
Runes of Valhalla: A Warrior's Awakening

Erik never expected to trade his keyboard for a longsword. An avid reader and history buff, he found himself inexplicably transported into the world of Vikings after finishing the final chapter of the popular series. But this isn't a hero's welcome. He awakens in the body of Asbjorn, a scrawny thrall on the fringes of Kattegat. Armed with his modern knowledge and a strange ability to decipher ancient runes, Erik (now Asbjorn) must navigate the harsh realities of Viking life. As he grapples with his new identity, whispers of a forgotten prophecy surface, threatening the fragile peace Kattegat has enjoyed. Can a former couch potato become the warrior destiny demands?

Lil_Maxey · แอคชั่น
86 Chs

Chapter 67: A Desperate Gambit

Sweat trickled down my temples, blurring my vision as I surveyed the heavily armed Devourer patrol guarding the docking bay entrance. Escape seemed impossible. Elara, her face etched with pain and exhaustion, leaned against the rough tunnel wall, her breaths shallow and ragged.

A wave of despair threatened to engulf me. We had fought our way through the prison complex, enduring brutal telepathic assaults and navigating a labyrinth of waste disposal tunnels, only to be thwarted at the final hurdle. Yet, abandoning hope was not an option. Not while Elara, my friend and comrade, lay injured and vulnerable.

Thinking frantically, I cast my telepathic net across the vast network of tunnels, searching for anything, anything that could offer a distraction. A faint flicker of psionic energy caught my attention, emanating from a seemingly unimportant maintenance shaft further down the passage. It was weak, barely a whisper, but it represented a potential lifeline.

"Elara," I whispered, my voice barely audible above the pounding of my heart. "I have an idea, but it's risky."

Her eyelids fluttered open, a sliver of determination replacing the haze of pain within them. "Tell me," she rasped, her voice a mere shadow of its usual strength.

Briefly, I outlined my plan. It was a desperate gamble, relying on manipulation and misdirection to draw away the guards long enough for us to make a break for the docking bay. The potential for failure, for both of us to be captured or worse, was high. But the risk was one I had to take.

Elara, after a moment of consideration, nodded weakly. "It might just work. Just… be careful."

With a shared look of grim resolve, we put the plan into action. I focused my remaining telepathic energy, amplifying the faint psionic signature within the maintenance shaft. With a mental nudge, I sent a wave of confusion and distorted information towards the Devourer patrol.

The effect was instantaneous. The guards, their visors flickering with the distorted readout from their psionic scanners, exchanged bewildered glances. Whispers of a "malfunctioning psionic signature" and "unscheduled maintenance activity" crackled through their comms.

Hesitation flickered across their faces, their rigid formation momentarily disrupted. It was the opening we needed.

"Now!" I hissed at Elara, channeling all my remaining telekinetic strength into a single, powerful push. A section of the tunnel wall opposite the docking bay entrance crumbled under the force, debris raining down with a deafening roar.

The Devourer patrol, startled by the sudden commotion, reacted with a flurry of panicked yells. They scrambled towards the collapsed section, their attention diverted from their original post guarding the docking bay entrance.

This was our chance. I scooped Elara into my arms, adrenaline masking the searing pain in my leg. With a burst of desperate speed, I sprinted towards the now-unattended entrance, the echoes of my ragged breaths echoing in the dimly lit tunnel.

The docking bay entrance loomed before us, a shimmering doorway to freedom. But just as I reached for the activation panel, a guttural roar ripped through the tunnel behind us. One of the Devourer soldiers, a burly brute with a cybernetic eyepiece, had broken through the debris and was giving chase.

"Go!" Elara rasped, her voice filled with urgency. "I can hold him off!"

Panic threatened to grip me, but the thought of abandoning Elara spurred me forward. With a final surge of strength, I slammed my fist against the activation panel. The bay doors hissed open, revealing the silhouette of our waiting ship against the backdrop of a swirling nebula.

Throwing Elara over my shoulder, I stumbled towards the ship, the Devourer soldier hot on my heels. The weight of Elara's unconscious form strained my injured leg, threatening to collapse at any moment. But the finish line was tantalizingly close.

Just as I reached the boarding ramp, the Devourer soldier lunged. His cybernetic arm, enhanced with brutal strength, slammed into my back, sending me sprawling onto the metal deck. Elara, momentarily thrown free from my grasp, landed with a sickening thud beside me.

The soldier loomed over me, a menacing figure bathed in the dim hangar lighting. He raised his fist, a cruel smile plastered across his face, ready to deliver the final blow.

But before he could land the blow, a searing pain erupted in his mind. His eyes widened in shock as he clutched his head, a strangled cry escaping his lips. Elara, despite her weakened state, had launched a final, desperate telepathic assault.

This momentary lapse in concentration was all I needed. With a surge of adrenaline, I rolled to my side, grabbed my fallen phaser pistol, and fired a burst of energy at the Devourer.The phaser blast crackled through the docking bay, catching the Devourer soldier square in the chest. His cybernetic enhancements sputtered and died, and he crumpled to the metal deck with a thud. Relief washed over me in a tidal wave, leaving me trembling and panting.

Elara, her face bathed in sweat, lay motionless beside me. Her telepathic aura flickered faintly, a testament to the tremendous effort her final attack had required. I scrambled to my feet, ignoring the throbbing pain in my leg, and cradled her head in my lap.

"Elara," I whispered urgently, checking her pulse. It was weak but steady. A wave of gratitude crashed over me. Despite her injuries, she had bought us precious seconds, the difference between life and escape.

With a desperate heave, I hoisted Elara onto the boarding ramp, her limp form draped over my shoulder. Briefly, I cast a glance back at the fallen Devourer soldier, a grim reminder of the brutal cost of our freedom.

Reaching the open ship, I stumbled onto the deck, collapsing onto the nearest medbay gurney. Anya, her face etched with worry, rushed to my side.

"We heard the commotion," she stated, her voice tight with concern. "What happened?"

I launched into a breathless explanation, detailing the escape through the waste disposal tunnels, the diversion tactic, and Elara's final heroic act. With each word, the ordeal replayed in my mind, the fear and desperation a palpable presence.

Anya, her face grim, nodded in understanding. Telepathically summoning medical droids, she instructed them to tend to Elara's injuries while simultaneously patching me up. Thankfully, my leg wound, though painful, wasn't severe.

As the droids buzzed around us, I stole a glance at Elara. Her face, pale and drawn, was now peaceful in slumber. The ordeal had taken its toll, but she was alive. And that, in the grand scheme of things, was all that mattered.

Meanwhile, the rescued telepaths erupted in a frenzy of activity. They scurried about the ship, checking systems and preparing for departure. The mission, though marred by Elara's injuries and the loss of valuable telepathic fighters within the prison complex, had yielded a small victory. We had rescued several powerful telepaths and dealt a significant blow to the Devourer's operations.

As the ship's engines roared to life, I watched the prison complex shrink into a distant, shadowed monolith on the horizon. The escape had been harrowing, a testament to the resilience of the rebellion and the enduring bond between telepaths. But the fight was far from over. This was just one battle in a long war.

With a resolute sigh, I leaned back in the medbay gurney, the rhythmic whirring of the ship's engines a lullaby against the backdrop of my pounding heart. Elara slept soundly beside me, her injuries a stark reminder of the sacrifices made. We were battered but unbroken, and within me burned a single, unwavering purpose: to liberate the telepathic community from the Devourer's tyranny and to honor Elara's bravery in the process.

As we hurtled through the vast expanse of space, a new chapter in the rebellion had begun. We were fugitives, yes, but we were also a beacon of hope, carrying the dreams of countless oppressed telepaths. And with every passing moment, our resolve to dismantle the Devourer empire solidified.