
Runes of Valhalla: A Warrior's Awakening

Erik never expected to trade his keyboard for a longsword. An avid reader and history buff, he found himself inexplicably transported into the world of Vikings after finishing the final chapter of the popular series. But this isn't a hero's welcome. He awakens in the body of Asbjorn, a scrawny thrall on the fringes of Kattegat. Armed with his modern knowledge and a strange ability to decipher ancient runes, Erik (now Asbjorn) must navigate the harsh realities of Viking life. As he grapples with his new identity, whispers of a forgotten prophecy surface, threatening the fragile peace Kattegat has enjoyed. Can a former couch potato become the warrior destiny demands?

Lil_Maxey · แอคชั่น
86 Chs

Chapter 34: Echoes in the Void

The energy signature pulsed on my gauntlet's display, a beacon in the swirling vortex of distorted energy. It beckoned me closer, a promise of stability amidst the alien landscape. But a tremor of unease ran through me. The vortex, a churning mass of warped light and energy, was the same spot where the enigmatic creature had emerged. Venturing closer meant venturing back into the unknown.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled my nerves. Elara's voice echoed in my mind, a lifeline tethering me to the familiar world. "We need you to find a source of stable energy," she had said. With a determined nod, I activated my gauntlet's thruster jets, propelling myself towards the vortex.

As I entered the churning mass of energy, the world around me dissolved into a kaleidoscope of colors and distorted shapes. My stomach lurched, and I gritted my teeth, focusing on the faint energy signature that danced before my eyes. The air crackled with raw power, threatening to overload my suit's energy shields.

Suddenly, the vortex spat me out, and I found myself hovering above a sight that chilled me to the bone. Below, nestled amidst the warped landscape, lay a colossal structure. It resembled a giant crystal, its facets shimmering with an otherworldly light that pulsed in sync with the energy signature on my gauntlet.

The crystal, unlike the rest of the warped landscape, seemed untouched, pristine in its alien beauty. Yet, an undeniable sense of foreboding emanated from it. This wasn't just a source of stable energy; it was something far more potent, something ancient and powerful.

Hesitantly, I lowered myself towards the crystal, the hum of its energy resonating in my bones. As I neared, tendrils of light erupted from its surface, wrapping around my suit, seemingly analyzing me. My gauntlet sputtered in protest, the alien energy interfering with its systems. Panic surged through me, but then, just as abruptly, the tendrils retracted.

A wave of relief washed over me, momentarily forgotten as a holographic projection materialized above the crystal. It depicted a humanoid figure, its form cloaked in shimmering light, its features obscured. A voice, sonorous and ancient, resonated within my mind.

"Who are you, and why do you seek the echo's heart?"

The voice reverberated through my very being. Echo's heart? Was this what the crystal housed – the very essence of the echo itself? A thousand questions swirled in my mind, but the urgency of my situation pressed me forward.

"I come from a world ravaged by the Devourers," I projected mentally, hoping the figure could understand my thoughts. "We used the echo to defend ourselves, but…we created a tear in reality. I need your help to bridge this tear and return home."

The holographic figure remained silent for a moment, the crystal pulsing with an eerie light. Then, the voice spoke again, its tone laced with a hint of amusement.

"The Devourers? Naive creatures, playing with forces they don't understand. Very well, outsider. I sense a sliver of the echo within you. Prove your worth, and I may grant you passage."

A challenge. My heart pounded in my chest, a mixture of trepidation and determination. But there was no other option. Elara and the others were waiting for me. Kattegat's fate hung in the balance.

"What must I do?" I projected back, my voice steady despite the rising fear.

The holographic figure pointed towards the warped horizon. "Beyond that desolate wasteland lies a shard of the Devourer essence. Retrieve it, and I will consider your plea."

A shard of the Devourer essence? A retrieval mission into the unknown depths of this warped dimension? It was a perilous task, but the thought of returning home propelled me forward. With a nod, I activated my thruster jets and propelled myself towards the desolate wasteland, the holographic figure's words echoing in my mind: "Remember, outsider, the echo's heart holds immense power. But power comes at a cost."The desolate wasteland stretched before me, a desolate expanse of jagged rock formations and shimmering sand dunes that whispered with the echoes of an alien wind. The energy signature on my gauntlet flickered persistently, leading me deeper into this alien purgatory.

Every fiber of my being screamed caution. This wasn't the ethereal flora field I was familiar with. Here, the air held a sickly sweetness, and the distorted landscape writhed with an unsettling organic undercurrent. The very terrain seemed to ripple and pulsate, as if some unseen entity lurked just beneath the surface.

Hours bled into what felt like days. My suit's energy reserves dwindled, a stark reminder of my isolation in this alien dimension. Just when I was about to give in to despair, the scanner on my gauntlet blared, the energy signature spiking wildly.

Ahead, nestled amidst a cluster of towering obsidian spikes, lay a pulsating sphere of swirling purple energy. It churned with an otherworldly malice, sending shivers down my spine. The shard of Devourer essence, the holographic figure had promised.

As I approached, the sphere pulsed with an intensity that made my vision blur. My suit's sensors went haywire, bombarding me with erratic readings. This wasn't just Devourer essence - it felt corrupted, tainted with an unknown power.

Hesitantly, I extended my gauntlet, the energy field crackling as it approached the sphere. Suddenly, the air crackled with a burst of static, and a grotesque creature materialized within the sphere. It resembled a skeletal hound, its body wreathed in crackling purple energy, its eyes burning with malevolent hunger.

A primal snarl ripped through the air as the creature lunged. I barely parried its attack, the force of the impact sending a jolt through my arm. This wasn't a mindless beast like the Devourer soldiers I had faced before. This creature was infused with the twisted energy of the shard, its movements erratic and unpredictable.

The battle was a flurry of claws and energy blasts. The creature's raw power threatened to overwhelm my defenses, but I persevered, fueled by the desperate need to return home. Every dodge, every parry drained my dwindling energy reserves.

Just when it seemed the creature would gain the upper hand, a thought struck me. The echo. It resonated faintly within me, a sliver of the power we used to defend Kattegat. Focusing that sliver, I channeled it into my gauntlet, directing a concentrated blast of energy towards the creature.

The shard of Devourer essence shrieked in protest as the echo energy struck it. The creature convulsed, its form flickering and distorting. Then, with a final ear-splitting screech, it dissolved into a cloud of purple mist that dissipated into the arid air.

Panting heavily, I collapsed onto the sand, the effort of the battle taking its toll. My gaze fell upon the swirling sphere, now a dormant flicker of purple light. With a shaky hand, I activated the containment field on my gauntlet, swallowing the shard of Devourer essence within its blue energy barrier.

The return journey was a blur. Fatigue gnawed at me, and the alien landscape seemed even more hostile now. But the thought of returning home, of seeing Elara and the others, propelled me forward.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the distorted horizon shimmered, and the familiar outline of the crystal came into view. As I descended towards it, the holographic figure materialized once more.

"You have proven your worth, outsider," the voice boomed. "The shard of Devourer essence is contained. Now, let us see if you can handle the echo's heart."

A wave of unease washed over me. The figure's words hung heavy in the air – "the echo's heart holds immense power, but power comes at a cost." What exactly was that cost? And was I truly prepared to pay it in order to return home?

Before I could dwell on my apprehension, the crystal pulsed with blinding light. An irresistible force pulled me towards its center, towards the very heart of the echo. With a deep breath, I braced myself for the unknown, unsure if this was salvation or a descent into a whole new kind of darkness.