
Runaway Unatha

"You," He repeated, his breath coming out rather heavily as he took a step closer to me. In that moment, it was as if my body was on the verge of erupting into flames. To have him near me was to feel the pull of desire, an overwhelming need to touch him, to let my fingers dance across his face, and to surrender to the promise of all the things he could do to me. His eyes stared deeply, probing as if attempting to unearth every dark secret I had ever hidden throughout my life. Within his gaze, there were two emotions locked in a fierce battle for control: desire and disgust. As he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes were filled with hatred. "You don't have a wolf." ~ In the wolf pack of Nightfang, where power and privilege reigned supreme, Unatha was an anomaly. A girl without a wolf, she had been rejected by her so-called mate and left to navigate the treacherous and dangerous world on her. But destiny had other plans. In a twist of fate, Unatha discovered that her heart was meant for another, not just any other, but the Alpha King, a powerful Lycan whose authority was unchallenged. As the secrets of her true lineage unraveled, Unatha found herself at the center of a supernatural world far more complex than she could have ever imagined. As she delved deeper into this hidden realm, Unatha unearthed ancient rivalries, unearthly powers, and a love she never thought possible. But in this perilous journey, not all were allies, and not all were what they seemed.

ZuriA03 · แฟนตาซี
64 Chs


Everyone was haunted by nightmares, dreams so harrowing that they threatened to suffocate.

For me, Malefica were a living nightmare.

Creatures of pure dread.

Malefica weren't just a name but a race of beings who wielded dark and sinister magic. Their intentions were nothing short of evil as they sought to destroy everything within our world and claim dominion over all they left in their wake.

  It was as if my heart and my body froze completely paralyzed. I had never encountered a Malefica before, and I wasn't sure of how to respond.

As the hall erupted into chaos, she launched a vicious attack, hurling dark energy in our direction.

With lightning speed Damon transformed, his form rippled and reshaped, the air around him charged with electrifying energy. In a matter of seconds, he turned into a towering dark brown Lycan, his eyes ablaze with fierce determination, and I let out a shriek.


With a deep, primal growl, he lunged at the Malefica. Their collision was staggering, sending shockwaves through the air. The Malefica's malevolent laughter was silenced, replaced by a startled cry as she was knocked off balance.

Damon didn't hesitate; he struck and deflected the dark energy attacks the Malefica sent. The air crackled with the intensity of their clash, and I screamed once more in fear.

"Get out! Get out!" Some of the guardians shouted, transforming into their Lycan forms as everyone rushed to escape. Jasmine shrieked, standing on her chair in sheer terror, before running outside. 

"Una, we have to go!" I heard Sabrina exclaim as Jakayla began leading pack members out through a side door.

I attempted to get up on my feet to run, but fear paralyzed my legs. I was surrounded by a whirlwind of emotions—complete shock at the Damon's transformation and his ability to deflect the dark energy attacks.

Two other transformed guardians had joined Damon in trying to subdue the Malefica, but she was too powerful. She directed a surge of dark magic toward them. The sinister energy struck them with such force that they stumbled and cried out in agony. Their pained grunts echoed through the hall as the dark magic took hold, leaving them vulnerable. 

Jakayla's sudden and firm grip on my hands pulled me to my feet, and she practically dragged me away from the sight. I was in a state of shock, unable to process the terrifying events unfolding before me. As we made our hasty escape, the Malefica fixed her soulless green eyes on me, her sinister grin sending shivers down my spine. In a final act of cruelty, she unleashed a surge of dark energy that struck Damon's wolf form and he fell. 

"To the safe house!" Jakayla's commanding voice cut through the chaos, as more and more guardians ran past us. Everything was a blur, and my thoughts were a jumbled mess as I tried to comprehend what had just happened. 

Jakayla's snowy hair streamed behind her as she held onto Jasmine's hand while they sprinted toward safety. Where was Anthony? Where was Jaxon? And more importantly, where was Zane? 

Then, a terrifying sensation seized me. It was as if an invisible force had latched onto me, yanking me backward toward the dining hall. I let out a blood-curdling scream as it tore me from Sabrina's grasp.

"Una!" Sabrina's voice rang out, filled with desperation, as she tried to reach me. But the relentless force was faster, coiling around my legs and dragging me backward, my body scraping painfully against the rough grass.

Terror consumed me as I realized I was being pulled back toward the Malefica, the hall, and the unknown horrors that awaited me there. Had she defeated all the guardians that had traipsed towards her? Was this the true extent of Malefica power? 

"Go!" I screamed at Sabrina, my voice trembling with fear, urging her to keep running and not get caught up in the horror unfolding. With visible reluctance, she turned and sprinted away as fast as she could.

As soon as the force dragged me towards the dining hall, I saw bodies of unconscious wolves littered around, with the Malefica standing victorious. Damon, though still conscious, appeared severely weakened, his breath heavy and labored as he watched her from a corner.

The Malefica drew me nearer to her, a malevolent grin curling on her lips. Overwhelmed by sheer terror, I let out another scream and desperately clung to a table, attempting to stop her, but I was mercilessly yanked away again, closer to where she stood. . 

Her teeth sparkled with wicked delight, and just as she was about to seize my feet, a formidable presence swept into the hall in the blink of an eye. There was no mistaking that imposing aura—it could only belong to Zane.

A white blur emerged from behind me, lunging at the Malefica with a swift and fierce motion and sinking his teeth into her arm. Her shrieks filled the air, a mixture of pain and fury as she recoiled from the searing pain, Blood gushed out of the injured Malefica's hand, and she fell, letting out loud screeches.

The Lycan loomed over her as she stumbled to the floor, baring its teeth in a show of protectiveness and dominance. 

My heart pounded so intensely that it felt as if it might burst out of my rib cage. Fear coursed through my veins as I stared at the massive Lycan before me, its heavy, labored breathing filling the air. Its very presence radiated an overwhelming sense of danger, a tense  aura that sent chills down my spine.

In a shocking and brutal turn of events, the colossal Lycan swiftly seized the Malefica's already injured hand and tore it from her body. The Malefica's piercing screams of pain echoed through the hall, forming a nightmarish racket of torment. Blood spurted from the gruesome wound, staining the floor crimson as the Malefica's cries echoed through the room.

I stood there, my body frozen and my eyes fixated on the gruesome scene that had just unfolded. Zane's brutal display of power and violence left me in a state of shock, and I was amazed at how low he could possibly go. The room was a chaotic battlefield, filled with the Malefica's agonizing screeches.

The massive Lycan suddenly turned its attention towards me, seemingly ignoring the Malefica's suffering, and its gaze locking onto mine. As it approached me, I sensed a strange discomfort emanating from it, an unease that seemed to ripple through its powerful form. This beast was the most powerful wolf I had encountered in all my life. 

His eyes, once fierce and filled with aggression, now held a hint of hesitation and disdain as they bore into me. He grunted, baring his teeth. 

Some unturned guardians entered the hall and carried the wounded Malefica away, disappearing from sight, their departure marked by the fading echoes of her screams. The hall, once a chaotic battleground, fell eerily silent, as if the very walls were holding their breath, awaiting what would happen next.

Despite the initial tension that hung in the air between us, I couldn't deny the strange connection that had formed, albeit in a complex way, between me and the Lycan. 

I could feel his presence like a powerful undercurrent, a force that pulsed through the core of my being. His scent, a mixture of earth and wilderness, lingered in the air around me, a constant reminder of his proximity. It was a scent that both intrigued and intimidated me, a primal reminder of his dominance.

His eyes, with their piercing hazel color, seemed to hold ancient secrets. In that intense exchange of gazes, I sensed a depth of emotion and understanding that defied explanation.

But in an instant, it all changed. The connection we had shared was replaced by a sense of hatred and disgust. The Lycan abruptly turned and fled from the hall, letting out a piercing howl that echoed through the space, leaving me bewildered and filled with unanswered questions.