
Run Free (Werewolf)

What can two people go through before they finally break? Follow along with Melanie and Justin to see just how much pain they can endure.

Autumn_Garling · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 13

Justin's POV

The last thing I remember was hearing one of my female pack members scream, Alpha mode kicked in, and I rushed over to her. Throwing off the rouge on her, I picked her up and started running towards the Medics. As I was running, something bit my ankle, causing me to fall, then out of nowhere, a rouge was on top of me. I was blocking for the most part with my arms, but he broke through them and lunged for my neck. Last second I turned to the side, so he clipped the edge of my neck, but that didn't stop him from taking a chunk out of my neck. Garret came over, killed the rouge, and fell beside me, holding my neck. That's the last thing I can clearly remember. Everything else is fuzzy.

*One hour earlier*

Melanie had just finished showering after our alone time in my office. I was getting ready to step in when I felt a change in the pack emotions. 'Alpha Rogues! They are everywhere!' Looking out the window, I saw women running and grabbing their children while chased by bloodlust rouges. Jumping through the window, I shifted mid-air, landing in wolf form. I lunged at a rouge that tried to kill a young boy when he was dead. I turned around and nudged the boy to the safe house. 'Warriors, we need to protect the women and children. They will not be touched. Someone tell me where my mate is!' Soon the field was filled with warriors and rouges. Blood was everywhere. I was searching for Melanie while taking down rouges. She was my priority. 'Alpha the Luna has been located.' Releasing the rouges neck, I just broke. I looked up. 'Where is she?' 'She is to your left about 600 feet.' Quickly I turned my head and spotted Melanie. She had a bow and quiver. Melanie was firing left and right, not even hesitating. Smirking, I started to trot over to her, making sure no rouges got near me.

When I was about to reach Melanie, I saw a rouge sneaking up from behind her. Sprinting, I dove in front of her, letting the rouge rake his claw against my back. "Justin!" Melanie turned and shot the wolf, then moved over to me. Standing up, I shook out my fur and looked at her, giving her a wolfy grin. 'Melanie, I'm fine. You need to be careful.' Melanie smiled and nodded. From then on, we started moving, and I was circling her while she took rouges down. Melanie had made it to higher ground and set up. I nodded and started heading back out into the fight. While running, I heard a scream, running over I saw it was one of my female members.

*Present Time*

I was in a white room. No sound, no color, and especially no exit. "Hello?" My voice echoed, and then silence filled the space. "Hello?" Nothing, I sat down and put my head in my hands. What is going on? "Keep your mate close but your enemies closer. You and your mate are in danger. Melanie cannot die at all costs." A voice whispered out, quickly I lifted my head, trying to find who was talking to me. "I am sorry for what you are about to go through, Justin, but this must be done. You have to pass the test, and Melanie has to survive." Looking in every direction, I finally stop when I see a woman. Slowly I looked up at her face and froze. It was my mother. She had passed during a rouge attack. She was smiling at me, but she started walking away. "Wait! MOM!" Just like that, she was gone.

Gasping, I jumped up. Melanie, Ashton, and Garret were all inside my room. They all looked at me, wide-eyed. Melanie took a step towards me and placed her hand on my arm. "Justin, you're okay. You need to sit down." Hearing Melanie's voice calmed my nerves, and slowly I let her push me back onto the bed. I opened my mouth and tried to speak, but it was on fire. Grabbing my throat, I looked at Melanie. What am I supposed to do? 'Can you talk?' Turning, I looked at Ashton. 'No, my throat feels like it's on fire.' 'Well then, don't talk dipshit.' I reached up and smacked Ashton on the back of the head, and Melanie laughed. 'Ashton, you may be my Beta but don't think you're irreplaceable.'

Ace looked slightly confused as Ashton turned a pale white, causing Melanie to laugh even more. 'Ace, we are using the pack link to talk right now. My throat is still healing, so for now, this is how I am going to talk.' Ace nodded while taking a step back. 'Justin.' Melanie's voice once again filled my head, calming my whole body. 'Yes, mate?' Melanie grabbed my hand and bent down, and placed a small light kiss on top of it. 'Don't ever do that again. NEVER.' I winced slightly at how loud she had gotten but smiled at her. 'Worry not dear, and I won't even think about it.' Melanie climbed onto the bed and snuggled into my side. Looking up, I gave Ashton and Ace a look. The two of them nodded and quietly walked out of the room. 'Get some rest, dear. We both need it. Closing my eyes, I let the darkness engulf me.


Running. I was running, from what I have no idea. But I ran as fast as I could when suddenly something attached itself to my foot, causing me to fall. As I finished skidding, I was in an open area, around me were three bodies. Slowly I stood up and walked over to the first two. Reaching out, I moved them to see their faces. Gasping, I jumped back, falling on my butt. There laid my parents. Both of their throats had been ripped out; my mother's eyes still open and full of fear. Shaking my head, I stood up and looked at the other body.

I could see the shape and already knew who it was, but I denied it. There is no way it could be her. Walking over to the body, I turned it towards me and let out a heartbreaking scream. There in my arms laid Melanie. "No, no, no, no. You can't be dead. You aren't dead." Tears poured down my face, I looked down at her again, and that's when I noticed something else. I was covered in blood, their blood. My hands had shifted slightly to where my nails were elongated and pointed. Drenched in the blood of my parents and my mate. "I didn't kill my parents. I did not kill my mate! Melanie was perfect. I DIDN'T KILL HER!" I was yelling up to the sky, praying that this was some twisted sick dream. I heard a branch snap, and I jumped up, shifting into wolf form. I turned around and growled, ready to kill whatever walked out of there. 'Keep your mate close and your enemies closer Justin. Melanie cannot die.' It was the voice again. 'Go back to your mate; she needs you right now.' Suddenly I was shoved backward, and everything went black.

Above me, Ashton was gripping my shoulders, and Melanie was in the corner, crying. Sitting up, I pushed away Ashton and walked over to Melanie. Did I scare her? What happened? "Melanie?" Melanie looked up at me and shook her head. I pulled her into a hug. At first, she tried to refuse but eventually let me hug her. "I'm sorry, Melanie, I didn't mean to scare you like that. I was having a nightmare." Melanie just stared up at me and held out a piece of paper. "What's this?" She just shoved it closer to me.

Dear Melanie,

I know that Justin is recovering just fine, but sadly that's not going to the case next time. Next time Melanie Justin will be dead. I will make sure of that. I won't stop until I have you in my arms. Till I can call you mine.

Goodbye for now,


Anger was building in my body. I started shaking and growling. "WHO THE FUCK IS VINCENT?!" Throwing the paper on the ground, and ran out of the room. Heading straight into the forest, I shifted and just sprinted. Hearing paws behind me, I stopped and turned around. As I did, I saw Melanie still in human form, breathing heavily as she finished chasing me. I circled a spot on the ground and flopped down, placing my snout into my paws. Melanie sat down, leaning up against my side. Having her there calmed me even if we weren't saying anything. Just her presence was comforting. Everything was peaceful until I heard rustling in the bush near us. Jumping up, I circled Melanie making sure to keep her protected. That's when the realization hit me. My dream, it wasn't my parents on the ground. It was Melanie and I we died together. It means that Melanie and I die alone. 'Melanie, climb on my back and hold on tight.' Figuring out what my dream meant, I leaned down, allowing Melanie to get on. Once she was secured, I turned and sprinted my heart out, just like in the dream, but Melanie was with me this time. I pushed myself faster and faster. That's when I felt something once again clip my leg, it caused me to trip, but mid air I flipped Melanie to my stomach, keeping her safe as we fell. As soon as I stopped, I jumped back up, keeping Melanie under my belly. Watching the tree line, I crouched down, waiting to pounce. A figure walked out, and I froze, not being able to move.