
Ruler Of The Abyss

He was an addict, loser and gambler, he had turned his back on his family. That was his life on Earth. After dying he corrected his ways and set out to be a hero through training and courage rather then being an ordinary villager or a useless drunk he wanted to do something with his life. He ended up dying at the hands of his fellow humans. He decided that if he was reborn then he wouldn’t be kind, clearly that didn’t go well. “If the world doesn’t want me to be good then I’ll be the ruler of shadows.” He was an addict, loser and gambler, he had turned his back on his family. That was his life on Earth. After dying he corrected his ways and set out to be a hero through training and courage rather then being an ordinary villager or a useless drunk he wanted to do something with his life. He ended up dying at the hands of his fellow humans. He decided that if he was reborn then he wouldn’t be kind, clearly that didn’t go well. “If the world doesn’t want me to be good then I’ll turn my back in the world.”

Allfather47 · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Vita’s nascence

'…' means thinking.


'Darkness, I guess that's what I should have expected from a demon. A shadow bind used in the mind. At least it wasn't a pretender and had some real strength. If only I was to regain my former power.'

All around was a warmth that made the world feel comfortable.

'I should try to get some information whilst I can'

A voice as calm as a water in a cirques rang out indifferently "Abadon where will I be reborn. In the past it was as a thirteen year old boy, how long will I have to wait before rising to power?"

Abandons voice rang out from no specific direction with no emotion "There is no rush, with me here you will have powerful techniques and an innate ability for any darkness related powers. If we are going to my previous world then there will be magic, monsters, demons, elves, dragons, giants, animals, dwarves, gods, the demi-race and perhaps the worst of all humans. Your despicable race breeds too fast and learns too many secrets to gain strength." As he spoke he slowly became bitter and his tone grew sharp.

Vita knew the reason was likely behind why he was trapped in that space that he could rule yet with nothing to rule, nowhere to belong was due to humans from the hatred he bared. After all his view on humans was not entirely right. In his first life he would see his friends going after girls or pretty clothing, craving love and social status. Yet he only felt curiosity toward the other sex without ever being able to really connect with another emotionally.

As for human society, he saw it as a bunch of rules created by humans in order to force them to live together. In his second life he saw that this need to be close together is for survival and through being close together conflicts arise, wars break out and technologies and weapons advance many times faster then average.

'I truly hope that I am not born a race that has no affinity for the shadows, if I am I should hope for Abadon's assistance in practice. But I highly doubt that his powers can compare to the 'immolation of shadows' technique that made.'

"Through the lands of bodies a new age will dawn. They will hear my name and tremble, you may assist if you wish. My dear Abadon, ruler of the abyss. How would you care for some cleansing through the flames of darkness?" Vitas cold voice sounded.