
Run or Die Runner

In a world where it has been ravaged by an unknown catastrophe, humanity's only hope lies within a series of treacherous mazes Every week, over a thousand individuals are mysteriously teleported into an immense maze where survival is the ultimate test. Those who survive, maybe even conquer the maze and its monstrous inhabitants, earn their freedom and the title of Runner. However, the world outside is also under attack by the creatures inside the maze, finding ways out of them. One day, it was Kofi's turn. Waking up in the maze, he wasn't ready; he had nothing to survive with until a mysterious system granted him abilities to help on his journey through the mazes. "Run Or Die! Runner." Kofi commanded.

Danger_God · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Chapter-10 Offical First Maze

When Kofi arrived at the maze association, which was right across from the runner association inside the building he realized it looked similar to the runner building but with more huge buildings that seemed to accommodate more people and technology as they needed it for the maze gates.

Also again there were rows of runners lined up to provide information about there completed maze and receive rewards, mostly those interested in signing up for a maze.

The air had constantly hummed with a low murmur of voices, an punctuated by occasional bursts of laughter and conversation, there are lots of sharp clack of heels and boots against polished floors echoing off the walls, with an mingling of shuffling of feet and the rustle of papers.

He smell the air strong of scent of ink and parchment, intermingling with the faint aroma of coffee from a nearby kiosk. The metallic tang of sweat and adrenaline lingered beneath it all, a testament to the anticipation and nervous energy that permeated the space.

When Kofi made his way through the crowed of people, he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement mingled and a bit apprehension, after waiting in line for a couple of minutes, it was finally his turn to register for a maze. "Hi, I'd like to register for a maze," he said.

"Okay, please hand me your runner card to verify that you are a runner," the clerk behind the desk asked, to which Kofi complied handing over his new runner card.

After a couple of minutes "Since this is your first maze, I will add the maze's info into your card regarding which maze you completed and failed," the clerk said. "But, I'm sorry to say, before you can do a maze on your own, you will need to be with a group in an E-rank maze," she continued.

"Fine," he reluctantly agreed. He wanted to keep a low profile for a while, gaining strength before anyone, even his family, knew about it. However, he found it strange that completing the Brian maze wasn't registered into his card.

The clerk noticed a group in the corner of her eyes that it caused it quickly lit up. "Perfect, you can join Zariah; she will be helping a group of E-rank runners today, most of whom are also first-timers," she said. "Hey, Zariah, do you have room for one more?"

Zariah's gaze flickered briefly to Kofi before returning to the clerk. "Sure thing. Always room for another," she said, her voice carrying a hint of amusement.

'Zariah?' Kofi looked toward direction where the clerk was looking and saw one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen, She stood at a confident 5 feet 7 inches, her presence commanding attention from all who dared to meet her gaze. Ebony skin, brown puffy curls hair in the air parted to the left smaller and the right bigger, Her left eye, a deep shade of brown, while her right eye, when she turned towards the clerk, revealed a vibrant metallic purple, it seemed to shimmer and glow with an otherworldly light.

Adorned in a mix of metal and leather gear that covered her entire body, Despite the protective layers that enveloped her, one could still discern the curves of her body beneath. Her E-Cup Bosom and waist, well-endowed and shapely, that lay hidden beneath layers of steel and leather.

Zariah walked over to Kofi, maintaining strong eye contact with hi that almost made him look away. Yet as she walked everyone was silent all you can here was her footwear hitting the floor, everyone around stared at her.

"Look, it's Purple Lightning."

"Someone else is joining her group. Why can't I join?"

"Everyone knows that whenever someone joins her group, they always come out alive and well rewarded."

When Zariah arrived in front of Kofi looking at him with strong contact she said without looking away, "Sure, you can join my group, but I hope you can keep up," before glancing down.

"Sure," Kofi replied with a smile. 'Either way, I won't be with you guys. I'll seize the opportunity while you're distracted to sneak away.' he thought.

Zariah who was watchin at Kofi body thought 'He has a very large crimson energy around him, much better than most should have. It is fierce but also gentle. but also why didn't the clerk give him a protector with that kind of energy... but I do wonder how large it will grow if he does get stronger,' she thought.

Zariah then looked back up at Kofi "Prove yourself, and there will be a lot of benefits," she said before turning her head back toward the group. "Come on."

While walking, Zariah looked at Kofi before quickly looking away, then pausing at a wall beside the building. "I noticed you have no weapon. How do you expect to make it out a run alive empty-handed?"

"I-I..." Kofi was about to answer, but Zariah cut him off.

"Take a weapon from the rack there," Zariah said.

Kofi was annoyed that Zariah cut him off, but for now, he ignored it, looking to where she gestured, he saw a weapon rack and quickly took a plain sword before following the group again.

On the way toward the maze, Kofi asked Zariah what kind of maze they would be running. She explained that it was just a simple forest maze filled with goblins, wolves, and other beasts. When arriving at the scene, there were other runners who were also about to enter the maze. It was protected by both runners and the maze association, though it was less because it wasn't a higher-ranked mazes.


Maze Rankings: E to S...

E-Rank Maze: Beginner's Gauntlet

E-Rank mazes are relatively straightforward, with simple layouts and minimal obstacles. They serve as introductory trials for newly awakened runners, providing them with a gentle introduction to the challenges ahead.

Changes are E-Rank mazes are characterized by wide corridors and few branching paths. The traps and creatures within are relatively tame, designed to test the basic capabilities of runners without overwhelming them.

D-Rank Maze: Labyrinth

D-Rank mazes increase in complexity compared to their E-Rank counterparts, featuring more intricate layouts and a greater variety of obstacles. They pose a moderate challenge to runners, requiring them to think strategically and work together to overcome the obstacles.

Changes are D-Rank mazes introduce new types of traps and creatures, challenging runners to adapt their strategies accordingly. The paths become narrower, and hidden passages become more prevalent, testing the runners' ability to navigate the maze effectively.

C-Rank Maze: Intermediate Dungeon

C-Rank mazes mark a significant step up in difficulty, presenting runners with formidable challenges and deadly adversaries. They require a higher level of skill and coordination to navigate successfully.

Changes are C-Rank mazes are characterized by complex layouts and devious traps designed to confound and ensnare unwary runners. The creatures within are more aggressive and cunning, posing a serious threat to those who dare to enter.

B-Rank Maze: Catacombs

 B-Rank mazes are among the most treacherous and unforgiving, featuring labyrinthine corridors and deadly traps at every turn. They push runners to their limits, testing their courage and resilience in the face of overwhelming odds.

Changes are B-Rank mazes are riddled with perilous traps and cunningly concealed shortcuts, challenging runners to stay vigilant and adapt to rapidly changing conditions.


Looking at the swirling maze gate of light which was the gate of enter and exciting of mazes, Kofi became nervous, yes he had conquered the Brain Playhouse, which was an S-rank maze, and survived. But now, he was going into a maze on his own accord, he was constantly thinking, was he prepared enough for this?

Zariah on the side noticed it "You better get rid of your nerves, as it could lead to one choice between life and death for yourself and all of us," she said.

Finally after waiting a couple of minutes, it was their group's turn to enter the maze, because if everyone entered together, they would attract all the demonic creatures inside from the scent of their fear and the Labyrinthium in there body.