
Runaway Unatha

"You," He repeated, his breath coming out rather heavily as he took a step closer to me. In that moment, it was as if my body was on the verge of erupting into flames. To have him near me was to feel the pull of desire, an overwhelming need to touch him, to let my fingers dance across his face, and to surrender to the promise of all the things he could do to me. His eyes stared deeply, probing as if attempting to unearth every dark secret I had ever hidden throughout my life. Within his gaze, there were two emotions locked in a fierce battle for control: desire and disgust. As he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes were filled with hatred. "You don't have a wolf." ~ In the wolf pack of Nightfang, where power and privilege reigned supreme, Unatha was an anomaly. A girl without a wolf, she had been rejected by her so-called mate and left to navigate the treacherous and dangerous world on her. But destiny had other plans. In a twist of fate, Unatha discovered that her heart was meant for another, not just any other, but the Alpha King, a powerful Lycan whose authority was unchallenged. As the secrets of her true lineage unraveled, Unatha found herself at the center of a supernatural world far more complex than she could have ever imagined. As she delved deeper into this hidden realm, Unatha unearthed ancient rivalries, unearthly powers, and a love she never thought possible. But in this perilous journey, not all were allies, and not all were what they seemed.

ZuriA03 · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs

Echoes of the Past

My immediate reaction to The Malefica's claim about Theo not being the rightful Alpha of Nightfang was a mix of disbelief and amusement.

"You must be high on some smoke," I said, my voice tinged with humor, nearly bursting into laughter. The situation had been so tense and bewildering that her statement seemed utterly absurd.

The Malefica, however, remained unfazed. She turned to Theo, her words slicing through the air, and it felt as if she were mocking everything I had known.

"She thinks it's funny," The Malefica said, as if my response meant nothing.

The laughter that had nearly bubbled up inside me began to fade as I looked at Theo, noticing the desolation in his eyes. My initial amusement was replaced by shock and confusion.

"His family has been in control for countless generations. Why is this only coming to light now?" I asked, my voice carrying a note of bitterness and disbelief. It was hard to fathom that such a significant revelation could surface after so many years of stability.

"You might have the wrong witch, Theo. She's crazy," I said, my tone softening when I realized the gravity of the situation.

"It's true?" I questioned, a surge of shock coursing through me. It was difficult to reconcile this revelation with the Theo I had known.

"What role do I play in this? I can't fathom how I could be so crucial in their family history."

"But you are, Unatha. And it's your responsibility to yourself and him to be his Luna," The Malefica declared, her words ringing with an eerie certainty.

"Responsibility?! What did he do when I was ready to embrace that responsibility?!" I shouted, my frustration and hurt boiling over at her audacious claim. The realization that I had been manipulated and used for political gain was a bitter pill to swallow.

"Una, I'm sorry, okay? You have to do this for me," Theo's voice cracked with emotion, his eyes brimming with regret and longing. It was the most emotion he had shown since he saw me, and it screamed lies to me.

He didn't want me to be his Luna because he cared for me; he wanted me to be his Luna to ensure his family's dominance, and that realization was a whole new level of pain.

"Oh, shut up," I groaned, my head spinning from the overwhelming news and betrayal.

The conversation had reached an impasse, and I was desperate to escape the room. Theo tried to engage me further, attempting to gain information about the pack I had stayed with, but I refused to cooperate.

"So tell me, Jadis," Theo began, using my second name in an attempt to sound familiar and persuasive.

"Don't call me that," I snapped at him, my frustration evident.

"Fine. What was the name of the pack you stayed with?" Theo continued, pushing for answers. I glanced at the door, contemplating whether I could make a run for it. However, with The Malefica present, escape would be nearly impossible, given her magical abilities.

I met Theo's gaze squarely, my resolve unwavering. "I'm never going to tell you!"

With those words, I lunged toward the door, my hand almost reaching for the handle, when I suddenly felt an invisible force pulling me back toward the iron chair. Panic surged through me as I was yanked mid-air and forcefully slammed into the wall before being dropped onto the cold floor.

Agony shot through my body as I groaned and rolled onto my back, my head throbbing from the recent blow. The Malefica, with her malevolent eyes gleaming, hovered over me, a sinister smile dancing on her lips.

"You're not going anywhere," she taunted, her words chilling to the bone.


Time passed slowly, and I found myself alone and trapped in Theo's house. Matteo, Gus, and Giovanni were nowhere to be found, leaving me completely isolated. They knew I would be too weak to resist, and they had left me at the mercy of The Malefica's magic.

The solitude gave me an opportunity to reflect on the tumultuous events that had unfolded. My mind swirled with confusion, anger, and heartache. I had been manipulated, lied to, and used as a pawn in a political game. It was a harsh reality to accept, and the weight of it bore down on me.

I had been drenched in lies and deception, and my trust in Theo had been shattered. The man I had once cared for was revealed to be driven by ambition and the desire to maintain his family's dominance.

As I lay on the cold floor, lost in thought, the door to the room creaked open, and a familiar voice broke through the silence.

"Goddess bless my soul! Una, is that you?" I heard Ravenna's voice, and I weakly turned my neck to see her standing by the door, clad in an unflattering tracksuit.

Ravenna looked leaner than when I had last seen her, and her eyes had considerably dulled, reflecting a sense of weariness and resignation.

Theo had brought me back into his house and had The Malefica use her sedative magic to weaken me, keeping me in a state of vulnerability until they returned. I had been left alone to contemplate my situation.

Tears welled up in Ravenna's eyes as she descended upon me, enveloping me in a warm embrace. She sobbed into my shoulders, and I tried to hold back my own tears, but they soon flowed freely, staining her white sweater.

"I thought you were dead," she choked out between her sobs, her voice filled with relief and anguish.

I held her tighter, my own voice trembling as I replied, "I thought I might be too."

We stayed locked in that embrace for what felt like hours, neither of us willing to let go. The pain, confusion, and anger that had swirled inside me seemed to ease in the presence of my best friend.

Eventually, we separated, wiping away our tears and I gazed into Ravenna's eyes, knowing she had to know some things, so we both sat on the sofa

"Ravenna," I began hesitantly, "there's something I need to tell you."

Her brow furrowed with concern, and she nodded. "What is it, Una?"

Taking a deep breath, I mustered the courage to speak my truth. "While I was away, I met someone."

Ravenna's eyes widened in surprise, and then her expression shifted to one of curiosity. "Someone? A friend?"

I shook my head, my voice barely above a whisper. "No, Ravenna. Not a friend. A new mate."

Her eyes widened further, and her mouth fell open in shock. "A new mate? Una, that's... that's incredible!" Her initial surprise gave way to excitement, and she clasped her hands together. "Tell me everything! Who is he? Where did you meet? How did it happen?"

I smiled weakly at her enthusiasm. "His name is Zane, and he's the Alpha of a pack I encountered during my journey. We met under... complicated circumstances, but there was an undeniable connection."

Ravenna leaned in, her eyes glittering with curiosity. "Tell me more. What's he like?"

I started telling Ravenna about my encounter with Zane, the difficulties we encountered, and the few moments of connection we had. As I spoke, I found that sharing this with Ravenna was a way for me to sort through my own emotions regarding Zane. It felt like a way to relieve some of the emotional turmoil I had gone through.

Ravenna listened intently, nodding and asking questions along the way. She seemed genuinely happy for me, despite the complicated situation I found myself in.

"Did he accept your wolfless status?" Ravenna asked, and I scratched my head.


"Ravenna, what are you doing here?" A booming male voice interrupted, and I was taken aback by the identity of the speaker.