst the tension. "Enough to buy us some time, at least," I replied.

But time was a finite resource. The flickering lights in the cavern, indicators of the failing power grid within the hidden complex, cast an ominous glow on the scene. We needed a way out before the cavern plunged into darkness, further hindering our escape.

Suddenly, a booming voice echoed through the cavern, distorted by static and emanating from the rubble pile burying "The Iron Fist." "Foolish telepaths! You may have delayed the inevitable, but you won't escape my wrath!"

A tremor ran through the cavern floor. Reality dawned on us with a chilling clarity. "The Iron Fist" wasn't unconscious; he was buying time, attempting to free himself from the debris. We were facing a desperate, enraged enemy, and our only remaining path seemed blocked.

A frantic exchange of telepathic messages filled the air. Zaria couldn't maintain her mental shield indefinitely, especially with her energy reserves depleted from the psionic battle. Kai, despite his formidable telekinetic abilities, couldn't sustain the defense against the collapsing ceiling forever.

"There's another tunnel system," Elara's voice resonated within my mind, a note of urgency lacing her words. "An older one, rarely used. It's a long and treacherous route, but it might lead us to an abandoned maintenance shaft outside the city limits."

Hope flickered once again, a fragile ember in the face of overwhelming odds. It was a desperate gamble, but it was the only option we had.

"We need to clear a path," I declared, telepathically communicating the plan to the others. "Kai, focus on creating a small opening in the collapsed ceiling. Zaria, shield us while we navigate the old tunnel system. Reza, be prepared to use your illusions to distract any Devourer patrols we might encounter."

With a heavy nod of agreement, we sprang into action. The cavern around us vibrated with renewed activity as we channeled our remaining strength into a desperate bid for survival. The fight for telepathic freedom wasn't over. We had dealt a blow to the Devourer regime, but the war had just begun. And as we plunged into the darkness of the unknown tunnel system, the echoes of defiance resonated within our hearts, a testament to the indomitable spirit of rebellion.