
Rules and roses

Delilah Frost uncharmed by the suitors that her father had fancied for her tends not to care about the young gentlemen from whom she had to pick from. Giving up the idea of true love and a man who loves her for who she is rather than crown and kingdom goes to a ball and meets a handsome charming man Eric Corrigan is he the man delilah had longed for was he a friend for a foe???

mahe_ale_aba · สมัยใหม่
19 Chs


I was dumbfounded as I stared at Eric and thought, "Wait...what..i.. why would you lie about your identity? Why hide the fact that you're a king? Did you just hide it from me or from everyone?"

''No, I sort of kept it a secret from everyone; only Adrian knows,'' he answered, scratching his neck.

''But why hide your identity in the first place?" I asked him.

He took both of my hands in his and gazed intently into my eyes.

Don't look at me like that, Eric; I already love you, and I won't change my feelings for you.

Since I met Adrian in France and lived the better part of my life there, my existence has never truly been made known to the public. "I only kept it a secret because I like a low profile, and my father was not exactly loved by his people, and people don't care who is ruling the kingdom as long as the people are well fed and they are treated kindly," his hands brushed through my hair and murmured. He said that the royal crown never meant anything to me, and I like to be treated like a regular person. Adrian's words resonated with me, as I had always preferred a simple and humble life away from the spotlight. Despite my royal lineage, I found solace in anonymity and cherished the freedom it brought.

Even if all of your reasons are valid, Eric, I still want to be upset. I said

"He knelt and pleaded, ' Delilah Frost, my soul belongs to you. My heart is aching that I made you upset. Please don't treat me this cruelly. Please, I want to see you smile, my queen. There is nothing I have ever desired with so much fervour. Oh, please, my dear, I want to be yours and you to be mine. '

His voice cracked with emotion as he poured out his feelings, hoping she would understand the depth of his love for her. The vulnerability in his eyes revealed the sincerity of his words, begging for forgiveness and a chance to make things right.

"You're such a charmer, I doubt I am the first lady who has the honour of being yours."

He stood up and gently cupped my cheeks with his hands before pulling me in closer so that our foreheads matched. I chuckled softly as I felt his breath on my face. He then pulled back a bit and just stared at me in awe before his lips lightly touched mine.

We both laughed as he whirled me around and raised me up. He then pulled me into a hug, and I returned the favour.

His arms wrapped around my waist. "You are so cold, my beloved. I think we should go inside." Just after saying this, he lifted me in his arms. I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling safe and secure in his embrace. As he carried me towards the warmth of the house, I couldn't help but smile at how effortlessly he held me. The love and care in his eyes made my heart swell with happiness.

"Eric, put me down; someone will see us!'' I exclaimed.

"Do you think I am afraid of anyone?" he smirked.

"No, but please," I laughed.

He took me inside, opened the door to my room, and put me down.

"As much as I hate saying this, get a good night's rest, my love, and again, my chamber is across the room."

I stared at him while thinking and said, "Don't leave yet."

''I would love to, but the night is getting dark, and you need rest, sweetheart," he said, pulling me close.

"So that's why you are pulling me close." I questioned him with a smile. He chuckled and replied, "Partly, but mostly because I want to keep you safe and warm through the night." I felt a sense of comfort wash over me as he wrapped his arms around me.


'' Because my heart says that I should stay with my further queen, but my head says that it would not be proper."

I chuckled, "Good night, King Eric!"

"Good night, love, see you tomorrow, and my room is across the hall just in case you miss me," he said, kissing the side of my hair.

I stepped back and closed the door to my room. '' I will miss you, my love." I heard Eric yell.

I laughed loudly. '' I will miss you too," I said.

I changed into my nightgown and laid down on my bed. I thought about what happened between us. Oh, dear, it felt so good. Every word of that confession that came from his mouth touched my heart so deeply that I closed my eyes, relaxed, and drifted into my dreamland after many attempts.


I was rudely awakened by a knock at my door, but I quickly rubbed my eyes and adjusted my hair before opening the door.

"Can I know the reason why you decided to wake me up?" I blurted, but I gulped when I saw the culprit.

I'm so sorry, my darling, but I wanted to see you and didn't want to just rush into your room, Eric yelled.

I flushed and said, "I look like a mess right now. Can you hold off for a while?"

I won't wait even for a second, let alone a few hours, he proclaimed as he further straightened his shoulders.

I bowed and teased the king, "I'm so sorry, my king."

"Heyy!!! Shhh." He lifted me and swung me into my room.

I laid my head on his chest and whispered, "I missed you, my dear."

He teased, saying, "This much in only one night."

"Yes, but not only one night in nine days," I said.

'' My lady has been counting the days till I confessed, huh?'' he hugged me tighter.

I hit his chest lightly and blushed a lot. '' I have now. Will you stop? I am red like a tomato." I giggled.

"No, don't think I will stop; my angel deserves all the love in this world," he chuckled.

I just hugged him tighter and pouted while looking at him.

He pecked my lips lightly and laughed, "Ugh, you kill me with your cuteness, my love; you look even prettier this way."

"Like a mess!'' I exclaimed.

"No, like an angle," he winked.

We both laughed and enjoyed the moment when he remembered something when he glanced at the clock.

"Oh no, I am late. My love, I have a meeting with the real dukes," he said.

"Haha, aw, it is okay. I will see you later today, okay. Don't overwork yourself," I said while looking at him.

''I will see you later, and thank you so much for caring," he said, kissing my hand and closing the door.

I was wandering around the castle, strolling through the gardens, and discovering more things when it occurred to me that I should go see the town and the markets. I went to the castle, looked for Adeline, and practically begged her to come with me. Soon after many pleadings, she agreed, and we both went to town. She suggested that we take a carriage, but I did not want that kind of attention, so I preferred to walk.

Everyone appeared to be quite joyful; there was laughter everywhere, and the children were running around and giggling. It was very sweet. The market was incredibly colourful. I was looking for a notebook to sketch in as Adeline and I were perusing some of the vendors. The stall I came to also offered pencils, quills, and other items. I ended up purchasing a beautiful leather-bound notebook and a set of high-quality pencils. Adeline found a unique quill pen that she couldn't resist buying, and we left the market feeling content with our purchases.

I examined one of the sketchbooks, decided on one, and paid the shopkeeper.

We wandered around the market for some time when I saw Adrian and Eric talking to one of the shopkeepers.

Eric had forbidden you from visiting the town without guards due to robbers or just plain rudeness, your highness Adeline said before we left.

Adrian was already pointing in my direction, and I held my breath as they moved slowly in my direction.

''I was just leaving." I only wanted to buy a sketchbook to draw; I insisted on leaving the grounds, and you know I have a dagger so I can fight, so there is so much reason to be angry with me," I said as he walked up close.

"My friend, you have got Miss Frost shaking in fear; are you that demonic?" Adrian erupted in laughter.

''I'm sorry, your highness; she begged me so hard that I had to invent a false explanation,'' she grinned.

"I only forbade you to come because I wanted to take you here myself, my love." Eric chuckled as well.

''All three of you are so cruel,'' I was astounded.

"I am really sorry, your highness," Adeline said with a smile.

"Alright, you both should get back to the castle now if you have everything you need," Eric added.

"Yes, we did. I feel so embarrassed." I said, scratching my hand.

"No need, princess, you looked adorable." Adrian said

''Be careful now '' Eric glared at him.

"Okay, I would like to take my leave." I smiled and walked away from them. I could tell Eric's eyes were fixed on me, and they were when I looked back at him.

I sat down on a bench in the garden and began to sketch another garment, which was inspired by the roses in the garden. I thought for a while and sketched several patterns. It was growing colder by the day, but there was no sign of snow.

I took my time sipping the coffee Adeline brought me while taking in the crisp air.

I kept feeling like I was being watched continuously by someone.

"Do you know what is the most romantic thing about you, Eric?"

"Hmm, no, what is it, my hugs?'' he said, emerging from behind a tree.

"Yes, but when I look at you and you look away in another direction," I smiled at him.

He sat down next to me and kissed my cheek and whispered, '' The moon and the stars tried a lot, but my eyes are still fixed on you, my love."

''Oh really,'' I laughed.

"Most definitely," he said while putting his arm around me.

'' That design looks very nice, pretty scandalous; it would suit you," he said, pointing at one of the designs.

I paused at his sentence, then let out a soft chuckle: "These are not scandalous; they are modest."

"Either way, it suits you, and I would love to see another one of your creations," he added. "Dive me a piece of paper and a pencil, and I will make a portrait of you."

''what,,no hehe,,, '' I felt shy all of a sudden.

"Oh, come on, please, Del," he said while looking into my eyes.

"How can I say no to this handsome face?" I gave him the things he needed.

He fetched a chair from somewhere and sat down in front of me, saying, "Stay still, and look to your right princess." He said softly.